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  1 rizwank 1.1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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 10             <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Personal site of Rizwan Kassim, fan of Magic the Gathering MTG, UCLA, Mike and Ben, Comedyworld, backpacking, Broadcast Engineering">
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 20             <h1> Rizwan Kassim's Site. Rizwan Kassim. Rizwan Feroze Kassim. Kassim. Rizwan. Magic. </h1> -->
 22 rizwank 1.1 <body>
 23 rizwank 1.24 <table><tr><td><h1>Rizwan Kassim's INSERT TITLE HERE</h1>
 24 rizwank 1.5  <h3>Work that I've Done, Guides I have written, Stuff I found, A Bit about Me</h3>
 25 rizwank 1.1  <div class="intro">
 26              Hi. I'm Rizwan Kassim. INSERT BLURB HERE.<br>
 27              <!-- Content = {  }<br>
 28              Geekymedia.com evolution : HTML/Frames until 2003 => Moveable Type until 2005 => HTML/CSS<br> -->
 29 rizwank 1.24 I was going to do this site with a <a href="http://www.twiki.org">Wiki</a> or <a href="http://www.drupal.org">Drupal</a> until a conversation with <a href="http://www.kegel.com">Dan Kegel</a> convinced me of the beauty of simplicty. He describes his own site as a "over-grown bunch of notes" and I've found his extremely easy to navigate.
 30 rizwank 1.1  </div> 
 31              <div class="quote">
 32              "What they call talent is nothing but the capacity for doing continuous hard work
 33              in the right way." -- Winslow Homer
 34 rizwank 1.23 </div><br><center><a href="tal_archive.html"><b>Podcast Enabled, Downloading Enabled</b></a><br>This American Life MP3s via<br> <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/tal_podcast.rss">Podcast</a> <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/tal_podcast.rss"><img src="guideimages/tal_rss.gif"></a> or <a href="http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3">HTTP Archive</a><br><br><a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/photo">My Photography</a></center>
 35 rizwank 1.24 </td><td><iframe style="width:160px; height: 330px; border: 0px;" src="http://www.everydaily.net/daily/?user=rizwank" scroll="no" scrolling="no"></iframe></td></tr></table>
 36 rizwank 1.1  <h3>Projects</h3>
 37              <ul>
 38 rizwank 1.14     <li>Old Time Radio/Public Radio
 39                  <ul>
 40                      <li>Old Time Radio Archive -- perhaps uploading my Jack Benny Archives? Or offering space to the <a href="www.ijbfc.org">IJBFC</a>.
 41                      <li>I had planned to write a series of scripts to automatically rip NPR content to MP3s for podcasts (only the stuff that they don't make available through audible
 42                      </ul>
 43 rizwank 1.1  	<li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/~rizwank/">Comprehensive Perl Archive Network</a> - My submission (soon) of Email:
 44 rizwank 1.3  	<li>Projects to do/in internal progress:
 45              	<ul>
 46 rizwank 1.16 		<li>Make some upgrades to <a href="pathabbr.html">pathabbr</a> and try to get it used a bit more. 
 47 rizwank 1.3  		<li>Converting <a href="http://home.tiscali.de/emilio.lopes/screen/screen.html">GNU Screen Cygwin</a> port to standard Cygwin <a href="http://www.cygwin.com/setup.html#package_contents">package</a>
 48              		<br>I'm actually pretty peeved about this. I had really intended to start the port from scratch and actually _make_ the port, but it seems its already been done.
 49 rizwank 1.9  		<li>Adding (VERY) basic Drag-Drop support to Cygwin/X - I just want to be able to drag files onto Nedit
 50 rizwank 1.7  		<li>Packaging <a href="http://bitchx.org/">BitchX IRC Client</a> into Cygwin Install.
 51              		<br>It would be interesting to note what other things I could help with at Cygwin --- do they need conformance tests for libraries like wine does?
 52 rizwank 1.3  		<li>Figuring out what went wrong with my <a href="http://pyre.third-bit.com/blog/archives/000174.html">Google Interview</a>.
 53              		<li>Making a regex/<a href="http://pegasus.rutgers.edu/~elflord/unix/sed.html">sed</a> 'cheatsheet' so I can finally use it daily without regoogling for info each time.
 54              		<li>Moving site maintainance from CVS to Subversion --- once I decide if i like Subversion. 
 55 rizwank 1.16 		<li>"Only until someone makes a software program that lets me control what to do with my typos" --- sounds like a <a href="http://slate.com/Default.aspx?id=2113397&">request</a> to me! Of course, Make magazine recently <a href="http://make.oreilly.com/01/diy_TypeIt4Me/">linked</a> to some resources already.
