Use this form to guide you through selecting the options to use when sharing your links elsewhere with MySQLinc. When you're done, click the 'generate' button and the code will be provided for you, along with instructions about how to put it into your webpage.

Which links category do you want to share?
If you leave this blank, your default category will be used.

Do you wish to have any text appear before each link?
If you do not enter a value for this option, the default will be applied. The default is to not put any text before each link.

Do you wish to have any text appear after each link?
If you do not enter a value for this option, the default will be applied. The default is to put a line break (<br />) after each link. If you want nothing to appear, type "\n" in this box (without quotes).

Choose the type of link back to the MySQLinks webpage that you would like to display after all your links.
Button: powered by MySQLinks
Text: powered by MySQLinks