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   1 rizwank 1.1 .\"
   2             .\" GNU enscript manual page.
   3             .\" Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Markku Rossi.
   4             .\" Author: Markku Rossi <mtr@iki.fi>
   5             .\"
   6             .\"
   7             .\" This file is part of GNU enscript.
   8             .\"
   9             .\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  10             .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  11             .\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
  12             .\" any later version.
  13             .\"
  14             .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  15             .\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  17             .\" GNU General Public License for more details.
  18             .\"
  19             .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  20             .\" along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
  21             .\" the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
  22 rizwank 1.1 .\" Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  23             .\"
  24             .TH ENSCRIPT 1 "Mar 12, 1999" "ENSCRIPT" "ENSCRIPT"
  26             .SH NAME
  27             enscript \- convert text files to PostScript, HTML, RTF, ANSI, and
  28             overstrikes
  30             .SH SYNOPSIS
  31             .B enscript
  32             [\f3\-123456789BcgGhjkKlmOqrRvVzZ\f1]
  33             [\f3\-# \f2copies\f1]
  34             [\f3\-a \f2pages\f1]
  35             [\f3\-A \f2align\f1]
  36             [\f3\-b \f2header\f1]
  37             [\f3\-C\f1[\f2start_line\f1]]
  38             [\f3\-d \f2printer\f1]
  39             [\f3\-D \f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]]
  40             [\f3\-e\f1[\f2char\f1]]
  41             [\f3\-E\f1[\f2lang\f1]]
  42             [\f3\-f \f2font\f1]
  43 rizwank 1.1 [\f3\-F \f2header_font\f1]
  44             [\f3\-H\f1[\f2num\f1]]
  45             [\f3\-i \f2indent\f1]
  46             [\f3\-I \f2filter\f1]
  47             [\f3\-J \f2title\f1]
  48             [\f3\-L \f2lines_per_page\f1]
  49             [\f3\-M \f2media\f1]
  50             [\f3\-n \f2copies\f1]
  51             [\f3\-N \f2newline\f1]
  52             [\f3\-o \f2outputfile\f1]
  53             [\f3\-o \-\f1]
  54             [\f3\-p \f2outputfile\f1]
  55             [\f3\-p \-\f1]
  56             [\f3\-P \f2printer\f1]
  57             [\f3\-s \f2baselineskip\f1]
  58             [\f3\-S \f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]]
  59             [\f3\-t \f2title\f1]
  60             [\f3\-T \f2tabsize\f1]
  61             [\f3\-u\f1[\f2text\f1]]
  62             [\f3\-U \f2num\f1]
  63             [\f3\-w \f2language\f1]
  64 rizwank 1.1 [\f3\-X \f2encoding\f1]
  65             [\f2filename\f1 ...]
  67             .SH DESCRIPTION
  69             \f3Enscript\f1 converts text files to PostScript or to other output
  70             languages.  \f3Enscript\f1 can spool the generated output directly to
  71             a specified printer or leave it to a file.  If no input files are
  72             given, \f3enscript\f1 processes the standard input \f3stdin\f1.
  73             \f3Enscript\f1 can be extended to handle different output media and it
  74             has many options which can be used to customize the printouts.
  76             .SH OPTIONS
  77             .TP 8
  78             .B \-# \f2num\f3
  79             Print \f2num\f1 copies of each page.
  80             .TP 8
  81             .B \-1, \-2, \-3, \-4, \-5, \-6, \-7, \-8, \-9, \-\-columns=\f2num\f3
  82             Specify how many columns each page have.  With the long option
  83             \f3\-\-columns=\f2num\f1 you can specify more than 9 columns per page.
  84             .TP 8
  85 rizwank 1.1 .B \-a \f2pages\f3, \-\-pages=\f2pages\f3
  86             Specify which pages are printed.  The page specification \f2pages\f1
  87             can be given in the following formats:
  88             .RS 8
  89             .TP 8
  90             \f2begin\f1\-\f2end\f1
  91             print pages from \f2begin\f1 to \f2end\f1
  92             .TP 8
  93             \-\f2end\f1
  94             print pages from 0 to \f2end\f1
  95             .TP 8
  96             \f2begin\f1\-
  97             print pages from \f2begin\f1 to end
  98             .TP 8
  99             \f2page\f1
 100             print page \f2page\f1
 101             .TP 8
 102             odd
 103             print odd pages
 104             .TP 8
 105             even
 106 rizwank 1.1 print even pages
 107             .RE
 108             .TP 8
 109             .B \-A \f2align\f3, \-\-file\-align=\f2align\f3
 110             Align separate input files to even \f2align\f1 page count.  This
 111             option is useful in two-side and 2-up printings (\-\-file\-align=2).
 112             .TP 8
 113             .B \-b \f2header\f3, \-\-header=\f2header\f3
 114             Use the text \f2header\f1 as a page header.  The default page header
 115             is constructed from the name of the file and from its last
 116             modification time.
 118             The header string \f2header\f1 can contain the same formatting escapes
 119             which can be specified for the \f3%Format\f1 directives in the user
 120             defined fancy headers.  For example, the following option prints the
 121             file name, current data and page numbers:
 123             \f3enscript \-\-header='$n %W Page $% of $=' *.c\f1
 125             The header string can also contain left, center and right justified
 126             fields.  The fields are separated by the \f3'|'\f1 character:
 127 rizwank 1.1 
 128             \f3enscript \-\-header='$n|%W|Page $% of $=' *.c\f1
 130             now the file name is printed left justified, the date is centered to
 131             the header and the page numbers are printed right justified.
 132             .TP 8
 133             .B \-B, \-\-no\-header
 134             Do not print page headers.
 135             .TP 8
 136             .B \-c, \-\-truncate\-lines
 137             Cut lines that are too long for the page.  As a default,
 138             \f3enscript\f1 wraps long lines to the next line so no information is
 139             lost.
 141             You can also use the \f3\-\-slice\f1 option which slices long lines to
 142             separate pages.
 143             .TP 8
 144             .B \-C\f1[\f2start_line\f1]\f3, \-\-line\-numbers\f1[\f3=\f2start_line\f1]\f3
 145             Precede each line with its line number.  The optional argument
 146             \f2start_line\f1 specifies the number of the first line in the input.
 147             The number of the first line defaults to 1.
 148 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 149             .B \-d \f2name\f3
 150             Spool output to the printer \f2name\f1.
 151             .TP 8
 152             .B \-D \f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]\f3, \-\-setpagedevice=\f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]\f3
 153             Pass a page device definition to the generated PostScript output.  If
 154             no value is given, the key \f2key\f1 is removed from the definitions.
 156             For example, the command
 158             .B enscript \-DDuplex:true foo.txt
 160             prints file foo.txt in duplex (two side) mode.
 162             Page device operators are implementation dependant but they are
 163             standardized.  See section \f3PAGE DEVICE OPTIONS\f1 for the details.
 164             .TP 8
 165             .B \-e\f1[\f2char\f1]\f3, \-\-escapes\f1[\f3=\f2char\f1]\f3
 166             Enable special escapes interpretation (see section \f3SPECIAL
 167             ESCAPES\f1).  If the argument \f2char\f1 is given, it changes the
 168             escape character to \f2char\f1.  The default escape character is 0.
 169 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 170             .B \-E\f1[\f2lang\f1]\f3, \-\-highlight\f1[\f3=\f2lang\f1]\f3
 171             Highlight source code by creating a special input filter with the
 172             \f3states\f1 program.  The optional argument \f2lang\f1 specifies the
 173             language to highlight.  As a default the \f3states\f1 makes an
 174             educated guess.
