March 31, 2003
Oh say can we see
igne Wilkinson, the Philadelphia Daily News
This is one of the best comics I've ever seen. Perspective perspective folks
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
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" . $title . "";
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"; }
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
hy is Geraldo Rivera on television anymore? I know there were some issues with soemthing he said or did in Afghanistan ... I dont know the details, but today he was checking in on Fox News and when the anchor asked "We've heard some rumors that you've disappeared for a while... what happened?" Geraldo proudly stated that it was spread by bitter childish elements at his old network (which he was proud to name as NBC) and that they didnt understand what real journalisim was ...
Wow... Talkshow host to news reporter to media critic to muck raker. I have no respect for the man anymore. Such comments are unjustified, petty and childish ... not because it is a war, but that personalities shouldnt attack other networks on the air in a NEWS PROGRAM!
edit : found linkage.
A Pentagon official told CNN that members of the 101st Airborne would escort Rivera to the Kuwaiti border. But Rivera appeared in another live report from Iraq hours after the official announced his expulsion, and said he knew nothing of it.
"In fact, I'm further in Iraq than I've ever been," he said. "It sounds like some rats from my former network, NBC, are trying to stab me in the back."
"MSNBC is so pathetic a cable news network that they have to do anything they can to attract attention," he said. "You can rest assured that whatever they're saying is a pack of lies."
', "\n";
echo '
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
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Search Terms
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"; }
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Those silly brits
y father supports the war, not because of the stirring one liners from President Bush, but the eloquent speech by Tony Blair. Never put these two men on the same screen ever again, makes a lot of us wish that we hadn't seceeded to being with.
', "\n";
echo '
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 30, 2003
Deck Idea
nteresting weekend, little bit about (ex-gal) , lot about fun at home, lot about my paper, my view on politics, "Groundhog Day" and "Real Time with
Bill Maher" but I'm writing an essay and just have to toss out an idea that occured to me.
Sliver Deck.
Yeah its been done.
But what about adding Cryptic Gateway?
Tentative Deck Thoughts
Once two Slivers and the Gateway get out, its all over. Riptipe Replicator would help. Wellwisher, Timberwatch Elf, Battlefield Medic, and ESPECIALLY Wirewood Savage would be fun combined with Artificial Evolution or Mistform Sliver.
Point being the rush is to get two slivers out, so five mana colors might not be needed... Of course if you dont open with a Replicator or Gateway, you need to be able to fend off the baddies, and with some of the decks I've seen out there, turn four can be lethal.
Here is a first attempt. I'm avoiding my pretty tables in favor of little comments explaining why I would run it. (need to add a style for them to the css btw.) (edit:I'll add the comments later, just running ideas actually.
3 Birds of Paradise
2 Spectral Sliver - Pumpers
2 Root Slivers - Screw with Counter Decks
2 Hunter Sliver - Provoke is incredibly useful and quick drop
1 Synapse Sliver
2 Blade Sliver
1 Magma Sliver
1 Toxin Sliver
1 Shifting Sliver
1 Crypt Sliver
1 Essence Sliver
2 Brood Sliver
1 Ward Sliver
1 Mistform Sliver
1 Anger
1 Brawn
2 Buried Alive
2 Explosive Vegetation
2 Diabolic Tutor
2 Living Wish
4 Wooded Foothills
7 Mountains
7 Forests
4 Swamp
4 Grand Coliseum
3 Riptipe Replicator
3 Cryptic Gateway
I should really do the math, cause I didnt just there. Whatever, you get the idea.
Not Included here atm
Quick Slivers
4 Plated Sliver
I need to focus and remove a lot of those and get more of em.
Hmm... Precon decks ... perhaps I've been beat.
Sliver Shivers Deck List
It added some Akroma's Blessings, Explosive Veggies, Pacifisms and Tribal Unity ... thats worth checking out.
Artificial Evolution
BOPs: Three, because I only have three. Any color mana is good for this deck. Too bad provoke slays them.
BTW, what about adding the enchantment that "if someone taps a land for mana during someone elses turn, sacrfice that land" ? Might be fun.
Someone pointed out a nice combo too : Peer Pressure and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. Dragon decks might be fun too, just start slooowww..
Okay, time to finish my essay. Add comments please.
Next deck for FNM will prolly be a slide or ptog deck.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=86 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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" . $title . "";
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if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Truth Liberty and .. what again?
he Free State Project - Liberty in Our Lifetime!
The Free State Project is a plan in which 20,000 or more liberty-oriented people will move to a single state of the U.S., where they may work within the political system to reduce the size and scope of government. The success of the Free State Project would likely entail reductions in burdensome taxation and regulation, reforms in state and local law, an end to federal mandates, and a restoration of constitutional federalism, demonstrating the benefits of liberty to the rest of the nation and the world.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=85 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
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Search Terms
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$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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" . $title . "";
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Just ran into this
he Last American Virgin
Sex is one of those things that are best dealt with as soon as you can.
I don't mean to add any more pressure to those of you that are still virgins at 25 going on eternity, but if I were you, I would start to panic.
They say that if you haven't started smoking cigarettes by the age of 18 then statistically speaking you probably won't ever start smoking.
Well, I believe the same thing goes for getting laid… at least by a consenting adult.
Despite what you think porn is a horrible substitute for actual experience.
I don't give a damn how many porno films you have seen in your life and I am sure 25-year-old virgins have seen a lot, nothing can prepare you for fluids, the smells, and the tastes that you are about to be expected to come in contact with.
When you are done "they" will be all over you.
That smell you couldn't really place at first will now fill the room.
That wet spot on the bed…someone is going to have to sleep in it.
Oh yeah, and that taste in your mouth... that isn't coming out without a toothbrush. That is why if you are waiting until you are sure that you love him or her before you start to do all of this stuff--- I can totally understand. You will inhale, taste, and digest substances that are the basic ingredients of any credible chemical and biological weapon program in the middle-east.
Loving the person you sleep with for the first time is a great substitute for flat Coke or saltine crackers to settle your stomach.
Go get laid. It isn't worth the aggravation.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=84 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
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$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 27, 2003
Stuff I need to add to my site
tupid Fool: Netflix Queue
Surfin Safari
More mt tips
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=83 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
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Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
No Sane Player Would Buy Online Cards: Boycott Magic Online!
o Sane Player Would Buy Online Cards: Boycott Magic Online!, by Ron Vitale at!
They've thanked me for the knowledge I gave them. Many people just simply didn't know that there was a way to play with Alpha through Legions cards online for free. Granted, you do need the Magic: the Gathering Interactive Encyclopedia and MTGPlay (free software), but I've played hundreds of games online for free. And the graphics in the game are amazing! If you're not convinced, just check out the link to my article that contains screenshots of the game and full instructions on how to get started.
Also, What Wizards doesn't want you to know.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=82 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
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Search Terms
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" . $title . "";
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if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 26, 2003
Girls are trouble.
Well drafted twice today, nothing particularly special, except getting a Phage the Untouchable and Akroma Angel of Wrath (one each.) Fucking Beast decks piss me off.
(ex-gal) ... we met up at Starbucks. Chatted a bit, but she snapped at the Starbucks counter guy (very unattractive), and mentioned Chris twice too many times ... I sulked for a while and read quietly ... She explains away the snapping to "time of the month" which I beleive, but still. We try to figure out what to do and end up coming home. Dork around then watch "Airplane" ... girl sits on the comfy chair thats away from me while I sit on the couch ... twice (across the span of the movie) I asked her to join me, she said that she wasn't snubbing me but she loves that chair ... Its been two weeks, but still. Sis met her, they chatted for a second.
We talked about her wanting friends ... Heres the thing. When I heard "no relationship" that implied dating, but not boyfriend girlfriend ... she might want to be friends for a while... this combined with my annoyance for her mentioning Chris as much as she had and other little things, just kinda took the energy out of me (for the third time in the day) ... I like her, but I'm not sure about this. Am I gonna spend weeks courting her to be ditched as a friend? Or do I go totally friend and have her get confused due to my change in habits ... I'm sorry, I don't pay for all my friends, I don't dress up for them ... she admittedly wore nice clothes when she saw me...
Its just.. frustrating. We left kinda quiet and when I dropped her off at our car, I told her that shes got practice for her play and not to worry about this .. there was some confusion as to whom would call whom next, so I gave in and said I'd call her. I didn't want to be a burden, but I refuse to be courting a girl for two months without their being a relationship persay.
Friends don't hold hands, snuggle, buy gifts, stare into each other eyes, tell each other how cute they are, comment on each other asses, etc. It's like she wants part of it without the rest of it. That being said, if she doesnt want this to be something cause its me, fine, no problem.
What do I do? Disappear for a month then call her? Be there and get mangled as usual by the friend complex? Make a demand that she make an effort? Its not the lack of kissing or all folks. Seriously. Its the attitude that we are "just" hanging out but acting as if we are dating. I know it sounds kinda fucked up like saying I'm paying for time out so she should put out rofl ... Its not like that.
