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 1 rizwank 1.1 <?php
 2             require "./inc/head.php";
 3             ?>
 4             <?php include "./inc/doctype.php"; ?>
 5             <head>
 6             <?php include "./inc/charset.php"; ?>
 7             <title>SSP Admin :: Edit Album</title>
 8             <?php include "./inc/head_elem.php"; ?>
10             </head>
12             <body>
13             	<div id="container">
15             		<?php include "./inc/h1.php"; ?>
17             		<div id="sub-nav"><strong>Edit Album Sub-Nav &raquo;</strong> Edit Album Metadata | <a href="edit-album-images.php?aid=<?php echo $aid?>">Edit Album Images</a> | <a href="edit-album-order.php?aid=<?php echo $aid; ?>">Edit Image Order</a></div>
18             		<?php if ($m==2)
19             			echo '<p class="update-msg"><small>Album Added. Edit Metadata Below, or <a href="edit-album-images.php?aid='.$aid.'">Edit the Album\'s Images</a></small></p>';
20             		?>
21             		<h2>Edit Album Metadata</h2>
22 rizwank 1.1 		<?php if ($m==1)
23             			echo '<p class="update-msg"><small>Update Successful!</small></p>';
24             			if ($m==3)
25             				echo '<p class="update-msg"><small>Links Changed Successfully!</small></p>';
26             		?>
28             		<form action="edit-album-exe.php" method="post">
29             		<fieldset>Album Name:<br />
30             			<input name="aName" type="text" value="<?php echo $aName; ?>" /></fieldset>
31             		<fieldset>Album Description:<br />
32             			<textarea name="aDesc" rows="5" cols="40"><?php echo $aDes; ?></textarea></fieldset>
33             		<fieldset>Album Thumbnail:<br />
34             			<small>Only use this box if you want to set the Album Thumbnail to an image not in your album directory. To use a image in that directory, use the <a href="edit-album-images.php?aid=<?php echo $aid; ?>">Edit Album Images</a> page. You can do one of two things. First, you could specify a relative url. Remember, if you use a relative URL, it needs to be relative to the SlideShowPro flash file, therefore it must include the name of this admin folder (ex. <?php echo $adminDir; ?>/album-thumbs/somefile.jpg). You can also use an absolute url (http://www.myserver.com/somefile.jpg)</small><br />
35             			<input name="atn" style="margin-top:5px;" type="text" size="45" value="<?php echo $atn; ?>" /></fieldset>
36             		<fieldset>Thumbnails: <input type="checkbox" name="tn" value="1"
37             		<?php if ($tn == 1) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /><br/>
38             		<small>If you check this box, be sure you have uploaded thumbs into the tn directory of this album! <a href="generate-thumbs.php?aid=<?php echo $aid ?>">Click Here to Generate Thumbnails</a></small>
39             		</fieldset>
41             		<fieldset>Links Open in Same Window: <input type="checkbox" name="tgt" value="1"
42             		<?php if ($tgt == 1) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> /><br/>
43 rizwank 1.1 		<small>Version 1.0.3 (or higher) of SlideShowPro Required</a></small>
44             		</fieldset>
46             		<fieldset>Prefill Links to Point to Large Version of the Image: <br />
47             		<a href="auto-link.php?aid=<?php echo $aid ?>">Click Here to Prefill All Links</a>
48             		<small>NOTE: This will change ALL of your links, even ones you have already set, for this album. You can edit them individually from the Edit Image page.</a></small>
49             		</fieldset>
51             		<fieldset>Album Audio Track (Optional):<br />
52             			<input name="aMp3" type="text" value="<?php echo $aMp3; ?>" /> <small>(File Name only. MUST be in the album-audio folder)</small></fieldset>
53             		<fieldset>Album Audio Caption (Optional):<br />
54             			<textarea name="aMp3Desc" rows="5" cols="40"><?php echo $aMp3Cap; ?></textarea></fieldset>
56             		<fieldset><input type="submit" value="Update Album Metadata" /></fieldset>
57             		<input type="hidden" name="aid" value="<?php echo $aid; ?>" />
58             		</form>
60             	</div>
63             </body>
64 rizwank 1.1 </html>

Rizwan Kassim
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