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  1 rizwank 1.11 #include<stdlib.h>
  2              #include<iostream>
  3              #include<fstream>
  4              #include<string>
  5 rizwank 1.1  #include <queue>
  6 rizwank 1.12 #include <stack>
  7 rizwank 1.1  #include <stdio.h>
  8 rizwank 1.11 // yes I could use just one i/o lib
  9              using namespace std;
 11 rizwank 1.1  
 12              // As per specification, the project has to be able to grow to an 
 13              // arbitrary amount of items. MAX_ITEMS describes the size of the
 14              // appropriate arrays and must be changed at compile time.
 15              // (dynamically created arrays had their pointers corrupted when 
 16              // their parent object was in the priority queue, so static sized
 17              // arrays were used
 19 rizwank 1.12 #define MAX_ITEMS 65536		
 20              //the above bound comes from the fixed value for the boolean array TODO REMOVE LIMITATION
 21 rizwank 1.1  
 22 rizwank 1.11 typedef long ITEM_MASS;
 23 rizwank 1.9  typedef long INDEX_TYPE;
 26 rizwank 1.1  using namespace std;
 28              // ******************************************************************
 29              // * CLASS : item													*
 30              // * Container object with all the data for a particular item		*
 31              // ******************************************************************
 32              class item {
 33              public:
 34 rizwank 1.8  //	float getRatio();
 35 rizwank 1.9  	ITEM_MASS getWeight();
 36                  ITEM_MASS getCost();
 37              //	ITEM_MASS getNumber();
 38 rizwank 1.10 	void setData(ITEM_MASS);
 39 rizwank 1.1  private:
 40 rizwank 1.9  	ITEM_MASS weight;
 41              	ITEM_MASS cost;
 42 rizwank 1.8  //	float ratio;
 43 rizwank 1.9  //	ITEM_MASS number;
 44 rizwank 1.1  };
 46              // ******************************************************************
 47              // * CLASS : backpack												*
 48              // * Container object with all the data for an entire knapsack		*
 49              // * Full declaration follows, partial declare here for key			*
 50              // ******************************************************************
 51              class backpack;
 53              // ******************************************************************
 54              // * CLASS : key													*
 55              // * Container object with all the data for the equivalent of a node*
 56              // * on the state space tree										*
 57              // * To allow data to remain private (and decrease the need of data *
 58              // * such as max_weight and total_items to be passed along with		*
 59              // * every function call, a pointer to the containing backpack is	*
 60              // * instead implemented.											*
 61              // ******************************************************************
 62              class key {
 63              public:
 64              	void initKey( backpack *);
 65 rizwank 1.1  	void flagNext();
 66              	void addCurItem();
 67              	bool doneItems();
 68              	float getBound();
 69 rizwank 1.9  	bool checkItem(INDEX_TYPE);
 70              	ITEM_MASS getWeight();
 71              	ITEM_MASS getValue();
 72 rizwank 1.1  private:
 73              	void calcBound();
 74              	bool inserted[MAX_ITEMS];
 75 rizwank 1.9  	INDEX_TYPE nextitem;
 76              	ITEM_MASS cur_weight;
 77              	ITEM_MASS cur_value;
 78 rizwank 1.1  	float upper_bound;
 79              	backpack *myBackpack;
 80              };
 82              // ******************************************************************
 83              // * STRUCT : item_comparator										*
 84              // * Functor for comparing the ratio between items					*
 85              // ******************************************************************
 86              struct item_comparator {
 87              	bool operator()( item left, item right ) const 
 88 rizwank 1.8  //	{ return ( left.getRatio() < right.getRatio() ) ; }  
 89              	{ return 0 ; }  //same ratio to all, don't actually do a compare!
