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Please, try to rebuild:or set the environment variable `ENSCRIPT_LIBRARY' to point to yourcouldn't get passwd entry for uid=%d: %scouldn't open printer `%s': %scouldn't create output file "%s": %scouldn't close output file "%s": %swarning: didn't process following options from environment variable %s: found following options (argc=%d): handle_env_options(): %s="%s" syntax error in option string %s="%s": missing end of quotation: %c#:123456789a:A:b:BcC::d:D:e::E::f:F:gGhH::i:I:jJ:kKlL:mM:n:N:o:Op:P:qrRs:S:t:T:u::U:vVW:X:zZnumber of columns must be larger than zeroTry `%s --help' for more information. file alignment must be larger than zerocouldn't find header definition file "%s.hdr"must print at least one line per each page: %s%s: illegal newline character specifier: '%s': expected 'n' or 'r' helper application specification must be single character: %smalformed argument `%s' for option -W, --option: no comma foundHey! main() didn't handle option "%c" (%d)slice must be greater than zeroUsage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -# an alias for option -n, --copies -1 same as --columns=1 -2 same as --columns=2 --columns=NUM specify the number of columns per page -a, --pages=PAGES specify which pages are printed -A, --file-align=ALIGN align separate input files to ALIGN -b, --header=HEADER set page header -B, --no-header no page headers -c, --truncate-lines cut long lines (default is to wrap) -C, --line-numbers[=START] precede each line with its line number -d an alias for option --printer -D, --setpagedevice=KEY[:VALUE] pass a page device definition to output -e, --escapes[=CHAR] enable special escape interpretation -E, --highlight[=LANG] highlight source code -f, --font=NAME use font NAME for body text -F, --header-font=NAME use font NAME for header texts -g, --print-anyway nothing (compatibility option) -G same as --fancy-header --fancy-header[=NAME] select fancy page header -h, --no-job-header suppress the job header page -H, --highlight-bars=NUM specify how high highlight bars are -i, --indent=NUM set line indent to NUM characters -I, --filter=CMD read input files through input filter CMD -j, --borders print borders around columns -J, an alias for option --title -k, --page-prefeed enable page prefeed -K, --no-page-prefeed disable page prefeed -l, --lineprinter simulate lineprinter, this is an alias for: --lines-per-page=66, --no-header, --portrait, --columns=1 -L, --lines-per-page=NUM specify how many lines are printed on each page -m, --mail send mail upon completion -M, --media=NAME use output media NAME -n, --copies=NUM print NUM copies of each page -N, --newline=NL select the newline character. Possible values for NL are: n (`\n') and r (`\r'). -o an alias for option --output -O, --missing-characters list missing characters -p, --output=FILE leave output to file FILE. If FILE is `-', leave output to stdout. -P, --printer=NAME print output to printer NAME -q, --quiet, --silent be really quiet -r, --landscape print in landscape mode -R, --portrait print in portrait mode -s, --baselineskip=NUM set baselineskip to NUM -S, --statusdict=KEY[:VALUE] pass a statusdict definition to the output -t, --title=TITLE set banner page's job title to TITLE. Option sets also the name of the input file stdin. -T, --tabsize=NUM set tabulator size to NUM -u, --underlay[=TEXT] print TEXT under every page -U, --nup=NUM print NUM logical pages on each output page -v, --verbose tell what we are doing -V, --version print version number -w, --language=LANG set output language to LANG -W, --options=APP,OPTION pass option OPTION to helper application APP -X, --encoding=NAME use input encoding NAME -z, --no-formfeed do not interpret