 176             You can print a short description of the supported highlighting
 177             languages and file formats with the command:
 179             .B enscript \-\-help\-highlight
 181             The highlighting rules are defined in the
 182             `/home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/st/*.st' files which can be edited to create
 183             highlighting definitions for new languages.
 185             \f3Note!\f1 You can not use your own input filters with this option.
 186             .TP 8
 187             .B \-f \f2name\f3, \-\-font=\f2name\f3
 188             Select a font that is used for the body text.  The default body font is
 189             \f3Courier10\f1, unless multicolumn landscape printing mode is
 190 rizwank 1.1 selected, in which case the default font is \f3Courier7\f1.
 192             The font specification \f2name\f1 contains two parts: the name of the
 193             font and its size in PostScript points.  For example,
 194             "\f3Times\-Roman12\f1" selects the "Times\-Roman" font with size
 195             12pt.
 197             The font specification \f2name\f1 can also be given in format
 198             `\f2name\f1@\f2ptsize\f1', where the name of the font and its point
 199             size are separated by a `@' character.  This allows \f3enscript\f1 to use
 200             fonts which contain digit characters in their names.
 202             The font point size can also be given in the format
 203             \f2width\f1/\f2height\f1 where the \f2width\f1 and the \f2height\f1
 204             specify the size of the font in x- and y-directions.  For example,
 205             "\f3Times\-Roman@10/12\f1" selects a 10 points wide and 12 points high
 206             "Times\-Roman" font.
 208             You can also give the font sizes as decimal numbers.  For example,
 209             "\f3Times\-Roman10.2\f1" selects a 10.2pt "Times\-Roman" font.
 210             .TP 8
 211 rizwank 1.1 .B \-F \f2name\f3, \-\-header\-font=\f2name\f3
 212             Select a font for the header texts.
 213             .TP 8
 214             .B \-g, \-\-print\-anyway
 215             Print a file even if it contains binary data.  The option is
 216             implemented only for compatibility purposes.  \f3Enscript\f1 prints
 217             binary files anyway regardless of the option.
 218             .TP 8
 219             .B \-G, \-\-fancy\-header\f1[\f3=\f2name\f1]\f3
 220             Print a fancy page header \f2name\f1 to the top of each page.  The
 221             option \f3\-G\f1 specifies the default fancy header.  See section
 222             \f3CONFIGURATION FILES\f1 to see how the default fancy header can be
 223             changed.
 224             .TP 8
 225             .B \-h, \-\-no\-job\-header
 226             Suppress printing of the job header page.
 227             .TP 8
 228             .B \-H\f1[\f2num\f1]\f3, \-\-highlight\-bars\f1[\f3=\f2num\f1]\f3
 229             Specify how high the highlight bars are in lines.  If the \f2num\f1 is
 230             not given, the default value 2 is used.  As a default, no highlight bars
 231             are printed.
 232 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 233             .B \-i \f2num\f3, \-\-indent=\f2num\f3
 234             Indent every line \f2num\f1 characters.  The indentation can also be
 235             specified in other units by appending an unit specifier after the
 236             number.  The possible unit specifiers and the corresponding units are:
 237             .RS 8
 238             .TP 8
 239             .B c
 240             centimeters
 241             .TP 8
 242             .B i
 243             inches
 244             .TP 8
 245             .B l
 246             characters (default)
 247             .TP 8
 248             .B p
 249             PostScript points
 250             .RE
 251             .TP 8
 252             .B \-I \f2filter\f3, \-\-filter=\f2filter\f1
 253 rizwank 1.1 Read all input files through an input filter \f2filter\f1.  The input
 254             filter can be a single command or a command pipeline.  The filter can
 255             refer to the name of the input file with the escape `\f3%s\f1'.  The
 256             name of the standard input can be changed with the option
 257             `\f3\-\-filter\-stdin\f1'.
 259             For example, the following command prints the file `foo.c' by using
 260             only upper-case characters:
 262             .B enscript \-\-filter="cat %s | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'" foo.c
 264             The following command highlights changes which are made to files since
 265             the last checkout:
 267             .B enscript \-\-filter="rcsdiff %s | diffpp %s" \-e *.c
 269             To include the string "%s" to the filter command, you must write it as
 270             "%%s".
 271             .TP 8
 272             .B \-j, \-\-borders
 273             Print borders around columns.
 274 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 275             .B \-J \f2title\f3
 276             An alias for the option \f3\-t\f1, \f3\-\-title\f1.
 277             .TP 8
 278             .B \-k, \-\-page\-prefeed
 279             Enable page prefeed.
 280             .TP 8
 281             .B \-K, \-\-no\-page\-prefeed
 282             Disable page prefeed (default).
 283             .TP 8
 284             .B \-l, \-\-lineprinter
 285             Emulate lineprinter.  This option is a shortcut for the options
 286             \f3\-\-lines\-per\-page=66\f1, and \f3\-\-no\-header\f1.
 287             .TP 8
 288             .B \-L \f2num\f3, \-\-lines\-per\-page=\f2num\f3
 289             Print only \f2num\f1 lines for each page.  As a default, the number of
 290             lines per page is computed from the height of the page and from the
 291             size of the font.
 292             .TP 8
 293             .B \-m, \-\-mail
 294             Send a mail notification to user after the print job has been
 295 rizwank 1.1 completed.
 296             .TP 8
 297             .B \-M \f2name\f3, \-\-media=\f2name\f3
 298             Select an output media \f2name\f1.  \f3Enscript\f1's default output
 299             media is \f3A4\f1.
 300             .TP 8
 301             .B \-n \f2num\f3, \-\-copies=\f2num\f3
 302             Print \f2num\f1 copies of each page.
 303             .TP 8
 304             .B \-N \f2nl\f3, \-\-newline=\f2nl\f3
 305             Select the \f2newline\f1 character.  The possible values for \f2nl\f1
 306             are: \f3n\f1 (unix newline, 0xa hex) and \f3r\f1 (mac newline, 0xd hex).
 307             .TP 8
 308             .B \-o \f2file\f3
 309             An alias for the option \f3\-p\f1, \f3\-\-output\f1.
 310             .TP 8
 311             .B \-O, \-\-missing\-characters
 312             Print a listing of character codes which couldn't be printed.
 313             .TP 8
 314             .B \-p \f2file\f3, \-\-output=\f2file\f3
 315             Leave the output to file \f2file\f1.  If the \f2file\f1 is `\-',
 316 rizwank 1.1 enscript sends the output to the standard output \f3stdout\f1.
 317             .TP 8
 318             .B \-P \f2name\f3, \-\-printer=\f2name\f3
 319             Spool the output to the printer \f2name\f1.
 320             .TP 8
 321             .B \-q, \-\-quiet, \-\-silent
 322             Make \f3enscript\f1 really quiet.  Only fatal error messages are
 323             printed to \f2stderr\f1.
 324             .TP 8
 325             .B \-r, \-\-landscape
 326             Print in the landscape mode; rotate page 90 degrees.
 327             .TP 8
 328             .B \-R, \-\-portrait
 329             Print in the portrait mode (default).
 330             .TP 8
 331             .B \-s \f2num\f3, \-\-baselineskip=\f2num\f3
 332             Specify the baseline skip in PostScript points.  The number \f2num\f1
 333             can be given as a decimal number.  When \f3enscript\f1 moves from line
 334             to line, the current point \f2y\f1 coordinate is moved (\f2font point
 335             size + baselineskip\f1) points down.  The default baseline skip is 1.
