%META:TOPICINFO{author="ArthurClemens" date="1093821497" format="1.0" version="1.2"}% ---+!! !PatternSkinPalette                                                  This page gives an overview of the colors used by PatternSkin and describes where to change them to create your own style. %TOC{title="Page contents:" depth="2"}% ---++ Create your own colors To create a customised set of colors for TWiki.PatternSkin * download [[%ATTACHURL%/PatternSkinPalette.css][PatternSkinPalette.css]] * modify the CSS colors in !PatternSkinPalette.css * [[%SCRIPTURL%/attach%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%MAINWEB%/%WIKINAME% attach]] your modified !PatternSkinPalette.css to your home page * as shown below, add the =USERSTYLEURL= setting to [[%MAINWEB%.%WIKINAME%][your home page]] * Plugins.PatternSkin CSS Settings (change colour palette) * Set USERSTYLEURL = %PUBURL%/%MAINWEB%/%WIKINAME%/PatternSkinPalette.css You can also change the colors in a modified version of =style.css=. See PatternSkinCustomization for instructions. ---++ Colors overview ---+++ Text colors
==#e24628== header =h1=
==#990000== header =h2, h3, h4, h5, h6=
==#F3EDE7== background header =h2=
==#8490A1== grayed out text =.twikiGrayText=
==#1e5bbd== link =:link, :visited=
==#b4d5ff== background hover link (note: the link color becomes #1559B3 on hover) =:link:hover=
==#666666== visited link in topic text =.twikiTopic a:visited=
==#7A4707== code =pre, code, tt=
==#000000== body text
---+++ Page colors
==#f8f8f8== page =body=
==#ffffff== main page =.twikiMain=
==#dddddd== main page border =.twikiMain=
---+++ Left bar
==#880000== body text in left bar =.twikiLeftBar=
==#22638C== top border left bar contents =.twikiLeftBarContents=
==#DFEDFD== personal left bar background =.twikiLeftBarPersonal=
==#cccccc== personal left bar border =.twikiLeftBarPersonal=
---+++ Forms ---++++ Action buttons ---+++++ View page
==#98A2B0== action buttons background view page =.twikiTopicAction=
==#ffffff== action buttons text and links
==#cccccc== action buttons links bottom border
---+++++ Non-view pages
==#22638c== action buttons background non-view page =.twikiTopicAction=
==#698FA8== action buttons links bottom border
==#DFEDFD== action buttons secondary row (top) background =.twikiTopicActionSecondary=
==#22638c== action buttons secondary row text
==#A3BCF1== action buttons secondary row links bottom border
==#D4E6FC== action buttons submit options =.twikiSubmitOptions=
==#B6C6D9== action buttons submit options border =.twikiSubmitOptions=
---++++ Buttons
==#041D3A== submit button =.twikiSubmit=
==#f2f2f2== button background =.twikiSubmit=
==#05264D== submit button =.twikiButton=
==#E8F1F9== topic submit button =.twikiTopic .twikiSubmit=
==#B9D6FA== secondary submit button =.twikiTopic .twikiSubmit=
==#eeeeee== cancel button =.twikiCancel=
---++++ Edit page
==#FCFAF7== textarea background =.twikiEditPage textarea=
==#888888== =.twikiChangeFormButton=
==#E0E9F7== edit form header background =.twikiEditPage .twikiEditForm th=
==#F5F7FD== edit form row background =.twikiEditPage .twikiEditForm td=
==#EFEDEA== signature area background =.twikiEditPage .twikiSig input=
==#cccccc== help text =.twikiEditPage .twikiHelp=
==#990000== help text code text =.twikiEditPage .twikiHelp code=
---++++ Versatile table
==#F5F7FD== background =.twikiVersatileTable td=
==#E0E9F7== background =.twikiVersatileTable th=
==#ffffff== background main part =.twikiVersatileTable .twikiMainCol=
==#E9E9E9== background =.twikiVersatileTable .twikiOldCol=
==#E9E9E9== background =.twikiVersatileTable .twikiOldCol=
==#8490A1== help text =.twikiHelpCol=
---+++ Attachment and form table
==#888e9c== text color
==#000000== text color previous attachments =.twikiAttachPage .twikiPrevious .twikiAttachments table=
==#cccccc== borders
==#334455== sort indicator line =.twikiAttachments a, .twikiForm a=
==#ffffff== background color
==#f1f1f1== background color view page
==#DADADA== sort indicator background =.twikiAttachments th.twikiSortedAscendingCol=
---+++ Diff pages
==#FF3000== deleted header background =.twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffDeletedHeader, -twikiDiffDeletedMarker=
==#FFEAE5== deleted header background =.twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffDeletedText=
==#3DB234== added header background =.twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffAddedHeader, -twikiDiffAddedMarker=
==#EBF7EA== added header background =.twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffAddedText=
==#98A2B0== changed header and row background =.twikiDiffPage th.twikiDiffChangedHeader=
==#dddddd== =.twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffLineNumberHeader=
---+++ Various colors
==#9E9E70== horizontal line =hr=
==#cccccc== left bar horizontal line =hr=
==#dddddd== TOC border =.twikiToc=
==#666666== TOC title =.twikiToc .twikiTocTitle=
==#F3EDE7== background search results header =.twikiSearchResultsHeader, .twikiSearchString=
==#cccccc== bottom border search results header =.twikiSearchResultsHeader, .twikiSearchString=
==#ff0000== alert =.twikiAlert=
==#990000== alert in search results =.twikiSearchResults .twikiSummary .twikiAlert=
==#22638c== search results in book view, top row background =.twikiBookViewList .twikiTopRow=
==#cccccc== search results in book view, top row =.twikiBookViewList .twikiTopRow=
==#ffff00== broadcast message background =.twikiBroadcastMessage=
==#ff0000== broadcast message bold text =.twikiBroadcastMessage strong=
---++ Descending color table
rgb colour sample
-- Main.ArthurClemens - 29 Aug 2004 %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="PatternSkinPalette.css" attr="" comment="" date="1093733793" path="PatternSkinPalette.css" size="9554" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="filterColours.pl.txt" attr="" comment="" date="1093733821" path="filterColours.pl.txt" size="98" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="makeColourTable.pl.txt" attr="" comment="" date="1093733844" path="makeColourTable.pl.txt" size="330" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="textmask.gif" attr="h" comment="" date="1093821457" path="textmask.gif" size="101" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"}%