form feed characters -Z, --pass-through pass through PostScript and PCL files without any modifications Long-only options: --color[=bool] create color outputs with states --continuous-page-numbers count page numbers across input files. Don't restart numbering at beginning of each file. --download-font=NAME download font NAME --extended-return-values enable extended return values --filter-stdin=NAME specify how stdin is shown to the input filter --footer=FOOTER set page footer --h-column-height=HEIGHT set the horizontal column height to HEIGHT --help print this help and exit --help-highlight describe all supported --highlight languages and file formats --highlight-bar-gray=NUM print highlight bars with gray NUM (0 - 1) --list-media list names of all known media --margins=LEFT:RIGHT:TOP:BOTTOM adjust page marginals --mark-wrapped-lines[STYLE] mark wrapped lines in the output with STYLE --non-printable-format=FMT specify how non-printable chars are printed --nup-columnwise layout pages in the N-up printing columnwise --nup-xpad=NUM set the page x-padding of N-up printing to NUM --nup-ypad=NUM set the page y-padding of N-up printing to NUM --page-label-format=FMT set page label format to FMT --ps-level=LEVEL set the PostScript language level that enscript should use --printer-options=OPTIONS pass extra options to the printer command --rotate-even-pages rotate even-numbered pages 180 degrees --slice=NUM print vertical slice NUM --style=STYLE use highlight style STYLE --swap-even-page-margins swap left and right side margins for each even numbered page --toc print table of contents --ul-angle=ANGLE set underlay text's angle to ANGLE --ul-font=NAME print underlays with font NAME --ul-gray=NUM print underlays with gray value NUM --ul-position=POS set underlay's starting position to POS --ul-style=STYLE print underlays with style STYLE --word-wrap wrap long lines from word boundaries %s Copyright (C) 1999 Markku Rossi. GNU enscript comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute copies of GNU enscript under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING. CourierCourier-BoldEnscript OutputTimes-RomanPostScript8859188592latin288593latin388594latin488595cyrillic88597greek88599latin5885910latin6asciiasciifiseasciifiasciiseasciidknoasciidkasciinoibmpcdosmacvmshp8koi8PSpslatin1ISOLatin1Encodingcolumnsfile-alignno-headertruncate-linesline-numberssetpagedeviceescapesheader-fontprint-anywayfancy-headerno-job-headerhighlight-barsindentfilterbordersno-page-prefeedlineprinterlines-per-pagemailcopiesnewlineoutputmissing-charactersquietsilentlandscapeportraitbaselineskipstatusdicttitletabsizeunderlaynupverboseversionlanguageoptionencodingno-formfeedpass-throughcontinuous-page-numbersdownload-fontextended-return-valuesfilter-stdinh-column-heighthelphelp-highlighthighlight-bar-graylist-mediamark-wrapped-linesnon-printable-formatnup-columnwisenup-xpadnup-ypadpage-label-formatps-levelprinter-optionsrotate-even-pagessliceswap-even-page-marginstocword-wrapul-angleul-fontul-grayul-positionul-stylehelp-pretty-printGNU 1.6.3A4octalshortoutline+0-0lpr-P-h%!PS-Adobe-3.0ENSCRIPT_LIBRARYHOME/.enscriptstates/hl/enscript.stemacs/hlenscript.cfgenscriptsite.cfg.enscriptrcGENSCRIPTspacenonepassthrough -f "" -p "" -v -s-Dlanguage=-Dnum_input_files=-Ddocument_title="-Dtoc=no output generated output sent to %s output left in %s [ %d pages * %d copy ]truncated%d lines were %s %d characters were missing %d non-printable characters wrappedunused Table of Contents%s: couldn't rewind toc file: %s -v -Dcolor= -Dstyle= -Dfont_spec=@%g/%g -s " -s describe_languages /hl/*.stfilledillegal underlay style: %sillegal N-up argument: %dplusarrowquestionmarkcaretlong%-16s %d %d %d %d %d %d couldn't open AFM library: %sunknown encoding: %s/../../etc %s ../lib ../../lib make distclean ./configure --prefix=PREFIX make make check make installlibrary directory.