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  1 rizwank 1.1 /*
  2              * Unit test suite for cabinet.dll - FDI functions
  3              *
  4 rizwank 2.5  * Copyright 2004 Rizwan Kassim, Dan Kegel, Alexander Liber
  5 rizwank 1.1  *
  6              * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  7              * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8              * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  9              * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 10              *
 11              * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 12              * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 14              * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 15              *
 16              * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 17              * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 18              * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 19              */
 21 rizwank 2.13 #include <stdio.h>
 22 rizwank 2.3  #include <stdlib.h>
 23              #include <string.h>
 24 cs130_alex 2.2  #include <sys/stat.h>
 25 rizwank    2.11 #include <stdarg.h>
 26 rizwank    2.13 #include <malloc.h>
 28                 #include <stdarg.h>
 29                 #include <stdio.h>
 31                 #include "windef.h"
 32                 #include "winbase.h"
 33                 #include "winerror.h"
 34                 #include "fdi.h"
 36                 #include <fcntl.h>
 38                 #include "tvfs.h"
 39                 #include "data.h"
 40 rizwank    1.1  
 41                 #ifndef STANDALONE
 42                 #include <wine/test.h>
 43                 #define ok2 ok
 44                 #else
 45 rizwank    2.14 #include "standalone.h"
 46 rizwank    2.13 /* To build outside Wine tree, compile with cl -DSTANDALONE -D_X86_ -DWIN_ENV tvfs.c cabinet_fdi.c FDI.lib 
 47 rizwank    2.14   standalone.h is used if standalone are used, defining ok and START_TEST, which would normally be declared in winetree */
 48 rizwank    1.1  #endif 
 50 rizwank    1.8  FNALLOC(final_alloc) {
 51 rizwank    2.11     trace("   FNALLOC just called with %d\n",cb);
 52                     return malloc(cb);
 53 rizwank    1.3  }
 54 rizwank    1.8  FNFREE(final_free) {
 55 rizwank    2.11     trace("   FNFREE just called with %d\n",pv);
 56                     free(pv);
 57                     return;
 58 rizwank    1.3  }
 59 rizwank    2.14 
 60 rizwank    2.10 /*Possible non trivial addition:
 61                 Notify receives some information about the cab file(see FDI documentation). 
 62                 Since this info is different depending on the value of fdint, and Notify should
 63                 be generic, it is not simple or nice to check this information.
 64                 */
 65 rizwank    2.3  FNFDINOTIFY(notification_function)
 66                 {
 67 rizwank    2.11     trace("   FNFDINOTIFY real just called with %d, %d \n",fdint,pfdin);
 68                     switch (fdint)
 69                     {
 70                         case fdintCABINET_INFO: 
 71                         {
 72                             trace(
 73                                 "fdintCABINET_INFO:\n"
 74                                 "-next cab name: %s\n"
 75                                 "-next disk: %s\n"
 76                                 "-path name: %s\n"
 77                                 "-set ID: %d\n"
 78                                 "-number in set: %d\n",
 79 rizwank    2.14                 pfdin->psz1, pfdin->psz2, pfdin->psz3, pfdin->setID, pfdin->iCabinet
 80 rizwank    2.11             );
 81                             return 0;
 82                         }
 83                         case fdintPARTIAL_FILE: 
 84                         {
 85                             trace("dintPARTIAL_FILE\n");    
 87                             return 0;
 88                         }
 89                         case fdintCOPY_FILE:
 90                         {
 91                             int fih = 0;
 92                             char target[256];
 93                             trace(
 94                                 "fdintCOPY_FILE:\n"
 95                                 "-name: %s\n"
 96                                 "-uncompressed size: %d\n"
 97                                 "-date: %d\n"
 98                                 "-time: %d\n"
 99                                 "-attributes: %d\n"
100                                 "-file's folder index: %d\n",
101 rizwank    2.14                 pfdin->psz1, pfdin->cb, pfdin->date, pfdin->time, pfdin->attribs, pfdin->iFolder
102 rizwank    2.11             );
103                             sprintf(target, "./%s",pfdin->psz1);
104                             fih = tvfs_open (target,
105                                 _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_SEQUENTIAL,
106                                 _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE 
107                             );
108                             return fih;    
109                         }    
110                         case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO:    
111                         {
112 rizwank    2.12 #ifdef VERBOSE
113 rizwank    2.11             trace(
114                                 "fdintCLOSE_FILE:\n"
115                                 "-name: %s\n"
116                                 "-handle: %d\n"
117                                 "-date: %d\n"
118                                 "-time: %d\n"
119                                 "-attributes: %d\n"
120                                 "-file's folder index: %d\n"
121                                 "-run: %d\n",
122 rizwank    2.14                 pfdin->psz1, pfdin->hf, pfdin->date, pfdin->time, pfdin->attribs, pfdin->iFolder, pfdin->cb
123 rizwank    2.11             );
124 rizwank    2.12 #endif
125 rizwank    2.11     
126                             tvfs_close(pfdin->hf);
127                             return TRUE;
128                         }
129                         case fdintNEXT_CABINET: 
