1 rizwank 1.1 # Module of TWiki Collaboration Platform, http://your.domain.com/twiki
2 #
3 # Configuration file for TWiki, held in 'lib' directory.
4 #
5 # See 'setlib.cfg' in 'bin' directory to configure non-standard location
6 # for 'lib' directory or Perl modules.
7 #
8 # Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.com
9 #
10 # For licensing info read license.txt file in the TWiki root.
11 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 #
16 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 # GNU General Public License for more details, published at
20 # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
21 #
22 rizwank 1.1 # Notes:
23 # - Latest version at http://twiki.org/
24 # - Installation instructions in $dataDir/TWiki/TWikiDocumentation.txt
25 # - Customize variables in TWiki.cfg when installing TWiki.
26 # - Optionally create a new plugin or customize DefaultPlugin.pm for
27 # custom extensions of rendering rules.
28 # - Upgrading TWiki is easy as long as you only customize DefaultPlugin.pm.
29 # - Variables that can be accessed from topics (see details in
30 # TWikiDocumentation.html) :
31 # %TOPIC% name of current topic
32 # %WEB% name of current web
33 # %SCRIPTURL% base TWiki script URL (place of view, edit...)
34 # %SCRIPTURLPATH% like %SCRIPTURL%, but path only (cut protocol and domain)
35 # %SCRIPTSUFFIX% script suffix (empty by default, ".pl" if required)
36 # %PUBURL% public URL (root of attachment URL)
37 # %PUBURLPATH% path of public URL
38 # %ATTACHURL% attachment URL of current topic
39 # %ATTACHURLPATH% path of attachment URL of current topic
40 # %DATE% today's date
41 # %WIKIVERSION% tool version
42 # %USERNAME% login user name
43 rizwank 1.1 # %WIKIUSERNAME% wiki user name
44 # %MAINWEB% main web name (Main)
45 # %TWIKIWEB% TWiki system web name (TWiki)
46 # %HOMETOPIC% home topic name (WebHome)
47 # %NOTIFYTOPIC% notify topic name (WebNotify)
48 # %WIKIUSERSTOPIC% user list topic name (TWikiUsers)
49 # %WIKIPREFSTOPIC% site-level preferences topic name (TWikiPreferences)
50 # %WEBPREFSTOPIC% web preferences topic name (WebPreferences)
51 # %STATISTICSTOPIC statistics topic name (WebStatistics)
52 # %INCLUDE{...}% server side include
53 # %SEARCH{...}% inline search
56 # variables that need to be changed when installing on a new server:
57 # ==================================================================
58 # ---- Windows paths should normally be written as "c:/foo" not "c:\foo"
59 # ---- (which doesn't do what you may think it does). You can use '\'
60 # ---- without problems inside single quotes, e.g. 'c:\foo'.
61 # URL for TWiki host : (e.g. "http://myhost.com:123")
62 $defaultUrlHost = "http://www.geekymedia.com";
63 # %SCRIPTURLPATH% : cgi-bin URL path for TWiki:
64 rizwank 1.1 $scriptUrlPath = "/twiki/bin";
65 # URL path to scripts used to render links. Change if using redirection to shorten URLs
66 $dispScriptUrlPath = $scriptUrlPath;
67 # URL path to view script used to render links, relative to $dispScriptUrlPath
68 $dispViewPath = "/view";
69 # %PUBURLPATH% : Public data URL path for TWiki (root of attachments) :
70 $pubUrlPath = "/twiki/pub";
71 # Public data directory (file path not URL), must match $pubUrlPath :
72 $pubDir = "/home/rizwank/geekymedia.com/twiki/pub";
73 # Template directory :
74 $templateDir = "/home/rizwank/geekymedia.com/twiki/templates";
75 # Data (topic files) root directory (file path not URL):
76 $dataDir = "/home/rizwank/geekymedia.com/twiki/data";
77 # Log directory for log files, debug and warning files. Default "$dataDir" :
78 $logDir = "$dataDir";
82 # ==================================================================
83 # Some systems support the $^O variable. If not
84 # available then require() the Config library