-m option %d = "%s" %3d = "%s" malformed font spec: %s.hdr with arg %sThis is a bug! Report bugs to mtr@iki.fi. S! @f@?A_ջջջջջջջջջ P_ؼ,̽۽@XVǾ־8G 0?8GV#2AP_}}JxCs9HW$3Qo~$3Portrait%%%%Orientation: %s .encsimple%%%%EndSetup /cols %d def /d_output_h %d def /d_output_w %d def /d_footer_h %d def /d_footer_w %d def /d_footer_y %d def /d_footer_x %d def /d_header_h %d def /d_header_w %d def /d_header_y %d def /d_header_x %d def /d_page_h %d def /d_page_w %d def %%%%EndResource >> setpagedevice } if /PageSize [%d %d] /%s %s %% Pagedevice definitions: end true page_prefeed /#copies %d def /%s /F-ul-font MF /ul_style %d def /ul_angle %g def /ul_y %g def /ul_x %g def /ul_gray %g def /ul_h_ptsize %g def /ul_w_ptsize %g def /ul_str (%s) def /F-gs-font %g %g SF /%s /F-gs-font MF /%s /HF-gs-font MF /HFpt_h %g def /HFpt_w %g def %%%%IncludeResource: font %s %%%%BeginSetup %%%%EndProlog enscript.pro%%%%BeginProlog %%%%EndComments %%%%LanguageLevel: 2 %%%%Pages: (atend) Landscape%%%%CreationDate: %s %%%%Creator: %s %%%%For: %s %%%%Title: %s %%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d %%%%EOF %%%%+ font %%%%Pages: %d false page_prefeed %%%%Trailer _R S processing file "%s"... TOC%g %g %g %g %g (%s) bgs %g %g M (%s) s %g %g M (+) s %s %g/%gpt /%s %g %g SUF_PS /%s %g %g SUF ^@font=%g %g %g setrgbcolor 0 setgray ^@color{%f %f %f} ^@bgcolor{%f %f %f} %g %g M %s commentepsfbgcolornewpagesetfilenamesetpagenumbershadebggrayescapesavexloadxdefault%g %g %gunknown special escape: %s\%03o%%do_header column_borders column_lines user_underlay %d %f %d %f highlight_bars %%%%EndPageSetup /user_footer_p false def page footer/user_footer_p true def /user_header_p false def page header/user_header_p true def %Format/%s (%s) def %% User defined strings: /ftail (%s) def /fdir (%s) def /fname (%s) def /pagenum %d def 90 rotate %d %d translate %g dup scale %% N-up sub-page %d/%d %sBeginPageSetup _S %sPage: (%s:%3d) %d %sPage: (%d) %d %%%%BeginPageSetup _S %%%%Page: (%s:%3d-%3d) %d %%%%Page: (%d-%d) %d %%Page: (-) %d %%%%Page: (-) %d S rb%%BoundingBox:%f %f %f %f(atend)^@epsf="%s" |%%%%BeginDocument: %s%s %%%%EndDocument EndEPSF %d %d %d %d Box clip newpath %g %g scale %g %g translate BeginEPSF %!EPCL%%%%%EndDocument _R passing through %s file "%s" %g %g M (%s:) s psgen.cdivertfp == ((void *)0)%%BeginDocument% User defined strings%%EndPageSetup%%EndDocumentundivertdivertfp != ((void *)0)%d 0 translate 180 rotate %d %d translate couldn't find header definition file "%s.hdr": %s %%%%BeginResource: procset Enscript-Header-%s %s gs_languagelevel 1 gt { << %% Statustdict definitions: statusdict begin /ul_font /F-ul-font findfont [ul_w_ptsize 0 0 ul_h_ptsize 0 0] makefont def /HF /HF-gs-font findfont [HFpt_w 0 0 HFpt_h 0 0] makefont def couldn't find encoding file "%s.enc": %s %%%%BeginResource: procset Enscript-Encoding-%s %s couldn't find prolog "%s": %s %%%%BeginResource: procset Enscript-Prolog %s %%%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend) %%%%DocumentMedia: %s %d %d 0 () () %%%%DocumentNeededResources: font process_file(): got illegal token %d%g %g %g %g %g %g %g (%s) bgcs %g %g %g %g %d wrapped_line_mark EPS file "%s" is too large for page user font encoding can be only the system's default or `ps'%g %g %g %g %g line_highlight too long argument for %s escape: %.*smalformed font spec for ^@font escape: %smalformed color spec for ^@%s escape: %sinvalid value for ^@shade escape: %sinvalid value for ^@bggray escape: %smalformed %s escape: no '{' foundtoo long file name for ^@epsf escape: %.