SSP Admin Install

Albums Table Written Successfully...

"; flush(); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $itbl(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), aid INT, src VARCHAR(50), caption TEXT, link TEXT, active TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', seq TINYINT(4) DEFAULT NULL)") or die("There was an error when writing to the DB:".mysql_error()); echo "

Images Table Written Successfully...

"; flush(); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $utbl(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), usr VARCHAR(50), pwd VARCHAR(50), gName VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT NULL)") or die("There was an error when writing to the DB:".mysql_error()); echo "

Users Table Written Successfully...

"; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $dtbl(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), name VARCHAR(100))") or die("There was an error when writing to the DB:".mysql_error()); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $dltbl(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), did INT, aid INT, display TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '800')") or die("There was an error when writing to the DB:".mysql_error()); echo "

Dynamic Gallery Tables Written Successfully...

"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO $utbl (id, usr, pwd) VALUES (NULL, '$u', '$p')") or die("Error".mysql_error()); ?>

Success! Click here to login for the first time with the username and the password (Select the empty area to see your password. It is highly recommended that you now delete start.php, write.php and _install.php from your webserver.