 336             .TP 8
 337 rizwank 1.1 .B \-S \f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]\f3, \-\-statusdict=\f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]\f3
 338             Pass a statusdict definition to the generated PostScript output.  If
 339             no value is given, the key \f2key\f1 is removed from the definitions.
 341             The statusdict operators are implementation dependant; see the
 342             printer's documentation for the details.
 344             For example, the command
 346             .B enscript \-Ssetpapertray:1 foo.txt
 348             prints the file \f2foo.txt\f1 by using paper from the paper tray 1
 349             (assuming that the printer supports paper tray selection).
 350             .TP 8
 351             .B \-t \f2title\f3, \-\-title=\f2title\f3
 352             Set banner page's job title to \f2title\f1.  The option sets also the
 353             name of the input file \f3stdin\f1.
 354             .TP 8
 355             .B \-T \f2num\f3, \-\-tabsize=\f2num\f3
 356             Set the tabulator size to \f2num\f1 characters.  The default is 8.
 357             .TP 8
 358 rizwank 1.1 .B \-u\f1[\f2text\f1]\f3, \-\-underlay\f1[\f3=\f2text\f1]\f3
 359             Print the string \f2text\f1 under every page.  The properties of the
 360             text can be changed with the options \f3\-\-ul\-angle\f1,
 361             \f3\-\-ul\-font\f1, \f3\-\-ul\-gray\f1, \f3\-\-ul\-position\f1, and
 362             \f3\-\-ul\-style\f1.
 364             If no \f2text\f1 is given, the underlay is not printed.  This can be used
 365             to remove an underlay text that was specified with the
 366             `\f3Underlay\f1' configuration file option.
 367             .TP 8
 368             .B \-U \f2num\f3, \-\-nup=\f2num\f3
 369             Print \f2num\f1 logical pages on each output page (N\-up printing).
 370             The values \f2num\f1 must be a power of 2.
 371             .TP 8
 372             .B \-v, \-\-verbose\f1[\f3=\f2level\f1]\f3
 373             Tell what \f3enscript\f1 is doing.
 374             .TP 8
 375             .B \-V, \-\-version
 376             Print \f3enscript\f1 version information and exit.
 377             .TP 8
 378             .B \-w \f1[\f2lang\f1]\f3, \-\-language\f1[\f3=\f2lang\f1]\f3
 379 rizwank 1.1 Generate output for the language \f2lang\f1.  The possible values for
 380             \f2lang\f1 are:
 381             .RS 8
 382             .TP 8
 383             .B PostScript
 384             generate PostScript (default)
 385             .TP 8
 386             .B html
 387             generate HTML
 388             .TP 8
 389             .B overstrike
 390             generate overstrikes (line printers, less)
 391             .TP 8
 392             .B rtf
 393             generate RTF (Rich Text Format)
 394             .TP 8
 395             .B ansi
 396             generate ANSI terminal control codes
 397             .RE
 398             .TP 8
 399             .B \-X \f2name\f3, \-\-encoding=\f2name\f3
 400 rizwank 1.1 Use the input encoding \f2name\f1.  Currently \f3enscript\f1 supports
 401             the following encodings:
 402             .RS 8
 403             .TP 8
 404             .B 88591, latin1
 405             ISO\-8859\-1 (ISO Latin1) (\f3enscript\f1's default encoding).
 406             .TP 8
 407             .B 88592, latin2
 408             ISO\-8859\-2 (ISO Latin2)
 409             .TP 8
 410             .B 88593, latin3
 411             ISO\-8859\-3 (ISO Latin3)
 412             .TP 8
 413             .B 88594, latin4
 414             ISO\-8859\-4 (ISO Latin4)
 415             .TP 8
 416             .B 88595, cyrillic
 417             ISO\-8859\-5 (ISO Cyrillic)
 418             .TP 8
 419             .B 88597, greek
 420             ISO\-8859\-7 (ISO Greek)
 421 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 422             .B 88599, latin5
 423             ISO\-8859\-9 (ISO Latin5)
 424             .TP 8
 425             .B 885910, latin6
 426             ISO\-8859\-10 (ISO Latin6)
 427             .TP 8
 428             .B ascii
 429             7\-bit ascii
 430             .TP 8
 431             .B asciifise, asciifi, asciise
 432             7\-bit ascii with some scandinavian (Finland, Sweden) extensions
 433             .TP 8
 434             .B asciidkno, asciidk, asciino
 435             7\-bit ascii with some scandinavian (Denmark, Norway) extensions
 436             .TP 8
 437             .B ibmpc, pc, dos
 438             IBM PC charset
 439             .TP 8
 440             .B mac
 441             Mac charset
 442 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 443             .B vms
 444             VMS multinational charset
 445             .TP 8
 446             .B hp8
 447             HP Roman-8 charset
 448             .TP 8
 449             .B koi8
 450             Adobe Standard Cyrillic Font KOI8 charset
 451             .TP 8
 452             .B ps, PS
 453             PostScript font's default encoding
 454             .TP 8
 455             .B pslatin1, ISOLatin1Encoding
 456             PostScript interpreter's `ISOLatin1Encoding'
 457             .RE
 458             .TP 8
 459             .B \-z, \-\-no\-formfeed
 460             Turn off the form feed character interpretation.  The form feed
 461             characters are interpreted as they were newline characters.
 462             .TP 8
 463 rizwank 1.1 .B \-Z, \-\-pass\-through
 464             Pass through all PostScript and PCL files without any modifications.
 465             This allows that \f3enscript\f1 can be used as a lp filter.
 467             The PostScript files are recognized by looking up the `%!' magic
 468             cookie from the beginning of the file. \f3Note!\f1 \f3Enscript\f1
 469             recognized also the Windoze damaged `^D%!' cookie.
 471             The PCL files are recognized by looking up the `^[E' or `^[%' magic
 472             cookies from the beginning of the file.
 473             .TP 8
 474             .B \-\-color\f1[\f3=\f2bool\f1]\f3
 475             Use colors in the highlighting outputs.
 476             .TP 8
 477             .B \-\-continuous\-line\-numbers
 478             Don't reset the printed page number to one on every file.  If you
 479             print many files, the page numbers will continue incrementing
 480             throughout all of the files.
 481             .TP 8
 482             .B \-\-download\-font=\f2fontname\f3
 483             Include the font description file (\f2.pfa\f1 or \f2.pfb\f1 file) of
 484 rizwank 1.1 the font \f2fontname\f1 to the generated output.
 485             .TP 8
 486             .B \-\-extended\-return\-values
 487             Enable extended return values.  As a default, \f3enscript\f1 returns 1
 488             on error and 0 otherwise.  The extended return values give more
 489             details about the printing operation.  See the section \f3RETURN
 490             VALUE\f1 for the details.
 491             .TP 8
 492             .B \-\-filter\-stdin=\f2name\f1
 493             Specify how the \f3stdin\f1 is shown to the input filter.  The default
 494             value is an empty string ("") but some programs require that the
 495             \f3stdin\f1 is called something else, usually "-".
 496             .TP 8
 497             .B \-\-footer=\f2footer\f3
 498             Use the text \f2footer\f1 as a page footer.  Otherwise the option
 499             works like the \f3\-\-header\f1 option
 500             .TP 8
 501             .B \-\-h\-column\-height=\f2height\f3
 502             Set the horizontal column height to be \f2height\f1 PostScript
 503             points.  The option sets the formfeed type to
 504             \f3horizontal\-columns\f1.
