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  1 rizwank 1.1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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 49               <p><SPAN class=title>R</SPAN><SPAN 
 50             class=captitle>IZWAN&nbsp;</SPAN> <SPAN 
 51             class=title>F. K</SPAN><SPAN 
 52             class=captitle>ASSIM</SPAN><BR>
 53                 <SPAN 
 54             class=subtitle><A href="mailto:rizwank@geekymedia.com">rizwank@geekymedia.com</A><BR>
 55                 <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com">http://www.geekymedia.com</a><br>
 56               (310) 927-3293</SPAN></p>
 57               <TABLE cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=4 width="95%" border=0>
 58               <TBODY>
 59               <TR>
 60                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>Objective</SPAN></TD><td></td><tr><td></td>
 61                 <TD><p class="text">Seeking a challenging position in a design/engineering capacity that blends my systems engineering and administration skills with my underlying architectural and design skills. I'm interested in being part of a growing company with the chance to help build system infrastructures from the ground-up. </p>
 62             </TD>
 63               </TR>
 64 rizwank 1.1   <TR>
 65                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>Expertise</SPAN></TD><td></td><tr><td></td>
 66                 <TD> <p class="text">I'm an experienced systems engineer; having designed computer networks, systems and software since 1995. </p>
 67                   <p class="text">Developing software of various sizes since 1998, and have been able to work both in larger application and smaller tool-oriented projects. I've managed enterprise level servers and designed software and processes for large companies. I'm a fast learner - often asked to explore new technologies or add new skill sets as current tasks demand. </p>
 68                   <p class="text">I'm a problem-solver at heart - I've often been given problems to solve and been responsible from designing and implementing solutions. I have an understanding of business, both from helping start multiple small businesses, and from my courses at UCLA; and can provide a valuable link between technical disciples and business concerns.</p>
 69             	<p class="text">I was raised with a very strong work ethic --- My approach to challenges isn't &quot;It's not my problem,&quot;  but instead &quot;What can we do to fix it?&quot;</p>
 70                   </TD>
 71               </TR>
 72               <TR>
 73                 <TD align=right vAlign=top noWrap class="bullet">Work 
 74                   History</TD><td></td><tr><td></td>
 75                 <TD class="box"><p><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>S</SPAN><SPAN 
 76                   class=smalltitle>ystems </SPAN><span class=smallcaptitle>E</span><span class=smalltitle>ngineer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; July 2005-Present</SPAN><BR>
 77                     <SPAN class=smallcaptitle>A</SPAN><SPAN 
 78                   class=smalltitle>ll </SPAN><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>I</SPAN><SPAN 
 79                   class=smalltitle>nfo</SPAN><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>T</SPAN><SPAN 
 80                   class=smalltitle>ools</SPAN><BR>
 81                     <SPAN class=text>Worked two major contracts, one doing Web Engineering for <a href="http://www.gemm.com">Global Electronics Music Marketplace</a> and one as a Software Developer for a software package for <a href="http://www.maersksealand.com/">Maersk International</a> in conjunction with <a href="http://www.vctvision.com/">VCT Vision.</a></SPAN><br>
 82                     </p>
 83                   <DIV class="detail"><SPAN class=smalltitle>GEMM Responsibilities:</SPAN><BR>
 84                     <span class="subtext"> Primary responsibility for server administration and uptime for an Linux Apache/MySQL server group serving 70M hits/month. Developing monitoring and data loading scripts in Perl. Configuring and tuning load balancers, Mail/DNS servers, and firewalls.  Specified and ordered new servers and RAID stacks, personally handling physical installation, provisioning, and configuration. Often participated in business level issues or large technical issues and took on the responsibility of designing solutions, pitching them for approval and implementation. Responsible for MySQL server administration and tuning, as well as Linux and Apache tuning.</span><BR>
 85 rizwank 1.1       </DIV>
 86                   <br>
 87                   <DIV class="detail"><SPAN class=smalltitle>MAERSK Responsibilities::</SPAN><BR>
 88                   <SPAN class=text>
 89             	  <span class="subtext">Developed database schema for <a href="http://vctvision.com/enterprise.htm">Enterprise Server Project</a>. Wrote interfaces to database and configuration in ASP.NET 2.0. Led design and development meetings. Interacted and planned in conjunction with staff at VCT Vision. Wrote user login and configuration code and helped organize key feature lists for the Enterprise Server and the Enterprise Server Web Administrator.</span> </DIV>
 90                   <p>
 91             	  <span class="smallcaptitle">S</span><span class="smalltitle">tudent</span> <span class="smallcaptitle">R</span><span class="smalltitle">esearcher</span>  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span class="smalltitle">September 2004 - MARCH 2005</span><br>
 92                     <!-- <SPAN  onMouseOver="Work_Detail_1.style.display=''"  onMouseOut="Work_Detail_1.style.display='none'"> * place in text STYLE="display:none"  id="Work_Detail_1"-->