85 rizwank 1.1 unless ($OS) {
86 unless ($OS = $^O) {
87 require Config;
88 $OS = $Config::Config{'osname'};
89 }
90 }
91 $detailedOS = $OS; # Save more detailed OS information
92 if ($OS=~/darwin/i) { # MacOS X, suggested by Todd Jonker on Codev
93 $OS = 'UNIX';
94 } elsif ($OS=~/Win/i) {
95 $OS = 'WINDOWS';
96 } elsif ($OS=~/vms/i) {
97 $OS = 'VMS';
98 } elsif ($OS=~/bsdos/i) {
99 $OS = 'UNIX';
100 } elsif ($OS=~/dos/i) {
101 $OS = 'DOS';
102 } elsif ($OS=~/^MacOS$/i) { # MacOS 9 or earlier
103 $OS = 'MACINTOSH';
104 } elsif ($OS=~/os2/i) {
105 $OS = 'OS2';
106 rizwank 1.1 } else {
107 $OS = 'UNIX';
108 }
110 # variables that might need to be changed:
111 # ==================================================================
112 # %SCRIPTSUFFIX% : Suffix of TWiki Perl scripts (e.g. ".pl") :
113 $scriptSuffix = ".cgi";
114 # Regex security filter for uploaded (attached) files :
115 # (Matching filenames will have a ".txt" appended)
116 # WARNING: Be sure to update this list with any
117 # configuration or script filetypes that are
118 # automatically run by your web server
119 $uploadFilter = "^(\.htaccess|.*\.(?:php[0-9s]?|phtm[l]?|pl|py|cgi))\$";
120 # Set ENV{'PATH'} explicitly for taint checks ( #!perl -T option ) :
121 # (Note: PATH environment variable is not changed if set to "")
122 # $safeEnvPath - safe operating system PATH setting for use by TWiki scripts.
123 #
124 # ---- Check notes for your operating system and use appropriate line as model
125 # ---- Comment out unused lines (put '#' at start) and uncomment required line.
126 # ---- All Windows paths use '/' not '\' for simplicity.
127 rizwank 1.1 #
128 # As long as you use full pathnames for $egrepCmd and similar (below),
129 # this path value is used only to find a shell (or cmd.exe) and by RCS programs
130 # to find 'diff'.
131 #
132 # >> Unix or Linux - ensure 'diff' and shell (Bourne or bash type) is found on
133 # this path.
134 # Separator is ':'
135 $safeEnvPath = "/bin:/usr/bin"; # Unix/Linux
137 # >> Windows: Cygwin Perl and RCS - ensure 'diff' and 'bash' found on this path.
138 # Same format as Unix PATH, separator is ':' not ';'. You must NOT use
139 # 'c:/foo' type paths, because ':' is taken as separator, meaning that
140 # 'c' is interpreted as a relative pathname, giving Perl 'Insecure
141 # directory in $ENV{PATH}' error on using 'Diffs' link.
142 # Separator is ':'
143 # $safeEnvPath = "/bin"; # Cygwin - uncomment, no need to customise
145 # >> Windows: ActiveState Perl, with Cygwin RCS and PERL5SHELL set to
146 # 'c:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe -c'. Same format as the normal Windows PATH,
147 # separator is ':' not ';'. It's best to avoid 'c:/foo' type paths,
148 rizwank 1.1 # because in some cases these can cause a Perl 'Insecure directory
149 # in $ENV{PATH}' error on using 'Diffs' link. Since this setting is
150 # for Cygwin RCS, the best alternative is to convert 'c:/foo' to
151 # '/c/cygdrive/foo' - odd looking but it works! The Windows system directory
152 # (e.g. /cygdrive/c/winnt/system32) is required in this path for commands
153 # using pipes to work (e.g. using the 'Index' link).
154 # NOTE: Customise this path based on your Cygwin and Windows directories
155 # Separator is ';'
156 # $safeEnvPath = "/cygdrive/c/YOURCYGWINDIR/bin;/cygdrive/c/YOURWINDOWSDIR/system32";
158 # >> Windows: ActiveState Perl, with non-Cygwin RCS, OR no PERL5SHELL setting.
159 # Windows PATH, separator is ';'. The Windows system directory
160 # (e.g. c:\winnt\system32) is required in this path for commands using pipes
161 # to work (e.g. using the 'Index' link). Must NOT use '/' in pathnames
162 # as this upsets cmd.exe - single '\' is OK using Perl single-quoted string.
