May 31, 2003
Fair enough. - News - SJC: Arrest Of Thong-Wearing Man Not Justified
SJC: Arrest Of Thong-Wearing Man Not Justified
Man Says State Laws Not Clear On Thongs
POSTED: 3:40 p.m. EDT May 30, 2003
BOSTON -- Revealing your thong underwear in Massachusetts is not a crime, according to the state's highest court, which is recommending the dismissal of a charge of open and gross lewdness against a Boston man.
Prosecutors said Patrick Quinn pulled down his pants and exposed his "thong-clad buttocks" to a group of 13-year-old girls walking behind their parochial school.
Quinn was arrested but claimed in court that state laws against indecent exposure or public lewdness should not apply in his case. He pointed to the number of people seen wearing thongs on public beaches.
The Supreme Judicial Court agreed, saying in its ruling that the defendant did not have fair notice that exposure of thong-clad buttocks was a prosecutable offense.
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echo '
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$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=130 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
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echo '
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Search Terms
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" . $title . "";
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"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 30, 2003
aw a few movies recently, Secretary, Amy's O, The Pianist... also BT'ed Gods and Generals so im slowly going through that movie..
Amy's O was an average frustrated Jewish girl sex comedy thats been done before. Funny of its own accord, but not something to be recommended.
Secratary, on the other hand is fantastic. It's based on a Lawyer and his secrataries (one in particular) and the development of an S&M relationship ... you spend half the movie trying to scream at her to get away until you realize neither is actually taking advantage and think a bit about our own sexual mores.
The Pianist was saddening, but quite good. Less disturbing than Schnidler's List, and behaves similarly, in that you ALWAYS follow the central character in the pianist (while there are some scenes in "List" that are for different view points.)
Gods and generals is starting out slow, but im sure the experience was much different if you didnt have the choice of hitting pause and taking a few hour break.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=129 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
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Search Terms
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$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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" . $title . "";
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if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
the streak is over
he FNM Streak is over!
First round, bye. HeatherW and Ger were finally coming up and left in time, but, of course, I didn't. I called ahead but there were an odd amount of people.
Second round, 2-0. U/G Madness. Bridge, Wretch saved me.
Third round, 1-1. Played against a disgruntled guy who had never played at Level 6 before ... wiped me first round, getting around the bridge. Second round we stalemated as a middle large line of attackers faced off the double bridge. Started doing Archon damage until he Naturalized my bridge, and we went on and on, ... thing is, time was running out, and he inspected his graveyard (devoid of any flashback cards) twice a turn, counted his mana three times, shuffled his hand etc ... It seemed to me to be intentional delaying ... I asked him (I thought) gently to please hurry up ... I ended up getting another Cemetary out and won just before the time limit, he refused to shake my hand saying I was being an ass in rushing him and that he could delay if he wanted to. I, of course, pointed out, that no, he couldn't. He wanted my DCI number, I said no. If he wanted to complain, he could talk to Ed, the store manager and head judge; I then told my side of the story discreetly to Ed for sake of reference.
Fourth round, 0-0 ... played against the Elvish deck that won regionals and started off well until she got a wall of elves and a timberwatch ... I bridged up, and kept stuff out with a double bridge/double cemetary (to deal with her pumped taunting elves), until she had to leave so we called it a drop for her (she had a wisher so was gaining 10 per turn, then when I mutilated, she floated mana and used the dead Herald to fetch a Caller .. 10 x 2/2 Bear tokens would have hurt but they were on teh wrong side of the bridge, but it was easier to just draw it ... no need for us to trade points.
Fifth round, 2-1 Wow. This was against Ger, who is a Irish Nationals player, so figure he is good. Granted, he's playing suck combo Tog, but hes really good at it :) [sticks his tounge out at HeatherW] ...
Interesting note... when he's around, heather becomes more charming (than usual) ... its some subtle effect that could be just imagined, but she smiles a lot more and is more attractive. Yay for them.
First round , Iopen with a shade and get him down to 5 until he unsummons it and then beat down "whe" with a Festering Goblin. Easy game.
