%META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1093847381" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% %TOC% %STARTINCLUDE% ---# TWiki Upgrade Guide _Upgrade from the previous TWiki 01-Feb-2003 production release to TWiki 01-Sep-2004_ ---++ Overview This guide describes how to upgrade from TWiki 01-Feb-2003 to TWiki 01-Sep-2004. This is a major new release. You can chose between an automated upgrade using a script or a manual update. ---++ Upgrade Requirements * Please review the AdminSkillsAssumptions before you upgrade TWiki * To upgrade from a 01-Feb-2003 standard installation to the latest 01-Sep-2004 TWiki Production Release, follow the instructions below * __NOTE:__ To upgrade from a *pre-01-Feb-2003* TWiki, start with %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiUpgradeTo01Feb2003 * To upgrade from a Beta of the new release, or if you made custom modifications to the application, read through all new reference documentation, then use the procedure below as a guideline ---++ Major Changes Compared to TWiki 01-Feb-2003 * Automatic upgrade script, and easier first-time installation * Attractive new skins, using a standard set of CSS classes, and a TWikiSkinBrowser to help you choose * New easier-to-use save options * Many improvements to SEARCH * Improved support for internationalisation * Better topic management screens * More pre-installed Plugins: CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin * Improved Plugins API and more Plugin callbacks * Better support for different authentication methods * Many user interface and usability improvements * And many more enhancements, see the complete change log at TWikiHistory ---++ Automated Upgrade Procedure from 01-Feb-2003 to 01-Sep-2004 Release With the 01-Sep-2004 Release, for the first time, comes a helper script for upgrading from a previous version. This feature is currently at beta stage, it has only been sanity tested under Unix. It should be worth giving it a try, it won't mess up your existing TWiki installation because it leaves that untouched. If you would prefer to do things manually than trust a beta script, skip to the [[#ManualUpgradeProcedure][manual upgrade procedure]] below. The upgrade script is called ="UpgradeTwiki"=, and is found in the root of the distribution. It will: * Create a new TWiki installation, placing the files from the distribution there as appropriate * Where possible, merge the changes you've made in your existing topics into the new twiki * Where not possible, it will tell you, and you can inspect those differences manually * Create new configuration files for the new TWiki based on your existing configuation information * Set the permissions in the new TWiki so that it should work straight away * Attempt to setup authentication for your new TWiki, if you are using .htaccess in the old one * Tell you what else you need to do To perform the upgrade, you need to: * Check first if there is a newer =UpgradeTwiki= script available, see TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTwiki * Create a new directory for your new installation: Let's call this =distro/= * Put the distribution zip file in =distro/= * Unzip it * Choose a directory for the new installation. I will call this =new_twiki=. This directory must not already exist. * Change directory to =distro/= and run: %BR% =./UpgradeTwiki <full path to new_twiki>= Assuming all goes well, =UpgradeTwiki= will give you the final instructions. There are a few points worth noting: * =UpgradeTwiki= may not be able to merge all the changes you made in your existing TWiki into the new installation, but it will tell you which ones it couldn't deal with * =UpgradeTwiki= creates the new installation in a new directory tree. It makes a complete copy of all your existing data, so: * Clearly you need to point it to a location where there is enough space * If you have symlinks under your =data/= directory in your existing installation, these are reproduced as actual directories in the new structure. It is up to you to pull these sub-directories out again and re-symlink as needed * =UpgradeTwiki= doesn't deal with custom templates or Plugins, you will have to reinstall these in the new installation * If you have done tricky stuff with $OS in your existing =TWiki.cfg= file, then you will need to manually examine the new =TWiki.cfg= file and possibly put your tricky changes in there manually If you use it, and would be kind enough to add your experiences to TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTwiki, it would be much appreciated. The report of your experience will help to make =UpgradeTwiki= more robust. #ManualUpgradeProcedure ---++ Manual Upgrade Procedure from 01-Feb-2003 to 01-Sep-2004 Release The following steps describe the upgrade assuming that =$TWIKIROOT= is the root of your current 01-Feb-2003 release. As written this will require some downtime. A process for switching over without downtime is described at the end of this section. 