1 rizwank 1.1 %META:TOPICINFO{author="RizwanKassim" date="1108121022" format="1.0" version="1.3"}%
2 %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebHome"}%
3 ---++ Mini guide to installing !ViewCVS with Enscript and CVSGraph
5 %begin sh%
6 mkdir viewcvs
7 cd viewcvs
8 wget http://viewcvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs-0.9.2.tar.gz
9 # Main package
10 whereis rcs
11 # Ensure that RCS is installed.
12 diff -v
13 # Ensure that we are using GNU diff (by, Oh my Goodness, among others, Paul Eggert. Christ!)
14 wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/enscript/enscript-1.6.1.tar.gz
15 # Get Enscript - the code colorize, must use 1.61 or below.
16 wget http://www.akhphd.au.dk/~bertho/cvsgraph/release/cvsgraph-1.5.1.tar.gz
17 # get CVSgraph to create development trees.
18 wget http://www.akhphd.au.dk/~bertho/cvsgraph/viewcvs-0.9.2-cvsgraph-1.4.0.diff.gz
19 # get CVSgraph diff to ViewCVS to enable advanced features not yet implemented in ViewCVS
21 # Installing Enscript with local install (since it isn't likely that
22 rizwank 1.1 we have write to /usr/bin)
23 tar -zxvf enscript-1.6.1.tar.gz
24 cd enscript-1.6.1
25 echo ~
26 # change prefix to the value of ~ (don't use ~, it seems bad things happen)
27 ./configure --prefix=/home/rizwank
28 # Running configure, planning to place files in ~/bin, etc.
29 make
30 make install
31 # check for errors
32 ~/bin/enscript
33 # should give an lpr and broken pipe error
34 cd ..
35 rm -fr enscript-1.6.1*
37 # Repeating for CVSgraph
38 tar -zxvf cvsgraph-1.5.1.tar.gz
39 cd cvsgraph-1.5.1
40 ./configure --prefix=/home/rizwank
41 make
42 cp cvsgraph ~/bin
43 rizwank 1.1 rm -fr cvsgraph-1.5.1*
45 # now setup the viewcvs scripts WITH the appropriate diffs for CVSgraph
46 # ripped from http://www.akhphd.au.dk/~bertho/cvsgraph/
47 tar -zxvf viewcvs-0.9.2.tar.gz
48 cd viewcvs-0.9.2
49 zcat ../viewcvs-0.9.2-cvsgraph-1.4.0.diff.gz | patch -p0
50 ./viewcvs-install
51 # select install path carefully.
52 # It really should be in your webspace unless you plan to symlink it into your cgi-bin
53 # Obv it should be in someplace you are permitted to write.
54 # /home/rizwank/public_html/cvs for me
55 cd ..
56 rm -fr viewcvs-0.9.2*
57 cd /home/rizwank/public_html/cvs
58 # go to the new cvsview dir
59 # modify the following lines
60 # TODO : replace these with sed instead of manual
61 vi viewcvs.conf
62 #Development : /home/cvsroot ==> Repository Name : Actual CVS path
63 #default_root = Development ==> Change Development to Repository chosen above)
64 rizwank 1.1 #address = <a href="mailto:cvs-admin@insert.your.domain.here">No CVS admin address has been configured</a>
65 # configure address
66 #enscript_path = insert enscript path
67 #allow_tar = 0 ==> 1
68 #use_enscript = 0 ==> 1
69 #use_cvsgraph = 0 ==> 1
70 #cvsgraph_path = <= insert cvsgraph path
71 # put something like Redirect /cvs http://www.geekymedia.com/viewcvs/cgi/viewcvs.cgi
72 # in .htaccess for the root, therefore path/cvs redirects to the cgi.
73 %end%
75 Enscript 1.63 works fine as well, if you apply the following patch:
76 %begin diff%
77 diff viewcvs.old viewcvs.py
78 481c481
79 < '--color', '-W', 'html', '-E' + lang, '-o',
80 ---
81 > '--color', '--language=html', '-E' + lang, '-o',
82 %end%
83 -- Main.RizwanKassim - 15 Jan 2005