I'm not sure exactly what it is. Talking about it makes it worse actually .. she emphasized the concept of not being ready and said the dreaded friend word .. I wanted to be friends first ... Then why do we call these dates? Its one thing to be continuing on a path of time together as long as Chris and "not being ready" aren't constant conversation topics.
No time expectation on when being ready entalis. Would a less patient man have just left? Am I trying to make myself feel better about it all by being the good guy? I just ... want to avoid making it comfortable. If it becomes comfortable then I become a friend, theres no pressure for her to really date .. I could say im thinking that for her own good so that she moves on, but thats only a part of it.
To be honest, I was happy I found someone interesting. I'm kinda bummed that again it wont be at all simple. I wonder WHEN girls are ready, I have yet to meet a girl that was ready for a relationship of anysort.
well yeah so that kinda bummed me out. I'm gonna work on my RP today and tomorrow. I might spend time with her on Friday, might not. I'm not sure anymore. later.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
here is Raed ?
A very mysterious Iraqi who calls himself Salam Pax is writing a Web log from the heart of Baghdad drawing comparisons to Anne Frank during world war II.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 25, 2003
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
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Search Terms
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"; }
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Head of the Class
afessa just found a "Head of the Class" running on Nick at Nite .. I LOVE that show..
Nick at Nite : Schedule
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Forces: U.S. & Coalition/Casualties
orces: U.S. & Coalition/Casualties
This is terribly sad... people die of course, I'm not sure if its honorable or cheap of CNN to list the names...
On the lighter side of the news...
RABAT, D.C., Morocco, March 24 (UPI) -- A Moroccan publication accused the government Monday of providing unusual assistance to U.S. troops fighting in Iraq by offering them 2,000 monkeys trained in detonating land mines.
The weekly al-Usbu' al-Siyassi reported that Morocco offered the U.S. forces a large number of monkeys, some from Morocco's Atlas Mountains and others imported, to use them for detonating land mines planted by the Iraqis.
The publication quoted a highly-informed source as saying, "that is not a scientific illusion but a well-known military tactic."
Oh, look for new link setup too!
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=75 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 24, 2003
Cinema Sequence
nything but ordinary
Ripped from geekgrrl
I love to watch movies. If I find one I like, I watch it over and over and over, until I have memorized all the lines. Then I watch it some more.
So I was pleased when I found Cinema Sequence. It's a Shockwave game, where you match an actor with a film, then a film with an actor and so on. You basically create a chain. For instance:
Footloose starred Kevin Bacon
Kevin Bacon was in Hollowman
Hollowman also starred Josh Brolin
Josh Brolin starred in The Goonies...
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=74 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
k I've spent plenty of time working on this site in the past few weeks.. I'm gonna take a day off.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=73 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
rafted today before I did the diagram for Lex's remote... Open a
Voice of the Woods, guess what, I'm going Green. Ended up with about 12 elves including Timberwatch Elf, and splash black with
Spined Basher,
Festering Goblin,
Boneknitter, etc. Oh, got two
Wellwishers also, and some 3

Elf that on going into the graveyard shuffles all cards of a given creature type into the library. Played damn well but got tramped by a beast deck dealing 18 dmg a turn (I made it to 100 with a single well wisher, and almost won since he almost decked himself) .. second turn I got out a bunch of 7/7 tramplers and won due to tempo .. third game we were time struck to the point where I was down to :45 seconds to his :57 .... just ignored my turns and played through but got hit for 19 and the game. Pissed me off.
Class was okay, I'm starting to think that the core problem in Western society is the breakup of the "regular" family, especially the onslaught of single parenthood ... Sorry for sounding like Pat Robertson...
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=72 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$referer1 = $row['referer'];
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Internet Explorer Status Bar
o make the status bar appear whenever you open Internet Explorer:
1) With (only one) IE open, click View, select: Status Bar
2) Right-click on IE's Toolbar and select: "Lock the Toolbar"
3) Hold down the Ctrl key and click the close button (upper right)
4) Open Windows Explorer, click View, select: Status Bar
5) Right-click on Explorer's Toolbar and select: "Lock the Toolbar"
6) Click Tools | Folder Options | View tab
7) Click the "Apply to all folders" button.
8) Hold down the Ctrl key and click the close button (upper right)
9) Open IE to any page, right-click on a link and select: "Open in New Window"
10)Verify that these Registry entries exist:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=71 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
The Lovers of the Heart
andom forward that I HAD to post, mainly cause I'm in like...
Article 1 : Statement of Love: The Kiss
1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck... I want you
4. Kiss on the lips... I love you
5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing (i hate that)
6. Kiss anywhere else ... lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me
8. Playing with your hair... I can't live without you
9. Hand on your waist... I love you to much to let you go
Article 2: The Three Steps
1. Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him
2. Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good
3. Guy and Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare
Article 3: The Commandments
1. Thou shall not squeeze to hard.
2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, just give one or take one.
3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
a few reasons why guys like girls...
1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3. How cute they look when they sleep
4. the ease in which they fit into our arms
5. the way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6. How cute they are when they eat
7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end makes it all worth while
8. because they are always warm even when its minus 30 out side
9. the way they look good no matter what they wear
10. the way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
11. How cute they are when they argue
12. the way her hand always finds yours
13. the way they smile
14. the way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
15. The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later you will be arguing about something
16. the way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17. The way they kiss you when you say "I love you'
18. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
19. the way they fall into your arms when they cry
20. then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt . (even though we don't admit it)!
23. the way they say "I miss you"
24. the way you miss them
25. the way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.....Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound,you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of theheart.
The last one is overly sentimental, but the rest are hilarious and damn true.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=70 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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echo '
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if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 23, 2003
Blind Date
f you have never seen the television show
Blind Date, I pity you.
Its a great show. You see some of the most akward dates and these amazing "I'll sleep with you now" ... It crosses gender and racial lines and its just hilarious... not nearly as skanky as Elimidate and normally a single villian so you can root against the bad person :)
On less jovial notes, I'm going nuts here.. Sis is here, which is great, but whenever any sibling reenters the household it becomes a time of family debate, especially since the outside one (used to be, is now her) has a new perspective on things and usually thinks (and is right in thinking so) that they have a lot to contribute as a mediator. Mum and dad constatly squabble about classes, and I'm stuck in the middle. When I disagree with mommy, I'm mad to feel like i'm wrong or abandoning her... Papa is right in some ways; Mommy is right in others; and it comes down to limited time and priorities... That being said, I dont know where either of their time goes...
Pops emptied a curler and a hair drier bag onto the ground when he left cause he needed the bag .. mum pointed it out and complained, when I went to see it, it was like four things that took me 20 seconds to bag.. why spend 3 minutes telling me about it and 20 mintues being frustrated about it for something that takes TWENTY seconds to fix.. I mean LITERALLY twenty seconds.
Like I said, today has been a shitty day.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=69 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Actively, Divinely, Different
DISK's main ADD/ADHD page
Welcome to FDISK's ADD/ADHD page. For the uninitiated ADD is the abreviation for Attention Deficit Disorder, a poorly named disorder that affects roughly 5% of the American population. I believe ADD is an improper name because of the word "deficit." A better name would be Inconsistent Attention Disorder--the reason becomes apparent when you read the description. Dave sent over another unique name, "Actively, Divinely, Different." I like it, but I generally don't feel divine so I can't say it really describes me...
You know you have ADD when...your B.A. only took 12 years.
You know you have ADD when...people think you're weird but your mates call you eccentric
You know you have ADD when...You often have 20 minute conversations (one sided) on a tangent of a tangent of your origional conversation
You know you have ADD mtg. You intuit the solution and explain it in a sentence. It takes the morms the next hour to struggle to your conclusion. grrr...
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=68 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
back in
fter trying to setup
Gallery as a new photo gallery setup for me, (which uses NetPBM for image manipulation) and it turns out if you convert too many pictures at once, it
dies. Spent some time trying to fix it remotely as one of the netpbm tasks was taking up an enormous amount of cpu time, then ask Seth .. he pretty much just blew me off, so I spent hte next six hours trying to hack in from CGI and Php .. CGI would have been easy sans the fact that CGIs werent running due to the lockout ... Seth fixed it for me now, as I am
l0phting his SAM file... Anyhow im annoyed that the day went there... today is mums birthday, Sis came home, we had lots of random fights today.. I must say, today has been a shitty day. I need to put a computer timer to keep me off the comp so much .. it is draining a LOT of time.
Played draft today, ended up going mono blue and sucked it hard. I had a headache and all, and I just realized I wasted ten dollars. Got a Mana Echoes, interesting card. remind me never to draft when im not at my best.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=67 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
CSS Ideas
elect a weblog for this post
Brad Choate: Site Preferences
There are some interesting CSS previews there for his blog ... I should redesign my site as most of the CSS is a direct rip of Geek'n'Proud
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=66 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
eres how I looked at das sockhop.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=65 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
ousy draft today in the eve.. woke up early today to go with (ex-gal) and her Mormon ward up to Barstow ... I enjoyed the hike but really wasn't up for it, needed to be in the mood to take pictures, and I wasn't ... her peers were okay, quite quiet and seemingly rude, but they didnt talk to well with her either. I did feel somewhat uncomfortable, and it wasn't like I was clinging to (ex-gal) or anything, I actually tried to talk to the others. "Brother" Barron works at Vista Campanga JH and is in charge of their tv/video production facility there... might be interesting to go check out some time.
