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  1 rizwank 1.4 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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  4 rizwank 1.2 <channel>
  5 rizwank 1.4 <title>This American Life</title>
  6             <itunes:author>WBEZ Chicago</itunes:author>
  7             <link>http://www.geekymedia.com/tal_archive.html</link>
  8             <description>It's easy to say what we're not. We're not a news show or a talk show or a call-in show. We're not really formatted like other radio shows at all.
  9             Instead, we do these stories that are like movies for radio. There are people in dramatic situations where things happen to them.</description>
 10             <itunes:subtitle>This American Life with Ira Glass</itunes:subtitle>
 11             <itunes:summary>This American Life - broadcast on WBEZ Chicago</itunes:summary>
 12             <language>en-us</language>
 13             <copyright>WBEZ Chicago</copyright>
 14             <itunes:owner>
 15             <itunes:name>Rizwan Kassim</itunes:name>
 16             <itunes:email>talpodcast@geekymedia.com</itunes:email>
 17             </itunes:owner>
 18             <image>
 19             <url>http://www.geekymedia.com/guideimages/logo_chris.jpeg</url>
 20             <title>This American Life</title>
 21             <link>http://www.geekymedia.com/tal_archive.html</link>
 22             </image>
 23             <!-- the max size for rss image is 144x400 -->
 24             <!-- iTunes allows images larger than that -->
 25             <itunes:link rel="image" type="video/jpeg" href="http://www.geekymedia.com/guideimages/logo_chris.jpeg">This American Life</itunes:link>
 26 rizwank 1.4 <category>Public Radio</category>
 27             <itunes:category text="Public Radio">
 28             </itunes:category>
 29             <item>
 30 rizwank 1.5 <title>Not what I signed up for</title>
 31             <itunes:author>WBEZ Chicago</itunes:author>
 32             <description>Stories about being sucked into something against your will. In one story a 9/11 widow finds herself having to comfort another distraught woman on national TV. And in a story by Nick Hornby, a boy is forced to play soccer to save his nation.</description>
 33             <itunes:subtitle>Stories about being sucked into something against your will. In one story a 9/11 widow finds herself having to comfort another distraught woman on national TV. And in a story by Nick Hornby, a boy is forced to play soccer to save his nation.</itunes:subtitle>
 34             <itunes:summary>Stories about being sucked into something against your will. In one story a 9/11 widow finds herself having to comfort another distraught woman on national TV. And in a story by Nick Hornby, a boy is forced to play soccer to save his nation.</itunes:summary>
 35             <enclosure url="http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/295.mp3" length="14167779" type="x-audio/mp3" />
 36             <guid>http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/295.mp3</guid>
 37             <pubDate>Fri, 26 Aug 2005 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
 38             <category>Public Radio</category>
 39             <itunes:category text="Public Radio">
 40             </itunes:category>
 41             <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
 42             <itunes:duration>58:59</itunes:duration>
 43             </item>
 45             <item>
 46             <title>Image Makers</title>
 47             <itunes:author>WBEZ Chicago</itunes:author>
 48             <description>Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard you try to get people to see you in a certain way, their image of you never quite matches what you had in mind.</description>
 49             <itunes:subtitle>Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard you try to get people to see you in a certain way, their image of you never quite matches what you had in mind.</itunes:subtitle>
 50             <itunes:summary>Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard you try to get people to see you in a certain way, their image of you never quite matches what you had in mind.</itunes:summary>
 51 rizwank 1.5 <enclosure url="http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/294.mp3" length="14336376" type="x-audio/mp3" />
 52             <guid>http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/294.mp3</guid>
 53             <pubDate>Fri, 5 Aug 2005 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
 54             <category>Public Radio</category>
 55             <itunes:category text="Public Radio">
 56             </itunes:category>
 57             <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
 58             <itunes:duration>58:59</itunes:duration>
 59             </item>
 60             <item>
 61             <title>A Little Bit of Knowledge</title>
 62             <itunes:author>WBEZ Chicago</itunes:author>
 63             <description>Stories about the pitfalls of knowing just a little bit too little.</description>