163 # FIXME: needs testing, not currently recommended.
164 # NOTE: Customise this path based on your RCS and Windows directories
165 # Separator is ';'
166 # $safeEnvPath = 'c:\YOUR_RCSPROGDIR\bin;c:\YOURWINDOWSDIR\system32';
168 # Mail program used in case Net::SMTP is not installed.
169 rizwank 1.1 # See also SMTPMAILHOST in TWikiPreferences.
170 # Windows: this setting is ignored, just use Net::SMTP.
171 $mailProgram = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi -oeq";
172 # Prevent spambots from grabbing addresses, default "":
173 # e.g. set to "NOSPAM" to get "user@somewhereNOSPAM.com"
174 $noSpamPadding = "";
175 # Pathname of mime types file that maps file suffixes to MIME types :
176 # For Apache server set this to Apache's mime.types file pathname.
177 # Default "$dataDir/mime.types"
178 $mimeTypesFilename = "$dataDir/mime.types";
179 # RCS directory (find out by 'which rcs') :
180 $rcsDir = '/usr/bin'; # Unix, Linux and Cygwin
181 # Initialise RCS file, ignored if empty string,
182 # needed on Windows for binary files. Added JET 22-Feb-01
183 $rcsArg = "";
184 $rcsArg = "-x,v" if( $OS eq "WINDOWS" );
185 # null device /dev/null for unix, NUL for windows
186 $nullDev = {
187 UNIX=>'/dev/null', OS2=>'', WINDOWS=>'NUL', DOS=>'NUL', MACINTOSH=>'', VMS=>''
188 }->{$OS};
189 # Store RCS history files in directory (RCS under content dir), default "0"
190 rizwank 1.1 # Don't change this in a working installation, only change when initially setting up a TWiki installation
191 # You also need to create an RCS directory for each Web. TWiki will create RCS directories under pub for attachments historys.
192 $useRcsDir = "0";
193 # This should enable gathering of extra error information on most OSes. However, won't work on NT4 unless unix like shell is used
194 $endRcsCmd = "";
195 $endRcsCmd = " 2>&1" if( $OS eq "UNIX" );
196 # Command quote ' for unix, \" for Windows
197 $cmdQuote = "'";
198 $cmdQuote = "\"" if( $OS eq "WINDOWS" );
201 # Choice and configuration of Storage implementation
202 # Currently select either:
203 # RcsWrap - use RCS executables, see TWiki::Store::RcsWrap.pm for explanation of storeSettings
204 # RcsLite - use a 100% Perl simplified implementation of Perl
205 $storeTopicImpl = "RcsWrap";
206 #$storeTopicImpl = "RcsLite";
208 # NOTE: You might want to avoid c: at start of cygwin unix command for
209 # Windows, seems to cause a problem with pipe used in search
210 # Unix ls command : (deprecated since 01 Nov 2003)
211 rizwank 1.1 $lsCmd = "/bin/ls";
212 # Unix egrep command :
213 $egrepCmd = "/bin/egrep";
214 # Unix fgrep command :
215 $fgrepCmd = "/bin/fgrep";
217 #display Time in the following timezones (this only effects the display of times, all internal storage is still in GMT)
218 # gmtime / servertime
219 $displayTimeValues = "gmtime";
221 # internationalisation setup:
222 # ==================================================================
223 # See the output of the 'testenv' script for help with these settings.
225 # Set $useLocale to 1 to enable internationalisation support for
226 # 8-bit character sets
227 $useLocale = 0;
229 # Site-wide locale - used by TWiki and external programs such as grep,
230 # and to specify the character set for the user's web browser. The
231 # language part also prevents English plural handling for non-English
232 rizwank 1.1 # languages. Ignored if $useLocale is 0.
233 #
234 # Locale names are not standardised - check 'locale -a' on your system to
235 # see what's installed, and check this works using command line tools. You
236 # may also need to check what charsets your browsers accept - the
237 # 'preferred MIME names' at http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
238 # are a good starting point.
239 #
240 # WARNING: Topics are stored in site character set format, so data conversion of
241 # file names and contents will be needed if you change locales after
242 # creating topics whose names or contents include 8-bit characters.
