%META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1093677491" format="1.0" version="1.15"}% ---++ Web Changes Notification Service Each TWiki web has an automatic email notification service that sends you an email with links to all of the topics modified since the last alert. ---+++ Subscription You can subscribe and unsubscribe yourself in %NOTIFYTOPIC% on each web. Please keep the list in alphabetical order so that names can be found easily. %STARTINCLUDE% __Format:__ TWiki handles entries in bullet list (=<space><space><space>*=) format containing the WikiName of a user; a !WikiName with e-mail address; or a [[%MAINWEB%.TWikiGroups][TWikiGroup]]. Examples: * =%MAINWEB%.FredBloggs= * =%MAINWEB%.FredBloggs - secondary@home.com= * =%MAINWEB%.EngineeringGroup= The first entry is the default form, the notification gets sent to the e-mail address specified in the user's home page. The second entry lists an alternative e-mail address. The third entry specifies a group, the notification gets sent to each member of the group. %STOPINCLUDE% ---+++ E-mail Alerts The frequency of alerts is set by the TWiki site administrator: It could be once a day, every hour, whatever works for the particular web. On TWiki.org, alerts are sent once a day. See TWikiSiteTools for information on how to setup the alerts. -- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 20 Nov 2001 %BR% -- Main.PeterThoeny - 28 Aug 2004 %META:TOPICMOVED{by="MikeMannix" date="1000260771" from="TWiki.WebChangesNotify" to="TWiki.WebChangesAlert"}%