 64             <itunes:subtitle>Stories about the pitfalls of knowing just a little bit too little.</itunes:subtitle>
 65             <itunes:summary>Stories about the pitfalls of knowing just a little bit too little.</itunes:summary>
 66             <enclosure url="http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/293.mp3" length="14336203" type="x-audio/mp3" />
 67             <guid>http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/293.mp3</guid>
 68             <pubDate>Fri, 22 Jul 2005 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
 69             <category>Public Radio</category>
 70             <itunes:category text="Public Radio">
 71             </itunes:category>
 72 rizwank 1.5 <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
 73             <itunes:duration>58:59</itunes:duration>
 74             </item>
 75             <item>
 76 rizwank 1.4 <title>The Arms Trader</title>
 77             <itunes:author>WBEZ Chicago</itunes:author>
 78             <description>The U.S. government spent two years on a sting operation, trapping an Indian man named Hemant Lakhani whom they suspected of being an illegal arms dealer. The only problem was nothing in the sting was what it appeared to be.</description>
 79             <itunes:subtitle>The U.S. government spent two years on a sting operation, trapping an Indian man named Hemant Lakhani whom they suspected of being an illegal arms dealer. The only problem was nothing in the sting was what it appeared to be.</itunes:subtitle>
 80             <itunes:summary>The U.S. government spent two years on a sting operation, trapping an Indian man named Hemant Lakhani whom they suspected of being an illegal arms dealer. The only problem was nothing in the sting was what it appeared to be.</itunes:summary>
 81             <enclosure url="http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/292.mp3" length="14158788" type="x-audio/mp3" />
 82             <guid>http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/292.mp3</guid>
 83             <pubDate>Fri, 8 Jul 2005 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
 84             <category>Public Radio</category>
 85             <itunes:category text="Public Radio">
 86             </itunes:category>
 87             <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
 88             <itunes:duration>58:59</itunes:duration>
 89             </item>
 90             <item>
 91             <title>Reunited (and It Feels So Good)</title>
 92             <itunes:author>WBEZ Chicago</itunes:author>
 93             <description>Stories about getting back together with your spouse, your country, your ... Brahmin bull. And how it never goes the way you think it's going to.</description>
 94             <itunes:subtitle>Stories about getting back together with your spouse, your country, your ... Brahmin bull. And how it never goes the way you think it's going to.</itunes:subtitle>
 95             <itunes:summary>Stories about getting back together with your spouse, your country, your ... Brahmin bull. And how it never goes the way you think it's going to.</itunes:summary>
 96             <enclosure url="http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/291.mp3" length="14336223" type="x-audio/mp3" />
 97 rizwank 1.4 <guid>http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/291.mp3</guid>
 98             <pubDate>Fri, 1 Jul 2005 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
 99             <category>Public Radio</category>
100             <itunes:category text="Public Radio">
101             </itunes:category>
102             <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
103             <itunes:duration>59:01</itunes:duration>
104             </item>
105             <item>
106             <title>Godless America</title>
107             <itunes:author>WBEZ Chicago</itunes:author>
108             <description>This American Life tries to remember why anyone liked the separation of church and state in the first place.</description>
109             <itunes:subtitle>This American Life tries to remember why anyone liked the separation of church and state in the first place.</itunes:subtitle>
110             <itunes:summary>This American Life tries to remember why anyone liked the separation of church and state in the first place.</itunes:summary>
111             <enclosure url="http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/290.mp3" length="14209108" type="x-audio/mp3" />
112             <guid>http://mirrors.geekymedia.com/talmp3/290.mp3</guid>
113             <pubDate>Fri, 3 Jun 2005 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
114             <category>Public Radio</category>
115             <itunes:category text="Public Radio">
116             </itunes:category>
117             <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>
118 rizwank 1.4 <itunes:duration>59:01</itunes:duration>
119             </item>
120             </channel>
121 rizwank 1.2 </rss>

Rizwan Kassim
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