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  1 rizwank 1.1 /* Automatically generated by po2tbl.sed from enscript.pot.  */
  3             #if HAVE_CONFIG_H
  4             # include <config.h>
  5             #endif
  7             #include "libgettext.h"
  9             const struct _msg_ent _msg_tbl[] = {
 10               {"", 1},
 11               {"%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n", 2},
 12               {"%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n", 3},
 13               {"%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n", 4},
 14               {"%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n", 5},
 15               {"%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n", 6},
 16               {"%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n", 7},
 17               {"%s: illegal option -- %c\n", 8},
 18               {"%s: invalid option -- %c\n", 9},
 19               {"%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n", 10},
 20               {"%s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous\n", 11},
 21               {"%s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument\n", 12},
 22 rizwank 1.1   {"xmalloc(): couldn't allocate %d bytes\n", 13},
 23               {"xcalloc(): couldn't allocate %d bytes\n", 14},
 24               {"xrealloc(): couldn't reallocate %d bytes\n", 15},
 25               {"Success", 16},
 26               {"No match", 17},
 27               {"Invalid regular expression", 18},
 28               {"Invalid collation character", 19},
 29               {"Invalid character class name", 20},
 30               {"Trailing backslash", 21},
 31               {"Invalid back reference", 22},
 32               {"Unmatched [ or [^", 23},
 33               {"Unmatched ( or \\(", 24},
 34               {"Unmatched \\{", 25},
 35               {"Invalid content of \\{\\}", 26},
 36               {"Invalid range end", 27},
 37               {"Memory exhausted", 28},
 38               {"Invalid preceding regular expression", 29},
 39               {"Premature end of regular expression", 30},
 40               {"Regular expression too big", 31},
 41               {"Unmatched ) or \\)", 32},
 42               {"No previous regular expression", 33},
 43 rizwank 1.1   {"$3v $-40N $3% pages $4L lines  $E $C", 34},
 44               {"couldn't get passwd entry for uid=%d: %s", 35},
 45               {"couldn't read config file \"%s/%s\": %s", 36},
 46               {"I did also try the following directories:", 37},
 47               {"\t%s", 38},
 48               {"\t../lib", 39},
 49               {"\t../../lib", 40},
 50               {"This is probably an installation error.  Please, try to rebuild:", 41},
 51               {"\tmake distclean", 42},
 52               {"\t./configure --prefix=PREFIX", 43},
 53               {"\tmake", 44},
 54               {"\tmake check", 45},
 55               {"\tmake install", 46},
 56               {"or set the environment variable `ENSCRIPT_LIBRARY' to point to your", 47},
 57               {"library directory.", 48},
 58               {"unknown encoding: %s", 49},
 59               {"couldn't open AFM library: %s", 50},
 60               {"\
 61             known media:\n\
 62             name             width\theight\tllx\tlly\turx\tury\n\
 63             ------------------------------------------------------------\n", 51},
 64 rizwank 1.1   {"do not know anything about media \"%s\"", 52},
 65               {"\
 66             set new marginals for media `%s' (%dx%d): llx=%d, lly=%d, urx=%d, ury=%d\n", 53},
 67               {"illegal page label format \"%s\"", 54},
 68               {"illegal non-printable format \"%s\"", 55},
 69               {"illegal style for wrapped line marker: \"%s\"", 56},
 70               {"illegal N-up argument: %d", 57},
 71               {"N-up argument must be power of 2: %d", 58},
 72               {"malformed underlay position: %s", 59},
 73               {"illegal underlay style: %s", 60},
 74               {"\
 75             Highlighting is supported for the following languages and file formats:\n\
 76             \n", 61},
 77               {"couldn't create temporary toc file: %s", 62},
 78               {"couldn't stat input file \"%s\": %s", 63},
 79               {"couldn't rewind toc file: %s", 64},
 80               {"Table of Contents", 65},
 81               {"no output generated\n", 66},
 82               {"output sent to %s\n", 67},
 83               {"printer", 68},
 84               {"output left in %s\n", 69},
