%META:TOPICINFO{author="KyawAung" date="1108836588" format="1.0" version="1.7"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}% ---++ Wine 5 * Group members * Mark Louie mrjizzo@mailsnare.net * Kyaw Aung kyawkyaw@msn.com * Chosen DLL * [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/seccrypto/security/cryptography_portal.asp][crypt32.dll]] ---++ Project Deadlines
 Status		Date		 Weights		 Description 

  Done	  2005-01-20	  1%			 - Project Schedule

  Done	  2005-01-20	  4%			 - Project 0 & 1
													  - Install Linux and Windows
													  - Build Wine

  Done	  2005-02-04	  6%			 - Project 2
													  - Run the conformance test under Wine
													  - Research and choose one of the DLLs to test

  Done	  2005-02-11	  8%			 - Project 3 (Part I)
													  - Read and understand the chosen DLL
													  - Pick a few functions to test
													  - Research and understand the details of the functions

  Done	  2005-02-18	  4%			 - Midterm Presentation
													  - Explain the functionality of the DLL

			  2005-02-25	  8%			 - Project 3 (Part II)
													  - Implement the test functions for DLL
													  - Setup CVS
													  - Build Win32 application and run the test under Windows

			  2005-03-11	  5%			 - Project 3 (Part III)
													  - Implement more functions and test cases
													  - Submit to Wine list, and modify the test cases if needed
			  2005-03-18	  4%			 - Final Presentation
													  - Demonstrate the conformance test on both Windows and Linux
---++ Current Progress * Writing code for the test functions... ---++ Change Log *2005-01-15* Kyaw Aung * Installed Red Hat Linux 9.0 *2005-01-16* Kyaw Aung * Linux software updated *2005-01-18* Kyaw Aung * Get WINE from winehq.org using CVS * Built WINE *2005-01-19* Kyaw Aung * Successfully ran notepad.exe with Wine * Install winzip with Wine * Failed with error "WinZip internal error in file install.c line 930" * Used advice from Dan and fixed it by copying wine.inf from ~/wine/tools/wine.inf to ~/build/tools/ * Successfully Installed WinZip in Linux *2005-01-20* Mark Louie * Linux Red Hat 9.0 already installed * Got wine from winehq.org using CVS * Built wine out of tree of wine sources * Ran notepad.exe using wine * Ran the conformance test suite under wine Failed and conformance tests never terminated Checked log file and found many errors, including the 2 errors described under the "Troubleshooting the Wine test" section *2005-02-03* Mark Louie and Kyaw Aung * Ran the Conformance Test Suite under Wine * The following are the result of ( grep "Test failed" log | sed 's/:.*//' | uniq -c | )
		1 shelllink.c
		1 shreg.c
		2 rsaenh.c
		2 typelib.c
		3 dsound8.c
		3 dsound.c
	  45 shellpath.c
		8 path.c
*2005-02-04* Mark Louie and Kyaw Aung * Decided to write conformance test for "crypt32.dll" * Read the documentations from msdn [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/seccrypto/security/cryptography_portal.asp][crypt32.dll]] * Read the implementation of "crypt32.dll" under Wine *2005-02-05* Mark Louie and Kyaw Aung * Decided to write functions for CertCreateCRLContext, CryptRegisterOIDFunction, and CryptSIPAddProvider * Planned to meet after midterms are over to start designing the conformance tests cases * For more informations about the functions, see msdn link below: * [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/seccrypto/security/certcreatecrlcontext.asp][CertCreateCRLContext]] * [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/seccrypto/security/cryptregisteroidfunction.asp][CryptRegisterOIDFunction]] * [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/seccrypto/security/cryptsipaddprovider.asp][CryptSIPAddProvider]] *2005-02-09* Mark Louie and Kyaw Aung * Designed test plans for the 3 functions currently implemented in crypt32 * Realized that CertCreateCRLContext's implementation is less than 50% complete so writing a test for this function would not be useful * See attachment, function_choice.txt * [[%ATTACHURL%/function_choice.txt][function_choice.txt]]: Determining which functions to test %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="function_choice.txt" attr="" comment="Determining which functions to test" date="1108745372" path="C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\function_choice.txt" size="3094" user="KyawAung" version="1.2"}%