 505 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 506             .B \-\-help
 507             Print a short help message and exit.
 508             .TP 8
 509             .B \-\-help\-highlight
 510             Describe all supported \f3\-\-highlight\f1 languages and file
 511             formats.
 512             .TP 8
 513             .B \-\-highlight\-bar\-gray=\f2gray\f3
 514             Specify the gray level which is used in printing the highlight bars.
 515             .TP 8
 516             .B \-\-list\-media
 517             List the names of all known output media and exit successfully.
 518             .TP 8
 519             .B \-\-margins=\f2left\f3:\f2right\f3:\f2top\f3:\f2bottom\f3
 520             Adjust the page marginals to be exactly \f2left\f1, \f2right\f1, \f2top\f1
 521             and \f2bottom\f1 PostScript points.  Any of the arguments can be left
 522             empty in which case the default value is used.
 523             .TP 8
 524             .B \-\-mark\-wrapped\-lines\f1[\f3=\f2style\f1]\f3
 525             Mark wrapped lines in the output with the style \f2style\f1.  The
 526 rizwank 1.1 possible values for the \f2style\f1 are:
 527             .RS 8
 528             .TP 8
 529             .B none
 530             do not mark them (default)
 531             .TP 8
 532             .B plus
 533             print a plus (+) character to the end of each wrapped line
 534             .TP 8
 535             .B box
 536             print a black box to the end of each wrapped line
 537             .TP 8
 538             .B arrow
 539             print a small arrow to the end of each wrapped line
 540             .RE
 541             .TP 8
 542             .B \-\-non\-printable\-format=\f2format\f3
 543             Specify how the non-printable characters are printed.  The possible
 544             values for the \f2format\f1 are:
 545             .RS 8
 546             .TP 8
 547 rizwank 1.1 .B caret
 548             caret notation: `^@', `^A', `^B', ...
 549             .TP 8
 550             .B octal
 551             octal notation: `\\000', `\\001', `\\002', ... (default)
 552             .TP 8
 553             .B questionmark
 554             replace non-printable characters with a question mark `?'
 555             .TP 8
 556             .B space
 557             replace non-printable characters with a space ` '
 558             .RE
 559             .TP 8
 560             .B \-\-nup\-columnwise
 561             Change the layout of the sub-pages in the N\-up printing from row-wise
 562             to columnwise.
 563             .TP 8
 564             .B \-\-nup\-xpad=\f2num\f3
 565             Set the page x-padding of the \f2n\f1-up printing to \f2num\f1
 566             PostScript points.  The default is 10 points.
 567             .TP 8
 568 rizwank 1.1 .B \-\-nup\-ypad=\f2num\f3
 569             Set the page y-padding of the \f2n\f1-up printing to \f2num\f1
 570             PostScript points.  The default is 10 points.
 571             .TP 8
 572             .B \-\-page\-label\-format=\f2format\f3
 573             Set the page label format to \f2format\f1.  The page label format
 574             specifies how the labels for the `%%Page:' PostScript comments are
 575             formatted.  The possible values are:
 576             .RS 8
 577             .TP 8
 578             .B short
 579             Print the current pagenumber: `%%Page: (1) 1' (default)
 580             .TP 8
 581             .B long
 582             Print the current filename and pagenumber: `%%Page: (main.c:  1) 1'
 583             .RE
 584             .TP 8
 585             .B \-\-ps\-level=\f2level\f3
 586             Set the PostScript language level that \f3enscript\f1 uses for its
 587             output to \f2level\f1.  The possible values are \f31\f1, and
 588             \f32\f1.
 589 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 590             .B \-\-printer\-options=\f2options\f3
 591             Pass extra options to the printer command.
 592             .TP 8
 593             .B \-\-rotate\-even\-pages
 594             Rotate each even\-numbered page 180 degrees.
 595             .TP 8
 596             .B \-\-slice=\f2num\f3
 597             Print the vertical slice \f2num\f1.  The slices are vertical regions
 598             of input files.  A new slice starts from the point where the line
 599             would otherwise be wrapped to the next line.  The slice numbers start
 600             from 1.
 601             .TP 8
 602             .B \-\-style=\f2style\f3
 603             Set the highlighting style to \f2style\f1.  The possible values are:
 604             \f3a2ps\f1, \f3emacs\f1, \f3emacs-verbose\f1, \f3ifh\f1, and
 605             \f3msvc\f1.
 606             .TP 8
 607             .B \-\-swap\-even\-page\-margins
 608             Swap left and right page margins for even\-numbered pages.
 609             .TP 8
 610 rizwank 1.1 .B \-\-toc
 611             Print a table of contents to the end of the output.
 612             .TP 8
 613             .B \-\-word\-wrap
 614             Wrap long lines from word boundaries.
 615             .TP 8
 616             .B \-\-ul\-angle=\f2angle\f3
 617             Set the angle of the underlay text to \f2angle\f1.  As a default,
 618             the angle is \f3atan(\-d_page_h, d_page_w)\f1.
 619             .TP 8
 620             .B \-\-ul\-font=\f2name\f3
 621             Select a font for the underlay text.  The default underlay font is
 622             \f3Times-Roman200\f1.
 623             .TP 8
 624             .B \-\-ul\-gray=\f2num\f3
 625             Print the underlay text with the gray value \f2num\f1 (0 ... 1), the
 626             default gray value is .8.
 627             .TP 8
 628             .B \-\-ul\-position=\f2position_spec\f3
 629             Set the underlay text's starting position according to the
 630             \f2position_spec\f1.  The position specification must be given in
 631 rizwank 1.1 format: `\f2sign\f1 \f2xpos\f1 \f2sign\f1 \f2ypos\f1', where the
 632             \f2sign\f1 must be `+' or `-'.  The positive dimensions are measured
 633             from the lower left corner and the negative dimensions from the upper
 634             right corner.  For example, the specification `+0-0' specifies the
 635             upper left corner and `-0+0' specifies the lower right corner.
 636             .TP 8
 637             .B \-\-ul\-style=\f2style\f3
 638             Set the underlay text's style to \f2style\f1.  The possible values for
 639             \f2style\f1 are:
 640             .RS 8
 641             .TP 8
 642             .B outline
 643             print outline underlay texts (default)
 644             .TP 8
 645             .B filled
 646             print filled underlay texts
 647             .RE
 649             .SH CONFIGURATION FILES
 651             .B Enscript
 652 rizwank 1.1 reads configuration information from the following sources (in this
 653             order): command line options, environment variable \f3ENSCRIPT\f1,
 654             user's personal configuration file (\f3$HOME/.enscriptrc\f1), site
 655             configuration file (\f3/home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/etc/enscriptsite.cfg\f1) and system's
 656             global configuration file (\f3/home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/etc/enscript.cfg\f1).
 658             The configuration files have the following format:
 660             Empty lines and lines starting with `#' are comments.
 662             All other lines are option lines and have format:
 664             \f2option\f1 [\f2arguments ...\f1].
 666             The following options can be specified:
 667             .TP 8
 668             .B AcceptCompositeCharacters: \f2bool\f1
 669             Specify whether PostScript font's composite characters are accepted
 670             as printable or if they should be considered as non-existent.  The
 671             default value is false (0).
