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  1 rizwank 1.1 /**
  2              * Name: skill
  3              * Description: Cadence Design Systems lispy language.
  4              * Author: Jean-Marc Calvez <jean-marc.calvez@st.com>
  5              */
  7             state skill extends HighlightEntry
  8             {
  9               /* Line Comments (lispish). */
 10               /;/ {
 11                 comment_face (true);
 12                 language_print ($0);
 13                 call (eat_one_line);
 14                 comment_face (false);
 15               }
 17               /* Block Comments (C-style) */
 18               /\/\*/ {
 19                 comment_face (true);
 20                 language_print ($0);
 21                 call (c_comment);
 22 rizwank 1.1     comment_face (false);
 23               }
 25               /* String constants. */
 26               /\"/ {
 27                 string_face (true);
 28                 language_print ($0);
 29                 call (c_string);
 30                 string_face (false);
 31               }
 33               /* Definitions. */
 34               /(\([ \t]*)(procedure|defmacro|mprocedure|nprocedure|defun)([ \t]+\(?)([!\$%&\*\/:<=>\?~_^a-zA-Z][!\$%&\*\/:<=>\?~_^a-zA-Z0-9.+\-]*)/ {
 35                 /* Starting garbage. */
 36                 language_print ($1);
 38                 /* Keyword. */
 39                 keyword_face (true);
 40                 language_print ($2);
 41                 keyword_face (false);
 43 rizwank 1.1     /* Middle garbage. */
 44                 language_print ($3);
 46                 /* Function name. */
 47                 function_name_face (true);
 48                 language_print ($4);
 49                 function_name_face (false);
 50               }
 52               /* Keywords. Taken from Skill Language in the Quick Ref.  + operators
 53                  (build-re '(@rest @optional @key abs acos add1 alias alphalessp
 54                  alphaNumCmp and append append1 apply arglist arrayp arrayref asin assoc
 55                  assq atan atom band bcdp bitfield bitfield bnand bnor bnot bor boundp
 56                  break breakpt buildString bxnor bxor caaar caadr caar cadr callInitProc
 57                  car case caseq cdar cddr cdr changeWorkingDir clear clearExitProcs close
 58                  compareTime compress concat cond cons cont continue copy
 59                  copyDefstructDeep cos count createDir csh debugQuit debugStatus declare
 60                  declareLambda declareNLambda defCapDepends defCapPrefixes defInitProc
 61                  defmacro defprop defstruct defstructp defun defUserInitProc defvar
 62                  deleteDir deleteFile difference drain dtpr dump ed edi edit edl encrypt
 63                  eq equal err error errset errsetstring eval evalstring evenp exists exit
 64 rizwank 1.1      exp expandMacro expt fileLength fileSeek fileTell fix fixp float floatp
 65                  for forall foreach fprintf fscanf gc gcsummary gensym get get_pname
 66                  get_string getAllLoadedFiles getc getchar getCurrentTime getd getDirFiles
 67                  getFnWriteProtect getFunctions getInstallPath getq getqq gets
 68                  getShellEnvVar getSkillPath getVarWriteProtect getVersion getWarn
 69                  getWorkingDir go geqp getq getqq greaterp if ilToolBox index infile
 70                  installDebugger instring isCallable isDir isExecutable isFile
 71                  isFileEncrypted isFileName isLink isReadable isWritable lambda last lconc
 72                  leftshift length leqp lessp let lineread linereadstring list
 73                  listFunctions listp listVariables load loadContext loadi loadstring log
 74                  lowerCase makeTable makeTempFileName map mapc mapcan mapcar maplist max
 75                  measureTime member memq min minus minusp mod mprocedure nconc ncons
 76                  needCells neq nequal newline next nil nindex nlambda nprocedure nth
 77                  nthcdr nthelem null numberp numOpenFiles oddp onep or otherp outfile
 78                  parseString plist plus plusp portp postdecrement postincrement pp pprint
 79                  predecrement preincrement prependInstallPath print printf printFunctions
 80                  printlev println printstruct printVariables procedure profile
 81                  profileReset profileSummary prog prog1 prog2 progn putd putprop putpropq
 82                  putpropqq quote quotient random range readTable regExitAfter
 83                  regExitBefore remd remdq remExitProc remove remprop remq return reverse
 84                  rexCompile rexExecute rexMagic rexMatchAssocList rexMatchList rexMatchp
 85 rizwank 1.1      rexReplace rexSubstitute rightshift rindex round rplaca rplacd
 86                  saveContext set setarray setContext setFnWriteProtect setof setplist setq