Afterwards came back, napped with (ex-gal) , it was really cute; watched some tv, played monopoly upstairs, (I got my ass kick, got in jail twice within the first two rounds and lost about $500 from Chances in the first three rounds... I couldnt recover from that gap, esp when she got the $1200 Free Parking... What a bitch! We talked more about kissing and closeness and read my blog again .. I really do like this girl.
We agree that while French Kissing is cool, its overdone.. just the act of "basic" kissing can be extremely passionate and pleasureable. She doesn't want to have sex again until she gets married. We both are affectionate people (aka Cuddlers.) ...
Her hair was in pigtails as our bet, but it was just seperated into two sets, not braided, but was still very cute. I think I've actually found a girl that looks GOOD with them... she felt kinda silly but thats okay. :)
Mum said that pops wanted to remind me not to get her pregnant. I know their intentions and *you never know,* but we haven't even kissed ( (ex-gal) , when I told her that, laughed out loud and said the same thing) ... I guess seeing the two of us napping together on the couch downstairs gave him ideas... napping was cute..
Went to the carnival around 8pm... it was unimpressive, and exceedingly expensive ... Spent about $15 trying to get a stuffed animal for (ex-gal) .. yeah yeah its silly but I tried... failed of course, but she understood. Ran into her lil' sister there, 19ish I guess, nice enough, but didnt respond too well... dropped (ex-gal) at her moms, and her mom came in while I was getting the grand tour ... Only Mormons have ever used the phrase "So, you are from India" when you first meet someone .. It could be just be being paranoid. Not having ever met the parents of anyone I have ever dated, I of course had to act daft and not socially graceful .. didnt do anything bad, but didnt stand out either..
Got home, drafted OOL, got a foil True Believer, started off
first and leaned towards
... then switched to
.. got stomped my first round but pretty much won the second one and he timed out just then also... after that was easily stomped by a
Beast deck ... does no one innovate at all? I was putting up a damn good fight the second round with 2x Plated Sliver, Crypt Sliver, Spectral Sliver .. I didnt get my Ward Sliver out that game... the he Slice and Dice'd .. and that was it. Had three beasts in hand and it was over.
Mum and dad arrived as I finished the first draft of this. Turns out I forgot ot call mum ... its 3/23 ... her 47th birthday, and I forgot to call at midnight... big mistake. Sis is inaccessible also so its not making things any better... shes sore cause I forgot that plus doing the dishes/cleaning up Sis 's room ... Refuses to be consoled, so i think im gonna sleep. :(
If the fam goes to Las Vegas on Thursday to join papa and help celebrate mum's bday, (ex-gal) will come :) I like this girl a lot, and I tell her a lot too ... she actually tells me back, and kissed me back (on the cheek, but still SCORE!) today... Its so incredibly easy to overanalyze anything in life, and I don't want to do that with our "relationship" (as it were), but I do it enough with her anyhow ... Monopoly was filled with Sexual Innuendo, btw. I believe the phrase "Well you can ride my Reading Railroad" was used... not sure by whom.
It's odd talking about kissing or sexuality before anything has happened, and I'm not sure if that happened with (ex-gf2) or not. At least there was SOME physicality before we talked about it ... Pauline and I talked pretty indepth in our first date, (and only date, sadly) ...
I feel pretty close to (ex-gal) , and given the lack of the hallmark of dating, kissing (you all wonder why I mention/blog about it so much? cause its an issue and while I'm not obsessed, its learning to be with someone without a component that I'm used to... plus its fun :) ), I don't feel much extra distance because of it. When Irealized that, I was caught by surprise.
Lingo on GameShowNetwork rocks by the way...
(ex-gal) doesn't spay/neuter her cats. God help her when Heather finds out.
Sis 's coming to the ville for a week in a few hours... Tons of fun! Shes gonna sleep a LOT though, as is her hallmark on breaks :)
', "\n";
echo '
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Search Terms
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" . $title . "";
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"; }
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echo "
March 22, 2003
Think about this. Books | Bush is an idiot, but he was right about Saddam
"Paul Berman, one of the most provocative thinkers on the left, has a message for the antiwar movement: Stop marching and start fighting to spread liberal values in the Middle East."
I'd be happy if they just stopped marching, but that sounds ike a good cause.
', "\n";
echo '
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$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=63 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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Search Terms
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" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
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echo "
March 21, 2003
Why clerics suck in EQ
uon's Commandments and Guild Request -
', "\n";
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echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
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echo "
U Comics | EQ Based Comic Strip by Woody Hearn

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echo "
Pocket PCs suck.

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echo "
Magic and Cherie
m I saying (ex-gal) is magic? Perhaps, but I'm gonna talk about magic for a while.
Playing draft as we speak, never heard from Georgina about coming down today...
Its amazing, a foil Convalescent Care just made it around the table... I went from mono green to green/white upon seeing that.
last game, drafted nothing but removal the first five rounds, but I still got stomped by a cleric deck...
... Head Games is kinda cool :) change their hand to all land :)
(ex-gal) and I talked about kissing and relationships and all last night ... It's gonna be a struggle, but I really do like her and she describes it as we have "amazing chemistry" (which makes dating people other than Chris harder, its easy to ascribe little meaning to them if they are only first dates) ... she met the 'rents too... she of course loved mum, and of course mum loved her ... always amazes me how well mum gets along with people ... they both like angels and faries and the "Love is ..." cartoons ... I've got a list a mile long of gifts I could get (ex-gal) ...
(ex-gal) described herself as a giver, but she made a resolution to be a taker for once, which is good, as I try to do the same thing, but it isn't particuarly encouraging me... I always seem to meet women when they dont WANT to be givers ... hehe, im just thinking alould. Another point is that she mentioned she isnt ready for a relationship, to which i pretty much thought, DUH!:) Sometime but not now.
Its odd actually saying, "If we are together in May, we should go to the Ren Faire" and "It's like we were meant to meet (We both rarely go to Starbucks.)"
Oh, when I went to pick her up, Chris was there. That was fun. First, he could pummel me into the ground ... not just cause I'm not athletic but cause he is six inches taller than I. Piercings, ex-Wiccan, Trenchcoat, ... so terribly unlike (ex-gal) . As he left, he pulled her outside, and I of course thought that "great, they are making out and I'm just sitting in her like an idiot" ... Actually he was making sure I treat her well... which I do :)
Mum and (ex-gal) got along well, (ex-gal) was beyond a darling, and let mum know that I treat women right :) It was so cute, as soon as we got out of eyeshot, I gave her a massive hug (yeah yeah) cause it was so incredibly cute ... then we cuddeled (crowd:AW!) and watched Amelie. Got some Ice Cream too ... finished around 2, talked about kissing or not kissing or whatever till around 2:30 and then came up and posted last nights blog... Drove her home, and I swear I almost died twice, waking up to see myself veering into the opposing lanes... freaked me out... I really really shouldnt have been driving at 3:30 ..
I feel like Ice Cream.
', "\n";
echo '
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Search Terms
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echo "
10 Mental Locks of Magic
0 Mental Locks of Magic
1. "Bigger Is Better"
2. "Rare Cards Are Superior"
3. "A Card Has One Use"
4. "I Can't Play Positive Cards On My Opponent"
5. "I Can't Play Negative Cards On Myself"
6. "Don't Forget The Order"
7A. "I Must Use My Cards As Soon As I Can" or
7B. "I'd Better Hold Onto My Cards As Long As I Can"
8. "I Have To Hit My Opponent"
9. "I Shouldn't Sacrifice Things"
10. "All I Need Is Life"
', "\n";
echo '
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echo "
isces Virgo Couples - Astrology Compatibility Readings
(ex-gal) and I are reading webpages on "romance in the stars for pisces + virgo" ...
I was just about to say a lot of nice and cute things until she just asked for me to look up virgo + taurus (assumedly, Chris.) ... Instead I'm going to post pictures of her face pasted onto porn stars.
I'm kidding.
Its called Pavlov...
(ex-gal) is of the opinion that friends could always get together (she mentioned as I was showing her pics of Heather ...) thats one thing I am SURE about, Heather and I have no romantic future. And THANK GOD! She is ... strange. Too bad I love her so. ::waves to heather, HI!::
(ex-gal) is cool... a bit hard to figure out, but I like her and she likes me and she used the phrase "Great Chemistry" and the rest .. will fall into place. "If its meant to be, it'll be," which I think is pure bullshit, as you have to work for things to happen in life, nothing just *happens*. I spent time in my life waiting for girls to ask me out, it didnt happen, things don't happen without investing some time,energy,resources into it.
