%META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1092610965" format="1.0" version="1.1"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WindowsInstallCookbook"}% ---+!! Nutshell Summary of Windows Install Cookbook This summary of WindowsInstallCookbook is for you if: * You've already installed TWiki on Windows before and want a quick refresher of the important points. * You've never installed TWiki on Windows before, but find the WindowsInstallCookbook too much to swallow right now. It is recommended you read through this summary to build a picture of the overall process, and then use the full cookbook as your guide as you actually do the install. Table of Content: %TOC% ---++ The Essentials TWiki will run on any combination of *Operating System + Perl + Webserver*. *TWiki requires all three but doesn't care which three*. Each permutation has its own quirks to deal with. Which combination is easiest depends on your personal background and experience. This guide covers only one possible configuration of many: Windows 2000/XP + Perl-Cygwin + Apache-Win32. TWiki also requires the RCS revision control system but is more picky about which flavour (this guide uses RCS-cygwin). Head to http://twiki.org/ and download the latest release. ---++ Download, Install & Test Apache-Win32 http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi and download *apache_1.3.X-win32-x86-no_src.msi* where 'X' is 20 or higher. There are some issues with Apache 2, see TWiki:Codev.IssuesWithApache2dot0. ---++ Download, Install & Test Cygwin http://cygwin.com, and click the _Install Cygwin Now_ link. Save the setup.exe in a directory, e.g. c:\download\cygwin-dist. Run the Cygwin setup.exe file - this will also install Perl and RCS in one fell swoop. * Choose _Internet Install_ ; make sure default text file type is unix.; If you have the bandwidth and the drive space it is easier just to install everything ( _Install All_ ). * The following packages are the minimal installation (~12mb): =bash, binutils, diffutils, gcc, grep, gzip, make, nano, ncftp, pcre, perl (5.6.1-2 or higher, but *not* 5.8.0), rcs (5.7-2 or higher), tar, textutils, unzip, w32api, wget= Set the =HOME= environment variable to =c:\cygwin\home\administrator= through the Control Panel, System applet. Fire up Cygwin and verify the version numbers are correct. RCS: 5.7, Perl: 5.6.1. Configure cygwin for binary mode __omitting this step leads to a partially working system that corrupts RCS files__. * Configure: =mount -b -s c:/twiki /twiki && mount -b -s c:/ /c && mount -b -c /cygdrive && mount= * Test: =cd /twiki && echo hi >t && cat -v t= ;the output should be ==hi== _anything else indicates a problem._ ---++ Configure Apache Edit =c:/apache/conf/httpd.conf= and adapt to local environment as necessary. Change * DocumentRoot from "C:/apache/htdocs" to "C:/twiki" * <Directory "C:/apache/htdocs"> to <Directory "C:/twiki"> * Add: # Changing default None to All in next line, to enable .htaccess AllowOverride All Allow From All Options ExecCGI SetHandler cgi-script # Environment setup required to run Apache as service or as a # standalone process. # Adjust TZ for your server timezone, e.g. EST5EDT - put the non-daylight-savings # timezone code first (e.g. EST or GMT), followed by the number of hours that it's behind GMT # during non-daylight-savings time (use '-5' for timezones in advance of GMT). SetEnv TZ GMT0BST SetEnv RCSINIT -x,v/ # Adjust TEMP and TMP for your server and create directories if necessary SetEnv TEMP c:/temp SetEnv TMP c:/temp SetEnv LOGNAME system SetEnv HOME c:/twiki Add an !AddHandler line to the ==<IfModule mod_mime.c>== section of httpd.conf - this removes the need to rename all the TWiki CGI scripts later in the installation. Note the trailing '.' on the !AddHandler line. # # Document types # # TWiki setup - avoid renaming scripts AddHandler cgi-script . ---++ Install TWiki Download the latest TWiki release and save it in the c:/twiki directory. Unzip in place. ---+++ Configure TWiki Edit =c:/twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg= and adapt to local