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 1 rizwank 1.1 /**
 2              * Name: m4
 3              * Description: macro processor
 4              * Author: Jean-Marc Calvez <jean-marc.calvez@st.com>
 5              */
 7             state m4 extends HighlightEntry
 8             {
 9               BEGIN {
10                 require_state (pascal);
11               }
13               /* Comments. */
14               /dnl|#/ {
15                 comment_face (true);
16                 language_print ($0);
17                 call (eat_one_line);
18                 comment_face (false);
19               }
21               /* String constants. */
22 rizwank 1.1   /\`/ {
23                 string_face (true);
24                 language_print ($0);
25                 call (pascal_string);
26                 string_face (false);
27               }
29               /* Keywords:
30                  (build-re '(changequote changecom decr define defn divert divnum dumpdef
31                  errprint eval ifdef ifelse include incr index len m4exit m4wrap maketemp
32                  popdef pushdef shift sinclude substr syscmd sysval translit traceon
33                  traceoff undefine undivert))
34               */
35               /\b(change(com|quote)|d(e(cr|f(ine|n))|iv(ert|num)|umpdef)|e(rrprint|val)\
36             |i(f(def|else)|n(c(lude|r)|dex))|len|m(4(exit|wrap)|aketemp)\
37             |p(opdef|ushdef)|s(hift|include|ubstr|ys(cmd|val))\
38             |tra(ceo(ff|n)|nslit)|und(efine|ivert))\b/ {
39                 keyword_face (true);
40                 language_print ($0);
41                 keyword_face (false);
42               }
43 rizwank 1.1 }
46             /*
47             Local variables:
48             mode: c
49             End:
50             */

Rizwan Kassim
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