 93             		<span class="smallcaptitle">C</span><span class="smalltitle">enter for</span><span class="smallcaptitle"> e</span><span class="smalltitle">mbedded</span><span class="smallcaptitle"> N</span><span class="smalltitle">etworking</span><span class="smallcaptitle"> S</span><span class="smalltitle">ystems</span><span class="smallcaptitle">, UCLA - D</span><span class="smalltitle">r</span><span class="smallcaptitle">. W</span><span class="smalltitle">illiam</span><span class="smallcaptitle"> K</span><span class="smalltitle">aiser</span>
 94             		<!-- </SPAN> --> <BR>
 95             		<SPAN class=text>Designing an autonomous, four dimensional tracking visual system for the CENS graduate students to use for their experiments in Embedded Sensor Networks. Capturing and Analysis via OpenCV. Images are coordinated with an adaptive algorithm was written in C++ to constantly find the 'optimal' location and move to it.  </SPAN></p>
 96                     <p><span class="smallcaptitle">W</span><span class="smalltitle">eb</span> <span class="smallcaptitle">E</span><span class="smalltitle">ngineer</span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span class="smalltitle">JULY 2004 - AugUST 2005</span><br>
 97                     <span class="smallcaptitle">UCLA P</span><span class="smalltitle">hysics and </span><span class="smallcaptitle">A</span><span class="smalltitle">stronomy </span><span class="smallcaptitle">D</span><span class="smalltitle">epartment</span><BR>
 98                     <SPAN class=text>Personally responsible for the daily operations of the UCLA Physics Courseweb Web servers. The core of the work included a significant amount of Linux/Windows 2000 server maintenance and configuration, as well as configuration of a Windows 2000 SQL Server. Responsible for adding to current Perl/PHP codebase and adding new features, and modules. The primary focus is on security of student information/class materials, and system uptime. Specified and ordered new Linux server platform. Worked closely with department networking and technical staff.	Was the 'go-to' guy for myriad of associated smaller projects.</SPAN><br>
 99                   <DIV class=detail><SPAN class=smalltitle>PROJECT 
100                     URLs:</SPAN><BR>
101                     <span class="subtext"><A 
102                   href="http://academics.physics.ucla.edu/classes/index.php">UCLA Physics Courseweb</A>: Upgraded Perl code with new features as requested by professors, maintained security of student information. Refactored code to optimize future edits.  [Restricted Access]<BR>
103                     <BR>
104                     <A href="">Internal version of WWWAssign</A>: Upgraded features to WWWAssign (Perl backend and flat file database system), adding numerous features as requested by professors, including time restrictions and various anti-cheating mechanisms. [Restricted Access]<BR>
105                     <BR>
106 rizwank 1.1         <A 
107                   href="http://www.ephysics.physics.ucla.edu">E-Physics</A>: Designed and Implemented upgraded navigation and organization system using Drupal for Physics Education. A similar system was designed for the internal demonstration manual for TAs and Professors. [Restricted Access to Demo Manual]</span><BR>
108                     <BR>
109                   </DIV>
110                   <p><span class="smallcaptitle">S</span><span class="smalltitle">oftware </SPAN><span class="smallcaptitle">E</span><span class="smalltitle">ngineer         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;January 2004 - DECEMBER 2004 </SPAN><BR>
111                     <SPAN class=smallcaptitle>D</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">esert</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> V</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">alley</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> M</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">edical</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> G</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">roup</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> - V</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">ictorville</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>, CA </SPAN><BR>
112                     <SPAN class=text>Responsible for login/authentication for 500 Windows 2000 systems. Worked with HIPPA compliance officer to ensure patient information security. Assisted in development of homebrew medical records system in C++ and Delphi. </SPAN>        </p>
113                   <p><span class="smallcaptitle">E</span><span class="smalltitle">ditor         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;June 2002 - February 2003 </SPAN><BR>
114                     <SPAN class=smallcaptitle>I</SPAN><SPAN 
115                   class=smalltitle>ndo</SPAN><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>A</SPAN><SPAN 
116                   class=smalltitle>merican </SPAN><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>F</SPAN><SPAN 
117                   class=smalltitle>ilms</SPAN><BR>
118                         <SPAN class=text>Lead Video Editor on Independent Films &quot;<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377364/fullcredits">American Addiction</a>&quot;<br>Responsible both for editing and maintenance/repair of editing systems, video and audio equipment.</SPAN></p>
119                   <P><span class="smallcaptitle">B</span><span class="smalltitle">roadcast </SPAN><span class="smallcaptitle">E</span><span class="smalltitle">ngineer         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;June 2000 - April 2001 </SPAN><BR>
120                     <SPAN class=smallcaptitle>C</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">omedy</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> W</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">orld</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> R</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">adio</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> N</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">etwork</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> - L</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">os Angeles</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>, CA </SPAN><BR>
