1 rizwank 1.1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="PeterThoeny" date="1092718032" format="1.0" version="1.2"}%
2 ---+!! Css elements in !PatternSkin
4 This page is a reference for all CSS classes used in PatternSkin.
6 %TOC{title="Page contents:"}%
8 The !PatternSkin stylesheet is divided in two files:
9 * [[%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/layout.css][layout.css]]: positioning of block elements on the page
10 * [[%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/style.css][style.css]]: appearance of blocks and all other page elements
12 If you want to learn how to create your own look or skin based on !PatternSkin, read further in PatternSkin.
14 ---++ Naming conventions
16 !PatternSkin follows the naming conventions used in TWiki core code: all TWiki class names have the prefix =twiki=: twikiEditPage, twikiTopicAction, etcetera. ID names are not used, only class names, to allow multipe class names. See also: TWikiCss.
18 ---++ Namespaces
20 !PatternSkin uses namespaces for templates, by adding one (sometimes two - multiple) class names to the template's body tag.
22 rizwank 1.1 * The body tag in view.pattern.tmpl for instance has the class name "twikiViewPage": =<body class="twikiViewPage">=. All CSS elements specific to the view template thus can be defined as =.twikiViewPage .someClassName=.
23 * All templates that are _not_ the view template have the body class name "twikiNoViewPage". That makes it easy to give all of these pages a different layout in one sweep (smaller or wider margins for instance). Template edit.pattern.tmpl uses =<body class="twikiNoViewPage twikiEditPage">=.
25 ---+++ body class names
27 * .twikiViewPage
28 * .twikiViewPage .twikiPrintPage
29 * .twikiNoViewPage
30 * .twikiNoViewPage .twikiEditPage
31 * .twikiNoViewPage .twikiAttachPage
32 * .twikiNoViewPage .twikiChangeFormPage
33 * .twikiNoViewPage .twikiDiffPage
34 * .twikiNoViewPage .twikiRenamePage
35 * .twikiSearchResultsPage
37 ---++ Layout classes
39 * General
40 * .twikiLeft - a left floating element
41 * .twikiRight - a right floating element
42 * .twikiClear - to clean up either of these floats: put immediately after the containing block
43 rizwank 1.1 * .twikiHidden - hidden element
45 * TWiki block elements
46 * .twikiMiddleContainer - holder for twikiMain and twikiLeftbar
47 * .twikiLeftBar - left bar area
48 * .twikiLeftBarContents - used for left menu
49 * .twikiMain - holder of twikiToolbar, twikiTopic, twikiAttachments, etc.
50 * .twikiTopBar - top bar area
51 * .twikiBottomBar - bottom bar area
53 * Layout adjustments on specific pages
54 * .twikiNoViewPage .twikiMain
55 * .twikiPrintPage .twikiMain
56 * .twikiPrintPage .twikiBottomBar
58 ---++ Style classes
60 * .twikiMiddleContainer - holder for twikiMain and twikiLeftbar
61 * .twikiMain - holder of twikiToolbar, twikiTopic, twikiAttachments, etc)
62 * .twikiTopBar - top bar area
63 * .twikiTopBarContents - logo, go box
64 rizwank 1.1 * .twikiLeftBar - left bar area
65 * .twikiWebIndicator - shows current Web name; background of color %<nop>WEBBGCOLOR%
66 * .twikiLeftBarContents - used for left menu (a bullet list)
67 * .twikiLeftBarPersonal - block of personal links (included topic %<nop>MAINWEB%.%<nop>USERNAME%LeftBar)
68 * .twikiBottomBar - bottom bar area
69 * .twikiBottomBarContents - copyright
70 * .twikiTopic
71 * .twikiAttachments - attachment table; used in template attachtables.tmpl
72 * .twikiForm - !WebForm table; used in template attachtables.tmpl
73 * .twikiTopicAction - actions buttons at bottom of page; holder of table with buttons
74 * .twikiTopicActionSecondary - second layer above twikiTopicAction (for instance in Preview)
75 * .twikiTopicActionHelp - help text row
76 * .twikiCancelCol - table columns (td) for cancel button
77 * .twikiSubmitCol - table columns (td) for submit button
78 * .twikiAddCol - table columns (td) for additional button/link (for instance: "Move attachment")
79 * .twikiSeparator - separator character
80 * .twikiToc - topic contents (%<nop>TOC%)
81 * .twikiTocTitle - title of TOC (%<nop>TOC{title="Contents:"}%)
82 * .twikiTopicInfo - revision (%<nop>REVINFO%) and moved (%<nop>META{"moved"}%) info
83 * .twikiRevInfo - revision info (top and bottom of page)
84 * .twikiTopicFooter - used for breadcrumb (twikiHomePath)
85 rizwank 1.1 * .twikiHomePath - breadcrumb
