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  1 rizwank 1.1 <?php
  2             //get set
  3             include('lib/config.php');
  5             // get authorised
  6             include('lib/validate.php');
  8             // get connected
  9             include('lib/database.php');
 10             ?>
 12             <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
 13             <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
 14             <head>
 15             <title>MySQLinks | Logged In: <?php echo $_SESSION['valid']['name']; ?></title>
 16             <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mysqlinks.css" media="all" name="default" />
 17             <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
 18             <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />
 19             <meta http-equiv="pragmas" content="no-cache" />
 20             <meta http-equiv="robots" content="noindex,nofollow,noarchive,nocache" />
 21             <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content='text/html; charset="utf-8"' />
 22 rizwank 1.1 <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-au" />
 23             <script LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT">
 24             <!--//
 25             function changeCat() {
 26               gourl=document.mysqform.mysqdrop.selectedIndex
 27               if (document.mysqform.mysqdrop.options[gourl].value != "none") {
 28             	  location = document.mysqform.mysqdrop.options[gourl].value
 29               }
 30             }
 32             //-->
 33             </script>
 34             <script type="text/javascript">
 35             /*  
 36             Made by Martial Boissonneault © 2001-2004 http://getElementById.com/
 37             May be used and changed freely as long as this msg is intact
 38             Visit http://getElementById.com/ for more free scripts and tutorials.
 39             */
 40             function BlurLinks(){
 41             	if(document.getElementById){
 42                 		lnks=document.getElementsByTagName('a');
 43 rizwank 1.1     		for(i=0;i<lnks.length;i++){
 44                 			lnks[i].onfocus=new Function("if(this.blur)this.blur()");
 45                 		}
 46             	}
 47             }
 48             </script>
 49             <style>
 50             a {
 51             	text-decoration: none;
 52             	background: transparent;
 53             	color: #365c80;
 54             }
 56             a:hover {
 57             	text-decoration: underline;
 58             	background: transparent;
 59             	color: #800000;
 60             }
 62             a.grey {
 63             	color: #c0c0c0;
 64 rizwank 1.1 	background: transparent;
 65             }
 66             </style>
 67             </head>
 68             <body style="background: #fff url('mysqlinks_sidebar.png') top left no-repeat; padding-top: 50px;">
 69             <center>
 70             	<form style="display: inline;" name="mysqform">
 71             		<select name="mysqdrop" onchange="changeCat()" style="font: bold 11px Verdana, Tahoma, Sans-Serif; width: 130px; color: #404040;">
 72             <?php
 73             if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['cat'])) {
 74             	// set a default category
 75             	$cat = $mysqvars['default_category'];
 76             } else {
 77             	$cat = $HTTP_GET_VARS['cat'];
 78             }
 80             $results = mysql_list_tables($mysqdb['name']) or die("Invalid request: " . mysql_error());
 82             while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($results)) {
 83             	$funkychars = rawurlencode($row[0]); 
 84                 	if ($cat == $row[0]) {
 85 rizwank 1.1     		print "			<option selected value=\"$mysqvars[url]sidebar.php?cat=$funkychars\">$row[0]</option>\n";
 86                 	} else {
 87                 		print "			<option value=\"$mysqvars[url]sidebar.php?cat=$row[0]\">$row[0]</option>\n";
 88                 	}
 89             }
 91             mysql_free_result($results);
 93             				// getting the links from the db
 95                     $query = "SELECT * FROM `$cat` ORDER BY `title`";
 97                     $results = mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
 99                     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
100                     				$links[] = array('url' => $row[1],'title' => $row[2],'extras' => $row[3], 'status' => $row[4]);
101                     }
103             ?>
104             		</select>
105             	</form>
106 rizwank 1.1 </center>
108             				<p style="font: 11px/1.1 Verdana, Tahoma, Sans-Serif;">
109                     <?php
111             				// build comparison array for recently updated blog checking
112                     require('lib/class.xml.php');
113                     $file = $mysqvars['xml'];
114                     $data = implode("",file($file)) or die("could not open XML input file");
115                     $obj = new xml($data,"xml");
116                    	for($i = 0; $i < count($xml["weblogUpdates_weblog"]); $i++) {
117                			     	$updated[] = $xml["weblogUpdates_weblog"][$i]->attributes[0]["url"];
118                    	}
119                     $updated = implode(' ',$updated);	
121             				// displaying the links in the specified number of columns
123             						for ($l = 0; $l <  count($links); $l++) {
124             								if (isset($links[$l])) {
125             										// assign nicer variable names to link components	
126             								   			$url = $links[$l]['url'];
127 rizwank 1.1 									 			$extras = $links[$l]['extras'];
128             								   			$title = $links[$l]['title'];
129             								   			$status = $links[$l]['status'];
130             										// strip url to it's birthday suit to account for variations i.e. http://gazpachosoup.net vs http://www.gazpachosoup.net
131             									 			$naked = str_replace('http://www.','',$url);
132             							     			$naked = str_replace('http://','',$naked);
133             										// check if naked url exists in recently updated list
134             					        			$check = strpos($updated,$naked);
136             								// depending on whether or not it's recently updated, print it plain or peanut										
137             									   if ($check === false) {
138             										 		// plain - not recently updated
139             												//also, check if it's a public or private link and display private in italic
140             												if ($status == "0") {
141             												print "&bull; <a href=\"$url\" class=\"\" target=\"_main\" title=\"$extras\" onclick=\"javascript:this.className = 'grey'\"><em>$title</em></a><br />\n";
142             												} else {
143             												print "&bull; <a href=\"$url\" class=\"\" target=\"_main\" title=\"$extras\" onclick=\"javascript:this.className = 'grey'\">$title</a><br />\n";
144             												}
145                   			  			} else {
146             												// peanut - recently updated
147             												//also, check if it's a public or private link and display private in italic
148 rizwank 1.1 												if ($status == "0") {												
149                     		  				  print "<strong>&bull; <a href=\"$url\" class=\"\" target=\"_main\" title=\"$extras\" onclick=\"javascript:this.className = 'grey'\"><em>$title</em></a></strong><br />\n";
150             												} else {
151                     		  				  print "<strong>&bull; <a href=\"$url\" class=\"\" target=\"_main\" title=\"$extras\" onclick=\"javascript:this.className = 'grey'\">$title</a></strong><br />\n";
152             												}																
153             			        			}		
154             								}
155             							}
157                     ?>
158             </p>
162             </body>
163             </html>

Rizwan Kassim
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