SSPAdmin does not have the proper permissions to write to the albums folder. SSPAdmin tried do set the permissions for you, but was rejected. Please chmod this folder to 777"); $clean_name = $_POST['aName']; $the_id = str_replace(" ", "-", $clean_name); $max_size = 1024*100; // the max. size for uploading $my_upload = new file_upload; $my_upload->upload_dir = realpath('./albums/') . '/'; // "files" is the folder for the uploaded files (you have to create this folder) $my_upload->extensions = array(".zip"); // specify the allowed extensions here $my_upload->max_length_filename = 100; // change this value to fit your field length in your database (standard 100) $my_upload->the_temp_file = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; $my_upload->the_file = $the_id.'.zip'; $my_upload->http_error = $_FILES['upload']['error']; $my_upload->replace = (isset($_POST['replace'])) ? $_POST['replace'] : "n"; // because only a checked checkboxes is true $my_upload->do_filename_check = (isset($_POST['check'])) ? $_POST['check'] : "n"; // use this boolean to check for a valid filename if ($my_upload->upload()) { if (!@mkdir('./albums/'.$the_id, 0777)) { unlink(realpath('./albums/'.$the_id.'.zip')); $m = 2; } else { $my_zip = new Archive_Zip(realpath('./albums/'.$the_id.'.zip')); $my_zip->extract(Array('add_path'=>realpath('./albums/'.$the_id.'/'))); unlink(realpath('./albums/'.$the_id.'.zip')); header("Location: add-album-exe.php?aDir=$the_id&aName=$clean_name"); } } else { $m = true; } } ?>
There was an error uploading your files. Please check the documentation or the SSPAdmin forums.
There is already an album folder with the name . Please go back and select another name.