1 rizwank 1.1 <?php
2 require "./inc/head.php";
3 ?>
4 <?php include "./inc/doctype.php"; ?>
5 <head>
6 <?php include "./inc/charset.php"; ?>
7 <title>SSP Admin :: Dashboard</title>
8 <?php include "./inc/head_elem.php"; ?>
9 </head>
11 <body>
12 <div id="container">
14 <?php include "./inc/h1.php"; ?>
16 <h2>Add a New Dynamic Gallery</h2>
17 <p>Add a new dynamic gallery by giving it a name below. Once added, you can specify what albums to include in the dynamic gallery and what order they should appear in.</p>
18 <form action="add-dynamic-exe.php" method="post">
19 <fieldset>
20 <input type="text" name="dName" /> <input type="submit" value="Add New Dynamic Gallery" />
21 </fieldset>
22 rizwank 1.1 </form>
23 <h2>Edit a Dynamic Gallery</h2>
24 <?php if ($m==1) echo '<p class="update-msg"><small>Dynamic Album Delted!</small></p>'; ?>
25 <p>To edit an existing dynamic gallery, select it from the list below.</p>
26 <?php dynAlbumsList(); ?>
27 </div>
30 </body>
31 </html>