1 rizwank 1.1 <p>
2 <strong>Introduction to MySQLinks</strong><br />
3 Welcome to MySQLinks. This section of the help area is to give you a quick introduction to MySQLinks so that you can make the most of what the script can do.<br /><br />
4 <em>Categories</em><br />
5 Having successfully run the setup script, you should now have at least one links category in MySQLinks. The names of each of your categories are listed on the left hand side of the screen, and you can click on the name of a category to view the links that you have assigned to it.<br />
6 When you view any of your links categories, the description that you gave to the category is displayed as a heading on the page, as well as a count of the number of links you have.<br />
7 Below this is where your links will be displayed.<br /><br />
9 <em>Links</em><br />
10 On each of the category pages, your links will be displayed in however many columns you specified when you set up MySQLinks. If you find that the number of columns that you have chosen isn't working for you for any reason, you can change this setting by going to <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php">Admin</a>, User Preferences, <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php?func=4">Edit MySQLinks configuration and user information</a>.<br />
11 You may notice that some of your links are displayed in <strong>bold</strong> or <em>italicised</em> text (or both). These have special meanings: -<br />
12 » a <strong>bold</strong> link is listed as being recently updated in your <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>help.php?topic=2">Recently Updated XML</a> file.<br />
13 » an <em>italic</em> link is one that you have marked as being Private.<br /><br />
15 <em>Adding Links</em><br />
16 You have two ways adding links to your MySQLinks categories.<br />
17 <strong>In bulk:</strong> In the <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php">Admin</a> area, under the Editing your links sub-heading, there is an option for you to <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php?func=3">Add new links</a>. This will prompt you to choose a category that you would like to add your links to. When you click on a category name, you will see a form with spaces for you to enter details for up to five links at a time.<br />
18 <strong>By bookmarklet:</strong> If you have created a MySQLinks bookmarklet (which you can also find on the <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php">Admin</a> page under Editing your links), you can use this to add a link to MySQLinks right from your browser toolbar. There is a separate help section with more information about using your <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>help.php?topic=5">bookmarklet</a>.<br /><br />
20 <em>Link Fields</em><br />
21 When you add links to your MySQLinks categories, there are several fields available for storing different information about each link.<br />
22 rizwank 1.1 » <strong>URL:</strong> This is fairly self-explanatory. This field is where you will enter the address of the site you wish to link to. e.g. http://freebies.wiccked.com/mysqlinks/<br />
23 » <strong>Title:</strong> This is the name of the site that will be displayed as the linked text in the category pages of MySQLinks and also when you share your links in your website using MySQL<em>inc</em>.<br />
24 » <strong>Extra Info:</strong> You can put any extra information relating to the link in this field. What you type here will be displayed as the link's title attribute value (normally displayed as a 'tooltip' when you hover your mouse over a link).<br />
25 » <strong>Status:</strong> You can choose to make each link either Public or Private. Because there are sometimes sites that you need to have in your links list but you don't necessarily want to share with other people, you can mark a link as Private to prevent it being displayed when you share your links using MySQL<em>inc</em>.<br /><br />
27 <em>Editing and Deleting Links</em><br />
28 In the <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php">Admin</a> area, there are sections for you to edit your links or to delete links. These are fairly self-explanatory. <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php?func=8">Deleting</a> a link will immediately and irreversibly remove it from the system. <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php?func=5">Editing</a> a link allows you to update the URL, Title, Extra Information or change the Status; or there is an option for you to transfer the link to a different category.<br /><br />
30 <em>Adding, Editing and Deleting Categories</em><br />
31 Under the Categories sub-heading in the <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php">Admin</a> area are options for you to add, edit or delete a category. These, again, are fairly self-explanatory. You may create a new category as the need arises using the <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php?func=1">Create a new link category option</a>; edit the name or description of an existing category using the <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php?func=2">Edit an existing link category</a> option; or immediately and irreversibly delete a category and all of the links in it by using the <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>admin.php?func=9">Delete a category</a> option.<br /><br />
33 <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>help.php">Return to Help</a>, or go to main <a href="<?php echo $mysqvars['url']; ?>">MySQLinks</a> page.<br />
34 </p>