 90 rizwank 1.1  } ;
 92              // ******************************************************************
 93              // * STRUCT : key_comparator										*
 94              // * Functor for comparing the bound between items					*
 95              // ******************************************************************
 96              struct key_comparator {
 97              	bool operator()( key left, key right ) const 
 98              	{ return ( left.getBound() < right.getBound() ) ; } 
 99              } ;
101              // ******************************************************************
102              // * CLASS : backpack												*
103              // * Container object with all the data for an entire knapsack		*
104              // ******************************************************************
105              class backpack {
106              public:
107 rizwank 1.9  	void initBackpack(INDEX_TYPE, ITEM_MASS);
108 rizwank 1.10 	void putItem(ITEM_MASS);//, ITEM_MASS);
109 rizwank 1.1  	void store_item_array();
110 rizwank 1.11 	void branch_and_bound(int,ITEM_MASS);
111 rizwank 1.9  	ITEM_MASS get_totalItems();
112              	ITEM_MASS get_maxWeight();
113              	item get_Item(INDEX_TYPE);
114 rizwank 1.1  private:
115              	priority_queue< item, vector<item> , item_comparator> item_queue;
116              	item *item_array;
117              	priority_queue< key, vector<key>, key_comparator> key_queue;
118 rizwank 1.9  	INDEX_TYPE totalItems;
119              	ITEM_MASS maxWeight;
120 rizwank 1.1  	long addnodeCount, worknodeCount;
121              };
125              // ******************************************************************
126              // * FUNCTION : initKey		IN : CLASS key							*
127              // * Initalizes a key, setting the backpack pointer and inital		*
128              // * values then calculating the bound.								*
129              // ******************************************************************
130              void key::initKey(backpack *theCaller){
131              	this->myBackpack = theCaller;
132              	this->nextitem=0;
133              	this->cur_weight=0;
134              	this->cur_value=0;
135              	this->calcBound();
136              }
138              // ******************************************************************
139              // * FUNCTION : flagNext		IN : CLASS key						*
140              // * Modifies the key by setting the next item as not inserted but	*
141 rizwank 1.1  // * as processed, then updates the bound.							*
142              // ******************************************************************
143              void key::flagNext(){
144              	this->inserted[this->nextitem]=0;
145              	nextitem++;
146              	this->calcBound();
147              }
149              // ******************************************************************
150              // * FUNCTION : addCurItem		IN : CLASS key						*
151              // * Follows up flagNext by actually marking the last item as		*
152              // * inserted, adding values and weights, then recalcing the bound.	*
153              // ******************************************************************
154              void key::addCurItem(){
155              	nextitem--;
156              	this->inserted[this->nextitem]=1;
157              	this->cur_value  += (this->myBackpack->get_Item(this->nextitem)).getCost();
158              	this->cur_weight += (this->myBackpack->get_Item(this->nextitem)).getWeight();
159              	nextitem++;
160              	this->calcBound();
161              }
162 rizwank 1.1  
163              // ******************************************************************
164              // * FUNCTION : doneItems		IN : CLASS key						*
165              // * Returns TRUE if all the items have been processed				*
166              // ******************************************************************
167              bool key::doneItems(){
168              	return ( this->myBackpack->get_totalItems() == this->nextitem );
169              }
171              // ******************************************************************
172              // * FUNCTION : getBound		IN : CLASS key						*
173              // * Returns the bound.												*
174              // ******************************************************************
175              float key::getBound(){
176              	return this->upper_bound;
177              }
179              // ******************************************************************
180              // * FUNCTION : calcBound		IN : CLASS key						*
181              // * Calculates the bound. If there are no more items, the bound	*
182              // * remains unchanged. Else, perform the calcuations.				*
183 rizwank 1.1  // * If the weight is over max_weight, set the bound to 0			*
184              // ******************************************************************
185              void key::calcBound(){
186              	float temp;
187              	if (this->doneItems()) {
188              		temp = 0;
189              	}
190              	else {
191              		temp = (float)((this->myBackpack->get_maxWeight()) - cur_weight);
192 rizwank 1.7  //		temp = temp * (this->myBackpack->get_Item(this->nextitem)).getRatio(); (ratio = 1!)
193 rizwank 1.1  	}
194              	this->upper_bound = cur_value + temp;
196              	// What about if the bag is overloaded?