*sunexpected EOF while scanning ^@epsf escapemalformed ^@epsf escape: no '{' foundillegal option %c for ^@epsf escapemalformed ^@epsf escape: no ']' after options/user_footer_center_str (%s) def /user_footer_right_str (%s) def /user_footer_left_str (%s) def /user_header_center_str (%s) def /user_header_right_str (%s) def /user_header_left_str (%s) def couldn't open EPS file "%s": %s EPS file "%s" contains malformed %%%%BoundingBox row: "%.*s" EPS file "%s" is not a valid EPS file EPS file "%s" does not start with "%%!" magic epsf: couldn't open pipe to command "%s": %s passing through all input files for output language `%s' %%%%Page: (%s) -1 _S %%%%BeginDocument: %s couldn't create temporary divert file: %scouldn't rewind divert file: %s@?@@?bX<@R@^wDw% #d4Mf,R(h;00adieresisodieresisaringAdieresisOdieresisAringaeoslashAEOslash AcceptCompositeCharacters:AFMPath:AppendCtrlD:Clean7Bit:DefaultEncoding:DefaultFancyHeader:DefaultMedia:DefaultOutputMethod:DownloadFont:EscapeChar:FormFeedType:GeneratePageSize:HighlightBarGray:HighlightBars:LibraryPath:MarkWrappedLines:NoJobHeaderSwitch:NonPrintableFormat:OutputFirstLine:PageLabelFormat:PagePrefeed:PostScriptLevel:Printer:QueueParam:SetPageDevice:Spooler:StatesBinary:StatesColor:StatesConfigFile:StatesHighlightStyle:StatesPath:StatusDict:TOCFormat:Underlay:UnderlayAngle:UnderlayFont:UnderlayGray:UnderlayPosition:UnderlayStyle:%s:%s:%d: missing argument: %sillegal option: %scolumnstdout%3d %%DocumentNeededResources:%%+%Format:%HeaderHeight:%FooterHeight:%%FooterHeight: %d %%HeaderHeight: %d %%Format: %s %.*s %s:%d: %%Format: no name@%f:%d.pfadownloading font "%s" %%%%BeginResource: font %s %02X.pfb%d%c%d:%d:%d%02d:%02d:%02d%02d-%02d-%02d%02d/%02d/%02d%d.%d.%d%d-pm%d:%d%s#%c file_lookup(): %s/%s%s (stdin)illegal value "%s" for option %sinvalid value "%s" for option %sadd_media: name=%s, w=%d, h=%d, llx=%d, lly=%d, urx=%d, ury=%d % -- code follows this line --%s:%d: %%FooterHeight: no argument%s:%d: %%HeaderHeight: no argument%s:%d: %%Format: name "%s" is already defined%s:%d: %%Format: too long name, maxlen=%d%s: warning: font size is negative %s: warning: font width is negative %s: warning: font height is negative parse_font_spec(): name=%.*s, size=%g/%g, encoding=%s couldn't open AFM file for font "%s", using default reading AFM info for font "%s" couldn't open AFM file for the default font: %scouldn't open font description file "%s": %s %s: too long variable name for $() escape%s: no closing ')' for $() escape%s: too long format for $D{} escape%s: unknown `$' escape `%c' (%d)%s: too long format for %%D{} escape%s: unknown `%%' escape `%c' (%d)malformed float dimension: "%s"couldn't open input filter "%s" for file "%s": %scouldn't open input file "%s": %sKLL)L4LBLPL^LlLzLL'M5MCMQM_MK`TVjjfWjyYjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjZjjjjj[\^_jjjjj7ajXbjjjjjdcjdejjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgj?hjjjgij"k_l~~~~3m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~inoqr~t~~~~uCv~~~~~w~~x~~~~~~~~~~~y1{~~~~~~~~U|}~~~~~~/usr/local/lib/ps:/usr/lib/psAFM SuccessAFM Errorout of memoryillegal argumentunknown fontsyntax errorunsupported formatfile IO failedfile is not an AFM fileAFM Error: %s%s%sAFM: scanning path... /font.map%s.afmGlobal Font Information FontName: %s FullName: %s FamilyName: %s Weight: %s FontBBox: %g %g %g %g Version: %s Notice: %s EncodingScheme: %s MappingScheme: %ld EscChar: %ld CharacterSet: %s Characters: %ld true IsBaseFont: %s VVector: %g %g IsFixedV: %s CapHeight: %g XHeight: %g Ascender: %g Descender: %g Composite Character Data %ld CC %s %ld ; PCC %s %g %gPair-Wise Kerning %ld KP %s %s %g %g Track Kerning %ld TrackKern %ld %g %g %g %g Writing Direction %d UnderlinePosition: %g 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