 85 rizwank 1.1   {"[ %d pages * %d copy ]", 70},
 86               {" sent to %s\n", 71},
 87               {" left in %s\n", 72},
 88               {"%d lines were %s\n", 73},
 89               {"truncated", 74},
 90               {"wrapped", 75},
 91               {"%d characters were missing\n", 76},
 92               {"missing character codes (decimal):\n", 77},
 93               {"%d non-printable characters\n", 78},
 94               {"non-printable character codes (decimal):\n", 79},
 95               {"couldn't open printer `%s': %s", 80},
 96               {"couldn't create output file \"%s\": %s", 81},
 97               {"couldn't close output file \"%s\": %s", 82},
 98               {"\
 99             syntax error in option string %s=\"%s\":\n\
100             missing end of quotation: %c", 83},
101               {"\
102             warning: didn't process following options from environment variable %s:\n", 84},
103               {"  option %d = \"%s\"\n", 85},
104               {"number of columns must be larger than zero", 86},
105               {"file alignment must be larger than zero", 87},
106 rizwank 1.1   {"malformed font spec: %s", 88},
107               {"couldn't find header definition file \"%s.hdr\"", 89},
108               {"must print at least one line per each page: %s", 90},
109               {"%s: illegal newline character specifier: '%s': expected 'n' or 'r'\n", 91},
110               {"malformed argument `%s' for option -W, --option: no comma found", 92},
111               {"helper application specification must be single character: %s", 93},
112               {"slice must be greater than zero", 94},
113               {"Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", 95},
114               {"\
115             Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n\
116             Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.\n\
117               -#                         an alias for option -n, --copies\n\
118               -1                         same as --columns=1\n\
119               -2                         same as --columns=2\n\
120                   --columns=NUM          specify the number of columns per page\n\
121               -a, --pages=PAGES          specify which pages are printed\n\
122               -A, --file-align=ALIGN     align separate input files to ALIGN\n\
123               -b, --header=HEADER        set page header\n\
124               -B, --no-header            no page headers\n\
125               -c, --truncate-lines       cut long lines (default is to wrap)\n\
126               -C, --line-numbers[=START]\n\
127 rizwank 1.1                              precede each line with its line number\n\
128               -d                         an alias for option --printer\n\
129               -D, --setpagedevice=KEY[:VALUE]\n\
130                                          pass a page device definition to output\n\
131               -e, --escapes[=CHAR]       enable special escape interpretation\n", 96},
132               {"  -E, --highlight[=LANG]     highlight source code\n", 97},
133               {"\
134               -f, --font=NAME            use font NAME for body text\n\
135               -F, --header-font=NAME     use font NAME for header texts\n\
136               -g, --print-anyway         nothing (compatibility option)\n\
137               -G                         same as --fancy-header\n\
138                   --fancy-header[=NAME]  select fancy page header\n\
139               -h, --no-job-header        suppress the job header page\n\
140               -H, --highlight-bars=NUM   specify how high highlight bars are\n\
141               -i, --indent=NUM           set line indent to NUM characters\n\
142               -I, --filter=CMD           read input files through input filter CMD\n\
143               -j, --borders              print borders around columns\n\
144               -J,                        an alias for option --title\n\
145               -k, --page-prefeed         enable page prefeed\n\
146               -K, --no-page-prefeed      disable page prefeed\n\
147               -l, --lineprinter          simulate lineprinter, this is an alias for:\n\
148 rizwank 1.1                                --lines-per-page=66, --no-header, \
149             --portrait,\n\
150                                            --columns=1\n", 98},
151               {"\
152               -L, --lines-per-page=NUM   specify how many lines are printed on each \
153             page\n\
154               -m, --mail                 send mail upon completion\n\
