1 rizwank 1.1 <?php
2 /************************************************************************
3 File upload v2.22 -
4 A simple class for your (multiple) file uploads
6 Copyright (C) 2004 - 2005 - Olaf Lederer
8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
22 rizwank 1.1 _________________________________________________________________________
23 available at http://www.finalwebsites.com
24 Comments & suggestions: http://www.finalwebsites.com/contact.php
26 Updates:
27 version 1.01 - added the $DOCUMENT_ROOT server variable to the $upload_dir
28 in the example.php.
30 version 1.02 - added the 'check_dir' method to the class. In this version
31 the user get an error if the defined upload-directory doesn't exsit.
33 version 1.10 - now the class will check if a file alreay exists. Use the
34 replace-property to overwrite an old file. Notice the checkbox inside the
35 example file: Check this box to toggle the replace-property.
37 version 2.00 - made this class more compact (removed some useless variables)
38 and added a new method(show_extensions()) to the basic class. All messages
39 are saved from now in the $message property (not replaced anymore) New in
40 this release is the multi upload example, with an extended class is it
41 possible to upload more then one file at the same time.
43 rizwank 1.1 version 2.01 - added a new method: With "check_file_name()" the class will
44 controle if a filename uses only charcters recognized by a regular filesytem.
46 version 2.02 - The method upload() has boolean function now. There is now
47 a property to switch the method check_file_name() on or off. CHMOD = 0777
48 if the property $replace is set to "y".
50 version 2.10 - The check_file_name() method tests now the string length and
51 checks that the filename is not empty (I removed the file check from the upload
52 method). The $message property is changed into an array. This array will be
53 filled by the error_text() method (this method is a extended version of the
54 old report_error() method). Inside this method you can switch the message by the new
55 property $language to use translations for the output. The message output is
56 done by the new show_error_string() method. I did also some cleaning work and
57 (small) bug fixing in several methods. I changed the multi_upload_example
58 to work with the new error reporting methodes, too.
60 version 2.20 - I changed the upload() method to handle also unique filenames.
61 This will happen if you set the var $rename_file on true. I added also some user
62 friendly (dutch) messages to the main class. I isolated the function to get the file
63 extension into a new method: function get_extension(). Notice the new extension:
64 rizwank 1.1 "foto_upload", these are some easy to use functions to resize an rotate
65 images. After the thumbnail and photo creation is done there is delete method to
66 remove the (orig.) uploaded file.
68 Version 2.21 - Added spanish messages to the class, thanks Sergio for the
69 translations.
71 version 2.22 - I changed the class to work with configurations where
72 register_globals = off an added the german translations, thank you Dirk Klingenberg!
73 *************************************************************************/
76 class file_upload {
78 var $the_file;
79 var $the_temp_file;
80 var $upload_dir;
81 var $replace;
82 var $do_filename_check;
83 var $max_length_filename = 100;
84 var $extensions;
85 rizwank 1.1 var $ext_string;
86 var $language;
87 var $http_error;
88 var $rename_file; // if this var is true the file copy get a new name
89 var $file_copy; // the new name
90 var $message = array();
92 function file_upload() {
93 $this->language = "en"; // choice of en, nl, es
94 $this->rename_file = false;
95 $this->ext_string = "";
96 }
97 // some error (HTTP)reporting, change the messages or remove options if you like.
98 function error_text($err_num) {
99 switch ($this->language) {
100 case "nl":
101 $error[0] = "Foto succesvol kopieert.";
102 $error[1] = "Het bestand is te groot, controlleer de max. toegelaten bestandsgrootte.";
103 $error[2] = "Het bestand is te groot, controlleer de max. toegelaten bestandsgrootte.";
104 $error[3] = "Fout bij het uploaden, probeer het nog een keer.";
105 $error[4] = "Fout bij het uploaden, probeer het nog een keer.";
106 rizwank 1.1 $error[10] = "Selecteer een bestand.";
107 $error[11] = "Het zijn alleen bestanden van dit type toegestaan: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>";
108 $error[12] = "Sorry, de bestandsnaam bevat tekens die niet zijn toegestaan. Gebruik alleen nummer, letters en het underscore teken. Een geldige naam eindigt met een punt en de extensie.";
109 $error[13] = "De bestandsnaam is te lang, het maximum is: ".$this->max_length_filename." teken.";
110 $error[14] = "Sorry, het opgegeven directory bestaat niet!";
111 $error[15] = "Uploading <b>".$this->the_file."...Fout!</b> Sorry, er is al een bestand met deze naam aanwezig.";
112 break;
113 case "de":
114 $error[0] = "Die Datei: <b>".$this->the_file."</b> wurde hochgeladen!";
115 $error[1] = "Die hochzuladende Datei ist größer als der Wert in der Server-Konfiguration!";
116 $error[2] = "Die hochzuladende Datei ist größer als der Wert in der Klassen-Konfiguration!";
117 $error[3] = "Die hochzuladende Datei wurde nur teilweise übertragen";
118 $error[4] = "Es wurde keine Datei hochgeladen";
119 $error[10] = "Wählen Sie eine Datei aus!.";
120 $error[11] = "Es sind nur Dateien mit folgenden Endungen erlaubt: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>";
121 $error[12] = "Der Dateiname enthält ungültige Zeichen. Benutzen Sie nur alphanumerische Zeichen für den Dateinamen mit Unterstrich.Ein gültiger Dateiname endet mit einem Punkt, gefolgt von der Endung.";