 672             .TP 8
 673 rizwank 1.1 .B AFMPath: \f2path\f3
 674             Specifies the search path for the \f2AFM\f1 files.
 675             .TP 8
 676             .B AppendCtrlD: \f2bool\f3
 677             Specify if the Control-D (^D) character should be appended to the end
 678             of the output.  The default value is false (0).
 679             .TP 8
 680             .B Clean7Bit: \f2bool\f3
 681             Specify how characters greater than 127 are printed.  The valuee true
 682             (1) generates 7-bit clean code by escaping all characters greater than
 683             127 to the backslash-octal notation (default).  The value false (0)
 684             generates 8-bit PostScript code leaving all characters untouched.
 685             .TP 8
 686             .B DefaultEncoding: \f2name\f3
 687             Select the default input encoding.  The encoding name \f2name\f1 can
 688             be one of the values of the option \f3\-X\f1, \f3\-\-encoding\f1.
 689             .TP 8
 690             .B DefaultFancyHeader: \f2name\f3
 691             Select the default fancy header.  The default header is used when the
 692             option \f3\-G\f1 is specified or the option \f3\-\-fancy\-header\f1 is
 693             given without an argument.  The system\-wide default is `\f3enscript\f1'.
 694 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 695             .B DefaultMedia: \f2name\f3
 696             Select the default output media.
 697             .TP 8
 698             .B DefaultOutputMethod: \f2method\f3
 699             Select the default target to which the generated output is sent.
 700             The possible values for the \f2method\f1 are:
 701             .RS 8
 702             .TP 8
 703             .B printer
 704             send output to printer (default)
 705             .TP 8
 706             .B stdout
 707             send output to \f3stdout\f1
 708             .RE
 709             .TP 8
 710             .B DownloadFont: \f2fontname\f3
 711             Include the font description file of the font \f2fontname\f1 to the
 712             generated output.
 713             .TP 8
 714             .B EscapeChar: \f2num\f3
 715 rizwank 1.1 Specify the escape character for the special escapes.  The default
 716             value is 0.
 717             .TP 8
 718             .B FormFeedType: \f2type\f3
 719             Specify what to do when a formfeed character is encountered from the
 720             input.  The possible values for \f2type\f1 are:
 721             .RS 8
 722             .TP 8
 723             .B column
 724             move to the beginning of the next column (default)
 725             .TP 8
 726             .B page
 727             move to the beginning of the next page
 728             .RE
 729             .TP 8
 730             .B GeneratePageSize: \f2bool\f3
 731             Specify whether the \f3PageSize\f1 page device setting is generated to
 732             the PostScript output.  The default value is true (1).
 733             .TP 8
 734             .B HighlightBarGray: \f2gray\f3
 735             Specify the gray level which is used to print the highlight bars.
 736 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 737             .B HighlightBars: \f2num\f3
 738             Specify how high the highlight bars are in lines.  The default value
 739             is 0 which means that no highlight bars are printed.
 740             .TP 8
 741             .B LibraryPath: \f2path\f3
 742             Specifies the \f3enscript\f1's library path that is used to lookup
 743             various resources.  The default path is:
 744             `/home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript:\f2home\f1/.enscript'.  Where the \f2home\f1 is
 745             the user's home directory.
 746             .TP 8
 747             .B MarkWrappedLines: \f2style\f3
 748             Mark wraped lines in the output with the style \f2style\f1.  The
 749             possible values for the \f2format\f1 are the same which can be given
 750             for the \f3\-\-mark\-wrapped\-lines\f1 option.
 751             .TP 8
 752             \f3Media: \f2name\f3 \f2width\f3 \f2height\f3 \f2llx\f3 \f2lly\f3 \f2urx\f3 \f2ury\f3
 753             Add a new output media with the name \f2name\f1.  The physical
 754             dimensions of the media are \f2width\f1 and \f2height\f1.  The
 755             bounding box of the Media is specified by the points (\f2llx\f1,
 756             \f2lly\f1) and (\f2urx\f1, \f2ury\f1).  \f3Enscript\f1 prints all
 757 rizwank 1.1 graphics inside the bounding box of the media.
 759             User can select this media with option \f3\-M \f2name\f1.
 760             .TP 8
 761             .B NoJobHeaderSwitch: \f2switch\f1
 762             Specify the spooler option to suppress the print job header page.
 763             This option is passed to the printer spooler when the \f3enscript\f1's
 764             option \f3\-h\f1, \f3\-\-no\-job\-header\f1 is selected.
 765             .TP 8
 766             .B NonPrintableFormat: \f2format\f1
 767             Specify how the non-printable characters are printed.  The possible
 768             values for \f2format\f1 are the same which can be given for the
 769             \f3\-\-non\-printable\-format\f1 option.
 770             .TP 8
 771             .B OutputFirstLine: \f2line\f1
 772             Set the PostScript output's first line to \f2line\f1.  The default
 773             value is \f3PS-Adobe-3.0\f1.  Since some printers do not like DSC
 774             levels greater than 2.0, this option can be used to change the output
 775             first line to something more suitable like \f3%!PS-Adobe-2.0\f1 or
 776             \f3%!\f1.
 777             .TP 8
 778 rizwank 1.1 .B PageLabelFormat: \f2format\f1
 779             Set the page label format to \f2format\f1.  The possible values for
 780             \f2format\f1 are the same which can be given for the
 781             \f3\-\-page\-label\-format\f1 option.
 782             .TP 8
 783             .B PagePrefeed: \f2bool\f3
 784             Enable / disable page prefeed.  The default value is false (0).
 785             .TP 8
 786             .B PostScriptLevel: \f2level\f3
 787             Set the PostScript language level, that \f3enscript\f1 uses for its
 788             output, to \f2level\f1.  The possible values for \f2level\f1 are the
 789             same which can be given for the \f3\-\-ps\-level\f1 option.
 790             .TP 8
 791             .B Printer: \f2name\f3
 792             Names the printer to which the output is spooled.
 793             .TP 8
 794             .B QueueParam: \f2name\f3
 795             The spooler command switch to select the printer queue, e.g. \f3\-P\f1
 796             in \f3lpr \-Pps\f1.  This option can also be used to pass other flags
 797             to the spooler command.  These options must be given before the queue
 798             switch.
 799 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 800             .B SetPageDevice: \f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]\f3
 801             Pass a page device definition to the generated PostScript output.
 802             .TP 8
 803             .B Spooler: \f2name\f3
 804             Names the printer spooler command.  \f3Enscript\f1 pipes generated
 805             PostScript to the command \f2name\f1.
 806             .TP 8
 807             .B StatesBinary: \f2path\f3
 808             Define an absolute path to the \f3states\f1 program.
 809             .TP 8
 810             .B StatesColor: \f2bool\f3
 811             Should the \f3states\f1 program generate color outputs.
 812             .TP 8
 813             .B StatesConfigFile: \f2file\f3
 814             Read highlighting states configuration from the file \f2file\f1.  The
 815             default config file is `/home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/hl/enscript.st'.
 816             .TP 8
 817             .B StatesHighlightStyle: \f2style\f3
 818             Set the highlight style to \f2style\f1.
 819             .TP 8
 820 rizwank 1.1 .B StatesPath: \f2path\f3
 821             Define the path for the \f3states\f1 program.  The \f3states\f1
 822             program will lookup its state definition files from this path.  The
 823             default value is `$HOME/.enscript:/home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/hl'.