That being said, shes a smart girl so we shall see.
She is of course reading this over my shoulder, so all the TERRIBLE TERRIBLE things I have to say won't be posted until later tonight ;)
That being said, I cant wait for Saturday... and there is a CARNIVAL Saturday night! Lets see how things go. :)
(ex-gal) thinks that she is fat. I give up on girls, I really really do. Apprently, she "feels" fat .. girls PLEASE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS.
I feel like Dougie Howser, writing a journal entry after everything, and then letting a girl read it .. except anyone on the web can read it so ... :(
Someone give me a real Future Sight, so I can see what is coming up next in life please?
', "\n";
echo '
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Search Terms
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echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 20, 2003
ou'd think that the US Military would know how to take care of its equipment... Every time I hear about a military casualty, it is a chopper going down, included the one with 16 Coalition members in it today ... We've lost more people to choppers in the past few years than to a lot of other things, especially in the desert.. its weird as fuck,
', "\n";
echo '
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echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
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echo "
hy is it that when you starto like one person, fifteen attractive people pop up out of nowhere...
', "\n";
echo '
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Magic is Magic
herie and I talked last night on the phone ... It was cute, just chatting about what was going on in life and all ... I really liked it. I still see problems ahead, but not as much as I thought. It bugs me that we havent kissed yet, but then again I havent really tried since Saturday.
We were going to hang out Friday night, but I realized I had Navroz to go to ... it was cute, she was again worried that I'd get tired of her.
The emotional side of me wants to see her often, the practical says to lay off ... be mysterious... distant ... an ass? I dunno, but as next week is the "hell week" for her play, its not likely that we will hang out much. I swore I wouldnt ask her out for tonight but I had such a good day i want to share it...
So today, woke up early, took meds, setup my alarm, went back to sleep, snoozed it a bit then went to the library. Found tons of books on Western Sexuality, so I think the theme of my Cultural Anthro paper will be Sexuality at two key periods in Western Civilation ... Victorian Era and the 60s with reference to homosexuality, langauge and sexual mores ...
The Media influences and changes from Vietnam will be a lot harder as I couldnt find that many books (it just now occured to get some books on media theory and not vietnam) ...
So, after I played Magic.. watched a decent 4 player game, tried to find the die that I lost and then played 2 x 1v1.
Vs a cleric deck, he just pummled me.
Second time...
We just start bringing out creatures, but I stall around 8 ... Using Chainers Edicts and Smothers as much as I could I kept him down, but he started to use Ancestors Prophet to gain 30 life or so a turn as I kept cycling Gempalm Polluter and bringing it back with Unholy Grotto x2. .. then I got it. Noxious Ghoul.
There was some question to the value of Noxious ghoul, but in non tournament matches, its lovely. Saced it and all to a Nantuko Husk, but he used his Planar Guide .. fortunelty I had a Balthor the Deflied that I hadn't saced so it just happened during his turn and not mine. Combine it with a balthors and all non zombies got -14/-14 ... he refused to remove his Jareth, Leonid Titan but even at 180 life I wore him down ... the pro rules just escape some people.
Then the five player multiplayer game ... to my right, bird soldiers and an Enchantment Heavy deck, to the right a RGU beast deck and a solid counterspell, clone, random shit blue deck. opened a wonderful hand and kept laying out creatures, dealing a few damage to random folks, avoiding must of my attack phases to avoid becoming a target .. game continues, lotsa fun... I lost my Oversold Cemetary quick off, Silvos, Rouge Elemental with Armadillo Cloak worried us all until he was slapped down with two of that cards that remove abilities and the ability to attack or block unless you remove 3 cards from your graveyard (and of course, I had everyones graveyard empty as I had a Withered Wretch out (as I did the first game, that saved me) as I opened with a Patriach's Bidding in my hand. ) Game continued, the beast heavy deck was killed by 16 flying damage, as he had like 40 power of creatures out, (one he unmorphed the beast ... +3'/+0 to all beast as it flips up ,, I forget which) ... he died, then I went around with swampwalk and took out the green enchantment ... Then .. got a noxious .. -16/-16 to all .. it was gorgeous. dealt 12 to one leaving them at 8 and 18 ... I got applause for that play .. Kill off the 8, and start working on the 18 (being cautious cause hes grinning, turns out it was a bluff) and just before he dies he pulls an Akromas Vengeance! Emptied the board, stupid me forgot I could regenerate with the boneknitter I had out! (just realized it as I was driving away , and I had about 23 mana with Cabal Coffers too!) ... Then he draw the EXACT cards he needed, one that made every creature I got out of the GY via Undead Champion flying for
and then kill it for
.. then he gets a 3/5 flyer out and I am at 2 ... It was an amazing kill and I almost had him .. a few different choices and I would have, even remember to regenerate would have done it
It was by far the most exciting Magic game I have ever played... anyhow im really giddy after that, going to Lex's house to setup the remotes then .. maybe (ex-gal) or maybe home. Tomorrow, photog with Georgina and Navroz and Saturday is my fun mormon picnic!
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 19, 2003
The War, thought one
hile I was always concerned about the concept of Bush gearing up for a war just for the sake of of war, I wavered back and forth on my conviction there.
Then I heard about the Tomahawk strike. No person that WANTS a war would use the safest method, with least collateral damage, to accomplish the goal of that war in hours. If President Bush wanted to have a prolonged war, we would have troops fighting already, instead of a quick strike attempting to hit Saddam.
I now have a greater amount of faith in the intetions of the US Government. Is oil an issue? Probably. Is Isreal an issue? Probably. Are anti-Muslim zealots about? Possibly. Is the government doing something wrong? I dont think so.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=52 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Freedom of Information Specials
Only in the United States could CNN issue a pubically available map of all the locations of US forces. God Bless America.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=51 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Our allies.
ur allies on the War on Iraq.
Czech Republic
El Salvador
Japan *
South Korea
United Kingdom
*- Japan has agreed to participate in postwar rebuilding efforts
-- I see maybe five counties of major world significance, ten that might actually have some sort of military aid to provide. I just have to ask, what are the Netherlands, Macedonia, Ethiopia, Azerbaijan or Slovakia going to be able to contribute. Then again the allies list on WWII, Korea and Desert Storm was probably quite lengthy also...
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=50 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
My Zombie Deck
hanks to Tim and Kaz, I finally got my click link for cards working, so without any more delay, my Zombie Deck!
(fan faire)
Those that screwed me so far have been UG Madness decks, Sliver decks and that one Elvish Piper deck... Madness was too hard to beat without removal (hence the Smothers), and the two other decks started me off with bad hands to begin with. Again, removal would help with that Piper, but Smother wont ... might have to add some Swats.
Won against MonoBlackControl, mainly cause he was mana screwed. Also hurt against a beast deck, I need more removal to take care of fattys. On the to get list, Megrim, Engineered Plague, Entomb and Zombify (for Enchantment removal, fetch a card that destroyed an Enchantment on come into play or like Dawning Purist, whenever combat damage is dealt, destroy an enchantment.)
Smart folks, please feel free to comment.
Edit: Cameron refuses to comment on the board and is instead ICQing me. His thoughts.
MerryJayne (12:51 AM) :
maybe you should play 4x edicts and 4x smothers for removal instead of noxious.
MerryJayne (12:53 AM) :
(Dirge of Dread)it's good main so you can just cycle it.
MerryJayne (12:55 AM) :
I'd think about graveborn muse, 4 of them for sure since you have so many zombies...and bane of the living if you need more removal.
MerryJayne (12:56 AM) :
like I said, if you draw 5 cards and can't win in 1 or 2 turns, then you are playing the wrong cards
MerryJayne (12:59 AM) :
a lot of your cards aren't that strong, more defensive than anything. like boneknitter, putrid imp, (too many polluters), soulless one, noxious one, balthor, trailblazer, ... all those seem a bit weak to me.
MerryJayne (01:01 PM) :
it's way better to spend 6 on visara than 5 on noxious or 6 on gempalm. WAY better to have visara in play. she wins games.
MerryJayne (01:03 PM) :
if you're going to use entombs and zombifies then you're building a whole different deck.
MerryJayne (01:04 PM) :
yeah sure late game gempalm is okay to do dmg to them, but early on it's pretty crappy and you lose a turn just to cycle it.
MerryJayne (01:04 PM) :
so put a gempalm in the sideboard that you can wish for you wanna use death wish, but if you're running low on life as-is, then you have to cut death wish.
MerryJayne (01:04 PM) :
and maybe run 2 gempalms maindeck.
Hes right about Visara vs. Noxious... Noxious rocks at times, but I dont tend to have two or three zombines to bring out unless I Balthor or Patriarch them out..
MerryJayne (01:06 PM) :
here's the problem - how do you deal with a ravenous baloth: 4/4 for 4, or a brushopper 3/4 for 3 mana. or a call of the herd, two 3/3's for 7 mana... those are the cards you're going to be dealing with over and over again.