environment. Pay attention to the section "# variables that need to be changed when installing on a new server:". Example values (assumes cygwin-perl is being used. !ActiveState users need a different syntax. Read the real cookbook for details,): $wikiHomeUrl = "http://yourdomain.com/bin/view"; $defaultUrlHost = "http://yourdomain.com"; $scriptUrlPath = "/bin"; $pubUrlPath = "/pub"; $pubDir = "/twiki/pub"; $templateDir = "/twiki/templates"; $dataDir = "/twiki/data"; $safeEnvPath = "/bin"; $rcsDir = "c:/cygwin/bin"; $egrepCmd = "/bin/grep -E"; $fgrepCmd = "/bin/grep -F"; ---+++ Edit the CGI Scripts You must use the Cygwin shell to do this (unless you are a Perl expert) - don't use the Windows command shell, cmd.exe (aka DOS Prompt). Change =#!/usr/bin/perl -wT= _to_ =#!c:/cygwin/bin/perl -wT= . Example script to do this ([[WindowsInstallCookbook#Editing_the_CGI_scripts][explanation]]): * =$ perl -pi~ -e 's;#!/usr/bin/perl;#!c:/cygwin/bin/perl;' *[a-z]= ---+++ Perl module installation From the Cygwin shell, type =export TEMP=/c/temp= (add it to =~/.profile), then fire up ==cpan== (will ask a schwack configuration questions if it hasn't been run before) and install =Net::SMTP, Digest::SHA1, MIME::Base64= ---+++ Re-lock RCS files Go to http://yourdomain.com/bin/testenv - this provides a lot of detail, including warnings. Write down the Apache server's userid that is given by this script - typically either 'system' or 'administrator' - I'll assume 'system' from now on. * backup all the twiki data files: cd /twiki/data && tar czvf all-files.tar.gz */* * Edit all the RCS files at once: perl -pi~~~ -e 'NR <= 10 && s/nobody:/system:/' */*,v If something goes wrong: to restore your existing files from the backup, just type =tar xzvf all-files.tar.gz= and all your files, both .txt and .txt,v, will be back as they were before the edits. After a few days of everything working well come back and delete the files which end with ~~~. ---+++ Email Setup Set the =SMTPMAILHOST= variable in TWiki.TWikiPreferences to an SMTP email host that is reachable and currently working. In the same place, you also want to change =WIKIWEBMASTER= and =SMTPSENDERHOST=. ---++ Testing your TWiki Installation * testenv - use http://yourdomain.com/bin/testenv and check for warnings * Page viewing (view script) - click around a few pages and make sure the links are OK * RCS diffs (rdiff script) - click on the Diffs link and on the '>' links at bottom of page * Edit a page, and register as a new user - tests page creation, use of register script to create a new user entry in /twiki/data/.htpasswd (the Apache password file), ability to send email via Net::SMTP, and whether SMTPMAILHOST was set correctly in TWikiPreferences. * If you get a failure to register or send email, check the Apache error log, and that all CPAN modules were installed correctly in Step 6, Installing required Perl modules. * Try typing tail -30 /c/apache/logs/error_log to see last 30 errors from Apache * Edit a page - check revision increased and set to current date/time * Edit the same page using another browser or PC, logging in as a different user - check there's a lock message (which you can override) and no double lines * Check the Apache error_log file to see if there are any RCS errors so far * Index - tests whether ls and grep are working * Search - more tests for whether ls and grep are working * Attachments - tests access to /twiki/pub directory. * Try a binary attachment upload and check the number of bytes in the file has not changed - if it has, see the Install Cygwin section's note on the default text file type. * Check the Apache error_log file again If anything doesn't work, go back and check the configuration of the Apache httpd.conf file, and TWiki.cfg. Have a look at the Apache error log, =c:/apache/logs/error_log= ,and the TWiki error log, =/twiki/data/log*.txt= ,and if necessary enable debugging on selected scripts (the commands are right at the top of each script) - the results go into =/twiki/data/debug.txt= .There is also a =/twiki/data/warning.txt= file that contains less serious messages.