%META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1071649860" format="1.0" version="1.8"}% Change password %STARTINCLUDE% __Forgot your old password?__ Then use ResetPassword instead. Please only use ResetPassword in case you really forgot your password. Thank you.
| Your %TWIKIWEB%.WikiName: | =**= | | Old password: | =**= | | New password: | =**= | | Retype new password: | =**= | |   |    (Fields marked =**= are required) |
After submitting this form your password will be changed. If you have questions please contact the TWiki webmaster %WIKIWEBMASTER%. %STOPINCLUDE% __Note to administrator:__ The change password form applies only if TWiki uses Basic Authentication, e.g. a =.htpassword= file managed by TWiki. It does not apply if you are using external authentication, such as an IT managed password system. (remove this note if you are using Basic Authentication; else replace this topic with a note describing how to change the password in your organization)