243 #
244 $siteLocale = "en_US.ISO-8859-1";
245 #
246 # Examples only: (choose suitable locale + charset for your own site)
247 # $siteLocale = "de_AT.ISO-8859-15"; # Austria with ISO-8859-15 for Euro
248 # $siteLocale = "ru_RU.KOI8-R"; # Russia
249 # $siteLocale = "ja_JP.eucjp"; # Japan
250 # $siteLocale = "C"; # English only, no I18N features
252 # Site character set override - set this only if you must match a specific
253 rizwank 1.1 # locale (from 'locale -a') whose character set is not supported by your
254 # chosen conversion module (i.e. Encode for Perl 5.8 or higher, or
255 # Unicode::MapUTF8 for other Perl versions). For example, the locale
256 # 'ja_JP.eucjp' exists on your system but only 'euc-jp' is supported by
257 # Unicode::MapUTF8, set $siteCharsetOverride to 'euc-jp'. Leave this as ""
258 # if you don't have this problem.
259 $siteCharsetOverride = "";
260 # $siteCharsetOverride = "euc-jp";
262 # Set $localeRegexes to 0 to force explicit listing of national chars in
263 # regexes, rather than relying on locale-based regexes. Intended for Perl
264 # 5.6 or higher on platforms with broken locales: should only be set if
265 # you have locale problems with Perl 5.6 or higher.
266 $localeRegexes = 1;
268 # If a suitable working locale is not available (i.e. $useLocale is 0), OR
269 # you are using Perl 5.005 (with or without working locales), OR
270 # $localeRegexes is 0, you can use WikiWords with accented national
271 # characters by putting any '8-bit' accented national characters within
272 # these strings - i.e. $upperNational should contain upper case non-ASCII
273 # letters. This is termed 'non-locale regexes' mode.
274 rizwank 1.1 #
275 # If 'non-locale regexes' is in effect, WikiWord linking will work, but
276 # some features such as sorting of WikiWords in search results may not.
277 # These features depend on $useLocale, which can be set independently of
278 # $localeRegexes, so they will work with Perl 5.005 as long as
279 # $useLocale is set to 1 and you have working locales.
280 #
281 # Using the recommended setup of Perl 5.6.1 with working locales avoids the
282 # need to set these parameters.
283 $upperNational = ''; # Upper case
284 $lowerNational = ''; # Lower case
286 # variables that probably do not change:
287 # ==================================================================
289 # RCS keyword handling: change this to '' only if you want TWiki pages to
290 # include automatically-updated RCS ID keyword strings. Leave this as
291 # '-ko' if you don't know what that means! Default setting ensures that
292 # contents of TWiki pages are not changed by RCS. RcsLite always works in
293 # '-ko' mode.
294 $keywordMode = '-ko';
295 rizwank 1.1
296 # Settings for Rcs (standard RCS programs) and RcsLite (built-in)
297 @storeSettings =
298 (
299 # RcsLite and Rcs
300 dataDir => $TWiki::dataDir,
301 pubDir => $TWiki::pubDir,
302 attachAsciiPath => "\.(txt|html|xml|pl)\$",
303 dirPermission => 0775,
304 useRcsDir => $TWiki::useRcsDir,
306 # Rcs only
307 initBinaryCmd => "$rcsDir/rcs $rcsArg -q -i -t-none -kb %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
308 tmpBinaryCmd => "$rcsDir/rcs $rcsArg -q -kb %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
309 ciCmd => "$rcsDir/ci $rcsArg -q -l -m$cmdQuote%COMMENT%$cmdQuote -t-none -w$cmdQuote%USERNAME%$cmdQuote %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
310 coCmd => "$rcsDir/co $rcsArg -q -p%REVISION% $keywordMode %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
311 histCmd => "$rcsDir/rlog $rcsArg -h %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
312 infoCmd => "$rcsDir/rlog $rcsArg -r%REVISION% %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
313 diffCmd => "$rcsDir/rcsdiff $rcsArg -q -w -B -r%REVISION1% -r%REVISION2% $keywordMode --unified=%CONTEXT% %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
314 breakLockCmd => "$rcsDir/rcs $rcsArg -q -l -M %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
315 ciDateCmd => "$rcsDir/ci -l $rcsArg -q -mnone -t-none -d$cmdQuote%DATE%$cmdQuote -w$cmdQuote%USERNAME%$cmdQuote %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
316 rizwank 1.1 delRevCmd => "$rcsDir/rcs $rcsArg -q -o%REVISION% %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