 824             .TP 8
 825             .B StatusDict: \f2key\f1[\f3:\f2value\f1]\f3
 826             Pass a statusdict definition to the generated PostScript output.
 827             .TP 8
 828             .B TOCFormat: \f2format\f3
 829             Format table of contents entries with the format string \f2format\f1.
 830             The format string \f2format\f1 can contain the same escapes which are
 831             used to format header strings with the `%Format' special comment.
 832             .TP 8
 833             .B Underlay: \f2text\f3
 834             Print string \f2text\f1 under every page.
 835             .TP 8
 836             .B UnderlayAngle: \f2num\f3
 837             Set the angle of the underlay text to \f2num\f1.
 838             .TP 8
 839             .B UnderlayFont: \f2fontspec\f3
 840             Select a font for the underlay text.
 841 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
 842             .B UnderlayGray: \f2num\f3
 843             Print the underlay text with the gray value \f2num\f1.
 844             .TP 8
 845             .B UnderlayPosition: \f2position_spec\f3
 846             Set the underlay text's starting position according to the
 847             \f2position_spec\f1.
 848             .TP 8
 849             .B UnderlayStyle: \f2style\f3
 850             Set the underlay text's style to \f2style\f1.
 852             .SH FANCY HEADERS
 854             Users can create their own fancy headers by creating a header
 855             description file and placing it in a directory which is in
 856             \f3enscript\f1's library path.  The name of the header file must be in
 857             format: `\f2headername\f1.hdr'.  Header can be selected by giving
 858             option: \f3\-\-fancy\-header=\f2headername\f1.
 860             Header description file contains PostScript code that paints the
 861             header.  Description file must provide procedure \f3do_header\f1 which
 862 rizwank 1.1 is called by \f3enscript\f1 at the beginning of every page.
 864             Header description file contains two parts: comments and code.  Parts
 865             are separated by a line containing text:
 867             % \-\- code follows this line \-\-
 869             .B Enscript
 870             copies only the code part of description file to the generated
 871             PostScript output.  The comments part can contain any data, it is not
 872             copied.  If separator line is missing, no data is copied to output.
 874             .B Enscript
 875             defines following constants which can be used in header description
 876             files:
 877             .TP 16
 878             .B  d_page_w
 879             page width
 880             .TP 16
 881             .B  d_page_h
 882             page height
 883 rizwank 1.1 .TP 16
 884             .B  d_header_x
 885             header lower left \f2x\f1 coordinate
 886             .TP 16
 887             .B  d_header_y
 888             header lower left \f2y\f1 coordinate
 889             .TP 16
 890             .B  d_header_w
 891             header width
 892             .TP 16
 893             .B  d_header_h
 894             header height
 895             .TP 16
 896             .B d_footer_x
 897             footer lower left \f2x\f1 coordinate
 898             .TP 16
 899             .B d_footer_y
 900             footer lower left \f2y\f1 coordinate
 901             .TP 16
 902             .B d_footer_w
 903             footer width
 904 rizwank 1.1 .TP 16
 905             .B d_footer_h
 906             footer height
 907             .TP 16
 908             .B  d_output_w
 909             width of the text output area
 910             .TP 16
 911             .B  d_output_h
 912             height of the text output area
 913             .TP 16
 914             .B  user_header_p
 915             predicate which tells if user has defined his/her own header string:
 916             \f3true\f1/\f3false\f1
 917             .TP 16
 918             .B  user_header_left_str
 919             if \f3user_header_p\f1 is \f3true\f1, this is the left field of the
 920             user supplied header string.
 921             .TP 16
 922             .B user_header_center_str
 923             if \f3user_header_p\f1 is \f3true\f1, this is the center field of the
 924             user supplied header string
 925 rizwank 1.1 .TP 16
 926             .B user_header_right_str
 927             if \f3user_header_p\f1 is \f3true\f1, this is the right field of the
 928             user supplied header string
 929             .TP 16
 930             .B  user_footer_p
 931             predicate which tells if user has defined his/her own footer string:
 932             \f3true\f1/\f3false\f1
 933             .TP 16
 934             .B  user_footer_left_str
 935             if \f3user_footer_p\f1 is \f3true\f1, this is the left field of the
 936             user supplied footer string.
 937             .TP 16
 938             .B user_footer_center_str
 939             if \f3user_footer_p\f1 is \f3true\f1, this is the center field of the
 940             user supplied footer string
 941             .TP 16
 942             .B user_footer_right_str
 943             if \f3user_footer_p\f1 is \f3true\f1, this is the right field of the
 944             user supplied footer string
 945             .TP 16
 946 rizwank 1.1 .B  HF
 947             standard header font (from \f3\-F\f1, \f3\-\-header\-font\f1 option).
 948             This can be selected simply by invoking command: `\f3HF setfont\f1'.
 949             .TP 16
 950             .B pagenum
 951             the number of the current page
 952             .TP 16
 953             .B fname
 954             the full name of the printed file (/foo/bar.c)
 955             .TP 16
 956             .B fdir
 957             the directory part of the file name (/foo)
 958             .TP 16
 959             .B ftail
 960             file name without the directory part (bar.c)
 961             .TP 16
 962             .B gs_languagelevel
 963             PostScript interpreter's language level (currently 1 or 2)
 964             .P
 966             You can also use the following special comments to customize your
 967 rizwank 1.1 headers and to specify some extra options.  Special comments are like
 968             DSC comments but they start with a single `%' character; special
 969             comments start from the beginning of the line and they have the
 970             following syntax:
 972             %\f2commentname\f1: \f2options\f1
 974             Currently \f3enscript\f1 support the following special comments:
 975             .TP 8
 976             .B %Format: \f2name\f3 \f2format\f3
 977             Define a new string constant \f2name\f1 according to the format string
 978             \f2format\f1.  Format string start from the first non-space character
 979             and it ends to the end of the line.  Format string can contain general
 980             `%' escapes and input file related `$' escapes.  Currently following
 981             escapes are supported:
 982             .RS 8
 983             .TP 8
 984             .B %%
 985             character `%'
 986             .TP 8
 987             .B $$
 988 rizwank 1.1 character `$'
 989             .TP 8
 990             .B $%
 991             current page number
 992             .TP 8
 993             .B $=
 994             number of pages in the current file
 995             .TP 8
 996             .B $p
 997             number of pages processed so far
 998             .TP 8
 999             .B $(\f2VAR\f3)
1000             value of the environment variable \f2VAR\f1.
1001             .TP 8
1002             .B %c
1003             trailing component of the current working directory
1004             .TP 8
1005             .B %C \f1(\f3$C\f1)\f3
1006             current time (file modification time) in `hh:mm:ss' format
1007             .TP 8
1008             .B %d
1009 rizwank 1.1 current working directory
1010             .TP 8
1011             .B %D \f1(\f3$D\f1)\f3
1012             current date (file modification date) in `yy-mm-dd' format
1013             .TP 8
1014             .B %D{\f2string\f3} \f1(\f3$D{\f2string\f3}\f1)\f3
1015             format string \f2string\f1 with the strftime(3) function.
1016             `\f3%D{}\f1' refers to the current date and `\f3$D{}\f1' to the input
1017             file's last modification date.
1018             .TP 8
1019             .B %E \f1(\f3$E\f1)\f3
1020             current date (file modification date) in `yy/mm/dd' format
1021             .TP 8
1022             .B %F \f1(\f3$F\f1)\f3
1023             current date (file modification date) in `dd.mm.yyyy' format
1024             .TP 8
1025             .B %H
1026             document title
1027             .TP 8
1028             .B $L
1029             number of lines in the current input file.  This is valid only for the
1030 rizwank 1.1 toc entries, it can't be used in header strings.