130                         {
131                             trace("fdintNEXT_CABINET\n");
132                             return 0;
133                         }
134                         case fdintENUMERATE:
135                         {
136                             trace("fdintENUMERATE\n");
137                             return 0;
138                         }
139                     }
140                     return 0;
141 rizwank    2.3  }
142 cs130_alex 2.1  
143 rizwank    2.3  static void printCabInfo(FDICABINETINFO  cabinfo){
144 rizwank    2.11     trace("   Cabinet Data : cbC %d cF %d cFi %d si %d iC %d fr %d hp %d hn %d\n",
145                         cabinfo.cbCabinet,
146                         cabinfo.cFolders ,
147                         cabinfo.cFiles ,
148                         cabinfo.setID,
149                         cabinfo.iCabinet,
150                         cabinfo.fReserve ,
151                         cabinfo.hasprev ,
152                         cabinfo.hasnext );
153 rizwank    2.7  }
154 cs130_alex 2.1  
155 cs130_alex 2.2  static void CheckCabInfo(char *  cabname,
156 rizwank    2.11     FDICABINETINFO cabinfo, 
157                     long    TcbCabinet,
158                     USHORT    TcFolders,    
159                     USHORT    TcFiles,    
160                     USHORT    TsetID,    
161                     USHORT    TiCabinet,    
162                     BOOL    TfReserve,    
163                     BOOL    Thasprev,    
164                     BOOL    Thasnext){
165                     ok2 ( cabinfo.cbCabinet == TcbCabinet, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
166                     ok2 ( cabinfo.cFolders == TcFolders, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
167                     ok2 ( cabinfo.cFiles == TcFiles, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
168                     ok2 ( cabinfo.setID == TsetID, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
169                     ok2 ( cabinfo.iCabinet == TiCabinet, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
170                     ok2 ( cabinfo.fReserve == TfReserve, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
171                     ok2 ( cabinfo.hasprev == Thasprev, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
172                     ok2 ( cabinfo.hasnext == Thasnext, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
173                    }
174 rizwank    2.14    /* TODO :  Message should contain variable values */
175                    /* TODO :  Use ok - is ok in standalone different fron winetest? */
176 rizwank    2.11 
177                 static HFDI hfdi_unknown;
178 rizwank    1.4  /* yes its global and ugly */
180 rizwank    2.0  /* Is CPU386 or Unknown more commonly used? */
181 rizwank    1.1  
182 rizwank    1.4  static void TestCreate(void) {
183 rizwank    2.11     
184                     ERF error_structure;
186                     trace("Starting TestCreate()\n");
188                     hfdi_unknown = FDICreate(
189                         final_alloc,
190                         final_free, 
191                         tvfs_open, tvfs_read, tvfs_write, tvfs_close, tvfs_lseek,
192                         cpuUNKNOWN,
193                         &error_structure
194                     );
196                     ok(hfdi_unknown != NULL,"FDICreate (CPU = unknown) (functions=tvfs) failed!\n");    
198                     trace("Ending TestCreate()\n");    
199 rizwank    1.7  }
201                 static void TestInfo(void) {
202 rizwank    2.11 
203                     int fd;
205                     FDICABINETINFO  fdi_cabinfo_simple, fdi_cabinfo_complex;
207                     trace("Starting TestInfo()\n");
209                     tvfs_create( name_simple_cab, file_simple_cab, size_simple_cab);
210                     fd = tvfs_open( name_simple_cab, _O_BINARY, 0 );
212                     ok( FDIIsCabinet( hfdi_unknown, fd, &fdi_cabinfo_simple) == TRUE,
213                     "FDIIsCabinet (Virtual File = Simple.cab) failed!\n");
215                     printCabInfo(fdi_cabinfo_simple);
216                     CheckCabInfo("simple.cab",fdi_cabinfo_simple,121,1,1,0,0,0,0,0);    
218                     tvfs_close(fd); 
219                     tvfs_free();    
221                     trace("Ending TestInfo()\n");
222 rizwank    1.7  }
223 cs130_alex 2.1  
224 rizwank    2.3  static void TestCopy(void){
225 rizwank    2.11     
226                     char name_file_path[256];
227                     int result;
229                     trace("Starting TestCopy()\n");
230                     trace("---simple.cab\n");
232                     tvfs_create( name_simple_cab, file_simple_cab, size_simple_cab);
233                     FDICopy(hfdi_unknown,
234                         "simple.cab",
235                         "",
236                         0,
237                         notification_function,
238                         NULL,
239                         NULL);
241                     /* Filename when extracted is ./<filename> */
242                     sprintf(name_file_path, "./%s", name_simple_txt);
243                     result = tvfs_compare(name_file_path, file_simple_txt, size_simple_txt);
244                     if (result)
245                         trace ("File %s compare failed!\n",name_file_path);    
246 rizwank    2.11     tvfs_free();
248                     trace("Ending TestCopy()\n");   
249 cs130_alex 2.1  }
251 rizwank    1.7  static void TestDestroy(void) {
252 rizwank    2.11     trace("Starting TestDestroy()\n");
253                     ok(FDIDestroy(hfdi_unknown), "FDIDestroy (CPU = unknown) (functions=tvfs) failed!\n");  
254                     trace("Ending TestDestroy()\n");
255 rizwank    1.4  }
256 rizwank    1.1  
257 rizwank    2.13 START_TEST(cabinet_fdi)
258 rizwank    1.1  {
259 rizwank    2.11     TestCreate();
260                     TestInfo();
261                     TestCopy();
262                     TestDestroy();
263                     tvfs_free();
264 rizwank    1.1  }

Rizwan Kassim
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