Second game was just perfect 'Tog. I drew only one swamp, and opened by Cabal Therapying by saying "I'm sure you aren't running any Force Spikes", and wham, he casts one. Didn't get much better after that
Third Game blew hard. Good hand, he had a lot of counters but I got two therapys out and removed 2x Logics and a Counterspell ... Held a Smother and chainers as I dropped land constantly ... finally got an echoes and almost casted it, then dropped an archon and flashed back a therapy to check his hand for hard counters. 2 Force spikes. So I waited till next turn, dropped another land and cast Echoes. Fucker drew ANOTHER force spike, so he countered an echos with THREE force spikes! ... I gave away a bit too much but visually counting my tapped lannd for 5 anyhow ;p It was quite impressive. Other Echoes died a counter death and I couldn't keep much else out.
Called Katie to set our date, which looks like its gonna be Tuesday. God bless girls that giggle when you ask them out, its such a booster, esp those nervous giggles.
Had a first date with Michelle today but she cancelled; as was fair, we were both strapped for time, but going to do something Sunday, so...
Sealed magic tomorrow whe! We are considering calling our team "Two Catholics and a Muslim walk into a bar..." :)
Talked with Stacey about a ton of stuff, got a lot of stuff off of my chest and learned a lot of things too... no you can't hear it.
', "\n";
echo '
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
BC NEWS | Entertainment | 'Napster effect' hits US shows
Interesting points about bittorrenting
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echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 29, 2003
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
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else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 25, 2003
Games everyone should play
eader's Remakes Article
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=125 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo 'referrers [referrals]
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
en Thoughts On Scourge Limited, by Geordie Tait - a Magic: the Gathering Onslaught Limited Article
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
more blog mod ideas
rad Choate: Movable Type
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
reading -- O'Reilly Hacks Series
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=122 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Mood Hack
cotts Blog | *UPDATED* Mood Hack
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=121 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Guide to buying *daintes* Sex | Thong or bikini, sir?
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=120 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
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Search Terms
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"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Just geek coolness
ife in PostScript
Conway's game of life in Postscript
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=119 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
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echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
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Search Terms
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search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 20, 2003
ust was speaking with my uncle, Baloch Usman, who was a labor leader in Pakistan a while ago and one of the best educated people I know as far as history. Pick any time and any part of the world and he can describe it ... his control of English is a partial barrier, just in that it takes a while to form sentances, but I'm always amazed.
We talked a bit about Vietnam when I brought down my Vietnam book to read and a thought occured to me as part of our conversation. Is the corporate entity the new evangelisim? Part of our rally against communist forces were that they were "godless" ... (for that matter, when did Christanity stop being a core fundamental force ... 50s it was apparent ... it was very much a white Christian nation) ... Instead of the British that installed governments (and therefore had a focal point to fight against), we spread our culture, our economic systems and install a local leader ... theres no one directly to fight against.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=118 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
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" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 18, 2003
hat is GHB?
Did you know you can make GHB at home? This is very disturbing.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=117 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
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" . $title . "";
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if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
Original deck had two Zombie Cutthroat, one less Wellwisher, and no Grip of Chaos.
Ran into a LOT of trouble with Siege-Gang Commander
Was really tempted to run White esp because of the three bombs, but
Beasts seemed to have more promise.
Went 2-1, one of the wins being a no show.
Went with heather, was quite nice though.
Second game was QED, but the first had a some signifincant mistakes on my part, once not playing two 3 drops to get a dragon mage out, after which I was attacked by the commander and 3 gobbies and more .. dealt 14 dmg after sacing em. First game, I neglected to notice that he had the ability to regenerate Beasts so threw one of the Chartooth Cougers at him.
Came back from 1 life in the second game :) He played Dimensional Breach when the tide turned but I was able to bring more fun stuff out first.
when i was attacked
Had so social hack to get into the renfaire party, its 1:15a so ill post tomorrow regarding it. I freaked out, more stories later, including a possible trip to Tajikistan!
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=116 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
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$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 17, 2003
Zombified Clerics and Other Decks
ent 4-0-1 in FNM today, first round bye, offered a draw to a Reanimator player that I just echoed out of reanimation cards .... Topped out, JUD pack contained a
Mirari's Wake this time, was a Foil
Golden Wish last time.