1031             .TP 8
1032             .B %m
1033             the hostname up to the first `.' character
1034             .TP 8
1035             .B %M
1036             the full hostname
1037             .TP 8
1038             .B %n
1039             the user login name
1040             .TP 8
1041             .B $n
1042             input file name without the directory part
1043             .TP 8
1044             .B %N
1045             the user's pw_gecos field up to the first `,' character
1046             .TP 8
1047             .B $N
1048             the full input file name
1049             .TP 8
1050             .B %t \f1(\f3$t\f1)\f3
1051 rizwank 1.1 current time (file modification time) in 12-hour am/pm format
1052             .TP 8
1053             .B %T \f1(\f3$T\f1)\f3
1054             current time (file modification time) in 24-hour format `hh:mm'
1055             .TP 8
1056             .B %* \f1(\f3$*\f1)\f3
1057             current time (file modification time) in 24-hour format with seconds
1058             `hh:mm:ss'
1059             .TP 8
1060             .B $v
1061             the sequence number of the current input file
1062             .TP 8
1063             .B $V
1064             the sequence number of the current input file in the `Table of
1065             Contents' format: if the \f3\-\-toc\f1 option is given, escape expands
1066             to `\f2num\f1\-'; if the \f3\-\-toc\f1 is not given, escape expands to
1067             an empty string.
1068             .TP 8
1069             .B %W \f1(\f3$W\f1)\f3
1070             current date (file modification date) in `mm/dd/yy' format
1071             .RE
1072 rizwank 1.1 
1073             .RS 8
1074             All format directives except `$=' can also be given in format
1076             \f2escape\f1 \f2width\f1 \f2directive\f1
1078             where \f2width\f1 specifies the width of the column to which the
1079             escape is printed.  For example, escape "$5%" will expand to something
1080             like " 12".  If the width is negative, the value will be printed
1081             left-justified.
1083             For example, the `emacs.hdr' defines its date string with the
1084             following format comment:
1086             .B %Format: eurdatestr %E
1088             which expands to:
1090             .B /eurdatestr (96/01/08) def
1091             .RE
1092             .P
1093 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
1094             .B %HeaderHeight: \f2height\f1
1095             Allocate \f2height\f1 points space for the page header.  The default
1096             header height is 36 points.
1097             .TP 8
1098             .B %FooterHeight: \f2height\f1
1099             Allocate \f2height\f1 points space for the page footer.  The default
1100             footer height is 0 points.
1101             .P
1103             According to Adobe's Document Structuring Conventions (DSC), all
1104             resources needed by a document must be listed in document's prolog.
1105             Since user's can create their own headers, \f3enscript\f1 don't know
1106             what resources those headers use.  That's why all headers must contain
1107             a standard DSC comment that lists all needed resources.  For example,
1108             used fonts can be listed with following comment:
1110             %%DocumentNeededResources: font \f2fontname1\f1 \f2fontname2\f1
1112             Comment can be continued to the next line with the standard
1113             continuation comment:
1114 rizwank 1.1 
1115             %%+ font \f2fontname3\f1
1117             .SH SPECIAL ESCAPES
1119             \f3Enscript\f1 supports special escape sequences which can be used to
1120             add some page formatting commands to ASCII documents.  As a default,
1121             special escapes interpretation is off, so all ASCII files print out as
1122             everyone expects.  Special escapes interpretation is activated by
1123             giving option \f3\-e\f1, \f3\-\-escapes\f1 to \f3enscript\f1.
1125             All special escapes start with the escape character.  The default
1126             escape character is ^@ (octal 000); escape character can be changed
1127             with option \f3\-e\f1, \f3\-\-escapes\f1.  Escape character is
1128             followed by escape's name and optional options and arguments.
1130             Currently \f3enscript\f1 supports following escapes:
1131             .TP 8
1132             .B bgcolor
1133             change the text background color.  The syntax of the escape is:
1135 rizwank 1.1 ^@bgcolor{\f2red\f1 \f2green\f1 \f2blue\f1}
1137             where the color components \f2red\f1, \f2green\f1, and \f1blue\f1 are
1138             given as decimal numbers between values 0 and 1.
1140             .TP 8
1141             .B bggray
1142             change the text background color.  The syntax of the escape is:
1144             ^@bggray{\f2gray\f1}
1146             where \f2gray\f1 is the new text background gray value.  The default
1147             value is 1.0 (white).
1148             .TP 8
1149             .B color
1150             change the text color.  The syntax of the escape is:
1152             ^@color{\f2red\f1 \f2green\f1 \f2blue\f1}
1154             where color components \f2red\f1, \f2green\f1 and \f2blue\f1 are given
1155             as decimal numbers between values 0 and 1.
1156 rizwank 1.1 .TP 8
1157             .B comment
1158             comment the rest of the line including the newline character.
1159             Escape's syntax is:
1161             ^@comment \f2text\f1 \f2newline_character\f1
1162             .TP 8
1163             .B escape
1164             change the escape character.  The syntax of the escape is:
1166             ^@escape{\f2code\f1}
1168             where \f2code\f1 is the decimal code of the new escape character.
1169             .TP 8
1170             .B epsf
1171             inline EPS file to the document.  The syntax of the escape is:
1173             ^@epsf[\f2options\f1]{\f2filename\f1}
1175             where \f2options\f1 is an optional sequence of option characters and
1176             values enclosed with brackets and \f2filename\f1 is the name of the
1177 rizwank 1.1 EPS file.
1179             If \f2filename\f1 ends to the `|' character, then \f2filename\f1 is
1180             assumed to name a command that prints EPS data to its standard output.
1181             In this case, \f3enscript\f1 opens a pipe to the specified command
1182             and reads EPS data from pipe.
1184             Following options can be given for the \f3epsf\f1 escape:
1185             .RS 8
1186             .TP 8
1187             .B c
1188             print image centered
1189             .TP 8
1190             .B r
1191             print image right justified
1192             .TP 8
1193             .B n
1194             do not update current point.  Following output is printed to that
1195             position where the current point was just before the \f3epsf\f1 escape
1196             .TP 8
1197             .B nx
1198 rizwank 1.1 do not update current point \f2x\f1 coordinate
1199             .TP 8
1200             .B ny
1201             do not update current point \f2y\f1 coordinate
1202             .TP 8
1203             .B x\f2num\f3
1204             move image's top left \f2x\f1 coordinate \f2num\f1 characters from
1205             current point \f2x\f1 coordinate (relative position)
1206             .TP 8
1207             .B x\f2num\f3a
1208             set image's top left \f2x\f1 coordinate to column \f2num\f1 (absolute
1209             position)
1210             .TP 8
1211             .B y\f2num\f3
1212             move image's top left \f2y\f1 coordinate \f2num\f1 lines from current
1213             line (relative position)
1214             .TP 8
1215             .B y\f2num\f3a
1216             set image's top left \f2y\f1 coordinate to line \f2num\f1 (absolute
1217             position)
1218             .TP 8
1219 rizwank 1.1 .B h\f2num\f3
1220             set image's height to \f2num\f1 lines
1221             .TP 8
1222             .B s\f2num\f3
1223             scale image with factor \f2num\f1
1224             .TP 8
1225             .B sx\f2num\f3
1226             scale image in \f2x\f1 direction with factor \f2num\f1
1227             .TP 8
1228             .B sy\f2num\f3
1229             scale image in \f2y\f1 direction with factor \f2num\f1
1230             .P
1231             As a default, all dimensions are given in lines (vertical) and
1232             characters (horizontal).  You can also specify other units by
1233             appending an unit specifier after number.  Possible unit specifiers
1234             and the corresponding units are:
1235             .TP 8
1236             .B c
1237             centimeters
1238             .TP 8
1239             .B i
1240 rizwank 1.1 inches
1241             .TP 8
1242             .B l
1243             lines or characters (default)
1244             .TP 8
1245             .B p
1246             PostScript points
1247             .P
1248             For example to print an image one inch high, you can specify height by
1249             following options: \f3h1i\f1 (1 inch), \f3h2.54c\f1 (2.54 cm),
1250             \f3h72p\f1 (72 points).