MerryJayne (01:07 PM) :
rotting giant and wretched anurid were working pretty well for me as far as 3/3's go -fairly big creatures. rotting giant is better if you get lots of cards in your graveyard by cycling (gempalm or dirge)
MerryJayne (01:07 PM) :
mutilate is good removal to deal with those big fat green creatures.
MerryJayne (01:09 PM) :
yeah, I see the fact that you don't have any big creatures as your #1 problem. You have the potentially big soulless one, but really dealing with a 4/4 on turn 3 is going to prove quite difficult if somebody plays a easily available w/g or r/g net.deck.
MerryJayne (01:09 PM) :
and those brushhoppers are a pain in the ass too, 3/4 for 3 mana and you can bounce them out of the game if they are going to die.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Stepping Up: There is No Luck
rainBurst Premium snippet
"In my experience, there is no such thing as luck." - Obi-Wan Kenobi
That's right, luck does not exist. When you lose a game, it was because you made a mistake, and you should try to figure out what it was.
I'm sure many of you are saying that's ridiculous by now, but don't stop reading yet, there is an explanation. Magic IS a somewhat random game. After all, the decks ARE randomized. You don't choose your draws. The problem is that this makes it very easy to blame losses on luck, and any time you do this, it diverts your attention away from any possible mistakes you may have made.
The thing to remember here is that there is a difference between random chance and luck. Luck implies superstition, meaning that someone can be more or less "lucky" in general than someone else. This is a huge misconception. Magic is a game of random chance. In a short-term situation, it may seem like you got incredibly "unlucky" by mulliganing several times and still drawing no land, but the correct way to view the situation is that chance worked against you this time, but will be in your favor another time. No one is simply "luckier" than someone else. Die rolls are a perfect example of this. You may lose every die roll in a nine round tournament, but it doesn't mean you are unlucky. Die rolls (that aren't skewed by cheating) WILL eventually even out to 50/50. Better players may get manahosed in specific games, but in the long run the better player WILL win more than the one who isn't as talented.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=48 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
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"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=47 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 18, 2003
hope that the United Nations hasn't just been proven a failed experiment ...
Ian Duncan Smith was on C-Span saying that Blair is right, its nice that everyone agrees once war has been declared.
I had a few more, but I lost them.
For most of the world, the domains transitioned okay. not for me at home today ;p
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=46 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Washington state college student activist killed by Israeli soldiers
ashington state college student activist killed by Israeli soldiers
Had Corrie been killed by Saddam Hussein's soldiers, of course, she'd be an instant national hero, America would be enraged, and Baghdad would already be in flames.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=45 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
The Female of the Species...
unch with (ex-gal) .
Turns out she suggested Saturday with the church in lieu of Tuesday, cause she was afraid that I would get tired of her. I doubt that. Kinda made me feel better about the situ.
Arrived 10 min late due to cooking and usual rizzy issues, drove to the mall and got Subway, light chatter around the way. We both love "How to win friends and influence people" - Dale Carengie (a MUST READ) and reading in general, which is nice...
I love holding hands. It goes back to pre- (ex-gf1) when I had never actually "held" a girls hand romantically (whatever that meant), and I thought it was such a pure concept. When I first held (ex-gf1) s hand, thats what I called my friends about (tara, I think at the time), not when we kissed. One of my aspirations is to make a photo calendar of holding hands... young and old, across genders, across relationships (gay, straight, treo, mother/child, etc)
anyhow, ate at Subway, wandered around and *shopped* at Rave. then wandered over to watch a movie ... "how to lose a guy in 10 days..." .. we chatted during it to small amounts as I am prone to do. By the way, mid day movies are REALLY cheap. Snuggling and all... well as much as you can with a damn drink holder between you. I've decided that one of God's jokes on humanity was how a male and a female can't watch a movie together in a movie theather being fully comfortable... reaching over her shoulder hurts your back, going being her back hurts hers, etc. its an evil evil thing.
Walked around some more and visited Bath and Body Works... I bought four of their lotions (4 for the price of three), supposedly for Sis , Mum, Heather and .. someone. I snuck back after and grabbed some ribbion and surprised her with a bottle in the car. She was surprised but not as enthused as I expected, for whatever reason.
I made the mistake of asking how she was feeling about dating with Chris still in her mind. She avoids bringing him up but she does on occasion (which I understand (and which i told her) cause he was/is a part of her life for four years, and a lot of her stories ARE gonna invovle him) ... I realized my mistake and tried not to *fix* her problem as I've known is a bad bad move, but just listen ... we talked a bit about the awkwardness of her dating someone else after just having had been with him and how she didnt want to hurt him or me etc... We talk to much about us, which is funny; self-analysis.
Shes incredibly nervous, not showing it as much, but shes "forgotten" how to date, according to her. I think shes doing quite fine ... I can tell that she likes me and the peril now is to avoid slipping into a platonic friendship as I see potential in this girl. Could be me just being selfish too.
I might try to surpise her at SBUX on Wednesday (as we met last Wed) and we have plans to go hiking with her group on Saturday ... That'll be my litmus test on whether there is potential or not .. what is more romantic than being up high and a beautiful view (in the middle of the hot day with lots of Mormons around you) ...
wow this plan needs some rethinking.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=44 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
ine, I'm behind. Part of it is the domain transferring, part of it is the massive fights that errupted in the Kassim household on Sunday, part of it isn't wanting to jinx a date by blogging it (even though I've told everyone and their uncle about it) ...
Jay has kinda working .. the feature set keeps rotating. Right now it is just displaying the Horde IMP php introduction script.
So, the date.
Was to pick her up at seven, and of course, I was looking forward to it all day. My trusty MapQuest stepped in to give directions. Heres a note for you all, don't trust mapquest for "out there" addresses. It had just rained and MQ took me on 4 miles of unneccesary dirt/mud roads .. my car did NOT like it. I finally found her street (which wasn't on of the small unmarked ones as Apple Valley is known for) and was approached by a very large barking Rottwieler... Assuming that it wasn't her house I drove on until someone finally had a block number. I gave up at this point and finally called her. Of course, it was the dog house.
Now, you have to understand, we were going to a sockhop. It was her idea as a counter to my dinner and a movie idea. I asked her that morning who that was over at her place cause I was afraid that it was her boy and I was wasting my time, etc. It was her ex-boy of three weeks, (and of a four year relationship) trying to get her back. This is going well already.
So im dressed in Khakis, a t-shirt, a semi-dress Gap Oxford Shirt and (against Heather's advice) my blue and white sweater vest. And ... a red bow tie. I looked damn cute/nerdy/in-need-of-therapy. I arrive and shes wearing this .. suede-esque dark red dress with semi-poodle skirts. The dog (actually the dog's girlfriend) jumped onto me and showed how much she liked me by getting mud onto my vest.
She failed the first test though. :( For those of you that don't know, I have this thing that I partially use to judge a persons character. I generally let other people into my car first. (Star taught me that a LOOOONG time ago, back in 11th grade) Some people (and generally people I tend to like) lean over and unlock my door (or open it). (ex-gal) failed. Granted, there might have been mitigating circuimstances, including the fact that she seemed totally unfamiliar with how my car locks ... You may think its petty of me; Its just a sign of courtesy ... not a big minus or anything, of course.
Fast forward, small chat in the car, we drive by restaurants and she suggests ... Del Taco, Carls Junior and then ... wait for it ... McDonalds. Turns out shes not a spendy date and doesn't want to be a burden. I eschew my theory on how money is better spent with other people than on clothes, shoes, and other personal items. We hit up some Mexican restraurant, name doesn't ring a bell at the moment. Quite Decent food, I find out that she is a Mormon, doesn't drink but does drink sodas, a bit about her ex (within restraint) and a generally free-flowing conversation, except for a few bumps. I gave the mini-speech that I've had to do earlier this year with Natalie, not to be nervous. Its just a date, its not the end of the world. I confess that I normally dont just talk to girls at Starbucks, and she was quite curious why I spoke with her. Answer : "Her Smile".
Girls apologize a lot on dates. Maybe I say things that make them feel self-concious, but they are normally light un-pointed jokes.
Dinner is done, with a reasonable check ($25), even though I really dont mind what it ended up as. Whats funny is that when I left, the rents asked how much cash I had on me ($45) and pretty much insisted (granted I didnt resist for too long), on giving me $100 for emergencies. Date-emergencies, when I have three creditcards.. hmm.
Go to the sockhop, _no_ one is dancing, its like my Save Ferris concert where everyone was sitting in the stadium (Was a HS band fundraiser, mean age was 40 probably, and it reminded me of those dances that I never participated in (Except eat in the seating) during Junior High) ... there is a 50s dance contest and .. yeah, we ended up entering. A Twist and .. I forget what the other song was. We keeled over laughing as we danced, it was so silly how little we knew, the other two couples were swinging away and the younger of the two, twenty-somethings, were quite good!
They asked everyone to applaud for each couple (yes, there were only three)
First couple :: CLAP CLAP CLAP ... Second couple : CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP
us: clap.