197              	if (this->cur_weight > this->myBackpack->get_maxWeight()){
198              		this->upper_bound = 0;		// invalidate it, will never reach 0 in bound
199              	}
200              }
203              // ******************************************************************
204              // * FUNCTION : checkItem		IN : CLASS key						*
205              // * Checks if a given item is listed as inserted.					*
206              // ******************************************************************
207 rizwank 1.9  bool key::checkItem(INDEX_TYPE num) {
208 rizwank 1.1  	return (this->inserted[num]);
209              }
211              // ******************************************************************
212              // * FUNCTION : getValue		IN : CLASS key						*
213              // * Gets the Value of the current key.								*
214              // ******************************************************************
215 rizwank 1.9  ITEM_MASS key::getValue(){
216 rizwank 1.1  	return this->cur_value;
217              }
219              // ******************************************************************
220              // * FUNCTION : getWeight		IN : CLASS key						*
221              // * Gets the Weight of the current key.							*
222              // ******************************************************************
223 rizwank 1.9  ITEM_MASS key::getWeight(){
224 rizwank 1.1  	return this->cur_weight;
225              }
227              // ******************************************************************
228              // * FUNCTION : getRatio		IN : CLASS item						*
229              // * Gets the Ratio for the current item.							*
230              // ******************************************************************
231 rizwank 1.8  //float item::getRatio(){
232              //	return ratio;
233              //}
234 rizwank 1.1  
235              // ******************************************************************
236              // * FUNCTION : getWeight		IN : CLASS item						*
237              // * Gets the Weight of the current item.							*
238              // ******************************************************************
239 rizwank 1.9  ITEM_MASS item::getWeight(){
240 rizwank 1.1  	return this->weight;
241              }
243              // ******************************************************************
244              // * FUNCTION : getCost			IN : CLASS item						*
245              // * Gets the Value of the current item.							*
246              // ******************************************************************
247 rizwank 1.9  ITEM_MASS item::getCost(){
248 rizwank 1.1  	return this->cost;
249              }
251              // ******************************************************************
252              // * FUNCTION : getNumber		IN : CLASS item						*
253              // * Gets the Index of the current item.							*
254              // ******************************************************************
255 rizwank 1.9  //ITEM_MASS item::getNumber(){
256              //	return this->number;
257              //}
258 rizwank 1.1  
259              // ******************************************************************
260              // * FUNCTION : setData			IN : CLASS item						*
261              // * Sets all the data for an item.									*
262              // ******************************************************************
263 rizwank 1.10 void item::setData(ITEM_MASS weightage){ //, ITEM_MASS costage, ITEM_MASS numerage){
264              	this->cost = weightage; //costage;
265 rizwank 1.1  	this->weight = weightage;
266 rizwank 1.7  //	this->ratio = ( (float)(cost)/(float)(weight) );
267 rizwank 1.8  //	this->ratio = 1; //ratio = 1
268 rizwank 1.9  //	this->number = numerage;
269 rizwank 1.1  }
272              // ******************************************************************
273              // * FUNCTION : initBackpack	IN : CLASS backpack					*
274              // * Initalizes the backpack values and creates the item array		*
275              // ******************************************************************
276 rizwank 1.9  void backpack::initBackpack(INDEX_TYPE total, ITEM_MASS max){
277 rizwank 1.1  	this->totalItems = total;
278              	this->maxWeight = max;
279              	item_array = new item[total];
280              	worknodeCount = 0;
281              	addnodeCount = 0;
282              }
284              // ******************************************************************
285              // * FUNCTION : putItem			IN : CLASS backpack					*
286              // * Creates an item and places it into the priority queue			*
287              // ******************************************************************
288 rizwank 1.10 void backpack::putItem(ITEM_MASS weight){  //,  ITEM_MASS cost){
289 rizwank 1.1  	item temp_item;
290 rizwank 1.10 	temp_item.setData(weight);//,cost);//,(int)(this->item_queue.size())+1); // sometimes this starts at 2000?
291 rizwank 1.1  	this->item_queue.push(temp_item);
292              }
294              // ******************************************************************
295              // * FUNCTION : store_item_array IN : CLASS backpack				*
296              // * Dumps the Item Queue in order into an Array for Rand. Access	*
297              // ******************************************************************
298              void backpack::store_item_array(){
299              	this->item_array = new item[this->totalItems];
300              	for ( int i = 0; this->totalItems > i; i++){
301              		this->item_array[i] = this->item_queue.top();
302              		this->item_queue.pop();
303              	}
304              }
306              // ******************************************************************
307              // * FUNCTION : get_totalItems	IN : CLASS backpack					*
308              // * Returns the number of items for consideration.					*
309              // ******************************************************************
310 rizwank 1.9  ITEM_MASS backpack::get_totalItems(){
311 rizwank 1.1  	return this->totalItems;
312              }
314              // ******************************************************************
315              // * FUNCTION : get_maxWeight	IN : CLASS backpack					*
316              // * Returns the maximum weight for this backpack.					*
317              // ******************************************************************
318 rizwank 1.9  ITEM_MASS backpack::get_maxWeight(){
319 rizwank 1.1  	return this->maxWeight;
320              }
322              // ******************************************************************
323              // * FUNCTION : get_Item		IN : CLASS backpack					*
324              // * Returns a particular item from the item array					*
325              // ******************************************************************
326 rizwank 1.9  item backpack::get_Item(INDEX_TYPE index){
327 rizwank 1.1  	return ( this->item_array[index] );
328              }
330              // ******************************************************************
331              // * FUNCTION : branch_and_bound IN : CLASS backpack				*
332              // * Performs Best-First-Fit Branch and Bound on this backpack		*
333              // * while keeping track of the nodecounts.							*
334              // * Create a template key with the best possible bound.			*
335              // * Place that key into the queue and start a loop					*
336              // * As long as the 'onwards' flag is TRUE, repeat:					*
337              // *	Take the topmost (highest bound) key out of the queue.		*
338              // *	If that bound has all of its items processed, clear ownards	*
339              // *	Else, create two keys from the original key					*
340              // *	One without the next item and one with.						*
341              // *	Place the new keys into the queue and discard the current	*
342              // *	Repeat														*
343              // * If the loop is ended, the top item on the queue is the best	*
344              // * possible solution for this knapsack.							*
345              // * Fetch all the information and print it out.					*
346              // ******************************************************************
347 rizwank 1.11 void backpack::branch_and_bound(int DEBUG_MODE, ITEM_MASS targetvalue){
348 rizwank 1.1  	key temp_key;
350              	temp_key.initKey(this);
351              	this->key_queue.push(temp_key);
352              	this->addnodeCount++;
354              	bool onwards = 1;
356              	do
357              	{
358              		temp_key = key_queue.top();
359              		this->key_queue.pop();
360              		if ( temp_key.doneItems() ) {
361              			onwards = 0;
362              		}
363              		else {
364              			this->worknodeCount++;
365                          temp_key.flagNext();
366                              this->key_queue.push(temp_key);
367              				this->addnodeCount++;
368              			temp_key.addCurItem();
369 rizwank 1.1  			if (temp_key.getBound() != 0){
370              				this->key_queue.push(temp_key);
371              				this->addnodeCount++;
372              			}
373              		}
374              	}
375              	while (onwards);
378 rizwank 1.11 	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
379              		printf("Case n=%2d Total possible nodes in thie state space tree is 2^%2d-1\n",this->totalItems,this->totalItems);
380              		printf("          Number of nodes placed in the priority queue: %6d\n",this->addnodeCount);
381              		printf("          Number of nodes examined/split:               %6d\n",this->worknodeCount);
382              /*		printf("\nObjects Chosen \n");
384              		printf("\t\tWeights\tValues\n");
385              		int totalitemsinserted = 0;
386              		for (int i = 0; this->totalItems > i; i++) {
387              			if ( temp_key.checkItem(i) ) {
388              				printf("\t\t%4.2f\t%4.2f\n", this->item_array[i].getWeight(), this->item_array[i].getCost());
389              				totalitemsinserted++; // this->item_array[i].getNumber(),   removed
390              			}
391              		}
392              		printf("======================================================\n");
393              		printf("Totals:\t%3d\t%4.2f\t%4.2f\n",totalitemsinserted, temp_key.getWeight(),  temp_key.getValue());
394              	//	printf("Ratio :     %2.5f\n", ((float)temp_key.getValue()/(float)temp_key.getWeight())); */
395              	}
398 rizwank 1.12 	if ( temp_key.getWeight() == targetvalue ) {
399 rizwank 1.11 		int totalitemsinserted = 0;
400              		int first=1;
401              		for (int i = 0; this->totalItems > i; i++) {
402              			if ( temp_key.checkItem(i) ) {
403              				if (first==0) { printf(","); } 
404              				else {first = 0;}                     // there has GOT to be a better way!
405              				printf("%d", this->item_array[i].getWeight());
406              			}
407              		}
408 rizwank 1.12 	}
409              	else { printf("CANNOT FILL PALLET\n"); }
410 rizwank 1.11 }
411 rizwank 1.1  
412 rizwank 1.11 /*
413              // have to deal with non int #s
414 rizwank 1.1  
415 rizwank 1.11 int intcomp (const void * a, const void * b)
416              {
417                return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b );
418              }*/
419 rizwank 1.1  
420 rizwank 1.11 void syntaxmsg(){
421              	printf("Usage:\n");
422              	printf("<program name> <input filename> <D/d>\n");
423              	printf("input contains a series of integers [A], comma delimited,\n\t followed by a CR and an int [B]\n");
424              	printf("program outputs a comma delimited list of elements of A that sum to B,\n\t or CANNOT FILL PALLET\n");
425              	printf("Program written for the UCLA ACM Feb 2005 Coding Competition\n");
426              	printf("Dervied from previous academic work written by the author\n(C) 2002-2005 Rizwan Kassim\n");
427              	printf("If the second argument is a D or d, verbose debugging mode will be enabled\n\n");
428              	return;
429 rizwank 1.1  }
431              // ******************************************************************
432              // * FUNCTION : main												*
433              // * Initalizes the backpack and the items inside.					*
434              // * Copies those items into an array, prints out the items.		*
435              // * Run the branch_and_bound method.								*
436              // ******************************************************************
437              int main(int argc, char *argv[])
438              {
439              	item temp_item;
440 rizwank 1.11 	int DEBUG_MODE = 0;
441 rizwank 1.1  
442 rizwank 1.11 	if ( argc < 2 ) { syntaxmsg(); return 2;}
443              	if ( argc > 4 ) { syntaxmsg(); return 3;}
444              	if ( argc == 3 ) {
445              		if ( argv[2][0] == 'D' || argv[2][0] == 'd' ) {
446              		printf("Debug switch caught, outputing debug messages\n");
447              		DEBUG_MODE =1; 
448              		} else { syntaxmsg(); return 4;}
449              	}
451              	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
452              		printf("Entry into UCLA ACM Feb. 2005 Coding Competition\n");
453              		printf("Based on code developed (myself) for CS331 Project 4 at CSU Pomona\n"); 
454              		printf("Version 4\n");
455              		printf("All compiled / source code are (C) Rizwan Kassim 2005\n\n");
456              	}
459              	INDEX_TYPE max_inventory;
461              	ifstream inputfs;
462              	inputfs.open (argv[1]);
463 rizwank 1.11 	if (!inputfs.is_open())
464              	  { printf("File open of %s failed!\n", argv[1]);
465              		syntaxmsg(); 
466              		return 1; }
467              	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
468              		printf("File %s Open!\n",argv[1]);
469              	}
471              	INDEX_TYPE length;
472              	inputfs.seekg (0, ios::end);
473              	length = inputfs.tellg();
474              	inputfs.seekg (0, ios::beg);
476              	max_inventory= 1 + length/2;	// Elements cannot be more than this amount
478              	char * read_buffer = (char *) malloc (length);
479 rizwank 1.12 	ITEM_MASS * inventory = (ITEM_MASS *) malloc (length);
480              		// could use stack instead of array --- doesn't require malloc, more 'safe' avoids overflows, esp if 
481              		// input file is funky --- its better software engineering, but its slower. Given that this is a pretty
482              		// small system, I'll stick with the array
483 rizwank 1.11 	inputfs.getline (read_buffer, length-1);
485              	char * theToken; INDEX_TYPE index = 0;
486              	theToken=strtok(read_buffer,",");
487              	// assume 1+ items
488              	while ( theToken != NULL ) {
489              		//printf("tokendebug %d %f\n",theToken,theToken);
490              		inventory[index] = atol(theToken);
491              		//printf("index %d, token %s, value %d\n",index,theToken,inventory[index]);
492              		index++;
493              		theToken = strtok (NULL,",");
494              		}
495 rizwank 1.1  
496 rizwank 1.11 	INDEX_TYPE size_inventory = index; //remember this is 1 based, not 0
497 rizwank 1.12 	
498              	int SUPER_MODE = 0;
499              	if (inventory[0]==1) { SUPER_MODE=0;}
500 rizwank 1.1  
501 rizwank 1.11 	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
502              		printf("Line 1 read - %d products from warehouse\n", size_inventory);
503 rizwank 1.12 		if (SUPER_MODE) printf("Working in Superincreasing mode!\n");
504 rizwank 1.11 	}
506              //	qsort ( inventory, size_inventory, sizeof(int), intcomp);	// we now have a sorted list
507              	// NEED TRY/CATCH error handling for possible segfault locations
508              	inputfs.getline (read_buffer, length-1);	
509              	ITEM_MASS palette_size=atoi(read_buffer);
511              	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
512              		printf("Line 2 read - %d weight units can fit onto palette\n",palette_size);
513              	}
515              	inputfs.close();
516 rizwank 1.12 	free(read_buffer);
518              	if 
520 rizwank 1.11 	
521              	// ckeanup, release memeory, close files here		
522 rizwank 1.9  
524 rizwank 1.11 // I could use a class to extrapolate out the file loading function like my 499 project....	
526              	backpack knapsackOne;
527 rizwank 1.9  
528 rizwank 1.11 	knapsackOne.initBackpack(size_inventory,palette_size);
529              	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
530              		printf("init %d, %d\n",size_inventory,palette_size);
531              	}
532              	for ( INDEX_TYPE store_index=0; size_inventory>store_index;store_index++ ) {
533              		knapsackOne.putItem(inventory[store_index]);
535              		if (DEBUG_MODE) {
536              			printf("insert %d\n",inventory[store_index]);
537              		}
539              	}
540 rizwank 1.1  	knapsackOne.store_item_array();
541 rizwank 1.12 	free(inventory);
542 rizwank 1.11 	knapsackOne.branch_and_bound(DEBUG_MODE,palette_size);
543 rizwank 1.1  
544              	printf("\n");
545              }
548 rizwank 1.12 
550              void super ( ITEM_MASS target_value , INDEX_TYPE size_inventory, int DEBUG_MODE ) {
551              	// input, a super increasing set, lowest to highest. 
552              	// the number of elements in the list [1-ordinal]
553              	// a target value.
554              	//debugmode
556              	// need to output values that sum to target
557              	// need another place to store. --- not another array, need LIFO structure. A stack of course. 
558              	// we have to count downwards during super increasing, or we could qsort the list. (not going to do that)
560              	stack<ITEM_MASS> packages_to_load;
562              	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
563              		printf("Extracting values, highest to lowest, doing reduction\n");
564              	}
565              	for ( INDEX_TYPE store_index=size_inventory-1; size_inventory<=0;store_index-- ) {
566              		if (DEBUG_MODE) {
567              			printf("value %d, is it smaller than %d? If so, subtract and store.\n",inventory[store_index],target_value);
568              		}
569 rizwank 1.12 		if ( inventory[store_index] <= target_value ) {
570              			target_value = target_value - inventory[store_index];
571              			packages_to_load.push(inventory[store_index]);
572              		}
573              	}
574              	if ( target_value == 0 ) {
575              		int first = 1;
576              		while ( ! packages_to_load.empty() ) {
577              			if (first==0) { printf(","); } 
578              			else {first = 0;}                     // there has GOT to be a better way!			
579              			printf("%d",packages_to_load.top());
580              			packages_to_load.pop();
581              		}
582              		else { printf("CANNOT FILL PALLET\n"); }
585              	}
590 rizwank 1.1  /* 
591              Modifications to the original branch-and-bound algorithim/approach
593              This program was to compute the maximum value that can be fit into a bag --- Using Levitin p380 for reference
594              right now. As our problem is actually a SUBSET of the given problem ,we can simplify some of the functions.
595              We also don't want any packs too small, but we'll let this compute, see how big the state tree is versus
596              an alternative algorithm.
598              	knapsackOne.initBackpack(5,17); // 5 total items, 17 total weight
599              	knapsackOne.putItem(4,1);
600              	knapsackOne.putItem(7,1);
601              	knapsackOne.putItem(5,1);
602              	knapsackOne.putItem(9,1);
603              	knapsackOne.putItem(1,1);
605              For given same, 2^5-1 possible nodes in tree, 14 nodes placed, 7 split.
607              Lets try something larger. n=10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 => 18
609              Oooh, we can vary the max backpack item count to only use a certain amount of the items!
611 rizwank 1.1  Whats interesting is that we can keep the various ratio calculations, as we WOULD rather insert an item of 10 lbs rather than 1
612              We just equate weight and value later on! (Or set a fixed ratio of 1)		
613 rizwank 1.2  		knapsack insert (value,value)
615              		This was max 2^10-1 with only 47 nodes and 33 splits.
616 rizwank 1.1  		
617 rizwank 1.2  And lets try with a random set of 25 numbers!
618              70,76,55,17,70,77,52,81,11,31,57,47,93,53,83,33,1,59,29,33,78,79,37,26,83 ==> 200
619 rizwank 1.5  Chose:
620                            1           70           70
621                            3           55           55
622                           24           26           26
623                           23           37           37
624                           17            1            1
625                            9           11           11
626              2^25-1 worst case, 142 nodes, 115 split!
627              real    0m0.036s
628              user    0m0.030s
629              sys     0m0.030s
631 rizwank 1.2  
634              then 50:
635              186,130,132,108,112,39,90,88,105,172,50,46,125,79,22,192,139,132,77,195,21,129,134,76,179,89,32,55,61,160,49,191,153,86,45,16,196,109,1,178,51,104,40,88,135,100,108,182,30,48  => 1470
636 rizwank 1.5  2^50 worst case, 1826 nodes, 1443 splits
637              real    0m0.044s
638              user    0m0.062s
639              sys     0m0.000s
641 rizwank 1.7  
642 rizwank 1.5  Now, lets really ramp it up so that we can see optimzation effects
643              n=2500! won't even care to list the numbers, no point!
645              Wait, we exceeded 3 minutes there (our weight size was just a guess, btw, might not actually ahve a value)
646              Oh, our memory bound was maxed out so it hit a loop ... it actually completed in less than a sec! God bless my processor :)
647 rizwank 1.6  Lets bump it up to 5k, 
649              Case n=5000 Total possible nodes in thie state space tree is 2^5000-1
650                        Number of nodes placed in the priority queue:  35037
651                        Number of nodes examined/split:                34942
653              real    0m2.810s
654              user    0m1.843s
655              sys     0m0.062s
658              Given that this is about the largest we can hope to achieve before INTMAX because a massive issue (we should really typedefine the container class), lets see what optimizations we can make to this code!
659 rizwank 1.2  
660 rizwank 1.7  must do 1 - 
661 rizwank 1.9  move all the ITEM_MASSs to (other)
662              the ITEM_MASSs are now ITEM_TYPE, a def earlier on (we could have done typedef here too, of course)
663 rizwank 1.7  real    0m2.928s
664              user    0m1.999s
665              sys     0m0.061s
666              Slight increase.
668              Bad things happen when we try to make it into floats, I just tired. floats can't be [] contents for an array ;p
669              Doing unsigned long for now.
670              goal 1 = stop ratio calculation and comparisons if at all possible!
671              real time shot up!
672              real    0m3.994s
673              user    0m2.390s
674              sys     0m0.046s
676 rizwank 1.8  (that being said, timse don't seem to be consistent. CVS is storing our versions, lets plow on)
678              remove the comparator in the structcomparator
679              real    0m2.830s
680              user    0m2.030s
681              sys     0m0.015s
683              remove the printout of the items as inserted
684              real    0m1.423s
685              user    0m1.436s
686              sys     0m0.015s
688 rizwank 1.9  remove the tracking of the item "number", we don't need to deal with it with this project.
690              after moved all unsigned ints to typedefs, 
691              typedef float ITEM_MASS;
692              typedef long INDEX_TYPE;
694              and modified the printfs to handle floating !
696              real    0m1.591s
697              user    0m1.562s
698              sys     0m0.000s
700              inserting a float does :
702              acm2.cpp: In function `int main(int, char**)':
703              acm2.cpp:410: error: no matching function for call to `backpack::putItem(
704                 double, int, int)'
705              acm2.cpp:279: error: candidates are: void backpack::putItem(float, float)
706              make: *** [acm2] Error 1
707 rizwank 1.8  
708 rizwank 1.9  (and it locks up if we have a decimal in seeked value)
709 rizwank 1.8  
710 rizwank 1.10 ok we move onwards to remove weight,value calls and replace them with just weight
711              we also use notepad/sed to remove half the sample knapsack calls
712              we realize in doing this that we've actually got 7009 elements! modifiying appropraite values!
714              real    0m2.627s
715              user    0m2.624s
716              sys     0m0.000s
718              but now it uses all 17.
721              Lets try an appropriately high value instead of the 50000ish we're using now. Lets say, we want ... 
722              600 elements of 7000, at avg value of 5000 3000000ish?
724              Case n=6998 Total possible nodes in thie state space tree is 2^6998-1
725                        Number of nodes placed in the priority queue:  70797
726                        Number of nodes examined/split:                69811
728              Totals: 114     509283.00       509283.00
730              then...
731 rizwank 1.10 
732              ============================ KNAPSACK ONE ================================
733              Case n=6998 Total possible nodes in thie state space tree is 2^6998-1
734                        Number of nodes placed in the priority queue: 108848
735                        Number of nodes examined/split:                96391
737              Totals: 1002    5091283.00      5091283.00
740              real    0m9.526s
741              user    0m9.249s
742              sys     0m0.203s
745              I'm actually pretty happy with this. We havent tested a few conditions, but its time we got the file loading routine in
748              todo 
749              1) when it doesnt work
750              2) when its already reached stop
751              3) float
752 rizwank 1.10 
753 rizwank 1.11 For superincreasing sets, its INCREDIBLY easy to do
754              Sort it.
755              if (current value < pallete size), palletsize-current value, current_value on board.
756              repeat until end
760              === loading file now
761              make input float ok
763              reverted to base type of non float --- making the stored value float did badthings to atoi / atof (they didnt work)
764 rizwank 1.10 
765 rizwank 1.8  
766              we could really move the pqueue to a queue --- although don't we want to push bigger items to the top to fill it up faster?
767 rizwank 1.7  
768              goal 1 - lets remove the double call to the creator function, weight=value ratio=1		
769 rizwank 1.2  
770 rizwank 1.1  		
771              		*/

Rizwan Kassim
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