This deck has treated me quite well; most of changes since Regionals invovled taking out the
Grafted Skullcaps, fiddling with the number of Bridges, adding the Shades, moving the Braids pair and the
Graveborn Muse to super-SB, as I was playing with a 20 card sideboard ;p. Its still fun to play and has many many victory conditions, and the shades added another, pure beatdown. I'm tempted to add a
Cabal Coffers or two for the Shades, but I'm gonna resist it, I dont need super mana accell and an opening hand with 2 lands and a Coffers is painful.
Other decks posted are my current Verdant Succession deck and the Elf deck that won LA regionals.
I'm tempted to add
Cover of Darkness to this one. Played this at Frank and Sons, and I almost freaked out, "this is so cool!" .. wouldn't play it FNM though unless I was planning to lose.
The Southern California #1 Regionals Deck
I'm still convinced he got excellent matchups. BB premium members can read here. He played 2 Tribal Forcemages instead of the 3 Seeker of Skybreaks, and had an extra Caller of the Claw.
And then, finally, the deck that won Cam #7 in portland..
He did quite well and convinced me how incredibly powerful Bane was ... a turn four 4/3 with the ability to mini mutilate small ones?! Very very cool, and esp for BB morph cost.
Scourge is about out, pre-rel tomorrow. Spoiler is here.
If you haven't used MagicWorkstation, do. Its great.
I've got a mini job doing PHP for Seth for a client using a management system ... its fun to learn and its decent cash once it starts, plus Seth is a pal and hes fun to work with, if not easily distracted.
Off to the Renfaire afterparty tomorrow, I'd forgotten that the renfaire is often compared to Soddom and Gamorrah, and therefore forgot to apply to work there this year... got a gatepass (I hope) from one of sis's friends, nervous as hell about going... should be lotsa fun though, and as long as I dont overthink everything it should be cool.
Thats it for now... biggish update, finally.
Oh, gotta talk about (ex-gal) , schools doing fine except for some distraction, hung with HeatherW a ton this week, shes cool :) Oh, more quotes that I lifted from the Painting of Dorien Gray .. god I love that book.
"What a fuss people make about fidelity! Why, even in love it is purely a question of physiology. It has nothing to do with our own will. Young men want to be faithful, and are not; old men want to be faithless and cannot; that is all one can say."
-- The ever corrupting Lord Henry
"That is one of the great secrets of life. Nowadays most people die a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are ones mistakes"
-- Again, Lord Henry
the last quote reminds me of my most favorite quotes ever :
"Ever notice that 'what the hell' is always the right decision?"
- Marilyn Monroe
Its my excuse for doing anything im scared to do .. :)
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=115 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 10, 2003
Coolish Quote
oolish Quote, ripped from Mika.
"If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think
little of robbing; and from robbing he next comes to drinking and
Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination."
-- Thomas De Quincey (1785 - 1859)
Went 5-1 in FNM today, did quite well at a regionals, no longer with (ex-gal) (and some other events in her life that sucked), worried about money, might be working for Seth, doing quite decent at school and more.
will wrote more later, just a quick update.
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=114 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "
May 01, 2003
Stuff to change about deck
abal Cemetery 2.0: Black Burning Bridges, by Daniel Garfield - a Magic: the Gathering Standard/Type II Article
Why do all the good ideas come 2 days before regionals?
Tons more stuff currently at starcity
Updated Scourge Spoiler
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
$sql = 'SELECT search, time, title, referer, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mt_entryhits WHERE entry_id=113 GROUP BY referer ORDER BY count DESC, title';
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ((strpos($referer1,'ttp://') == 1) && ($search == 0) && (trim($title) !== '-') && (trim($title) !== '')) {
echo '
echo $title . " [" . $count . "]
if (!($n)) {
echo "No referrals yet
else {
echo "
echo 'referrers [referrals]
echo '
echo "
Search Terms
echo "
$rs = mysql_query( $sql );
$n = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ) ) {
$query = '';
$referer1 = $row['referer'];
$title = $row['title'];
$count = $row['count'];
$search = $row['search'];
if ($search == 1) {
$query = "
" . $title . "";
echo $query . ' [' . $count . ']' . "
if (!($n)) { echo "No search terms yet
"; }
else { echo "
search terms [hits]"; }
echo "