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 1 rizwank 1.1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1093126616" format="1.0" version="1.26"}%
 2             %TOC%
 3             %STARTINCLUDE%
 4             ---# Managing Webs
 6             _Adding webs is a web based operation; renaming and deleting webs are manual operations done directly on the server_
 8             ---++ Overview
10             A TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators can add/rename/delete webs.
12             #WebTemplate
13             ---++ Choose Web Template
15             There are two methods used to create a new web.  First you can use a specially designed TemplateWeb.  This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character.  All topics in the _default template web will be copied into your new web.
17             The second method is to use an existing web as a template web.  This may be useful if you already have a web that you like to use as a starting point.  Only topics that have names beginning with *Web...* (like "%HOMETOPIC%", "%NOTIFYTOPIC%", etc.) are copied.
19             In either case you will want to be sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire.
21             #CreateNewWeb
22 rizwank 1.1 ---++ Adding a New Web
24             <form name="admin" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/manage%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%INTURLENCODE{"%WEB%/%TOPIC%"}%" method="post">
25             Create a new web by filling out this form. __Note:__ It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
26             |  *Name of new web:* | <input name="newweb" type="text" value="%URLPARAM{"newweb"}%" size="16" /> | Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with an upper case letters, followed by optional upper or lower case letters or numbers |
27             |  *Based on web:* | <select name="baseweb"> %WEBLIST{ "<option>$name</option>" webs="webtemplate,public" selection="_default" separator=" "}% </select> | Select a TemplateWeb |
28             |  *Web color:* | <input name="webbgcolor" type="text" value="#D0D0D0" size="16" /> | Enter a StandardColors code for the web |
29             |  *Description:<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;* | <input type="text" name="sitemapwhat" value="" size="60" /><br /> Enter a short description of the web. Write =Web.TopicName= instead of just =TopicName= if you include links. This will list the web in the %TWIKIWEB%.SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.) ||
30             |  *Use to...<br /> &nbsp;* | <input type="text" name="sitemapuseto" value="...collaborate on" size="60" /><br /> Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the %TWIKIWEB%.SiteMap ||
31             |  *Exclude web from "search all":* | <input type="radio" name="nosearchall" value="" checked="checked" /> No &nbsp; <input type="radio" name="nosearchall" value="on" /> Yes | Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. Note that the %TWIKIWEB%.SiteMap will not list the web if you select Yes. |
32             | | <input type="submit" value="Create new web" /> ||
33             <input name="newtopic" type="hidden" value="%URLPARAM{"newtopic"}%" />
34             <input name="action" type="hidden" value="createweb" />
35             </form>
37             __Notes:__
38             	* Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
39             	* The manage script while creating the new web will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: =WEBBGCOLOR=, =SITEMAPLIST=, =SITEMAPWHAT=, =SITEMAPUSETO= and =NOSEARCHALL=.  These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
40             	* This script does not edit the [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences]] file to update the =WIKIWEBLIST=.  This must be done by hand
41             	* As of TWiki Release 01 Sep 2004, a web name can be a WikiWord. Prior to that it could be only =UPPER= or =UPPERlower=. A side effect of this is that if you do use a wiki name, =%<nop>WEB%= must be written as =&lt;nop&gt;%<nop>WEB%= or else it will try to link to a non-existing topic of that name
43 rizwank 1.1 ---++ Renaming or Deleting a Web
45             Renaming or deleting a web requires direct access to the installation files on the host server. There are currently no browser-based equivalents of the Rename/move/delete topic tools for working with webs.
47             	1. Prepare your site: Search each web for links to the target web, searching topic text for =Oldwebname.=, including the dot so you'll find references like =Oldwebname.SomeTopic=
48             		* Make changes as required, to =Newwebname.SomeTopic= or better yet, to =%<nop>MAINWEB%.<nop>SomeTopic=
49             	1. Edit the %WIKIPREFSTOPIC% topic: Rename or delete the web from the =WIKIWEBLIST= variable
50             	1. Login to the %WIKITOOLNAME% server, via Telnet or FTP
51             	1. Go to =twiki/data= and rename or remove the web directory
52             	1. Go to =twiki/templates= and rename or remove the web directory if present
53             		* __Note:__ See TWiki:Codev.RenameWebs for some complications
54             	1. Go to =twiki/pub= and rename or remove the web directory if present
56             ---+++ Renaming the MAINWEB
58             If you plan to rename the %MAINWEB% web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in =%<nop>MAINWEB%=, default named =Main=. That means, every WikiName signature - =Main.<nop>SomeUserName= - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, =%<nop>MAINWEB%.<nop>SomeUserName=, is used throughout).
60             -- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001 %BR%
61             -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 07 Apr 2002 %BR%
62             -- TWiki:Main.GrantBow - 16 Jan 2003

Rizwan Kassim
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