 56 rizwank 1.5  		<li>Taking more advantage of the <a href="http://durak.org/cvswebsites/howto-cvs/index.html">CVS management </a> powers that this site has...
 57 rizwank 1.1  	</ul>
 59              <h3>Mini-Guides</h3>
 60              <ul>
 61              	<li>Development Oriented
 62              	<ul>
 63              		<li><a href="/wine/InstallViewCVS">Installing ViewCVS</a> - Step by step instructions for performing a ViewCVS install with CVSGraph and Enscript
 65              	</ul>
 66              	<li>Security Oriented
 67              	<ul>
 68              		<li><a href="/wine/SetupCVSvisSSH">Setting up CVS via SSH with only one account</a> - Using OpenSSH keys and CVS to provide a 'CVS' only shell connection.
 69 rizwank 1.14         <li><a href="/email.js">email.js</a> - Writing your email address with JS. (I still have to find the guide that showed me how to do this...
 70 rizwank 1.1  	</ul>
 72 rizwank 1.8  	<li>UCLA-Specific
 73 rizwank 1.1  	<ul>
 74              		<li>
 75              	</ul>
 76 rizwank 1.8  	
 77              	<li>Fixing Random Problems
 78              	<ul>
 79              		<li><a href="nedit_cygwin_error.html">Nedit compile errors under Cygwin</a>
 80 rizwank 1.16         <li><a href="dell_audigy_headphones.html">Getting your headphone plug to work properly with your Dell Dimension w/ Audigy</a>
 81 rizwank 1.8  	</ul>
 82 rizwank 1.1  </ul>
 84              <h3>Completed Programs</h3>
 85              <ul>
 86 rizwank 1.17     <li><a href="http://www.enigmacon.org">Enigmacon 2005 - Convention run at UCLA by UCLA <a href="http://www.enigmata.org">Enigma</a> - <a href="http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?id=31109">Sci Fi Wire's take</a>
 87 rizwank 1.14 	<li><a href="/wine">Software Engineering With Wine</a> - CS 130 UCLA
 88              	<ul>
 89              		<li><a href="/wine/Group3">My group's work on cabinet.dll tests</a>
 90              		<li><a href="/wine/AddingMakefile">Adding your code to the configure script</a> - Turn your Makefile.in to a Makefile!
 91              		<li><a href="/wine/FixingLibungif">Wine Configure Bug 1730 / 2437</a> - Current workspace to fix gif_lib.h / DGifOpen compiler error.
 92              	</ul>
 94 rizwank 1.1  	<li><a href="pathabbr.html">Pathabbr 0.3</a> - Pathabbr abbreviates paths to given length using ellipsis. Updated for Cygwin.
 95 rizwank 1.11     <li>UCLA - Assoc. for Computing Machinery's March Programming Competition<
 96                  <ul>
 97 rizwank 1.12         <li>Part <a href="http://calypso.cs.ucla.edu/?q=node/view/59">One</a> was solved by disassembling the class file with <a href="http://kpdus.tripod.com/jad.html">JAD</a> then modifying the code. Quite simple.
 98                      <li>Part <a href="http://calypso.cs.ucla.edu/?q=node/view/118">Two</a> was solved using a <a href="http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/branchNbound.html">Branch and Bound Method</a> -- My solution is up on the <A href="http://www.geekymedia.com/viewcvs/cgi/viewcvs.cgi/acm/">CVS</a>.
 99 rizwank 1.11     </ul>
100 rizwank 1.21     <li>Getting my undergrad degree from UCLA - Yes, I've <a href="http://www.engineer.ucla.edu/news/2005/marburgerpost.html">graduated!</a>
101                  </li>
102 rizwank 1.1  </ul>
105              <h3>About me</h3>
106              <ul>
107 rizwank 1.7  	<li>Conversations I've been involved with on mailing lists for <a href="http://search.gmane.org/search.php?query=rizwan+kassim++&email=&sort=date">Wine, Cygwin, VLC</a>, <a href="http://www.slashcam.de/cgibin/search/search.pl?Terms=rizwan">DV-L@dvdigest</a>, <a href="http://groups-beta.google.com/groups?q=%22rizwan+kassim%22&qt_s=Search+Groups">All of Usenet</a>.
