Checking for recently updated websites
Each time you view your links within MySQLinks on the category pages, or when your links are loaded in another webpage via MySQLinc, MySQLinks will compare each URL in your list with the URLs contained within the file specified as your Recently Updated XML file.
Sites that are found to be in the recently updated list will be displayed differently to sites that have not been updated recently. Within MySQLinks, you can identify recently updated sites as the ones that are displayed in bold text. When using MySQLinc, the recently updated links will be given a style class attribute of 'updated', to allow you to integrate the appearance of the links with your site design.

When you first install MySQLinks, your Recently Updated XML file is set to be an empty XML file that is packacked with MySQLinks. If you do not wish to check your links to find out which have been recently updated, then you should just leave this setting how it is. Because the file is empty, none of your links will ever show as being recently updated.
If, however, you do wish to display recenly updated websites; you will need to change this setting so that the location points to an XML file that actually contains current information about recently updated websites. Here are a couple of sites that make available information on recently updated weblogs: -

You can choose one of these or another that you have found yourself. Simply replace the path of the blank file that was installed with MySQLinks with the address of your update file of choice. Next time you load your page, MySQLinks will first check this file to see if any of your links are listed in it.

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