GNU Enscript ============ SPECIAL NOTE TO ALL AMERICAN (USA) USERS. Enscript's default output media (paper size) is A4. It is *not* Letter. To change the default, give the configure script the option `--with-media=Letter'. It goes like this: $ ./configure --with-media=Letter You have been warned.... ;-) // GNU enscript is a drop-in replacement for the enscript program. Enscript converts ASCII files to PostScript and stores generated output to a file or sends it directly to the printer. Enscript is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Enscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with enscript; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * Supported Character Sets Enscript supports following character sets: - ISO-8859-1 ISO Latin1 (default) - ISO-8859-2 ISO Latin2 - ISO-8859-3 ISO Latin3 - ISO-8859-4 ISO Latin4 - ISO-8859-5 ISO Cyrillic - ISO-8859-7 ISO Greek - ascii 7 bit ascii - ascii fi se 7 bit ascii with following encodings: '{' = ä (adieresis) '|' = ö (odieresis) '}' = å (aring) '[' = Ä (Adieresis) '\\' = Ö (Odieresis) ']' = Å (Aring) - ascii dk no 7 bit ascii with following encodings: '{' = æ (ae) '|' = ø (oslash) '}' = å (aring) '[' = Æ (AE) '\\' = Ø (Oslash) ']' = Å (Aring) - IBM/PC standard PC/DOS character set - Mac Macintosh character set - VMS VMS multinational charset - hp8 HP Roman-8 charset - koi8 Adobe Standard Cyrillic Font KOI8 charset - ps PostScript font's default encoding - pslatin1 PostScript interpreter's `ISOLatin1Encoding' * Special Escapes Enscript supports special escapes sequences that can be used to add simple page formatting commands to ASCII documents. User can inline EPS files, change font on-the-fly insert comments and shade regions of text. See file README.ESCAPES for details. * Language sensitive highlighting Enscript supports language sensitive code highlighting. Highlighting is implemented by a special `states' program which processes the input files and annotates them with enscript's special escapes. The states definition file `' is a machine independent ASCII file and it can be updated without re-compilation of the enscript program. The most recent version of this file can be downloaded from the GNU enscript WWW home page: . New highlighting definitions for different languages are welcome, please send them directly to me: . * PostScript font support ** AFM files Enscript supports AFM (Adobe Font Metrics) files. AFM files contain font metrics information (character widths, etc); if there is an AFM file for the current font, enscript can count line widths and tab stops correctly. Enscript distribution contains AFM files for the most common PostScript fonts. These AFM files are installed to the directory /share/enscript/. ** Fonts (.pfa or .pfb) Enscript supports also additional PostScript fonts which are defined in the `.pfa' or `.pfb' font files. Enscript automatically down-loads font's description to your PostScript document whenever you use an external disk font. Font down-loading requires that you have both the `.afm' and `.pf{a,b}' files for you extra fonts and you have created a font mapping file called `' to your font directory. These are the steps that are needed to make your extra fonts usable in enscript: 1) Install the `.afm' and `.pf{a,b}' files to some appropriate directory. Note! for a single font, both the .afm and .pf{a,b} files must have the same prefix, filenames can differ only from the suffix part. For example, if font `FooFont' is defined in the file `foo.pfa', then the AFM file must be named `foo.afm'. 2) Create a font map file for the font directory. Enscript's distribution has an utility called `mkafmmap' which does the job; just give command: mkafmmap *.afm in your font directory. This command creates a file called `' to your font directory. File contains one row for each .afm file, each row has two columns: font's PostScript name and the prefix for the corresponding .afm file. 3) Notify enscript that it has new fonts to play with. This is done by editing the global configuration file `enscript.cfg' or the personal configuration file `$HOME/.enscriptrc'. Global configuration file has an entry called 'AFMPath' which contains the current font search path. Add your new font directory to this path: AFMPath: /usr/local/share/enscript/afm:/usr/local/lib/ps:/usr/lib/ps:/fonts/myfontdir where `/fonts/myfontdir' is the new font directory. So how does the font down-loading work? Enscript automatically down-loads font files for header and body fonts, if it can find the corresponding `.pfa' or `.pfb' files from the AFMPath. Enscript do *not* down-load fonts that are specified in `^@font' escapes, however you can down-load these font by specifying command line option `--download-font=name' for each font. You can also specify down-loadable fonts in the global configuration file `enscript.cfg' or in your personal configuration file `$HOME/.enscriptrc' by giving option `DownloadFont: name'. * What's different as compared to the Adobe's Enscript application? - Adobe enscript's option `-o' has been changed. In Adobe enscript option `-o' lists missing characters. In GNU enscript `-o' is an alias for `-p' and missing characters are listed with an option `-O'. * Misc I am dedicated to make the GNU enscript the best a2ps converter ever, this includes adding all the GNU features and cookies to it ;) Comments, suggestions, bug fixes, bug reports, etc. are welcome. Markku Rossi GNU Enscript WWW home page: