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20             <h2>Rizwan Kassim - Getting the front headphone plug to work on your Dell Dimension</h2>
21             <p>
22 rizwank 1.1 <div class="intro">
23             So, I've got a Dell Dimension 8400. One nice tidbit that they included was a front headphone plug that actually interrupts the speaker output; not a difficult thing to do, granted, but its nice. One thing that surprised me was that the Windows Startup sound WOULD be played out the main speakers no matter what --- making me realize that the interrupt was a software function, not a hardware switch.<br><br>
24             Until it stopped working last week. Hours of time w/ Dell Support (which, by the way, seems to be outsourced to New Delhi and not a single person fully understood my problem), Dell forums and Google gave me little. The deal is, is that the Audigys normally come with a front panel with plugs; which isn't available in the Dell world. And yet, it still uses that internal routing to handle the headphone plug.<br><br>
25             So, has your headphone switch in stopped working? Reinstalling the Dell drivers does nothing. Google suggests that you turn on the setting in the AudioHQ control panel --- but it isn't there.<br><br>
26             <img src="guideimages/dell_audigy.gif"><br><br>
27             Installing Creative's stock drivers over your Dell drivers just gives me the shivers. Oh, and it doesn't work. All I ended up doing was finding a driver package, say, for instance, <a href="http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=mozclient&num=20&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=SBA2_PCWDRV_LB_1_84_55-R1">SBA2_PCWDRV_LB_1_84_55-R1</a>. Extract the archive (run it and look in your temp directory while its running; or even better, just use WinRAR to extract it), and go to Drivers\WDM\Common\ and run CTPanel.exe. (Or just download my <a href="media/audigy_ctpanel.zip">copy</a>).<br><br>
28             Run it, go to device settings, and voila! "Mute speakers upon Headphone Jack Detection."
29             <br><br>
30             <img src="guideimages/creative_audigy.gif"><br><br>
31             Thats it!
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