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  1 rizwank 1.1 <?php
  2             require "./inc/head.php";
  3             ?>
  4             <?php include "./inc/doctype.php"; ?>
  5             <head>
  6             <?php include "./inc/charset.php"; ?>
  7             <title>SSP Admin :: Edit Album</title>
  8             <?php include "./inc/head_elem.php"; ?>
 10             </head>
 12             <body>
 13             	<div id="container">
 15             		<?php include "./inc/h1.php"; ?>
 17             		<div id="sub-nav"><strong>Edit Album Sub-Nav &raquo;</strong> <a href="edit-album-images.php?aid=<?php echo $aid?>">Edit Album Metadata</a> | <a href="edit-album-images.php?aid=<?php echo $aid?>">Edit Album Images</a> | <a href="edit-album-order.php?aid=<?php echo $aid; ?>">Edit Album Order</a></div>
 18             		<?php if ($m==2)
 19             			echo '<p class="update-msg"><small>Album Added. Edit Metadata Below, or <a href="edit-album.php?aid='.$aid.'">Edit the Album\'s Images</a></small></p>';
 20             		?>
 21             		<h2>Generate Thumbnails</h2>
 22 rizwank 1.1 
 23             <?php
 24             if (isset($_GET['dim']))
 25             {
 26             flush();
 27             $dim = $_GET['dim'];
 28             $gd2=checkgd();
 30             // Perms check on the albums directory
 31             $perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms("./albums/")), -4);
 32             if ($perms != '0777')
 33             {
 34             @chmod(('albums/'), 0777) or die("<h2>Error</h2><p>SSPAdmin does not have the proper permissions to read from the albums directory. SSPAdmin tried to set the permissions for you, but was rejected. Please chmod this folder to 777. Your current permissions on this directory are $perms");
 35             }
 37             // Perms check on the specific album directory
 38             $perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms("./albums/$p/")), -4);
 39             if ($perms != '0777')
 40             {
 41             @chmod(('albums/'.$p.'/'), 0777) or die("<h2>Error</h2><p>SSPAdmin does not have the proper permissions to read from the folder: albums/$p SSPAdmin tried to set the permissions for you, but was rejected. Please chmod this folder to 777. Your current permissions on this directory are $perms");
 42             }
 43 rizwank 1.1 
 44             // Perms Check on the lg Folder
 45             $perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms("./albums/$p/lg/")), -4);
 46             if ($perms != '0777')
 47             {
 48             @chmod(('albums/'.$p.'/lg/'), 0777) or die("<h2>Error</h2><p>SSPAdmin does not have the proper permissions to read from the folder: albums/$p/lg SSPAdmin tried to set the permissions for you, but was rejected. Please chmod this folder to 777. Your current permissions on this directory are $perms");
 49             }
 51             $pics=directory('albums/'.$p.'/lg/',"jpg,JPG,JPEG,jpeg");
 53             if ( !@is_dir ('albums/'.$p.'/tn/') )
 54             {
 55             	if ( !@mkdir ('albums/'.$p.'/tn/', 0777))
 56             	{
 57             		die("No <b>tn</b> folder found in this album's directory. SSPAdmin tried to make one, but did not have the necessary priveleges. Make sure this album's directory is CHMODed to 777.");
 58             	}
 59             } else
 60             {
 61             	$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms("./albums/$p/tn/")), -4);
 62             	if ($perms != '0777')
 63             	{
 64 rizwank 1.1 	@chmod(('albums/'.$p.'/tn/'), 0777) or die("<h2>Error</h2><p>SSPAdmin does not have the proper permissions to write to the folder: albums/$p/tn/ SSPAdmin tried do set the permissions for you, but was rejected. Please chmod this folder to 777. Your current permissions on this directory are $perms");
 65             	}
 66             }
 68             if ($pics[0]!=""){
 69             	foreach ($pics as $pi){
 70             		createthumb('albums/'.$p.'/lg/'.$pi,'albums/'.$p.'/tn/'.$pi,$dim,$dim);
 71             		flush();
 72             	}
 73             	flush();
 74             	mysql_query("UPDATE $atbl SET tn=1 WHERE id = $aid") or die(mysql_error());
 75             	echo '<p>Thumbnails Created Successfully! Your album is now set to display thumbnails.</p>';
 76             } else {
 77             	echo '<p>No Images Found...</p>';
 78             }
 79             } else
 80             { 
 81             	function gdVersion($user_ver = 0)
 82             {
 83                if (! extension_loaded('gd')) { return; }
 84                static $gd_ver = 0;
 85 rizwank 1.1    // Just accept the specified setting if it's 1.
 86                if ($user_ver == 1) { $gd_ver = 1; return 1; }
 87                // Use the static variable if function was called previously.
 88                if ($user_ver !=2 && $gd_ver > 0 ) { return $gd_ver; }
 89                // Use the gd_info() function if possible.
 90                if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
 91                    $ver_info = gd_info();
 92                    preg_match('/\d/', $ver_info['GD Version'], $match);
 93                    $gd_ver = $match[0];
 94                    return $match[0];
 95                }
 96                // If phpinfo() is disabled use a specified / fail-safe choice...