1. *Back up and prepare*: * Back up all existing TWiki directories =$TWIKIROOT/bin=, =$TWIKIROOT/pub=, =$TWIKIROOT/data=, =$TWIKIROOT/templates=, =$TWIKIROOT/lib= * Create a temporary directory and unpack the ZIP file there 1. *Update files in TWiki root*: * Overwrite all =*.html= and =*.txt= files in =$TWIKIROOT= with the new ones 1. *Update template files*: * Overwrite all template files in =$TWIKIROOT/templates= with the new ones * If you have customized your templates, make sure to merge those changes back to the new files * If you have customized skins or loaded new skins, make sure to merge or apply those changes to the new files * Change to *view* templates and skins: * Add =%BROADCASTMESSAGE%= somewhere on the top of the rendered HTML page (see the new =view.tmpl= for reference) * Changes to *edit* templates and skins: * Change the form action from =preview= to =save=: %BR% =<form name="main" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/save%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%" method="post">= * Change the topic action to the following: %BR% =%TMPL:DEF{"topicaction"}%= %BR% =<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" name="action" value="Cancel" id="cancel" />= %BR% =<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" name="action" value="Preview" id="preview" />= %BR% =<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" name="action" value="Checkpoint" id="checkpoint" />= %BR% =<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" name="action" value="QuietSave" id="quietsave" />= %BR% =<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" name="action" value="Save" id="save" />%TMPL:END%= 1. *Update script files*: * Overwrite all script files in =$TWIKIROOT/bin= with the new ones. * If necessary, rename the scrips to include the required extension, e.g. =.cgi= * Edit =$TWIKIROOT/bin/setlib.cfg= and point =$twikiLibPath= to the __absolute__ file path of =$TWIKIROOT/lib= * Edit your existing =$TWIKIROOT/bin/.htaccess= file to include a directive for the new =rdiffauth= script:%BR% =<Files "rdiffauth">= %BR% =    require valid-user= %BR% =</Files>= * Pay attention to the file and directory permissions, the scripts need to be executable, e.g. =chmod 775 $TWIKIROOT/bin/*= * Certain hosted environments require a =755= (do so if you get a "Premature end of script headers" messages in the Apache error log) * For Windows hosts, make sure the correct path to the perl interpreter is changed in the first line of every script file. See also [[WindowsInstallCookbook#Editing_the_CGI_scripts][WindowsInstallCookbook]] 1. *Update library files*: * Overwrite the =TWiki.cfg= configuration file in =$TWIKIROOT/lib= with the new one * Restore the configuration values from the backup. You typically need to configure just the ones in the section "variables that need to be changed when installing on a new server" * Overwrite the =TWiki.pm= library in =$TWIKIROOT/lib= with the new one * Copy and overwrite all subdirectories below =$TWIKIROOT/lib= with the new ones. Make sure to preserve any extra Plugins you might have in =$TWIKIROOT/lib/TWiki/Plugins= * Pay attention to the file and directory permissions, the library files should not be executable but the directory files should be, e.g. =chmod 664 `find -type f $TWIKIROOT/lib`= (for files) and =chmod 775 `find -type d $TWIKIROOT/lib`= (for directories) 1. *Update data files*: * Run the =bin/testenv= script from the browser (e.g. =http://localhost/bin/testenv=) to verify if the cgi-scripts are running as user =nobody=. In case not: * The =*,v= RCS repository files delivered with the installation package are locked by user =nobody= and need to be changed to the user of your cgi-scripts, for example =www-data= * Run the =testenv= script from your browser; in the %BROWN% *Fix* %ENDCOLOR% line you can relock all the rcs files *(recommended)* * Alternatively, execute the shell script commands described in [[TWikiInstallationGuide#StepTwo]] * In the temporary =twiki/data/TWiki= directory where you unzipped the installation package: * Remove the files you do *not* want to upgrade: =InterWikis.