Yeah, we werent the crowd favorite. No biggie.
Proceeded to watch the 60s and 70s competitions and made slightly lewd jokes about our jackets and our shoes (no shoes allowed in the stadium), consorting and flirting with each other. Went to the cafeteria part, saw that there was a photog taking pics, (as we ran hurridely, thinking, that'd be so cute!), we both saw the minimum $30 tag and pretty much said, um .. no. Had some cake and talked some more... she an interesting girl, to say the least. Silly, Charming, Pretty, pretty long hair ... not a serious intellectual, but each to their own. I can imagine her acting pretty well too.
We return during the dancing .. go YMCA and "Starlight" (how the fuck does a guy dance to Madonna's Starlight?) ... and after they awarded door prizes (we lost), more dancing, some swinging to Elvis then some very ... fun dancing to "Too Close" .. a song that I've hated since 7th grade as it was "lewd and bad" ... "Dancing too close, your dancing too close.. you are making it hard for me" ... jeez.
Went out for a nice walk afterwards, the rain letup just for us, out into the track field... danced outside with no music, cheek to cheek and all. Girl doesnt kiss on the first date, I found out, read past logs to see my opinion of that.
We really didnt want to stop spending time together, so we went bowling. I always bet when I bowl, so first she bet that, "If I win, you have to take me out again" .. I pointed out that the bet doesnt make sense as I had every intention of taking her out again... Final bet ended up being "Me dressing up as a total nerd next date (how this is attractive, I have no idea)" vs. "Her wearing her hair in pigtails.. (I seriously couldnt think of anything to bet on, plus I love pigtails)" ... She led first three frames, then I took the lead, it ended 109-63. I could have let her win, but a) there were bumpers up (took a few bowls to realize that) and b) I did NOT want to dress up like that.
Dropped her off, planned our next date on the drive back (cardinal sin, AFAIK) asked her if she was just leading me on to then go back to her boy (Chris) or to play the field.. she said honestly (I dont know.)
Dropped her off, started to drive back while SMSing heatherw ... she notes
"Don't worry about the whole rebound thing"
"I just meant that there is nothing you can do about it"
"Well if you already like her, its too late anyhow. Just have fun."
Next day, Heather (who called me, go figure) got details and, while she was worried that I might get hurt, was very happy that it wasnt an insane date like the ones I've been on with a girl whos boyfriend (no past-tense) was in jail ... yeah, I've done some stupid things.
(ex-gal) ? Shes nice. I really do like her, genuine smile, makes me laugh, lets me make her laugh, shy/nervous enough to be attractive, not so much to be stifiling. She seems to like to listen to me when I'm talking about stuff which is good and she is interesting enough that I want to listen to her. what do I forsee? A few really good dates, then me getting hurt. What do I hope? I dunno, but I hope its more than a few dates.
Today is lunch, Saturday is a picnic and hike with her Mormon Church. (A brown guy along on a Mormon hike. That should be ... interesting.) It seems to be a complex with her that she has had sex before marriage as a good Mormon girl. Kinda odd how much it seems to bother/concern her. It came up multiple times ...
I managed to only mentioned (ex-gf2) everytime she mentioned Chris, and she tried hard not to so it was a small number.
Yay riz.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 17, 2003
Date and Website just died. I bugged Seth and him being as wonderful as he is, set me up on his servers, just waiting for the DNS switches...
Lotsa parental fights today ;p Heather might kill little children. had, quite possibly, the best first date ever last night, and we didnt even end up kissing (which is interestng for me, cause thats normally a mark of a good date) .. I want to tell about it so much but im so tired after fixing everythng .. hopefully ill get to it on Monday before its leaked out too much .. I _really_ should have written about it last night!
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=42 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 16, 2003
NASA Plan to Read Brainwaves at Airports
lashdot | NASA Plan to Read Brainwaves at Airports
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=41 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 15, 2003
short update
uick update.. I started the php for the plugin, asked seth for some help, he wasn't in a mood to help i guess.
Mum's back seized up so the morning went to taking care of her. Girl ( (ex-gal) ) was visited by an ex-boyfriend last night, so tonight is dinner (I suggested my fav fancy chinese place, I get the feeling that this a casual dinner kinda girl. Cool) and a 50's sock hop (her idea! I'm amazed, a girl suggests the plans for a first date... thats unheard of!) ... she was with her ex (who wants her back) for four years, so watch me become rebound boy.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=40 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Magic Dating and Time
ts been three days since I blogged? I guess I didnt blog Friday night nor Thursday night (arrived very very late on Thursday and just felt like sleeping Friday ngiht) ... whatever.
Thursday was ... Oh, Klaskin, Schnider appointments, 15min early to Klaskins, 15min late to Schniders. Talked about the risk of failure at Cal Poly and meds and I caught Klaskin up. Hung out with Heather between the appointments, poor girl really misses her boy. It is very nice to be needed by her, but I'd give that up for her to be happy and back in New York again. It looks like our roadtrip might not be happening, which really bums me out. We went to Farmers market and screwed around a bit, nothing super significant. Went to Vivek's to help fix the movie stuff, but it was pretty much undercontrol so I ended up setting up a LAN there, ordering a pinkdot meatball sandwich (Yumm!) and watching some crazy sex documentary on HBO. Got home so incredibly exhausted at 3am, I wasn't sure I'd make it.
Friday, pretty much spent the day WAITING for six pm to roll around for Magic. Cleaned up a bit, talked with 'rents about direction and what to do now. Thought is currently in three directions, Local Volunteering and/or Job, starting a light load at Cal Poly, or working at Display... all have their advantages and disadvantages, today I need to look up Cal Poly classes. Yesterday was kinda slow, did some cleaning up then went to play MTG.
Started off versus a sliver deck. Damn thing was tough to beat, first game he got out a Crypt Sliver (
:Regenerate Target Sliver) and then Plated Slivers and Spectral Slivers so he was regaining life, making tokens etc. Easy game for him. Second game started slow for both of us as he was trying to fetch the right lands and the right slivers to counter via Living Wish ... he _finally_ got the Sliver that gives pro color and that was effectively end of game. I tried my best and did well I think, but I patriarched and brought out too many slivers. I Patriarched and Balthor'ed a few times, in the end, he almost messed up his blockers which would have given me the win cause I had a gempalm to cycle in my hand. He fixed it and then gained some life and .. it just sucked.
Second game was against the a-forementioned idiot from VVC. He constantly slurped, I later found out that he had gotten his tounge pierced, so I couldnt really be that annoyed... he was listening to music on his headphones _and_ downloading music with his cell phone so he was _rarely_ looking at the game. He cheated like a mofo too, whenever he tapped land for mana, all his land ended up in his hand and then out again, often with an extra land in it, ignoring when he was dealt damage, and just in general being a retard. He won only cause he had an Elven Ranger doing 3 unblockable each turn. Second game was interesting, when I decided to beat him at his own game ... I double drawed as well, I dropped multiple lands as well, which was easier because he barely looked at the board. I'm somewhat ashamed, but I'll be damned if i lose that fucker. Won the next two games, second game won by time. (we had spent all 50 minutes plus)
Third round played a Rootwala/Mongrel/Anger/Brawn discard deck ... hurt me hard first game, the second game I got Visara out and raped him, third game I kinda put Visara in the first thirteen cards and shuffled around it, since I know he didnt cut ... of course I didnt shuffle well so was mana screwed while he was hitting me for 4 or 5 a turn. I deserved it of course. We decided after the second game that whoever lost should just say it was a sweep so the winner could go on to the top eight... that guy went on :) Got another Cabal Coffers, then Nighttime Raid (or something like it, all black creatures get +2/+0) until end of turn and more importantly, Death Wish (fetch any card outside th game and put it into your hand, lose half life), Two Gravediggers and Three corrupts. I think im gonna run two corrupts and a deathwish mainboard.. I traded one of my two Scions of Darkness for the Death Wish, I might want another. Corrupts will be really really useful, then I can play the Graveborn Muse more, might main board that too now. Someone suggested Mutilates, but I just might add Smothers instead.
Turns out the real card I need (amoung a few others but I haven't synced the list yet) is Megrim, which deals 2 damage to any player that discards, a good way to rape madness decks.
Also enchantment removal. Either the black cleric that gives one of any color mana with a disenchant (could screw me up too though) or something cooler like a Entomb (take target creature from library to graveyard) and Zombify which returns it to play, pulling in a white creature that destroys an enchantment when coming in, or something similar. that'd be a great way of getting a LOT of cards out, even just the entomb woudl be useful with oversold cemetary.
So I went 1-2 .. Whats amazing is that I'm ABOVE 1600 on Constructed (not counting the most recent game im sure)...
1557 Points 6 Events
1604 Rating 3 Matches 1 Events
1511 Rating 15 Matches 5 Events
Ooh, search for Magic Events Shows FNM but doesnt show places like Artifex that don't have offical events.