121                     <SPAN class=text>Video Technician, repairing and maintaining live audio and video equipment. Worked with IT department providing support on system configuration and administration. Promoted to Broadcast Engineer - Directly responsible for Internet Streaming Servers and all audio/video editing, streaming, and logging machines. On call for emergency issues. Designing custom media archival and storage system. Directly managed another engineer. Developed custom internet/host chat system with scripted software and interfaces applying third party software. Documented processes and cabling configurations with a key role in designing the growing $20M studio environment.  </SPAN>      
122                   <P><span class="smallcaptitle">T</span><span class="smalltitle">echnology &amp; Design </SPAN><span class="smallcaptitle">I</span><span class="smalltitle">ntern &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;June 1999 - AUGUST 1999 </SPAN><BR>
123                     <SPAN class=smallcaptitle>P</SPAN><SPAN 
124                   class=smalltitle>lay</SPAN><SPAN 
125                   class=smalltitle> </SPAN><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>I</SPAN><SPAN 
126                   class=smalltitle>ncorporated</SPAN><BR>
127 rizwank 1.1         <SPAN class=text>Designed graphics and overlays for internet television programs. Maintained editing suites. Assisted in active debugging and testing of next-generation animation/graphics suite. </SPAN>      
128                   <P><span class="smallcaptitle">F</span><span class="smalltitle">ounding Director &amp;  </SPAN><span class="smallcaptitle">C</span><span class="smalltitle">hief Engineer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;January 1999 - February 2001 </SPAN><BR>
129                     <SPAN class=smallcaptitle>UCLA</SPAN><SPAN class=smalltitle>tv - </SPAN><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>A</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">ssociated</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> S</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">tudents</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> o</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">f</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> UCLA - S</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">tudent</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> M</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">edia</span><BR>
130                     <SPAN class=text>Created student-run television station from ground up. Managed 15 student producers,       
131                   developed new programming, specified and installed all equipment used at UCLAtv. Designed security systems and edited show segments. </SPAN><br>      
132                   <DIV class=detail><SPAN class=smalltitle>PRESS 
133                     URLs:</SPAN><BR>
134             		<span class="subtext"><a href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/01.24/ae.mikeandben.html">Let there be television (Mike and Ben) </a><br>
135             		<A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/01.24/ae.uclatv.html">Let there be television</A> <br>
136                 	<A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/02.24/news.uclatv.html">Student TV program faces restrictions</A><br>
137                 	<A href="http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/04.17/ae.mainline.html">Stay tuned</A></span></DIV>
138                         <P>
139                           <span class="smallcaptitle">E</span><span class="smalltitle">-</span><span class="smallcaptitle">J</span><span class="smalltitle">ournalism Tutor &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; January 1998 to April 1998<br>
140                           </span><span class="smallcaptitle">S</span><span class="smalltitle">ilverado </span><span class="smallcaptitle">H</span><span class="smalltitle">igh </span><span class="smallcaptitle">S</span><span class="smalltitle">chool</span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle> - V</SPAN><span class="smalltitle">ictorville, </span><SPAN class=smallcaptitle>CA</SPAN>
141                       <p><span class="smallcaptitle">S</span><span class="smalltitle">tudent </span><span class="smallcaptitle">T</span><span class="smalltitle">echnician &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; September 1996 to June 1998</span><br>
142                         <span class="smallcaptitle">O</span><span class="smalltitle">dyssey</span><span class="smallcaptitle"> I</span><span class="smalltitle">nstructional</span> <span class="smallcaptitle">T</span><span class="smalltitle">elevision</span></p>
143             			  <p><span class="smallcaptitle">G</span><span class="smalltitle">raphics </span><span class="smallcaptitle">D</span><span class="smalltitle">esigner &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; June 1994 to DECEMBER 2001</span><br>
144                     <span class="smallcaptitle">D</span><span class="smalltitle">isplay By </span><span class="smallcaptitle">C</span><span class="smalltitle">hoice</span></p></TD>
145               </TR>
146               <TR>
147                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>Education</SPAN></TD><td></td><tr><td></td>
148 rizwank 1.1     <TD><SPAN class=text>B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, University of California - Los Angeles, 2005<br>
149             	Additional Coursework in Software Engineering, Systems Design and Economics<br>
150             	Independent Research work at the <a href="http://research.cens.ucla.edu/">Center for Embedded Networking Systems</a>, UCLA.<br>