*=, =TWikiRegistration.*=, =TWikiRegistrationPub.*=, =WebPreferences.*=, =WebStatistics.*= and all =WebTopic*= files * Rename in the temporary directory the file =$TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki/TWikiPreferences.*= to =TWikiPreferencesSave.*=. * Move all remaining =*.txt= and =*.txt,v= files from the temporary =data/TWiki= directory to your =$TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki= directory, overwriting the existing ones * Merge your original =TWikiPreferencesSave.txt= settings into =$TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki/TWikiPreferences.txt=. Notable changes are: * New WIKIWEBMASTERNAME setting to avoid notifications being trapped by spam filters * New ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT setting for maximum size of FileAttachments in KB, 0 for no limit * New READTOPICPREFS and TOPICOVERRIDESUSER settings to allow override Preference settings in topics * Changed FINALPREFERENCES: * Set FINALPREFERENCES = PREVIEWBGIMAGE, WIKITOOLNAME, WIKIWEBMASTER, SMTPMAILHOST, SMTPSENDERHOST, ALLOWWEBMANAGE, READTOPICPREFS, TOPICOVERRIDESUSER * Move the =data/_default= directory from the temporary location to your =$TWIKIROOT/data= directory * Make sure that the directories and files below =$TWIKIROOT/data= are writable by your cgi-script user 1. *Adapt the other webs (all other than =TWiki= and =_default=)*: * Add WebLeftBar topic. See WebLeftBarExample for a clean example, and TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook for more information. (WebLeftBar is used by the TWiki.PatternSkin skin) * Add WebSearchAdvanced topic, which has this one line: %BR% =%INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.WebSearchAdvanced"}%= * Consider changing WebPreferences settings: * New NOAUTOLINK setting to prevent automatic linking of WikiWords and acronyms * Changed FINALPREFERENCES: * Set FINALPREFERENCES = NOSEARCHALL, ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT, WIKIWEBMASTER, WEBCOPYRIGHT, WEBTOPICLIST, DENYWEBVIEW, ALLOWWEBVIEW, DENYWEBCHANGE, ALLOWWEBCHANGE, DENYWEBRENAME, ALLOWWEBRENAME 1. *Update pub files*: * Move all subdirectories below =pub/TWiki= from your temporary directory into your =$TWIKIROOT/pub/TWiki= directory * Make sure that the directories and files below =$TWIKIROOT/pub/TWiki= are writable by your cgi-script user * Move all files in =pub/icn= directory from the temporary location to your =$TWIKIROOT/pub/icn= directory 1. *Verify installation*: * Execute the =$TWIKIROOT/bin/testenv= script from your browser (e.g. =http://localhost/bin/testenv=) to see if it reports any issues; address any potential problems * Test your updated TWiki installation to see if you can view, create, edit and rename topics; upload and move attachments; register users * Test if the installed Plugins work as expected. You should see the list of installed Plugins in [[%TWIKIWEB%.WebHome]] *Note:* These steps assume a downtime during the time of upgrade. You could install the new version in parallel to the existing one and switch over in an instant without affecting the users. As a guideline, install the new version into =$TWIKIROOT/bin1=, =$TWIKIROOT/lib1=, =$TWIKIROOT/templates1=, =$TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki1= (from =data/TWiki=), =$TWIKIROOT/pub/TWiki1= (from =pub/TWiki=), and configure =TWiki.cfg= to point to the same data and pub directory like the existing installation. Once tested and ready to go, reconfigure =$TWIKIROOT/bin1/setlib.cfg= and =$TWIKIROOT/lib1/TWiki.cfg=, then rename =$TWIKIROOT/bin= to =$TWIKIROOT/bin2=, =$TWIKIROOT/bin1= to =$TWIKIROOT/bin=. Do the same with the =lib=, =templates= and =data/TWiki= directories. ---++ Known Issues * Check TWiki:Codev/KnownIssuesOfTWiki01Sep2004 for known issues of TWiki 01-Sep-2004 production release -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 29 Aug 2004 %BR% %STOPINCLUDE%