Okay, its late enough, I had better get up and do things. I have to go drop something off down below then might meet up with HeatherW to play some magic and help her game test. Oh, my date tonight. I called her up last night to ask for address and all and she had a *guest* over ... with her dad not at home .. at eleven pm... Who knows if she is just playing the field or already got a boy or whatever. Kinda bummed me out. It could be platonic too .. she told me to call back at 10 today, so we shall see.
-Just got an idea. I should add something that includes MTG symbols automatically. (ooh, as well as the Wizard Card Links)
I could release it as a plugin! Or I could just make modifications in the entry template which would be a LOT easier.
Their JS scripts are at
Symbols are at

', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=39 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "
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Search Terms
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$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Why (Not in our Name)
ot In our name Quicktime
Not in our name has made a commerical protesting the war ... with a bunch of random folks on Times Square trying to assert their power ... "We can stop this way, we are a new generation." Egad, and whats funny is that MTV wont run the commerical :) One of the most positive moves I've seen from Viacom in a while. Turns out networks arent running it either, guess its safer *not* to run it than to run it.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=38 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
entle Woman Seeks Agnostic Atheist, Strong Attraction, Love
... I think I'm in love!
Just kidding. It's not really right of me to mock others, but who cares?
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=37 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$search = $row['search'];
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
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Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 12, 2003
Yay Rizzy
kay enough day, slept quite late last night so woke around 11 .. lazed and read and all till one and did the whole class thing. Class, then some magic... no real people to play games against so only played a few games, watched a chess game and found out about the chess club. Met a girl named heather and taught her a bit o'magic .. .might have been some connection there, not sure yet.
Girl name Elf talked to my oppontent .. she carries a claw that she uses to scratch people along their necks .. in a pleasureful way I guess... yet she seems more interested in doing it than people are in recieving it. I dont get it.
Anyhow, was kinda socially bummed to went to Starbucks and made eye contact with a cute girl sitting across the way ... I read and after about twenty minutes, we started talking (I pretended to recognize the book that she was reading)... she was working on a play at the "Victor Valley Arts Center" .. which is an oxymoron to begin with ... I helped her read her lines, In the end, we have a date (i think) for Saturday night. (I suggested afternoon/eve, she moved it to the night. interpret as you will) .. as we both left, some 30 year old handed her his number .. I'm not jealous, im just amazed at the gumption. Randomly handing his phone number out. Go him.
So, I think i've flirted with .. four or five girls, in the last three days ... and I'm actually talking to one of them again. She seems nice too... self described as "kinda dorky" and we all know how much I adore dorks.
Anyhow im proud of my self for not getting discouraged and following "why the hell not" ... Go riz!
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=36 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$search = $row['search'];
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echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
I'm just so cool
ow cool am I?
Oh, by the way
Tobasc0Cat: I dno't think I'll ever use an "f" again iph I can avoid it
Tobasc0Cat: In phakt, I phmigpht start phadding ph's evpherywhere, phor the phun oph it...
The main page is now php. There are includes (which are useful anyhow) to the side for the quote and photo randomizers and I made significant changes to the quote randomizers. Php is pretty damn nifty. Moveable type is amazing. CSS is just cool. I'm really gonna make a point of learning a lot more about these silly things. I added a PDA version for the blog to so .. I can read my own blog I guess.
The picture is actually the full size one resized... Oh, I modded the picture routine to scale it down depending upon whether it was wide or tall. HeatherW and I talked a lot of magic, I bid on a lot of shit on ebay, like unglued cards and the "Look, I'm the DCI card." Buncha swamps too.
Watched like three episodes of Law and Order etc while I worked... Redid the PHOTO GALLERY! please check it out, I added some pictures of (ex-gf2) ::swoons:: .. shes like the most beautiful person I know.
I kinda miss her.
Anyhow, I've got a few people interested in me taking portraits... Georgina, Meeka, maybe HeatherW...
Ok im tired and Meeka is offering me cookies if i visit, which is reminding me that im damn hungry and its three am.
Oh, I need to work out. Chubby boy. ::pokes stomatch::
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=35 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 11, 2003
'm thinking about spending an entire day just reciting advertising slogans.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=34 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Anti Frog Rebellion
"We need the French in a war with Iraq about as much as a deer hunter needs an accordian" - attributed to Norman Schwartzkopf
France has neither winter nor summer nor morals-apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country.
-Mark Twain
Anyhow, studied a significant amount of the day for my Vietnam test, which went well. Played a signficant amount of Magic too, found some semi-mature people to play with, which is nice (except someone who, sadly, reminds me of my social status a few years ago, always saying stupid things, trying to be funny and failing, talking to people that aren't listening to you...) I tried to be kind and probably was okay, but I wasnt exactly nice either. ::shakes his head::
Went reasonably well, cheated once by dropping an extra swamp, but I justify it because I hadn't killed the guy when I could have so that he could test out his anti black deck. Type 2 solo decks aren't so bad against decks made by people without full collections to have some consitency in their deck... I'm hearing about the socalled "Legend" deck that has a few weenies then a card that fetches Legends and a deck full of Legends...
My soldier deck performed well in multiplayer, both against and with it... I need more low drops though, and since white has no mana acceleration ... I "need" to find that black artifact/enchantment removal card to sideboard though, else ill have to put in 4 "produce any color" lands to include some white. Also have to add Drain Soul, Corrupt or any other method of Black Life gain.
I just searched and so far all I cant find is multicolor enchantment removal.
Braids, of course.
How to make an antiblack deck
Anyhow, saw some girls at the VVC cafeteria. I'm not at the point yet that I'm gonna do the whole classified search,cause even though I once found a winner ( (ex-gf1) ), and I really dont care about the stigma, its just expensive now that most of the services have gone pay. I wonder if out and out flirting is more attractive (like striking a conversation with someone randomly sitting at a table) than more subdued ways... dixie, your thoughts? Reason I say this is that it is at least honest, and shows some hutzpah... Sat next to random girl after my exam that was reading a psychbook and got a decent convo going... about ten minutes, it wasn't so much two way than me asking questions and her answering em (as I read the psych book) ... I know I came off as funny and quite possibly cute, but she didnt ask anything back or give any of the standard signs... so be it of course, 50:1 ratio isn't unheard of, and I've learned enough not to let things discourage me... What suprised me was how natural it came to me... no stuttering, (which really happened a lot on my "date" with HeatherW which really bothered me) nothing stupid said, just .. a nice guy. I've exchanged looks with some girls today and I'm starting to believe that once people get past the minus two thing of not being white (which actually doesnt matter so much in the ville as long as I dont look Hispanic ;p ) I can look good to random women. Thats always nice to think of ones self. Maybe not, lick your lips, I want to jump him and tear off his clothes, but maybe just, hey he has a cute butt and I like that hat. Or just the hat. Whatever.
Its quite vicious and "liberated" women wouldn't really approve of the whole, find a "target," flirt, and wait for a response.. then again, if more women made advances (when pigs fly) it wouldn't be necessary to serially meet women. I know I can be charming, HeatherW said so, and many others have (shes most recent) so its just a matter of time. After the who Natalie debacle (if you could call it that) yesterday, mum was worried about me and tried three times to calm me down, even though I wasn't upset at all. It was kinda cute, but hearing "I'm sure there is a girl out there for you" reminds me of what people said Frosh year when I hadn't dated anyone.
Gonna go help out Vivek in LA Thursday, gonna try to see Rita (yes, so sue me), play Magic with HeatherW (if not then, on the weekend), see my Heather (who i should really call in advance, eh?), and hopefully see Schinder or Klaskin or both. I havent had my meds for two months, but the one last dose I had really reminded me about the effect.
Cal Poly is starting soon.. I could try it and the 'rents are really leaning toward it. I can't think of a really really good reason not to, just the usual worries about not doing well.
I just realized that I'm less likely to tell people whats going on in my life cause ill say, just read my blog. And when seth said that to me, it annoyed me. Hmm
Okay, rents are home, might watch one of the five queued movies.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=33 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$query = '';
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 10, 2003
ixie is HeatherW! Not another random girl interested in my geekyness or my media savvy but someone I know already! :gasp: and I thought I was attracting random visitors. That being said, you all are encouraged to post.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=32 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
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$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Forwards, your doom has come!
y mother and all the family should watch this.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=31 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
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$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
irst, who is Dixie? People that don't know me are actually visiting the site?
Hi :: waves :: How are you?
"No one plays Type II outside of tourneys or deck testing. Can be annoying for newbies, but becomes more fun when you can put together a deck full of old, illegal cards and can break it out and smack people around with it for fun. :)"
That sucks hard. My Type II zombie deck is quite fine and since I only started playing mid-Onslaught, asking me to spend my cash getting Arabian Nights, Ice Age, Invasion (well at least thats still legal in extended), and freaking Unglued cards, that I cannot play in tourney, can't play with anyone sensable to limit games to type two. People that say that they have type 2 until they draw an Invasion or bloody Ice Age card... come on! I had a Fatigue played against me ... "Well its okay cause there is another card that does a similar thing later on, its just worded differently" ... (and you know, it costs more, but whatever)
But I guess I can understand Dixie... these folks had 20 decks with them as I was bringing in my first reasonably competitive deck... I play draft so much I never had a need until FNM up here.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=30 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
atalie isn't interested anymore. I'm slightly bummed but 1 date in 1.5 months kinda made the point. She stated that she had *plans* tonight, first time she hasn't given a reason forbeing able to go out. She noticably walked another way to avoid walking in the same dir also. See, I actually prefer to be told or hinted to. Being nice about it doesn't get through cause you never know if its inconsistency or flirtiness or doubt. Now I know to give up. Easily done. Next?