122 $error[13] = "Der Dateiname überschreitet die maximale Anzahl von ".$this->max_length_filename." Zeichen.";
123 $error[14] = "Das Upload-Verzeichnis existiert nicht!";
124 $error[15] = "Upload <b>".$this->the_file."...Fehler!</b> Eine Datei mit gleichem Dateinamen existiert bereits.";
125 break;
126 case "es":
127 rizwank 1.1 $error[0] = "El fichero: <b>".$this->the_file."</b> se ha cargado correctamente!";
128 $error[1] = "El fichero a cargar excede del tamaño máximo de la directiva en la configuración del servidor.";
129 $error[2] = "El fichero a cargar excede del tamaño máximo de la directiva especificada en el formulario html.";
130 $error[3] = "El fichero a cargar solo lo ha sido parcialmente.";
131 $error[4] = "El fichero no ha sido cargado.";
132 $error[10] = "Por favor seleccione un fichero a cargar.";
133 $error[11] = "Solo ficheros con las siguientes extensiones están permitidos: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>";
134 $error[12] = "Lo siento, el nombre del fichero contiene carácteres invalidos. Use solo carácteres alfanuméricos y separe (si es necesario) con un subrayado. Un nombre de fichero correcto acaba con un punto seguido de la extensión.";
135 $error[13] = "El nombre de fichero excede de la longitud máxima de ".$this->max_length_filename." carácteres.";
136 $error[14] = "¡Lo siento, el directorio de destino no existe!";
137 $error[15] = "Cargando <b>".$this->the_file."...Error!</b> lo siento, un fichero con el mismo nombre ya existe.";
138 break;
139 default:
140 // start http errors
141 $error[0] = "File: <b>".$this->the_file."</b> successfully uploaded!";
142 $error[1] = "The uploaded file exceeds the max. upload filesize directive in the server configuration.";
143 $error[2] = "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form.";
144 $error[3] = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded";
145 $error[4] = "No file was uploaded";
146 // end http errors
147 $error[10] = "Please select a file for upload.";
148 rizwank 1.1 $error[11] = "Only files with the following extensions are allowed: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>";
149 $error[12] = "Sorry, the filename contains invalid characters. Use only alphanumerical chars and separate parts of the name (if needed) with an underscore. A valid filename ends with one dot followed by the extension.";
150 $error[13] = "The filename exceeds the maximum length of ".$this->max_length_filename." characters.";
151 $error[14] = "Sorry, the upload directory doesn't exist!";
152 $error[15] = "Uploading <b>".$this->the_file."...Error!</b> Sorry, a file with this name already exitst.";
154 }
155 return $error[$err_num];
156 }
157 function show_error_string() {
158 $msg_string = "";
159 foreach ($this->message as $value) {
160 $msg_string .= $value."<br>\n";
161 }
162 return $msg_string;
163 }
164 function upload() {
165 if ($this->check_file_name()) {
166 if ($this->validateExtension()) {
167 if (is_uploaded_file($this->the_temp_file)) {
168 // this check/conversion is used for unique filenames
169 rizwank 1.1 $this->file_copy = ($this->rename_file) ? strtotime("now").$this->get_extension($this->the_file) : $this->the_file;
170 if ($this->move_upload($this->the_temp_file, $this->file_copy)) {
171 $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->http_error);
172 return true;
173 }
174 } else {
175 $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->http_error);
176 return false;
177 }
178 } else {
179 $this->show_extensions();
180 $this->message[] = $this->error_text(11);
181 return false;
182 }
183 } else {
184 return false;
185 }
186 }
187 function check_file_name() {
188 if ($this->the_file != "") {
189 if (strlen($this->the_file) > $this->max_length_filename) {
190 rizwank 1.1 $this->message[] = $this->error_text(13);
191 return false;
192 } else {
193 if ($this->do_filename_check == "y") {
194 if (ereg("^[a-zA-z0-9_]*\.[a-zA-az]{3,4}$", $this->the_file)) {
195 return true;
196 } else {
197 $this->message[] = $this->error_text(12);
198 return false;
199 }
200 } else {
201 return true;
202 }
203 }
204 } else {
205 $this->message[] = $this->error_text(10);
206 return false;
207 }
208 }
209 function get_extension($from_file) {
210 $ext = strtolower(strrchr($from_file,"."));
211 rizwank 1.1 return $ext;
212 }
213 function validateExtension() {
214 $extension = $this->get_extension($this->the_file);
215 $ext_array = $this->extensions;
216 if (in_array($extension, $ext_array)) {
217 return true;
218 } else {
219 return false;
220 }
221 }
222 // this method is only used for detailed error reporting
223 function show_extensions() {
224 $this->ext_string = implode(" ", $this->extensions);
225 }
226 function move_upload($tmp_file, $new_file) {
227 umask(0);
228 if ($this->existing_file()) {
229 $newfile = $this->upload_dir.$new_file;
230 if ($this->check_dir()) {
231 if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $newfile)) {
232 rizwank 1.1 if ($this->replace == "y") {
233 system("chmod 0777 $newfile");
234 } else {
235 system("chmod 0755 $newfile");
236 }
237 return true;
238 } else {
239 return false;
240 }
241 } else {
242 $this->message[] = $this->error_text(14);
243 return false;
244 }
245 } else {
246 $this->message[] = $this->error_text(15);
247 return false;
248 }
249 }
250 function check_dir() {
251 if (!is_dir($this->upload_dir)) {
252 return false;
253 rizwank 1.1 } else {
254 return true;
255 }
256 }
257 function existing_file() {
258 if ($this->replace == "y") {
259 return true;
260 } else {
261 if (file_exists($this->upload_dir.$this->the_file)) {
262 return false;
263 } else {
264 return true;
265 }
266 }
267 }
268 }
269 ?>