317 unlockCmd => "$rcsDir/rcs $rcsArg -q -u %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
318 lockCmd => "$rcsDir/rcs $rcsArg -q -l %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
319 tagCmd => "$rcsDir/rcs $rcsArg -N%TAG%:%REVISION% %FILENAME% $endRcsCmd",
320 );
322 # Regex security filter for web name, topic name, user name :
323 $securityFilter = "[\\\*\?\~\^\$\@\%\`\"\'\&\;\|\<\>\x00-\x1F]";
324 # Default user name, default "guest" :
325 $defaultUserName = "guest";
326 # Deprecated, replaced by %WIKITOOLNAME% preferences variable :
327 $wikiToolName = "TWiki";
328 # Deprecated, here for compatibility :
329 $wikiHomeUrl = "http://your.domain.com/twiki";
330 # Site Web.Topic name, e.g. "Main.TokyoOffice". Default "" :
331 $siteWebTopicName = "";
332 # %MAINWEB% : Name of Main web, default "Main" :
333 $mainWebname = "Main";
334 # %TWIKIWEB% : Name of TWiki system web, default "TWiki" :
335 $twikiWebname = "TWiki";
336 # Pathname of debug file :
337 rizwank 1.1 $debugFilename = "$logDir/debug.txt";
338 # Pathname of warning file. Default "$logDir/warning.txt" :
339 # (no warnings are written if empty)
340 $warningFilename = "$logDir/warning.txt";
341 # Password file format/encoding method :
342 # htpasswd:plain, htpasswd:crypt, htpasswd:md5 (currently unsupported),
343 # htpasswd:sha1, htdigest:md5, none:
344 #default htpasswd:crypt;
345 $htpasswdFormatFamily = "htpasswd";
346 if( $OS eq "WINDOWS" ) {
347 $htpasswdEncoding = "sha1"; #windows apache
348 } else {
349 $htpasswdEncoding = "crypt";
350 }
351 # Pathname of user name/password file for authentication :
352 if ( $htpasswdFormatFamily eq "htpasswd" ) {
353 $htpasswdFilename = "$dataDir/.htpasswd";
354 } elsif ( $htpasswdFormatFamily eq "hdigest" ) {
355 $htpasswdFilename = "$dataDir/.htdigest";
356 }
357 # Authentication "realm" (must be the same as in
358 rizwank 1.1 # password file, MUST NOT contain colons):
359 $authRealm = "Enter your WikiName. (First name and last name, no space, no dots, capitalized, e.g. JohnSmith). Cancel to register if you do not have one.";
360 # Pathname of log file :
361 $logFilename = "$logDir/log%DATE%.txt";
362 # Pathname of remote users file that maps IP to user :
363 $remoteUserFilename = "$dataDir/remoteusers.txt";
364 # %WIKIUSERSTOPIC% : Name of users list topic :
365 $wikiUsersTopicname = "TWikiUsers";
366 # Pathname of WebUsers topic, used to map Intranet login name
367 # (e.g. 'fsmith') to Wiki name (e.g. 'FredSmith') :
368 $userListFilename = "$dataDir/$mainWebname/$wikiUsersTopicname.txt";
369 # Map login name to Wiki name, default "1", set to "0" for .htpasswd authenticated sites :
370 $doMapUserToWikiName = "1";
371 # %HOMETOPIC% : Name of main topic in a web, default "WebHome" :
372 $mainTopicname = "WebHome";
373 # %NOTIFYTOPIC% : Name of topic for email notifications, default "WebNotify" :
374 $notifyTopicname = "WebNotify";
375 # %WIKIPREFSTOPIC% : Name of site-level preferences topic, default "TWikiPreferences" :
376 $wikiPrefsTopicname = "TWikiPreferences";
377 # %WEBPREFSTOPIC% : Name of preferences topic in a web, default "WebPreferences" :
378 $webPrefsTopicname = "WebPreferences";
379 rizwank 1.1 # %STATISTICSTOPIC% : Name of statistics topic, default "WebStatistics" :
380 $statisticsTopicname = "WebStatistics";
381 # Number of top viewed topics to show in statistics topic, default "10" :
382 $statsTopViews = "10";
383 # Number of top contributors to show in statistics topic, default "10" :
384 $statsTopContrib = "10";
385 # Statistics debugging - write invalid logfile lines to debug log
386 $doDebugStatistics = "0";
387 # Show how many revision links, "0" for all, default "3" :
388 $numberOfRevisions = "3";
389 # Number of seconds a topic is locked during edit, default "3600" :
390 $editLockTime = "3600";
391 # Group of users that can use cmd=repRev
392 # or that ALWAYS have edit powers (set $doSuperAdminGroup=1)
393 $superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
395 # flag variables that could change:
396 # ==================================================================
397 # values are "0" for no, or "1" for yes
398 # Keep same revision if topic is saved again within edit lock time. Default "1"
399 $doKeepRevIfEditLock = "1";
400 rizwank 1.1 # Build $scriptUrlPath from $query->url parameter. Default "0".
