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 1 rizwank 1.1 /**
 2              * Name: java
 3              * Description: Java programming language.
 4              * Author: Paul Fisher <pnfisher@eos.ncsu.edu>
 5              */
 7             state java extends HighlightEntry
 8             {
 9               /* Comments. */
10               /\/\*/ {
11                 comment_face (true);
12                 language_print ($0);
13                 call (c_comment);
14                 comment_face (false);
15               }
16               /\/\// {
17                 comment_face (true);
18                 language_print ($0);
19                 call (eat_one_line);
20                 comment_face (false);
21               }
22 rizwank 1.1 
23               /* String constants. */
24               /\"/ {
25                 string_face (true);
26                 language_print ($0);
27                 call (c_string);
28                 string_face (false);
29               }
31               /* Character constants. */
32               /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
33                 string_face (true);
34                 language_print ($0);
35                 string_face (false);
36               }
38               /* Keywords.
39                  (build-re '(abstract boolean break byte case catch char class
40                  const continue default do double else extends false final finally
41                  float for goto if implements import instanceof int interface long
42                  native new null package private protected public return short static
43 rizwank 1.1      super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try void
44                  volatile while))
45               */
46               /\b(abstract|b(oolean|reak|yte)|c(a(se|tch)|har|lass|on(st|tinue))\
47             |d(efault|o(|uble))|e(lse|xtends)|f(alse|inal(|ly)|loat|or)|goto\
48             |i(f|mp(lements|ort)|n(stanceof|t(|erface)))|long|n(ative|ew|ull)\
49             |p(ackage|r(ivate|otected)|ublic)|return\
50             |s(hort|tatic|uper|witch|ynchronized)|t(h(is|row(|s))|r(ansient|ue|y))\
51             |vo(id|latile)|while)\b/ {
52                 keyword_face (true);
53                 language_print ($0);
54                 keyword_face (false);
55               }
56             }
59             /*
60             Local variables:
61             mode: c
62             End:
63             */

Rizwan Kassim
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