108 rizwank 1.1  	<li>Resume
109 rizwank 1.16 	<li><a href="photo/">My Photo Gallery</a>
110 rizwank 1.10 	<li><a href="http://www.photocritique.net/g/phtg?RIZWAN+KASSIM">Rizwan Kassim on photocritique.net</a>
111 rizwank 1.19 	<li><a href="http://www.metawishlist.com/user/rizwank.aspx">Meta-Wishlist</a>
112 rizwank 1.1  </ul>	
114              <h3>News/Press Mentions</h3>
115              <ul>
116              	<li><A href="media/westwing.asx">The West Wing : Commercial "Raves"</A>
117 rizwank 1.8      <li><A href="newsweek.html">Newsweek on Napster</A>
118 rizwank 1.1  	<ul><li><A href="http://www.gppsd.ab.ca/~rgilson/courses/comp10/internet/napster_and_copyright.htm">Napster Quiz</A>
119              	</ul>
120 rizwank 1.8  	<li><A href="latimes.html">Los Angeles Times</A>
121 rizwank 1.1  	<li><a href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/">UCLA Daily Bruin</a>
122              	<ul>
123                  	<li><A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/DB/issues/99/05.21/news.movies.html">The Phantom Classmates</A> 
124                  	<li><A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/01.24/ae.mikeandben.html">Let there be television (Mike and Ben)</A> 
125                  	<li><A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/01.24/ae.uclatv.html">Let there be television</A> 
126                  	<li><A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/02.24/news.uclatv.html">Student TV program faces restrictions</A>
127                  	<li><A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/04.17/ae.mainline.html">Stay tuned</A>    
128 rizwank 1.13 	<li><A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/news/articles.asp?id=30690">Letters to the editor: Ritalin's dangers cannot be dismissed</a>
129 rizwank 1.1  	</ul>
130              	<li><a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20021027092344/http://www.nab.org/conventions/nab2002/nabxstream.asp">My Seminar at NAB</a><br>
131              </ul>
133              <h3>Older Content</h3>
134              <ul>
135              	<li>Blog Archives
136              	<ul>
137              		<li>2003 :
138              		<a href="archives/2003/02/index.html">Feb</a> 
139              		<a href="archives/2003/03/index.html">Mar</a> 
140              		<a href="archives/2003/04/index.html">Apr</a> 
141              		<a href="archives/2003/05/index.html">May</a> 
142              		<a href="archives/2003/06/index.html">Jun</a> 
143              		<a href="archives/2003/07/index.html">Jul</a> 
144              		<a href="archives/2003/08/index.html">Aug</a> 
145              		<a href="archives/2003/09/index.html">Sep</a> 
146              		<a href="archives/2003/10/index.html">Oct</a> 
147              		<a href="archives/2003/11/index.html">Nov</a> 
148              		<a href="archives/2003/12/index.html">Dec</a> 
149              		<li>2004 : 
150 rizwank 1.1  		<a href="archives/2004/01/index.html">Jan</a> 
151              		<a href="archives/2004/02/index.html">Feb</a> 
152              		<a href="archives/2004/03/index.html">Mar</a> 
153              		<a href="archives/2004/04/index.html">Apr</a> 
154              		<a href="archives/2004/05/index.html">May</a> 
155              		<a href="archives/2004/06/index.html">Jun</a> 
156              		<a href="archives/2004/09/index.html">Sep</a> 
157              	</ul>
158              	<li><A href="oldcontent/faq.html">FAQ about Riz (circa 1999)</a>
159              	<li>Friends Images (1999)
160              	<ul>
161              		<li><A href="oldcontent/friends_ucla.htm">UCLA Friends</A>
162              		<li><A href="oldcontent/friends_vv.htm">Friends before UCLA</A>
163              		<li><A href="oldcontent/peoplerock.htm">People That Rock</A>
164              	</ul>
165              	<li>Random Pics (1999)
166              	<ul>
167              		<li><A href="oldcontent/random_pictures_1.htm">Random Pictures - Page 1<BR></A>
168                		<li><A href="oldcontent/random_pictures_2.htm">Random Pictures - Page 2</A>
169                		<li><A href="oldcontent/random_pictures_3.htm">Random Pictures - Page 3</A>
170                		<li><A href="oldcontent/random_pictures_4.htm">Random Pictures - Page 4</A>
171 rizwank 1.1  	</ul>
172              </ul>
174              Site upgrade thoughts:<br>
175              Move main structure to nested JS lists : http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/jsexamples/listCollapseExample.html <br>
176              Link to my <a href="http://del.icio.us/rizwank">Delicious</a> Links.<br>
177              RSS Feeds from fav sites?<br>
179              <hr>
180              		<div id="footer">
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191 rizwank 1.14 <i>Copyright 1998-2005 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.geekymedia.com/email.js"></script></i>
192 rizwank 1.1  </body>
193              </html>

Rizwan Kassim
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