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  1 rizwank 1.1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
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  4             <title>GNU Enscript Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</title>
  5             <LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:mtr@iki.fi">
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  7             <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#9900DD">
  8             <h1>GNU Enscript Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</h1>
 10             <address>$Id: FAQ.html,v 1.11 1998/06/22 13:28:07 mtr Exp $</address>
 11             <hr>
 13             <center>
 14             <b>For GNU Enscript version 1.6.0</b>
 15             <p>
 17             This FAQ assumes that you are using the latest version of GNU
 18             Enscript, there are many old bugs and misfeatures but many of them
 19             have been fixed for the latest version.  For on-line information about
 20             the latest version, bugs, features, etc. please, check the GNU
 21             Enscript WWW home at URL:
 22 rizwank 1.1 <a href="http://www.iki.fi/~mtr/genscript/">http://www.iki.fi/~mtr/genscript/</a>.
 24             </center>
 25             <hr>
 27             <h2>Contents</h2>
 28             <ul>
 29               <li><a href="#misc"><b>Misc</b></a>
 30               <li><a href="#charactersets"><b>Character Sets</b></a>
 31               <li><a href="#outputmedia"><b>Printing, Output Media</b></a>
 32             </ul>
 34             <a name="misc">
 35             <hr>
 36             <h2>Misc</h2>
 37             <ul>
 38               <li> <b>Does enscript read PPD files?</b>
 39                    <br>
 40                    No.  PPD file support is on my TODO list, I will implement in the near
 41                    future.
 42                    <p>
 43 rizwank 1.1 
 44               <li> <b>What's missing / what's different in the Adobe enscript
 45                    emulation?</b>
 46                    <ul>
 47             	 <li>Enscript's option `-o' has been changed.  In enscript `-o' lists
 48             	      missing characters.  In GNU enscript `-o' is an alias
 49             	      for `-p' and missing characters are listed with an option `-O'.
 50                    </ul>
 51               <li> <b>Make install installs with teh current umask. I use 077 for
 52                 root, which gives all the installed directories rwx------. No good
 53                 for general use...</b>
 54                 <br>
 55                 Makefile is just doing what it was told.  Change your umask for
 56                 the installation time or override INSTALL_DATA and INSTALL_PROGRAM
 57                 Makefile variables.
 58             </ul>
 60             <a name="charactersets">
 61             <hr>
 62             <h2>Character Sets</h2>
 64 rizwank 1.1 <ul>
 65               <li> <b>How can I use ibmpc's line drawing characters?</b>
 66                    <p>
 67                    First, you will need a PostScript font (.pfa or .pfb) which has
 68                    those line drawing characters.  This is the trickiest task
 69                    since these fonts are really rare.  Once you find one, you must
 70                    make it available for enscript (see file README for details) so
 71                    it can be downloaded to the printer.
 72                    <p>
 73                    Since these suitable fonts are so rare, the ibmpc encoding do not
 74                    contain mappings for those line drawing characters, this means they
 75                    won't print if you use the ibmpc encoding.  You must rely on the
 76                    font's build-in encoding and print your files with option `-X ps' or
 77                    `--encoding=ps'.
 78                    <p>
 79               <li> <b>How can I use the ISO-8859-7 input encoding?</b>
 80                    <p>
 81                    Manolis Lourakis
 82                    (<a href="mailto:lourakis@csd.uch.gr">lourakis@csd.uch.gr</a>)
 83                    has written a document that describes how this can be done.  It
 84                    can be found from URL:
 85 rizwank 1.1 
 86                    <blockquote>
 87                    <a href="http://www.csd.uch.gr/~lourakis/genscript/">http://www.csd.uch.gr/~lourakis/genscript/</a>
 88                    </blockquote>
 89                    <p>
 90               <li> <b>I tried the iso8859/2 input encoding but enscript says that 44
 91                    characters were missing and I get '?' on paper instead of latin2
 92                    characters.  Did I missed something? (This answer holds also for
 93                    other input encodings).</b>
 94                    <p>
 95                    No, everything is ok but the problem is that Adobe's default Courier
 96                    font does not have characters named: Aogonek, Lcaron, Sacute, Tcaron,
 97                    Zacute, ... (those 44 missing characters) so enscript can't print
 98                    them.  You can solve this if you have a courier (or whatever) font
 99                    that has those missing characters.  One good canditate is courier
100                    font distributed with the X distribution, it is called cour.pf{a,b}
101                    and should be found from all good FTP sites.
102                    <p>
103                    To solve this problem, you must:
104                    <ol>
105             	 <li> find a nice font to do the job.
106 rizwank 1.1 	 <li> copy this font and its AFM file to some appropriate directory,
107             	      let's say `$HOME/fonts/':
109             <pre>
110             $ ls fonts/cour*
111             fonts/cour.afm  fonts/cour.pfa
112             </pre>
114             	 <li> create a font map for this new font directory (<b>mkafmmap</b>
115             	      program comes with the enscript distribution):
117             <pre>
118             $ cd fonts
119             $ mkafmmap *.afm
120             file=font.map
121             BrushScript.afm...
122             Hobo.afm...
123             Stencil.afm...
124             cour.afm...
125             uaqrrc.afm...
126             ugqb.afm...
127 rizwank 1.1 unmr.afm...
128             unmrs.afm...
129             </pre>
131             	 <li> edit enscript's personal (or the global) configuration file to
132             	      use this new font:
134             <pre>
135             $ cat ~/.enscriptrc
136             #
137             # My enscript init file.