1251             .RE
1252             .TP 8
1253             .B font
1254             select current font.  The syntax of the escape is:
1256             ^@font{\f2fontname\f1[:\f2encoding\f1]}
1258             where \f2fontname\f1 is a standard font specification.  Special font
1259             specification \f3default\f1 can be used to select the default body
1260             font (\f3enscript\f1's default or the one specified by the command
1261 rizwank 1.1 line option \f3\-f\f1, \f3\-\-font\f1).
1263             The optional argument \f2encoding\f1 specifies the encoding that
1264             should be used for the new font.  Currently the encoding can only be
1265             the \f3enscript\f1's global input encoding or \f3ps\f1.
1266             .TP 8
1267             .B loadx
1268             load the current point X-coordinate from a register.  The syntax of
1269             the escape is:
1271             ^@loadx{\f2register\f1}
1272             .TP 8
1273             .B ps
1274             include raw PostScript code to the output.  The syntax of the escape
1275             is:
1277             ^@ps{\f2code\f1}
1278             .TP 8
1279             .B savex
1280             save the current point X-coordinate into a register.  The position can
1281             later be restored with the \f3loadx\f1 escape.  The syntax of the
1282 rizwank 1.1 escape is:
1284             ^@savex{\f2register\f1}
1285             .TP 8
1286             .B shade
1287             highlight regions of text by changing the text background color.
1288             Escape's syntax is:
1290             ^@shade{\f2gray\f1}
1292             where \f2gray\f1 is the new text background gray value.  The default
1293             value is 1.0 (white) which disables highlighting.
1295             .SH PAGE DEVICE OPTIONS
1297             Page device is a PostScript level 2 feature that offers an uniform
1298             interface to control printer's output device.  \f3Enscript\f1
1299             protects all page device options inside an if block so they have no
1300             effect in level 1 interpreters.  Although all level 2 interpreters
1301             support page device, they do not have to support all page device
1302             options.  For example some printers can print in duplex mode and some
1303 rizwank 1.1 can not.  Refer to the documentation of your printer for supported
1304             options.
1306             Here are some usable page device options which can be selected with
1307             the \f3\-D\f1, \f3\-\-setpagedevice\f1 option.  For a complete listing,
1308             see \f2PostScript Language Reference Manual\f1: section 4.11 Device
1309             Setup.
1310             .TP 8
1311             .B Collate \f2boolean\f1
1312             how output is organized when printing multiple copies
1313             .TP 8
1314             .B Duplex \f2boolean\f1
1315             duplex (two side) printing
1316             .TP 8
1317             .B ManualFeed \f2boolean\f1
1318             manual feed paper tray
1319             .TP 8
1320             .B OutputFaceUp \f2boolean\f1
1321             print output `face up' or `face down'
1322             .TP 8
1323             .B Tumble \f2boolean\f1
1324 rizwank 1.1 how opposite sides are positioned in duplex printing
1326             .SH PRINTING EXAMPLES
1328             Following printing examples assume that \f3enscript\f1 uses the
1329             default configuration.  If default actions have been changed from the
1330             configuration files, some examples will behave differently.
1331             .TP 8
1332             .B enscript foo.txt
1333             Print file \f3foo.txt\f1 to the default printer.
1334             .TP 8
1335             .B enscript \-Possu foo.txt
1336             Print file \f3foo.txt\f1 to printer \f3ossu\f1.
1337             .TP 8
1338             .B enscript \-pfoo.ps foo.txt
1339             Print file \f3foo.txt\f1, but leave PostScript output to file
1340             \f3foo.ps\f1.
1341             .TP 8
1342             .B enscript \-2 foo.txt
1343             Print file \f3foo.txt\f1 to two columns.
1344             .TP 8
1345 rizwank 1.1 .B enscript \-2r foo.txt
1346             Print file to two columns and rotate output 90 degrees (landscape).
1347             .TP 8
1348             .B enscript \-DDuplex:true foo.txt
1349             Print file in duplex (two side) mode (printer dependant).
1350             .TP 8
1351             .B enscript \-G2rE \-U2 foo.c
1352             My default code printing command: gaudy header, two columns,
1353             landscape, code highlighting, 2-up printing.
1354             .TP 8
1355             \f3enscript \-E \-\-color \-whtml \-\-toc -pfoo.html *.h *.c\f1
1356             A nice HTML report of your project's C source files.
1360             The environment variable \f3ENSCRIPT\f1 can be used to pass default
1361             options for \f3enscript\f1.  For example, to select the default body
1362             font to be Times\-Roman 7pt, set the following value to the
1363             \f3ENSCRIPT\f1 environment variable:
1364             .TP 8
1365             .B \-fTimes\-Roman7
1366 rizwank 1.1 .P
1368             The value of the \f3ENSCRIPT\f1 variable is processed before the
1369             command line options, so command line options can be used to overwrite
1370             these defaults.
1372             Variable \f3ENSCRIPT_LIBRARY\f1 specifies the \f3enscript\f1's
1373             library directory.  It can be used to overwrite the build-in default
1374             `/home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript'.
1376             .SH RETURN VALUE
1378             \f3Enscript\f1 returns value 1 to the shell if any errors were
1379             encountered or 0 otherwise.  If the option
1380             \f3\-\-extended\-return\-values\f1 was specified, the return value is
1381             constructed from the following flags:
1382             .TP 8
1383             .B 0
1384             no errors or warnings
1385             .TP 8
1386             .B 2
1387 rizwank 1.1 some lines were truncated or wrapped
1388             .TP 8
1389             .B 4
1390             some characters were missing from the used fonts
1391             .TP 8
1392             .B 8
1393             some characters were unprintable
1395             .SH FILES
1397             .nf
1398             .ta 4i
1399             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/*.hdr		header files
1400             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/*.enc		input encoding vectors
1401             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/enscript.pro	PostScript prolog
1402             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/afm/*.afm		AFM files for PostScript fonts
1403             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/font.map	index for the AFM files
1404             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/share/enscript/hl/*.st	states definition files
1405             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/etc/enscript.cfg		system\-wide configuration file
1406             /home/rizwank/enscript-1.6.3/etc/enscriptsite.cfg		site configuration file
1407             ~/.enscriptrc				personal configuration file
1408 rizwank 1.1 ~/.enscript/				personal resource directory
1409             .fi
1411             .SH SEE ALSO
1412             diffpp(1), ghostview(1), gs(1), lpq(1), lpr(1), lprm(1), states(1)
1414             .SH AUTHOR
1415             Markku Rossi <mtr@iki.fi> <http://www.iki.fi/~mtr/>
1417             GNU Enscript WWW home page: <http://www.iki.fi/~mtr/genscript/>

Rizwan Kassim
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