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 1 rizwank 1.1 /**
 2              * Name: vba
 3              * Description: Visual Basic (for Applications)
 4              * Author: Kevin Grover <grover@wizard.com>
 5              */
 7             /* To Do
 8              * - ?Get parser to work for X.X.X.X and not hilight separate Xs
 9              * - ?recognize type declaration characters ($,%,@, etc.. on variables)
10              * - ?Look for line numbers/labels (for Goto's)  /^\s*[0-9A-Za-z]+:/
11              */
13             state vba extends HighlightEntry
14             {
15               /* Comments. */
16               /[\']|^\s*Rem/ {
17                 comment_face (true);
18                 language_print ($0);
19                 call (eat_one_line);
20                 comment_face (false);
21               }
22 rizwank 1.1 
23               /* String constants. */
24               /\".*\"/ {
25                 string_face (true);
26                 language_print ($0);
27                 string_face (false);
28               }
30               /* Keywords. From:
31             	       Excel for Windows 95 Power Programming with VGA
32             	       2nd Ed, John Walkenbach, pg 160
34                  (build-re '(
35                  Abs And Any As Boolean ByRef ByVal Call Case CBool CCur CDate
36                  CDbl CDecl CInt Circle CLng Close Const CSng CStr CurDirrase
37                  Currency CVar CVDate CVErr Date Debug Declare
39                  DefBool DefCur DefDate DefDbl DefInt DefLng DefObj DefSng DefStr
40                  DefVar Dim Dir Do Double Each Else ElsIf Empty End EndIf Eqv Erase
41                  Error Exit False Fix For Format FreeFile
43 rizwank 1.1      Function Get Global GoSub GoTo If Imp In Input InputB Instr InstrB Int
44                  Integer Is LBound Len LenB Let Like Line Load Local Lock Long Loop
45                  LSet Me Mid
47                  MidB Mod Name New Next Not Nothing Null Object On Open Option Optional
48                  Or Point Preserve Print Private Property PSet Public Put ReDim Rem
49                  Resume Return RSet Scale Seek
51                  Select Set Sgn Shared Single Spc Static Stop StrComp String Sub Tab
52                  Then TO True Type TypeOf UBound Unload Unlock Until Variant Wend While
53                  Width With Write Xor))
54               */
55               /\b(A(bs|n(d|y)|s)|B(oolean|y(Ref|Val))\
56             |C(Bool|Cur|D(ate|bl|ecl)|Int|Lng|S(ng|tr)|V(Date|Err|ar)|a(ll|se)|ircle\
57             |lose|onst|ur(Dirrase|rency))\
58             |D(ate|e(bug|clare|f(Bool|Cur|D(ate|bl)|Int|Lng|Obj|S(ng|tr)|Var))\
59             |i(m|r)|o(|uble))\
60             |E(ach|ls(If|e)|mpty|nd(|If)|qv|r(ase|ror)|xit)\
61             |F(alse|ix|or(|mat)|reeFile|unction)|G(et|lobal|o(Sub|To))\
62             |I(f|mp|n(|put(|B)|str(|B)|t(|eger))|s)\
63             |L(Bound|Set|e(n(|B)|t)|i(ke|ne)|o(ad|c(al|k)|ng|op))|M(e|id(|B)|od)\
64 rizwank 1.1 |N(ame|e(w|xt)|ot(|hing)|ull)|O(bject|n|p(en|tion(|al))|r)\
65             |P(Set|oint|r(eserve|i(nt|vate)|operty)|u(blic|t))\
66             |R(Set|e(Dim|m|sume|turn))\
67             |S(cale|e(ek|lect|t)|gn|hared|ingle|pc|t(atic|op|r(Comp|ing))|ub)\
68             |T(O|ab|hen|rue|ype(|Of))|U(Bound|n(lo(ad|ck)|til))|Variant\
69             |W(end|hile|i(dth|th)|rite)|Xor)\b/ {
70                 keyword_face (true);
71                 language_print ($0);
72                 keyword_face (false);
73               }
74             }
77             /*
78             Local variables:
79             mode: c
80             End:
81             */

Rizwan Kassim
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ViewCVS 0.9.2