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 1 rizwank 1.1 #!/usr/bin/perl
 2 cs130_alex 1.4 # chexify.pl
 3 rizwank    1.1 # Takes a list of filenames on stdin and create a C data array for each one.
 4 rizwank    1.2 # Copyright Dan Kegel, Rizwan Kassim 2005
 5 rizwank    1.1 # Licensed under LGPL
 7 cs130_alex 1.4 
 8                use English;
 9                use strict; 
12                my $file;       #each of the files we are working on
13                my $varname;    #file name converted to variable name
14                my $buffer;     #buffer to store the hexified contents of a file till output
16                # no input record separator to just slurp everything
17                undef $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR;
18 rizwank    1.1 
19                foreach $file (@ARGV) {
20 cs130_alex 1.4        open(FILE, $file) or die("Can't open $file : $OS_ERROR");
21 rizwank    1.1        binmode FILE;
23                       # munge filename into C variable name
24                       $varname = $file;
25                       $varname =~ s/\./_/;
27 cs130_alex 1.4 	   #name of the file
28 rizwank    1.1        print "const static char name_$varname"."[] = \"$file\";\n";
29 cs130_alex 1.4        #hex contents of the file
30                	   #BUG:have to get rid of the last comma
31                	   print "const static char file_$varname"."[] = {\n";
32                       while ( read(FILE, $buffer, 16) ) {
33 rizwank    1.1                $buffer =~ s/(.|\n)/'0x' . unpack('H2', $1).', '/ge;
34                               print "\t$buffer\n";
35                       }
36 rizwank    1.3        print "};\n";
37 cs130_alex 1.4 	   close FILE;
38                	   #size of the file
39 rizwank    1.3        print "const static int size_$varname"." = sizeof(file_$varname);\n\n";
40 rizwank    1.1 }

Rizwan Kassim
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