155               -M, --media=NAME           use output media NAME\n\
156               -n, --copies=NUM           print NUM copies of each page\n\
157               -N, --newline=NL           select the newline character.  Possible\n\
158                                          values for NL are: n (`\\n') and r (`\\r').\n\
159               -o                         an alias for option --output\n\
160               -O, --missing-characters   list missing characters\n\
161               -p, --output=FILE          leave output to file FILE.  If FILE is `-',\n\
162                                          leave output to stdout.\n\
163               -P, --printer=NAME         print output to printer NAME\n\
164               -q, --quiet, --silent      be really quiet\n\
165               -r, --landscape            print in landscape mode\n\
166               -R, --portrait             print in portrait mode\n", 99},
167               {"\
168               -s, --baselineskip=NUM     set baselineskip to NUM\n\
169 rizwank 1.1   -S, --statusdict=KEY[:VALUE]\n\
170                                          pass a statusdict definition to the output\n\
171               -t, --title=TITLE          set banner page's job title to TITLE.  Option\n\
172                                          sets also the name of the input file stdin.\n\
173               -T, --tabsize=NUM          set tabulator size to NUM\n\
174               -u, --underlay[=TEXT]      print TEXT under every page\n\
175               -U, --nup=NUM              print NUM logical pages on each output page\n\
176               -v, --verbose              tell what we are doing\n\
177               -V, --version              print version number\n\
178               -w, --language=LANG        set output language to LANG\n\
179               -W, --options=APP,OPTION   pass option OPTION to helper application APP\n\
180               -X, --encoding=NAME        use input encoding NAME\n\
181               -z, --no-formfeed          do not interpret form feed characters\n\
182               -Z, --pass-through         pass through PostScript and PCL files\n\
183                                          without any modifications\n", 100},
184               {"\
185             Long-only options:\n\
186               --color[=bool]             create color outputs with states\n\
187               --continuous-page-numbers  count page numbers across input files.  Don't\n\
188                                          restart numbering at beginning of each file.\n\
189               --download-font=NAME       download font NAME\n\
190 rizwank 1.1   --extended-return-values   enable extended return values\n\
191               --filter-stdin=NAME        specify how stdin is shown to the input filter\n\
192               --footer=FOOTER            set page footer\n\
193               --h-column-height=HEIGHT   set the horizontal column height to HEIGHT\n\
194               --help                     print this help and exit\n", 101},
195               {"\
196               --help-highlight           describe all supported --highlight languages\n\
197                                          and file formats\n\
198               --highlight-bar-gray=NUM   print highlight bars with gray NUM (0 - 1)\n\
199               --list-media               list names of all known media\n\
200               --margins=LEFT:RIGHT:TOP:BOTTOM\n\
201                                          adjust page marginals\n\
202               --mark-wrapped-lines[STYLE]\n\
203                                          mark wrapped lines in the output with STYLE\n\
204               --non-printable-format=FMT specify how non-printable chars are printed\n", 102},
205               {"\
206               --nup-columnwise           layout pages in the N-up printing columnwise\n\
207               --nup-xpad=NUM             set the page x-padding of N-up printing to NUM\n\
208               --nup-ypad=NUM             set the page y-padding of N-up printing to NUM\n\
209               --page-label-format=FMT    set page label format to FMT\n\
210               --ps-level=LEVEL           set the PostScript language level that \
211 rizwank 1.1 enscript\n\
212                                          should use\n\
213               --printer-options=OPTIONS  pass extra options to the printer command\n\
214               --rotate-even-pages        rotate even-numbered pages 180 degrees\n", 103},
215               {"\
216               --slice=NUM                print vertical slice NUM\n\
217               --style=STYLE              use highlight style STYLE\n\