138             #
140             DefaultFancyHeader: emacs
142             #PageLabelFormat: long
144             Clean7Bit: 0
146             AFMPath: /home/mtr/fonts:/usr/local/share/enscript
147             </pre>
148 rizwank 1.1 
149             	 <li> now it should work:
151             <pre>
152             $ cd myprogs/enscript/
153             $ enscript -v -G2r -pfoo.ps latin2.txt
154             AFM: scanning path...
155             AFM: reading font map "/home/mtr/fonts/font.map"
156             AFM: reading font map "/usr/local/share/enscript/font.map"
157             reading AFM info for font "Courier"
158             processing file "latin2.txt"...
159             [ 3 pages * 1 copy ] left in foo.ps
160             </pre>
161                    </ol>
162                    Now enscript uses this new courier font that has those missing
163                    characters.  Since the font file `.pfa' is found from the font
164                    path, enscript automatically includes that font file to your
165                    PostScript output.  This means that it can be printed with any
166                    PostScript printer; now file really contains that font so it does
167                    not depend on printer's fonts.
168                    <p>
169 rizwank 1.1 </ul>
171             <a name="outputmedia">
172             <hr>
173             <h2>Printing, Output Media</h2>
175             <ul>
176               <li> <b>I printed some documents with options `-G2r', everything goes just
177                    fine but there are no page numbers in the upper right corner.  What
178                    goes wrong?</b>
179               <br> You are probably using wrong output media; your printer uses
180                    different output media than enscript.  Check what is your default
181                    output media in the <b>enscript.cfg</b> (and <b>$HOME/.enscriptrc</b>)
182                    file and change it if needed.  For example, to change enscript's
183                    default media A4 to Letter, you must to do the following change:
185             <pre>
186             # Default output media.
187             DefaultMedia: A4
188             =>
189             DefaultMedia: Letter
190 rizwank 1.1 </pre>
192                    You can also set the default output media during the
193                    configuration step, just give configure script option
194                    <p>
196                    <b>--with-media</b>[=<i>media</i>]
197                    <p>
198                    If no <i>media</i> is given, it defaults to <tt>Letter</tt>.
199                    <p>
201               <li> <b>How can I change margins under enscript?</b>
202               <br> You have to define a new output media which has better margins.
203                    This is quite easy, just define the new media in enscript's
204                    configuration file.  For example, below is a new `A4BigMargin'
205                    media with bigger margins:
207             <pre>
208             # Media definitions:
209             #	name		width	height	llx	lly	urx	ury
210             Media:	A3		839	1190	18	17	821	1173
211 rizwank 1.1 Media:	A4		595	839	18	17	581	822
212             Media:	A5		420	595	18	17	406	578
213             Media:  Letter		612	792	18	17	597	776
214             Media:	Legal		612	1008	18	17	597	992
216             Media:   A4BigMargin	595	839	36	34	563	805
217             </pre>
219                    You can select this media by giving enscript option `-M A4BigMargin'
220                    or by setting it to be your default output media by editing
221                    <b>enscript.cfg</b>:
223             <pre>
224             # Default output media.
225             DefaultMedia: A4
226             =>
227             DefaultMedia: A4BigMargin
228             </pre>
229                    <p>
231               <li> <b>Ghostscript does not show enscript's outputs correctly, what's the
232 rizwank 1.1        problem?</b>
233               <br> There is one minor problem in enscript / ghostscript co-operation.
234                    Enscript's default output media is <b>A4</b> (because I live in
235                    Europe) and GhostScript's default output media is <b>Letter</b>.
236                    There are three solutions for this problem:<p>
238                    <ol>
239             	 <li> Tell Enscript that it should use the Letter media:
240             <pre>
241             $ enscript -MLetter <i>other options and files</i>
242             </pre>
244             	 <li> Fix Enscript<br>
245             	      Add / edit following line to file enscript.cfg:
246             <pre>
247             # Default output media.
248             DefaultMedia: A4
250             =>
252             # Default output media.
253 rizwank 1.1 DefaultMedia: Letter
254             </pre>
256             	 <li> Fix GhostScript <br>
257             	      edit following line to file gs_init.ps:
258             <pre>
259             % Optionally choose a default paper size other than U.S. letter.
260             % (a4) /PAPERSIZE where { pop pop } { /PAPERSIZE exch def } ifelse
262             =>
264             % Optionally choose a default paper size other than U.S. letter.
265             (a4) /PAPERSIZE where { pop pop } { /PAPERSIZE exch def } ifelse
266             </pre>
267             	      or give ghostscript option <code>-sPAPERSIZE=a4</code>
268                    </ol>
269              <p>
270              <li> <b>My PostScript printer supports only level 1 PostScript.  How
271              can I setup enscript to work with it?</b>
272              <p>
273              The level 2 features are protected by an if-else block in the
274 rizwank 1.1  generated output file.  So, basicly everything should work smoothly.
275              But, there is a but.  As a default, enscript generates the page size
276              selection code, and it might cause a syntax error on level 1
277              PostScript engines.  This problem is fixed by disabling the page size
278              generation.  Just edit your <strong>.enscriptrc</strong> or
279              <strong>enscript.cfg</strong> files and add the following line:
281             <pre>
282             GeneratePageSize: 0
283             </pre>
285             </ul>
287             <HR>
288             Please send comments on these web pages to
290             <A HREF="mailto:mtr@iki.fi"><EM>mtr@iki.fi</EM></A>.
291             <P>
292             Copyright &copy; 1998 Markku Rossi
293             <P>
294             Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted
295 rizwank 1.1 in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
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298             </HTML>

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