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 1 rizwank 1.1 /**
 2              * Name: zsh
 3              * Description: Z-shell programming language.
 4              * Author: Jean-Marc Calvez <jean-marc.calvez@st.com>
 5              */
 7             state zsh extends HighlightEntry
 8             {
 9               /* Comments. */
10               /#/ {
11                 comment_face (true);
12                 language_print ($0);
13                 call (eat_one_line);
14                 comment_face (false);
15               }
17               /* String constants. */
18               /\"/ {
19                 string_face (true);
20                 language_print ($0);
21                 call (c_string);
22 rizwank 1.1     string_face (false);
23               }
25               /* Excutable script. */
26               /^#!/ {
27                 reference_face (true);
28                 language_print ($0);
29                 call (eat_one_line);
30                 reference_face (false);
31               }
33               /* Keywords:
34                  (build-re '(: noglob nocorrect exec command if then elif else fi for in do
35                  done while until repeat case esac select function time foreach end coproc
36                  return alias autoload bg bindkey break builtin bye cd chdir compctl
37                  continue declare dirs disable disown echo echotc emulate enabke eval exec
38                  exit export false fc fg functions getln getopts hash history integer jobs
39                  kill let limit local log logout popd print pushd pushln pwd read readonly
40                  rehash return sched set setopt shift source suspend test times trap
41                  ttyctl type typeset ulimit umask unalias unfunction unhash unlimit unset
42                  unsetopt vared wait whence where which))
43 rizwank 1.1   */
44               /\b(:|a(lias|utoload)|b(g|indkey|reak|uiltin|ye)\
45             |c(ase|d|hdir|o(m(mand|pctl)|ntinue|proc))\
46             |d(eclare|i(rs|s(able|own))|o(|ne))\
47             |e(cho(|tc)|l(if|se)|mulate|n(abke|d)|sac|val|x(ec()|it|port))\
48             |f(alse|c|g|i|or(|each)|unction(|s))|get(ln|opts)|h(ash|istory)\
49             |i(f|n(|teger))|jobs|kill|l(et|imit|o(cal|g(|out)))|no(correct|glob)\
50             |p(opd|rint|ush(d|ln)|wd)|re(ad(|only)|hash|peat|turn())\
51             |s(ched|e(lect|t(|opt))|hift|ource|uspend)\
52             |t(est|hen|ime(|s)|rap|tyctl|ype(|set))\
53             |u(limit|mask|n(alias|function|hash|limit|set(|opt)|til))|vared\
54             |w(ait|h(e(nce|re)|i(ch|le))))\b/ {
55                 keyword_face (true);
56                 language_print ($0);
57                 keyword_face (false);
58               }
60               /* special functions (built-in)
61                  (build-re '(chpwd precmd periodic argv status signals cdpath fignore
62                  fpath histchars mailpath manpath path psvar prompt watch))
63               */
64 rizwank 1.1   /\b(argv|c(dpath|hpwd)|f(ignore|path)|histchars|ma(ilpath|npath)\
65             |p(ath|eriodic|r(ecmd|ompt)|svar)|s(ignals|tatus)|watch)\b/ {
66                 builtin_face (true);
67                 language_print ($0);
68                 builtin_face (false);
69               }
70             }
73             /*
74             Local variables:
75             mode: c
76             End:
77             */

Rizwan Kassim
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