401 # Note that links are incorrect after failed authentication if "1"
402 $doGetScriptUrlFromCgi = "0";
403 # Remove port number from URL. Default "0"
404 $doRemovePortNumber = "0";
405 # Remove IMG tags in mailnotify. Default "1"
406 $doRemoveImgInMailnotify = "1";
407 # Remember remote user by matching the IP address
408 # in case REMOTE_USER is empty. Default "0"
409 # (Note: Does not work reliably with dynamic IP addresses)
410 $doRememberRemoteUser = "0";
411 # Change non existing plural topic name to singular,
412 # e.g. TestPolicies to TestPolicy. Default "1"
413 $doPluralToSingular = "1";
414 # Hide password in registration email
415 $doHidePasswdInRegistration = "1";
416 # Remove ".." from %INCLUDE{""}% filename, to
417 # prevent includes of "../../file". Default "1"
418 $doSecureInclude = "1";
419 # Log topic views to $logFilename. Default "1"
420 $doLogTopicView = "1";
421 rizwank 1.1 # Log topic edits to $logFilename. Default "1"
422 $doLogTopicEdit = "1";
423 # Log topic saves to $logFilename. Default "1"
424 $doLogTopicSave = "1";
425 # Log renames to $logFilename. Default "1". Added JET 22-Feb-01
426 $doLogRename = "1";
427 # Log view attach to $logFilename. Default "1"
428 $doLogTopicAttach = "1";
429 # Log file upload to $logFilename. Default "1"
430 $doLogTopicUpload = "1";
431 # Log topic rdiffs to $logFilename. Default "1"
432 $doLogTopicRdiff = "1";
433 # Log changes to $logFilename. Default "1"
434 $doLogTopicChanges = "1";
435 # Log search to $logFilename. Default "1"
436 $doLogTopicSearch = "1";
437 # Log user registration to $logFilename. Default "1"
438 $doLogRegistration = "1";
439 # Disable plugins. Set to "1" in case TWiki is non functional after
440 # installing a new plugin. This allows you to remove the plugin from
441 # the ACTIVEPLUGINS list in TWikiPreferences. Default "0"
442 rizwank 1.1 $disableAllPlugins = "0";
443 # Enable super-powers to $superAdminGroup members
444 # see Codev.UnchangeableTopicBug
445 $doSuperAdminGroup = "1";
447 # Return true
448 1;
450 #############################################################
451 ########## Administration notes ##################
452 #############################################################
453 #
454 # Don't forget to customize also the TWiki.TWikiPreferences topic.
455 #
456 # You can alter the most recent revision of a topic using /edit/web/topic?cmd=repRev
457 # - use only as a last resort, as history is altered
458 # - you must be in TWikiAdminGroup
459 # - you will be presented with normal edit box, but this will also include meta
460 # information, modify this with extreme care
461 #
462 # You can delete the most recent revision of a topic using /edit/web/topic?cmd=delRev
463 rizwank 1.1 # - use only as a last resort, as history is lost
464 # - you must be in TWikiAdminGroup
465 # - fill in some dummy text in the edit box
466 # - ignore preview output
467 # - when you press save last revision will be deleted
468 #