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=29 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
'm playing Magic at VVC And I swear I'm back in high school. Petty arguments, egos the size of mountains...
gal pals that give long hugs to the guys here but are probably "just friends." Man its depressing. Punks don't play type II either.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=28 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Vietnam and Magic
oke up at 7:30 ... its nice waking up early. Too bad it requires sleeping early to make any sense. Went to Display after admiring my new web look for a bit and screwing around on the computer, as usual. Turns out Seth didnt go to sleep last night... if only I could communicate to him how futile that is from my own experience.
I wonder how Rolo is?
I'm off to the VVC cafeteria to read my vietnam book, maybe play some magic and be possibly social.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=27 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Massive Site Update
ell, I finally got around to updating my website, and MT turned out to be the answer... I'm quite happy with the look right now, and its just a matter of adding links, which is significantly easier now... Next on the list is a flyout navigation bar so i can start putting ALL my links here somewhere... Egad that'd be big.
On personal news, Macroquest has been partially fixed, so there might be cash in my future. 82 on my cultural anthro test, most of what i missed i wasn't in class for. Vietnam class soon, i'll have to continue reading... Made dinner Friday and tonight, tonight was Red Bell Pepper soup and Orange Beef with Ginger... Soup went over well, Beef didnt.
Sis competed in a dance competition on Saturday, so Sat morning I went to the Magic Pro Tour Qualifier, lost 0-2 badly, so i skipped and went to see my Heather. We apparently got our lines crossed and I ended up sleeping 2hrs outside her place waiting for her. When she woke me up we only had a half hour to hang out but it was nice.. she really needed a hug, and I was there in super huggable fashion! Went to Sis 's competition and got petrified at all the Desi's and Desi girls... I'm not sure why.. driving me nuts. I didnt feel like socializing and I hate the clickishness of Desis, so maybe thats why. Ran into Georgina of all people, she was there with her Indian boy, she looks absoulutely lovely.. then again she always does. We hung out and talked for a while and made a date to go shooting on the 22nd so I can do some nice portraits. UCI's dance was quite good and they took 2nd place. UCSD and UCSB interrupted speeches and all kinds of things shouting out their names ... Georgina's boy and I yelled out "Stanford!" (a non-competitor) just to point out their stupidity... don't think they got it. Twas annoying anyhow. Event was co-staged by UCLA and USC, it was quite impressive. UCSD took first, but Sis was so excitied at placing second (of six)... she never ceases to amaze me whenever she dances.. shes just so good! Chose not to go to the after party, hung out with the 'rents and Matt and his rents and Sis 's friend Adam and a blast from the past Lisa... Interesting to see her after all these years. She seems so much more responsible and sane. I forgot that while Sis was growing up, it was likely that Lisa was growing up too.
My sister is like the coolest person on the planet. She told me to come to the afterparty cause there would be lots of people. I asked her if there would be girls there and if I could actually flirt or would she chastize me?. She told me that there would be tons of girls, most who were drunk ("If I liked that sort of thing") and that I could come as long as I dont stop her from dancing with people and being all "Big Brothery" .. I love that girl so much.
I moved the sql stuff to Seth's servers, so I can actually turn off my home computer now ... he submitted his buisness plan.. . I'm on the advisory board! Along with Wil Wheaton, who actually has a quite interesting blog!
Okay I think thats enough for the short part of the day.. I have an updated version of Kablog to play with so ill try posting mobily tomorrow. Cheers all.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=26 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 06, 2003
Just try it. Its so easily abusable.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=25 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 05, 2003
Wow, im two days late.
'm 22 now. Yay.
Not a particularly exiciting birthday, but the 'rents tried and I love them for it. Did have fun actually, Benihanas and all.
First, I'd like it to be known that my keyboard cable doesn't strech enough.
Cables shouldnt really strech. I meant it isnt long enough.
Nothing except a good time happened with HeatherW, which was expected. I may have over interpreted the flirtyness, and I was told it wasn't there but I dont really care anymore. I've never met someone who thought so litter of herself.. I tried to explain that image, body shape, attitude are relative things and ... Whatever, point being, I think shes cool and I dont think she thinks the same of herself. C'est la vie... I've spent so much time self-analyzing, I kinda expect that in others. Big Mistake.
Westwing .. is a repeat "20 hrs in America pt1," Lemme finish this section.
"The biggest nonsense election issue here will belong to the women."
I'm not sure that people recognize what a terrific show this is. Granted, it is JUST television, but thats a sketchy statement to make too. (Notice now, I'm writing as if I EXPECT others to read this and not as it were a journal. Eh, gotta store thoughts for my memoirs somewhere.) Take Television over the years.
You've got 40s (insiginificant) and 50s television. ... I'm suddenly less interested in rehashing FTV 106a: History of Broadcasting .. point being it moves me, isnt too exceedingly preachy, colorful writing etc.
I'm kinda back in the mode of wanting to be involved in the media in a creative sense. "Requiem for a Dream" kinda reminded me, plus another Mike and Ben Show throwback memory. God, I miss those days.
Pretty much about to give up on Natalie also, its so not worth the trouble.
Oh, my car died. Needs a jump to start then dies near instantaneously. Intimacy class had a thing on STDs and after an hour of slides and dialouge I just couldnt handle it, so i split, and ended up leaving the car on SVL parkway.
Im trying to find a decision or direction to life now. Do i go to Cal Poly in April? Should I consider joining the military? Will my macroing buisness finally succeed or suck it? Now the excuse of the movie is gone and I'm all home alone having plenty of time to think. I could spend time forming social ties up here (hard as hell to do to far), just to leave. Then again, having that happiness for six months would be worth it, wouldnt it?
Just took a typing test.
Gross Words Per Minute (GWPM): 82
Net Words Per Minute (NWPM): 77
Reading Words per Minute = 554
" The average adult reads between 200 and 300 words per minute. People who enjoy reading typically read above 400 words per minute. Many people read at speeds above 800 words per minute and maintain excellent comprehension."
Time to pull out my speedreading books.
So, what to do? Habitat for Humanity locally? It would be volunteering and would take up my time.. I could easily work at the SciTech center or something also. I could do some volunteering.. I still wish that comedyworld had lasted a few more months for me to learn more from it ... I was actually getting responsible ... I wonder if volunteerisim would help me do that. I've been much much better about attending my classes her, but its only 3 minutes away, its not like its a huge drive like it would be down there. (if i took a quarter or two at Cal Poly) ...
I wonder how Helen is.
Finally cracked open sex in america.. should be a good read .. I still can't help pausing everytime I see the word "sex" and either feeling annoyed that "sex" doesn't include stuff that isnt dictionary sex, and slightly longful. I'm like a kid in American Pie, only 5 years older. Heather calmed me down, telling me that the reason has less to do with Stacey and more to do with last having hooked up with (ex-gf2) six months ago and her magic three month multiple rule.
I miss her at times. I'm watching this new show, "My Big Fat Greek Life" and the protagonist reminds me of (ex-gf2) , except she is, you know, 40 lbs lighter, 4 inches taller etc. Smile is the key and the laughter. I never realized how much (ex-gf2) made me laugh. I thought about it a few days ago, I hope she knows how much I cared for her. I should have whispered into her ear one time when she was half asleep and confessed my adoration ... Of course, that'd entail me waking up before her, and we ALL know thats not gonna happen.
How is it you can only remember the good things about a person when you arent with them? I'd still love to see her though, we are talking on occasion by email, and I have little doubt that she still cares somewhat for me, no matter how guarded her emails. That whole phone call about me "being an addiction" and the "withdrawl" after having seen me is just .. confusing me. I dont see ... Its a mute point anyhow.
Played a MTGO tourney last night .. Sapped my night away but it was fun.
Spendy product too.
Might do another one tonight. Its the legions release "whe" so its tourney pack + LLL booster + 2 tix so about 20$ .... nice for 4 hrs of entertainment though. I made it 2-2 before i quit.
time to take a bath and read.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=24 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
March 03, 2003
omputers crashing a lot.
HeatherW wasn't a date. At all. Total misinterpretation/misleading/mis-something. No biggie.
i have some opinions on her worldview that I want to write out, but im tired.
Seth, Deanna and Mika, more details later.
Im bummed about my lack of dates and the annoyance at Natalie. I'm bummed at Seth/Mika and how totally insane (some) of them are. I'm tired. More tomorrow.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=23 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "