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 1 rizwank 1.1 /**
 2              * Name: vhdl
 3              * Description: VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL)
 4              *		Highlights keywords, comments and special vhdl
 5              *		constructs.  Please send comments or suggestions.
 6              *
 7              * Author: Brian Silveira (brian@nortel.ca)
 8              *
 9              */
11             state vhdl extends HighlightEntry
12             {
13               /* Comments. */
14               /--/ {
15                 comment_face (true);
16                 language_print ($0);
17                 call (eat_one_line);
18                 comment_face (false);
19               }
21               /* String constants. */
22 rizwank 1.1   /\"/ {
23                 string_face (true);
24                 language_print ($0);
25                 call (c_string);
26                 string_face (false);
27               }
29               /* Keywords.
30                  (build-re '(abs access after alias all and architecture array
31                  assert attribute begin begin block body body buffer bus case
32                  component configuration configuration constant disconnect downto
33                  else elsif end entity exit file for function function generate
34                  generic guarded if in inout is label library linkage loop map
35                  mod nand new next nor not null of on open or others out package
36                  port procedure process range record register rem report return
37                  reverse select severity signal subtype then to transport type
38                  units until use variable wait when while with with xor)
39                  t)
40                */
41               /\b([aA]([bB][sS]|[cC][cC][eE][sS][sS]|[fF][tT][eE][rR]\
42             |[lL]([iI][aA][sS]|[lL])|[nN][dD]\
43 rizwank 1.1 |[rR]([cC][hH][iI][tT][eE][cC][tT][uU][rR][eE]|[rR][aA][yY])\
44             |[sS][sS][eE][rR][tT]|[tT][tT][rR][iI][bB][uU][tT][eE])\
45             |[bB]([eE][gG][iI][nN]()|[lL][oO][cC][kK]|[oO][dD][yY]()\
46             |[uU]([fF][fF][eE][rR]|[sS]))\
47             |[cC]([aA][sS][eE]\
48             |[oO]([mM][pP][oO][nN][eE][nN][tT]\
49             |[nN]([fF][iI][gG][uU][rR][aA][tT][iI][oO][nN]()|[sS][tT][aA][nN][tT])))\
50             |[dD]([iI][sS][cC][oO][nN][nN][eE][cC][tT]|[oO][wW][nN][tT][oO])\
51             |[eE]([lL][sS]([eE]|[iI][fF])|[nN]([dD]|[tT][iI][tT][yY])|[xX][iI][tT])\
52             |[fF]([iI][lL][eE]|[oO][rR]|[uU][nN][cC][tT][iI][oO][nN]())\
53             |[gG]([eE][nN][eE][rR]([aA][tT][eE]|[iI][cC])|[uU][aA][rR][dD][eE][dD])\
54             |[iI]([fF]|[nN](|[oO][uU][tT])|[sS])\
55             |[lL]([aA][bB][eE][lL]|[iI]([bB][rR][aA][rR][yY]|[nN][kK][aA][gG][eE])\
56             |[oO][oO][pP])\
57             |[mM]([aA][pP]|[oO][dD])\
58             |[nN]([aA][nN][dD]|[eE]([wW]|[xX][tT])|[oO]([rR]|[tT])|[uU][lL][lL])\
59             |[oO]([fF]|[nN]|[pP][eE][nN]|[rR]|[tT][hH][eE][rR][sS]|[uU][tT])\
60             |[pP]([aA][cC][kK][aA][gG][eE]|[oO][rR][tT]\
61             |[rR][oO][cC][eE]([dD][uU][rR][eE]|[sS][sS]))\
62             |[rR]([aA][nN][gG][eE]\
63             |[eE]([cC][oO][rR][dD]|[gG][iI][sS][tT][eE][rR]|[mM]|[pP][oO][rR][tT]\
64 rizwank 1.1 |[tT][uU][rR][nN]|[vV][eE][rR][sS][eE]))\
65             |[sS]([eE]([lL][eE][cC][tT]|[vV][eE][rR][iI][tT][yY])|[iI][gG][nN][aA][lL]\
66             |[uU][bB][tT][yY][pP][eE])\
67             |[tT]([hH][eE][nN]|[oO]|[rR][aA][nN][sS][pP][oO][rR][tT]|[yY][pP][eE])\
68             |[uU]([nN]([iI][tT][sS]|[tT][iI][lL])|[sS][eE])\
69             |[vV][aA][rR][iI][aA][bB][lL][eE]\
70             |[wW]([aA][iI][tT]|[hH]([eE][nN]|[iI][lL][eE])|[iI][tT][hH]())\
71             |[xX][oO][rR])\b/ {
72                 keyword_face (true);
73                 language_print ($0);
74                 keyword_face (false);
75               }
77               /<=|=>/ {
78                 reference_face (true);
79                 language_print ($0);
80                 reference_face(false);
81               }
82             }
85 rizwank 1.1 /*
86             Local variables:
87             mode: c
88             End:
89             */

Rizwan Kassim
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