 87                  setqbitfield steqbitfield1 setShellEnvVar setSkillPath setVarWriteProtect
 88                  sh shell simplifyFilename sin skDisableMessage skIgnoreMessage
 89                  skillDebugger sklint skUnignoreMessage sort sortcar sprintf sqrt srandom
 90                  sstatus stacktrace status step stepout strcat strcmp stringp
 91                  stringToFunction strlen strncat strncmp sub1 subst substring sxtd symbolp
 92                  symeval symstrp tablep tableToList tailp tan tconc terpri times tracef
 93                  tracep tracev type typep unalias unbreakpt uncount uninstallDebugger
 94                  unless unprofile untrace untracep untracev upperCase warn when where
 95                  whereis while writeTable xcons zerop zxtd))
 96                */
 97               /\b(@(key|optional|rest)\
 98             |a(bs|cos|dd1|l(ias|pha(NumCmp|lessp))|nd|pp(end(|1)|ly)\
 99             |r(glist|ray(p|ref))|s(in|s(oc|q))|t(an|om))\
100             |b(and|cdp|itfield()|n(and|o(r|t))|o(r|undp)|reak(|pt)|uildString\
101             |x(nor|or))\
102             |c(a(a(ar|dr|r)|dr|llInitProc|r|se(|q))|d(ar|dr|r)|hangeWorkingDir\
103             |l(ear(|ExitProcs)|ose)\
104             |o(mp(areTime|ress)|n(cat|d|s|t(|inue))|py(|DefstructDeep)|s|unt)\
105             |reateDir|sh)\
106 rizwank 1.1 |d(e(bug(Quit|Status)|clare(|Lambda|NLambda)\
107             |f(Cap(Depends|Prefixes)|InitProc|UserInitProc|macro|prop|struct(|p)|un\
108             |var)\
109             |lete(Dir|File))\
110             |ifference|rain|tpr|ump)\
111             |e(d(|i(|t)|l)|ncrypt|q(|ual)|rr(|or|set(|string))|v(al(|string)|enp)\
112             |x(i(sts|t)|p(|andMacro|t)))\
113             |f(i(le(Length|Seek|Tell)|x(|p))|loat(|p)|or(|all|each)|printf|scanf)\
114             |g(c(|summary)\
115             |e(nsym|qp\
116             |t(|AllLoadedFiles|CurrentTime|DirFiles|F(nWriteProtect|unctions)\
117             |InstallPath|S(hellEnvVar|killPath)|V(arWriteProtect|ersion)\
118             |W(arn|orkingDir)|_(pname|string)|c(|har)|d|q(|q())|s))\
119             |o|reaterp)\
120             |i(f|lToolBox|n(dex|file|st(allDebugger|ring))\
121             |s(Callable|Dir|Executable|File(|Encrypted|Name)|Link|Readable|Writable))\
122             |l(a(mbda|st)|conc|e(ftshift|ngth|qp|ssp|t)\
123             |i(neread(|string)|st(|Functions|Variables|p))\
124             |o(ad(|Context|i|string)|g|werCase))\
125             |m(a(keT(able|empFileName)|p(|c(|a(n|r))|list)|x)|e(asureTime|m(ber|q))\
126             |in(|us(|p))|od|procedure)\
127 rizwank 1.1 |n(con(c|s)|e(edCells|q(|ual)|wline|xt)|i(l|ndex)|lambda|procedure\
128             |th(|cdr|elem)|u(ll|m(OpenFiles|berp)))\
129             |o(ddp|nep|r|therp|utfile)\
130             |p(arseString|l(ist|us(|p))|o(rtp|st(decrement|increment))|p(|rint)\
131             |r(e(decrement|increment|pendInstallPath)\
132             |int(|Functions|Variables|f|l(ev|n)|struct)\
133             |o(cedure|file(|Reset|Summary)|g(|1|2|n)))\
134             |ut(d|prop(|q(|q))))\
135             |quot(e|ient)\
136             |r(an(dom|ge)\
137             |e(adTable|gExit(After|Before)|m(ExitProc|d(|q)|ove|prop|q)|turn|verse\
138             |x(Compile|Execute|Ma(gic|tch(AssocList|List|p))|Replace|Substitute))\
139             |i(ghtshift|ndex)|ound|plac(a|d))\
140             |s(aveContext\
141             |et(|Context|FnWriteProtect|S(hellEnvVar|killPath)|VarWriteProtect|array\
142             |of|plist|q(|bitfield))\
143             |h(|ell)|i(mplifyFilename|n)\
144             |k(DisableMessage|IgnoreMessage|UnignoreMessage|illDebugger|lint)\
145             |ort(|car)|printf|qrt|random|status\
146             |t(a(cktrace|tus)|e(p(|out)|qbitfield1)\
147             |r(c(at|mp)|ing(ToFunction|p)|len|nc(at|mp)))\
148 rizwank 1.1 |ub(1|st(|ring))|xtd|ym(bolp|eval|strp))\
149             |t(a(ble(ToList|p)|ilp|n)|conc|erpri|imes|race(f|p|v)|ype(|p))\
150             |u(n(alias|breakpt|count|installDebugger|less|profile|trace(|p|v))\
151             |pperCase)\
152             |w(arn|h(e(n|re(|is))|ile)|riteTable)|xcons|z(erop|xtd))\b/ {
153                 keyword_face (true);
154                 language_print ($0);
155                 keyword_face (false);
156               }
158               /* Skill functions. Use prefix to match, they are too many to
159                  enumerate. Used bold-italic... */
160               /(cdf|dag|db|de|df|dl|dm|enter|fm|ge|hi|mif|tc|tfc|sch)[A-Z][^ \t]*/ {
161                 bold_italic (true);
162                 language_print ($0);
163                 bold_italic (false);
164               }
165             }
168             /*
169 rizwank 1.1 Local variables:
170             mode: c
171             End:
172             */

Rizwan Kassim
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