151                 </SPAN>
152                   <DIV class="detail"><span class="smalltitle">Notable Development Projects Completed:</span><span class="subtext"><BR>
153               Specific Patches for <a href="http://www.winehq.org">Wine</a><br>
154               Image (de)compression software for PGM, RLE, DPCM, Variable Length-Huffman and LZW compression<br>
155               WAV file generator with variable frequency and sample output.<br>
156               Pre-processor and assembler for virtual processor<br>
157               Virtual memory and CPU scheduler<Br>
158               VHDL Modeling of a Master/Slave Flipflop<br>
159               Java servlet implementing a database driven version of IMDB<br>
160               Business plan and technical design plan for an RFID operated 'Dog Door'<Br>
161               Full gate level design of a 4-bit pipelining processor with ALU</span></DIV>
162                   <br></TD></TR>
163               <TR>
164                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>Skills</SPAN></TD><td></td><tr><td></td>
165                 <TD><p class="text">Development: C++, perl, SQL, C sockets, sh scripting, Windows Batch Scripting, ASP.NET 2.0, C#, Python, PHP<br>
166                 Systems Engineering : Linux, Windows Server, OS X Server, Apache, MySQL, MS SQL, Enterprise RAID<br>
167                   Design : Networks, Dataloading and Processing, Audio/Video Editing, Server Architecture <br>
168                 Emphasis on Independent Design, Problem Solving and Business Issues </p>
169 rizwank 1.1       </TD>
170               </TR>
173                 <TR>
174                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>Honors</SPAN></TD>
175                 <td></td><tr><td></td>
176                 <TD><p><span class="text">Winner - Eta Kappa Nu / Symantec Programming Competition - 2004<br>
177                   Winner - UCLA ACM Programming Competition - 2004<br>
178                   Selected for Leadership Training by Rotary International - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards<br>ASUCLA Outstanding Student Employee - 1999/2000</span></p>
179             	  </TD>
180                 </TR>
182                   <TR>
183                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>Volunteering</SPAN></TD>
184                 <td><br></td>
185                   <tr><td></td>
186                 <TD><span class="text"><strong>Presenter</strong> - IEEE Streaming for Broadcast Engineers Tutorial - <A href="http://web.archive.org/web/20021027092344/http://www.nab.org/conventions/nab2002/nabxstream.asp">NAB Xstream 2002</A> - Las Vegas, Nevada</span> <br>
187                   <span class="subtext"> Co-Organizer - <a href="http://www.eqfanart.com/News/article/sid=79.html">Enigmacon 2005</a> - Charity Convention for the South Asian Tsunami<br>
188                   Head Logistic Coordinator - Mosaic Children's Camp at USC - 1999,2000,2002</span></TD>
189                   </TR>
190 rizwank 1.1       <TR>
191                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>Open Source </SPAN></TD>
192                 <td></td><tr><td></td>
193                 <TD><span class="subtext">Co-Developer and Documentation Lead -  <a href="http://macroquest.sourceforge.net/">MacroQuest</a> versions 1.0 and 2.0<br>
194                     Patch Submissions - <a href="www.winehq.org">WineHQ</a>. <A href="http://www.geekymedia.com/wine/Group3">1</A> <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/wine/FixingLibungif">2</a> <a href="http://search.gmane.org/search.php?query=rizwan+kassim++&email=&sort=date">3</a><br>
195             Re-wrote <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/pathabbr.html">pathabbr</a> to be compatible with Cygwin.<br>
196             Wrote development mini-guides for public use. <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/nedit_cygwin_error.html">1</a> <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/wine/InstallViewCVS">2</a> <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/wine/SetupCVSvisSSH">3</a> <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/dell_audigy_headphones.html">4</a> <a href="http://www.geekymedia.com/wine/AddingMakefile">5</a> </span></TD>
197                 </TR>
199                   <TR>
200                 <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>CERTIFICATIONS</SPAN></TD>
201                 <td></td><tr><td></td>
202                 <TD><span class="text">Microsoft, <strong>Microsoft Certified Professional <br>
203                 </strong>Society of Broadcast Engineers, <strong>Certified Video Engineer &amp; Broadcast Networking Technologist</strong><br>
204                 </span>
205                   <DIV class="detail"><span class="smalltitle"></span></DIV></TD></TR>
210               <TR>
211 rizwank 1.1     <TD vAlign=top noWrap align=right><SPAN class=bullet>References</SPAN></TD><td></td><tr><td></td>
212                 <TD><SPAN class=text>Available upon 
213             request</SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></BODY></HTML>
215             <!-- 
216             http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/css/article.php/3470341
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219             http://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/archives/2005/08/optimizing_css_1.html
220             http://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/archives/2005/11/html_email_desi.html
221             http://mattwilcox.net/archive/entry/id/642/
222             http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/articles/webrev/200001.html
223             http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2006/04/26/css-support-in-email/
224             http://www.writeindependent.com/resume.html
225             -->

Rizwan Kassim
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