%META:TOPICINFO{author="RizwanKassim" date="1108119879" format="1.0" version="1.29"}% Welcome to the home of %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB%. This is a web-based collaboration area for ... * Direct Link to CVS Uploads * Tips and Tricks for Win32API or Wine Development * Whatever else you'd like ---++ Latest Work : Wine Groups Links to group Wiki pages: * [[Group 1]] - Ryu and Marvin * [[Group 3]] - Rizwan and Alex * [[Group 4]] - Tom, Fredy, Doug * [[Group 5]] - Mark & Kyaw * [[Group 6]] - Chris and Aditya AddingMakefile - A miniguide to adding your project to the wine tree (so that configure and make test catch it) FixingLibungif - Rizwan's never ending quest to fix the libungif configuration bug in Wine. CVS access has been updated. Its now _really_ easy. So easy I'm not even making another Wikipage for it. 1. Get an account from me. 2. SSH into the account and run 'ln -s /home/.darling/rizwank/cvs cvs' 3. Set the following two shell variables for !WinCVS or your shell, whatever... * export CVSROOT=:ext:(yourusername)@geekymedia.com:/home/(yourusername)/cvs * export CVS_RSH=ssh * export CVS_SERVER=/home/rizwank/cvs/cvs 4. Thats it! * If you were using the old CVS server, you should nuke your development directory and do a fresh checkout. (Else your commits will go to the 'old server'). If you've made changes to code already, move those files to a safe location, nuke your development dir, do a new checkout and copy the new files over the checked out ones. ---++ Old Stuff
Due Date:			 Project:
1-20(today)		  Determine overall schedule (as required by TAs)
1-21					Project 0 and 1	--5%										 
						 Tasks: install Linux, Windows 98SE/XP and *build Wine*
1-28					Project 2			--10% 
						 Tasks: Run the base Conformance Tests with Wine.
								  Have a Win32 application working using basic Win32 API calls.
								  Finalise DLLs/functions each group will work on
WEEK 8 end			Project 3a		 --50 
						 Have a beta of conformance test ready for submission to Wine Developers 
WEEK 9 and 10		Project 3b		 --35%
						 Rework based on feedback from WineDev
---++ Project 0 & 1 Its all on [[http://kegel.com/wine/sweng/ *Software Engineering with Wine*]]. Don't forget to install Win98 somewhere also. [[http://www.vmware.com VMware Workstation]] - 30 day trial isn't a bad way to install Win98, sign up for a demo. Don't forget that its going to be pretty *slow*. Also, if you aren't root on your machine, you'll fail on make install -- you don't have write privliges to where it wants to install. Dan's example doesn't use the install, so you'll be set. Another alternative is to use the --prefix= switch of configure. Write your progress here: * Rizwan Kassim - Done with Projects 0, 1 except Win98 install and Win32 test app. * Thomas Kho - Done with !WinXP, Linux install and Wine build. Still have to do Win98 install. ---++ Site Tools of the %WEB% Web %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.WebSiteTools"}% Getting used to Wiki: * %TWIKIWEB%.WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get you rolling on %WIKITOOLNAME%. * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiSite: Explains what a %WIKITOOLNAME% site is. * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiRegistration: Create your account in order to edit topics. * Documentation: * %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiFAQ has a list of frequently asked questions. * How to edit text: * %TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%: %WIKITOOLNAME% site-level preferences Web Tools for CS 130: * %WEB%.CVS. CVS Web Repository for us - http://www.geekymedia.com/cvs * WineContactList - AIM, Phone and Email for each group. * Setting configuration to used our shared WineCVS server * [[http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wine-test-devel/ Yahoo Wine-Test-Devel Group]] Essential Resources: * [[http://www.cs.ucla.edu/classes/winter05/cs130/ CS 130 Webpage]] * [[http://kegel.com/wine/sweng/ *Software Engineering with Wine*]] * [[http://www.winehq.com/ WineHQ]] * [[http://www.winehq.com/site/todo_lists Wine TODO Lists]] Useful Links: * [[http://safari.oreilly.com/ O'Reilly Online Bookshelf]] - Some incredibly useful books are available free here, with full text search capability. You must be at a *.ucla.edu address to use it, however. Working from home? Use the [[http://www.bol.ucla.edu/services/proxy/ Proxy]] server or even better, [[http://www.bol.ucla.edu/services/vpn/ VPN]] in! * [[http://kegel.com/wine/cl-howto.html Using Microsoft C++ Toolkit on Linux]] * [[http://download.seas.ucla.edu HSSEAS Microsoft AA Download]] * [[http://kegel.com/wine/why.html Why Wine?]] * [[http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine/ Google Groups - comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine]] * [[http://extremeprogramming.org/rules.html Extreme Programming]] Fun Wine Info: * [[http://www.frankscorner.org/ Frank's Corner]] - Application Compatibility and Help with Wine * [[http://transgaming.org/ Transgaming]] - An offshoot build? of Wine, cheap (or free if you build it yourself), optimzed for gaming! * LugWine Building Wine on linux.ucla.edu, a few workarounds Setting up the Wiki: * InstallViewCVS - steps I took to install the [[http://www.geekymedia.com/cvs CVS web interface]] * I've installed the TWiki.SyntaxHighlightingPlugin to allow us to post code - go there for syntax. Stuff we might be able to use: * [[http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ DOxygen]] - apparently a pretty decent 'auto documenter' for C code, might help build a framework