 97                if (preg_match('/phpinfo/', ini_get('disable_functions'))) {
 98                    if ($user_ver == 2) {
 99                        $gd_ver = 2;
100                        return 2;
101                    } else {
102                        $gd_ver = 1;
103                        return 1;
104                    }
105                }
106 rizwank 1.1    // ...otherwise use phpinfo().
107                ob_start();
108                phpinfo(8);
109                $info = ob_get_contents();
110                ob_end_clean();
111                $info = stristr($info, 'gd version');
112                preg_match('/\d/', $info, $match);
113                $gd_ver = $match[0];
114                return $match[0];
115             } 
117             if ($gdv = gdVersion()) {
119             ?>
121             	<p>This process will make thumbnails from your existing full size images for this album. WARNING: If you have existing thumbnails, this process will overwrite them.</p>
122             	<form action="generate-thumbs.php" method="get">
123             		<fieldset>Maximum Width or Height: <input name="dim" type="text" size="4" value="90" /> <input type="submit" value="Generate Thumbs" /></fieldset>
124             		<input type="hidden" name="aid" value="<?php echo $aid ?>" />
125             	</form>
126             <?php } else { ?>
127 rizwank 1.1 	<p>To generate thumbnails, you must have PHP compiled with the GD extension. Contact your host or system administrator for more information.</p>
128             <?php } ?>
130             <?php
131             }
132             /*
133             	Function checkgd()
134             	checks the version of gd, and returns "yes" when it's higher than 2
135             */
136             function checkgd(){
137             	$gd2="";
138             	ob_start();
139             	phpinfo(8);
140             	$phpinfo=ob_get_contents();
141             	ob_end_clean();
142             	$phpinfo=strip_tags($phpinfo);
143             	$phpinfo=stristr($phpinfo,"gd version");
144             	$phpinfo=stristr($phpinfo,"version");
145             	preg_match('/\d/',$phpinfo,$gd);
146             	if ($gd[0]=='2'){$gd2="yes";}
147             	return $gd2;
148 rizwank 1.1 }
150             /*
151             	Function ditchtn($arr,$thumbname)
152             	filters out thumbnails
153             */
154             function ditchtn($arr,$thumbname){
155             	foreach ($arr as $item){
156             		if (!preg_match("/^".$thumbname."/",$item)){$tmparr[]=$item;}
157             	}
158             	return $tmparr;
159             }
161             /*
162             	Function createthumb($name,$filename,$new_w,$new_h)
163             	creates a resized image
164             	variables:
165             	$name		Original filename
166             	$filename	Filename of the resized image
167             	$new_w		width of resized image
168             	$new_h		height of resized image
169 rizwank 1.1 */	
170             function createthumb($name,$filename,$new_w,$new_h){
171             	global $gd2;
172             	$system=explode(".",$name);
173             	if (preg_match("/jpg|jpeg|JPG|JPEG/",$system[1])){$src_img=imagecreatefromjpeg($name);}
174             	if (preg_match("/png/",$system[1])){$src_img=imagecreatefrompng($name);}
175             	$old_x=imageSX($src_img);
176             	$old_y=imageSY($src_img);
177             	if ($old_x > $old_y) {
178             		$thumb_w=$new_w;
179             		$thumb_h=$old_y*($new_h/$old_x);
180             	}
181             	if ($old_x < $old_y) {
182             		$thumb_w=$old_x*($new_w/$old_y);
183             		$thumb_h=$new_h;
184             	}
185             	if ($old_x == $old_y) {
186             		$thumb_w=$new_w;
187             		$thumb_h=$new_h;
188             	}
189             	if ($gd2==""){
190 rizwank 1.1 			$dst_img=ImageCreate($thumb_w,$thumb_h);
191             			imagecopyresized($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$thumb_w,$thumb_h,$old_x,$old_y); 
192             	}else{
193             		$dst_img=ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w,$thumb_h);
194             		imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$thumb_w,$thumb_h,$old_x,$old_y); 
195             	}
196             	if (preg_match("/png/",$system[1])){
197             		imagepng($dst_img,$filename); 
198             	} else {
199             		imagejpeg($dst_img,$filename); 
200             	}
201             	imagedestroy($dst_img); 
202             	imagedestroy($src_img); 
203             }
205             /*
206                     Function directory($directory,$filters)
207                     reads the content of $directory, takes the files that apply to $filter 
208             		and returns an array of the filenames.
209                     You can specify which files to read, for example
210                     $files = directory(".","jpg,gif");
211 rizwank 1.1                 gets all jpg and gif files in this directory.
212                     $files = directory(".","all");
213                             gets all files.
214             */
215             function directory($dir,$filters){
216             	$handle=opendir($dir);
217             	$files=array();
218             	if ($filters == "all"){while(($file = readdir($handle))!==false){$files[] = $file;}}
219             	if ($filters != "all"){
220             		$filters=explode(",",$filters);
221             		while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
222             			for ($f=0;$f<sizeof($filters);$f++):
223             				$system=explode(".",$file);
224             				if ($system[1] == $filters[$f]){$files[] = $file;}
225             			endfor;
226             		}
227             	}
228             	closedir($handle);
229             	return $files;
230             }
231             ?>
232 rizwank 1.1 
233             </div>
236             </body>
237             </html>

Rizwan Kassim
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