218               --swap-even-page-margins   swap left and right side margins for each even\n\
219                                          numbered page\n\
220               --toc                      print table of contents\n\
221               --ul-angle=ANGLE           set underlay text's angle to ANGLE\n\
222               --ul-font=NAME             print underlays with font NAME\n\
223               --ul-gray=NUM              print underlays with gray value NUM\n\
224               --ul-position=POS          set underlay's starting position to POS\n\
225               --ul-style=STYLE           print underlays with style STYLE\n\
226               --word-wrap                wrap long lines from word boundaries\n", 104},
227               {"\
228             \n\
229             Report bugs to mtr@iki.fi.\n", 105},
230               {"couldn't find prolog \"%s\": %s\n", 106},
231               {"couldn't find encoding file \"%s.enc\": %s\n", 107},
232 rizwank 1.1   {"couldn't find header definition file \"%s.hdr\": %s\n", 108},
233               {"processing file \"%s\"...\n", 109},
234               {"EPS file \"%s\" is too large for page\n", 110},
235               {"user font encoding can be only the system's default or `ps'", 111},
236               {"unknown special escape: %s", 112},
237               {"illegal option %c for ^@epsf escape", 113},
238               {"malformed ^@epsf escape: no ']' after options", 114},
239               {"\
240             too long file name for ^@epsf escape:\n\
241             %.*s", 115},
242               {"unexpected EOF while scanning ^@epsf escape", 116},
243               {"malformed ^@epsf escape: no '{' found", 117},
244               {"malformed %s escape: no '{' found", 118},
245               {"\
246             too long argument for %s escape:\n\
247             %.*s", 119},
248               {"malformed font spec for ^@font escape: %s", 120},
249               {"malformed color spec for ^@%s escape: %s", 121},
250               {"invalid value for ^@shade escape: %s", 122},
251               {"invalid value for ^@bggray escape: %s", 123},
252               {"epsf: couldn't open pipe to command \"%s\": %s\n", 124},
253 rizwank 1.1   {"couldn't open EPS file \"%s\": %s\n", 125},
254               {"EPS file \"%s\" does not start with \"%%!\" magic\n", 126},
255               {"\
256             EPS file \"%s\" contains malformed %%%%BoundingBox row:\n\
257             \"%.*s\"\n", 127},
258               {"EPS file \"%s\" is not a valid EPS file\n", 128},
259               {"passing through all input files for output language `%s'\n", 129},
260               {"passing through %s file \"%s\"\n", 130},
261               {"couldn't create temporary divert file: %s", 131},
262               {"couldn't rewind divert file: %s", 132},
263               {"illegal value \"%s\" for option %s", 133},
264               {"invalid value \"%s\" for option %s", 134},
265               {"illegal option: %s", 135},
266               {"%s:%d: %%Format: no name", 136},
267               {"%s:%d: %%Format: too long name, maxlen=%d", 137},
268               {"%s:%d: %%Format: name \"%s\" is already defined", 138},
269               {"%s:%d: %%HeaderHeight: no argument", 139},
270               {"%s:%d: %%FooterHeight: no argument", 140},
271               {"%s: warning: font size is negative\n", 141},
272               {"%s: warning: font width is negative\n", 142},
273               {"%s: warning: font height is negative\n", 143},
274 rizwank 1.1   {"reading AFM info for font \"%s\"\n", 144},
275               {"couldn't open AFM file for font \"%s\", using default\n", 145},
276               {"couldn't open AFM file for the default font: %s", 146},
277               {"downloading font \"%s\"\n", 147},
278               {"couldn't open font description file \"%s\": %s\n", 148},
279               {"%s: too long format for %%D{} escape", 149},
280               {"%s: unknown `%%' escape `%c' (%d)", 150},
281               {"%s: no closing ')' for $() escape", 151},
282               {"%s: too long variable name for $() escape", 152},
283               {"%s: too long format for $D{} escape", 153},
284               {"%s: unknown `$' escape `%c' (%d)", 154},
285               {"malformed float dimension: \"%s\"", 155},
286               {"couldn't open input filter \"%s\" for file \"%s\": %s", 156},
287               {"couldn't open input file \"%s\": %s", 157},
288               {"file=%s\n", 158},
289               {"stdout", 159},
290               {"%s: couldn't open output file \"%s\"", 160},