86 * .twikiToolBar - action buttons at top of topic (a bullet list), revision info
87 * .twikiPageNav - links "end of topic" and "to top"
88 * .twikiSearchBox - go box and current page in top bar
89 * .twikiHelp - help text
90 * .twikiBroadcastMessage - BROADCASTMESSAGE
91 * .twikiAlert - red
92 * .twikiGrayText - grayed out text, literally gray
93 * .twikiSmall - styled "small"
94 * .twikiNewLink - style of links to yet non-existent pages (not used)
96 * Table class names (emitted from TWiki.TablePlugin)
97 * .twikiSortedAscendingCol - sortable table column header that is sorted ascending (uses TWiki.TablePlugin)
98 * .twikiSortedDescendingCol - ditto sorted descending
99 * .twikiFirstCol
100 * Other table class names
101 * .twikiVersatileTable - table used in various places (Attach, Rename, Changeform)
102 * .twikiVersatileTable .twikiMainCol - table column that is the most important part of the table
103 * .twikiVersatileTable .twikiOldCol - table column with 'old' appearance, for instance the old attachment or the old topic name
104 * .twikiVersatileTable .twikiHelpCol - table column with help texts
106 rizwank 1.1 * Search
107 * .twikiNew - emitted from Search.pm and Changes.pm with the text NEW
108 * .twikiSummary - summary text with search results
109 * .twikiSearchResults - the big block of all results
110 * .twikiSearchResultsHeader - top of block, styled with %<nop>WEBBGCOLOR%
111 * .twikiSearchResults .twikiTopRow - top of one result, with link, author, revision
112 * .twikiSearchResults .twikiBottomRow - result summary
113 * .twikiSearchResults .twikiAlert - used with "locked" text
114 * .twikiSearchResultCount - result count
115 * .twikiBookViewList - the big block of all results with book view option
117 * Form elements
118 * .twikiCheckbox - styled checkbox
119 * .twikiRadioButton
120 * .twikiSubmit - submit button (in twikiTopicAction this is the darkest button; in twikiTopic it has a lighter color)
121 * .twikiButton - general button (in Rename/Delete: clear/select all checkboxes)
122 * .twikiSecondary - button next to submit button (same appearance as twikiButton)
123 * .twikiTertiary - button at far right (blue color)
124 * .twikiCancel - cancel button
125 * .twikiEditPage .twikiFormHolder - constrains the width of the textarea
126 * .twikiChangeFormButton - emitted from Form.pm, button to change the !WebForm - styled as link
127 rizwank 1.1 * .twikiEditForm - emitted from Form.pm, editable !WebForm table
128 * .twikiEditFormTextField - emitted from Form.pm, input textfield in twikiEditForm
129 * .twikiSig - signature copy field
131 * Preview
132 * .twikiPreviewPage .twikiPreviewArea - holder of previewed topic text
134 * Attach
135 * .twikiAttachPage .twikiNotes - holder of help text
136 * .twikiAttachPage .twikiPrevious - attachment table of previous versions
138 * Diff
139 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffTable - block of revisions; emitted from RDiff.pm (also all diff classes below)
140 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffDeletedHeader
141 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffDeletedMarker
142 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffDeletedText
143 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffAddedHeader
144 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffAddedMarker
145 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffAddedText
146 * .twikiDiffPage th.twikiDiffChangedHeader
147 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffChangedText
148 rizwank 1.1 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffUnchangedText
149 * .twikiDiffPage .twikiDiffLineNumberHeader
151 ---++ CSS tags emitted from TWiki core code
153 See: TWikiCss
155 ---++ Layout per template
157 ---+++ View template
159 <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/CSS_element_layout_view.pattern.tmpl.png" alt="CSS layout in View template" style="border:1px solid #ddd;" width="576" height="735" />
161 -- TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens - 08 Aug 2004
163 %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="CSS_element_layout_view.pattern.tmpl.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1092634624" path="CSS_element_layout_view.pattern.tmpl.png" size="48981" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"}%