291               {"couldn't create AFM library", 161},
292               {"\
293             Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE...\n\
294             Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.\n\
295 rizwank 1.1   -h, --help              print this help and exit\n\
296               -p, --output-file=NAME  print output to file NAME (default file is\n\
297                                       font.map).  If FILE is `-', leavy output to\n\
298                                       stdout.\n\
299               -V, --version           print version number\n", 162},
300               {"error: EOF in comment", 163},
301               {"error: EOF in string constant", 164},
302               {"error: EOF in regular expression", 165},
303               {"states for GNU %s %s", 166},
304               {"%s: malformed variable definition \"%s\"\n", 167},
305               {"%s: couldn't create output file \"%s\": %s\n", 168},
306               {"%s: unknown warning level `%s'\n", 169},
307               {"%s: out of memory\n", 170},
308               {"%s: couldn't open input file `%s': %s\n", 171},
309               {"\
310             Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n\
311             Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.\n", 172},
312               {"\
313               -D, --define=VAR=VAL       define variable VAR to have value VAR\n\
314               -f, --file=NAME            read state definitions from file NAME\n\
315               -h, --help                 print this help and exit\n\
316 rizwank 1.1   -o, --output=NAME          save output to file NAME\n\
317               -p, --path=PATH            set the load path to PATH\n\
318               -s, --state=NAME           start from state NAME\n\
319               -v, --verbose              increase the program verbosity\n\
320               -V, --version              print version number\n\
321               -W, --warning=LEVEL        set the warning level to LEVEL\n", 173},
322               {"%s:%d: %s: illegal argument type\n", 174},
323               {"%s: panic: ", 175},
324               {"%s:%d: %s: malformed version string `%s'\n", 176},
325               {"\
326             %s: FATAL ERROR: States version %s or higher is required for this script\n", 177},
327               {"%s:%d: %s: start offset is bigger than end offset\n", 178},
328               {"%s:%d: %s: offset out of range\n", 179},
329               {"%s:%d: %s: illegal argument\n", 180},
330               {"%s:%d: %s: illegal regexp character syntax: %c\n", 181},
331               {"%s:%d: %s: couldn't define state `%s'\n", 182},
332               {"%s: primitive `%s': too few arguments for format\n", 183},
333               {"%s:%d: %s: argument %d doesn't match format\n", 184},
334               {"%s:%d: %s: no extra options can be specified for %%s\n", 185},
335               {"%s:%d: %s: illegal type specifier `%c'\n", 186},
336               {"%s: undefined state `%s'\n", 187},
337 rizwank 1.1   {"%s: error: undefined variable `%s'\n", 188},
338               {"%s: undefined super state `%s'\n", 189},
339               {"%s:%d: couldn't compile regular expression \"%s\": %s\n", 190},
340               {"%s: ouf of memory", 191},
341               {"warning: redefining state `%s'", 192},
342               {"%s:%d: warning: redefining subroutine `%s'\n", 193},
343               {"%s:%d: error: undefined variable `%s'\n", 194},
344               {"%s:%d: error: couldn't set variable `%s'\n", 195},
345               {"%s:%d: error: expression between illegal types\n", 196},
346               {"%s:%d: error: too few arguments for subroutine\n", 197},
347               {"%s:%d: error: too many arguments for subroutine\n", 198},
348               {"%s:%d: error: undefined procedure `%s'\n", 199},
349               {"%s:%d: error: illegal lvalue for assignment\n", 200},
350               {"%s:%d: error: array reference index is not integer\n", 201},
351               {"%s:%d: error: negative array reference index\n", 202},
352               {"%s:%d: error: illegal rvalue for string assignment\n", 203},
353               {"%s:%d: error: illegal type for array reference\n", 204},
354               {"%s:%d: error: array reference index out of rance\n", 205},
355               {"%s: couldn't open definition file `%s': %s\n", 206},
356               {"%s: autoloading `%s' from `%s'\n", 207},
357             };
358 rizwank 1.1 int _msg_tbl_length = 207;

Rizwan Kassim
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