1 rizwank 1.1 /**
2 * Name: verilog
3 * Description: Verilog hardware description language
4 * Author: Edward Arthur <eda@ultranet.com>
5 */
7 state verilog extends HighlightEntry
8 {
9 /* Verilog takes C++ style comments */
11 /* Comments. */
12 /\/\*/ {
13 comment_face (true);
14 language_print ($0);
15 call (c_comment);
16 comment_face (false);
17 }
18 /\/\// {
19 comment_face (true);
20 language_print ($0);
21 call (eat_one_line);
22 rizwank 1.1 comment_face (false);
23 }
25 /* String constants. */
26 /\"/ {
27 string_face (true);
28 language_print ($0);
29 call (c_string);
30 string_face (false);
31 }
33 /* Macro expansions start with '`' and continue one word. */
34 /`([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)/ {
35 reference_face (true);
36 language_print ($0);
37 reference_face (false);
38 }
40 /* Keywords.
41 (build-re '(always and assign begin buf bufif0 bufif1 case casex
42 casez cmos deassign default defparam disable edge else end endcase
43 rizwank 1.1 endmodule endfunction endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask event
44 for force forever fork function highz0 highz1 if initial inout input
45 integer join large macromodule medium module nand negedge nmos nor
46 not notif0 notif1 or output parameter pmos posedge primitive pull0
47 pull1 pullup pulldown rcmos reg release repeat rnmos rpmos rtran
48 rtranif0 rtranif1 scalared small specify specparam strength strong0
49 strong1 supply0 supply1 table task time tran tranif0 tranif1 tri tri0
50 tri1 triand trior trireg vectored wait wand weak0 weak1 while wire wor
51 xnor xor
52 $bitstoreal $countdrivers $display $fclose $fdisplay $fmonitor
53 $fopen $fstrobe $fwrite $finish $getpattern $history $incsave $input
54 $itor $key $list $log $monitor $monitoroff $monitoron $nokey $nolog
55 $printtimescale $readmemb $readmemh $realtime $realtobits $reset
56 $reset_count $reset_value $restart $rtoi $save $scale $scope
57 $showscopes $showvariables $showvars $sreadmemb $sreadmemh $stime
58 $stop $strobe $time $timeformat $write $vcdpluson $vcdplusoff
59 $vcdplustraceon $vcdplustraceoff $dumpvars
60 ;; prefix G stands for grave `
61 Gaccelerate Gautoexpand_vectornets Gcelldefine Gdefault_nettype Gdefine
62 Gelse Gendcelldefine Gendif Gendprotect Gendprotected
63 Gexpand_vectornets Gifdef Ginclude Gnoaccelerate
64 rizwank 1.1 Gnoexpand_vectornets Gnoremove_gatenames Gnoremove_netnames
65 Gnounconnected_drive Gprotect Gprotected Gremove_gatenames
66 Gremove_netnames Gresetall Gtimescale Gunconnected_drive
67 Guselib
68 ))
69 */
70 /\$(bitstoreal|countdrivers|d(isplay|umpvars)\
71 |f(close|display|inish|monitor|open|strobe|write)|getpattern|history\
72 |i(n(csave|put)|tor)|key|l(ist|og)|monitor(|o(ff|n))|no(key|log)\
73 |printtimescale\
74 |r(e(a(dmem(b|h)|lt(ime|obits))|s(et(|_(count|value))|tart))|toi)\
75 |s(ave|c(ale|ope)|how(scopes|var(iables|s))|readmem(b|h)|t(ime|op|robe))\
76 |time(|format)|vcdplus(o(ff|n)|traceo(ff|n))|write)\b\
77 |`(a(ccelerate|utoexpand_vectornets)|celldefine|def(ault_nettype|ine)\
78 |e(lse|nd(celldefine|if|protect(|ed))|xpand_vectornets)|i(fdef|nclude)\
79 |no(accelerate|expand_vectornets|remove_(gatenames|netnames)\
80 |unconnected_drive)\
81 |protect(|ed)|re(move_(gatenames|netnames)|setall)|timescale\
82 |u(nconnected_drive|selib))\b\
83 |\b(a(lways|nd|ssign)|b(egin|uf(|if(0|1)))|c(ase(|x|z)|mos)\
84 |d(e(assign|f(ault|param))|isable)\
85 rizwank 1.1 |e(dge|lse|nd(|case|function|module|primitive|specify|ta(ble|sk))|vent)\
86 |f(or(|ce|ever|k)|unction)|highz(0|1)|i(f|n(itial|out|put|teger))|join\
87 |large|m(acromodule|edium|odule)|n(and|egedge|mos|o(r|t(|if(0|1))))\
88 |o(r|utput)|p(arameter|mos|osedge|rimitive|ull(0|1|down|up))\
89 |r(cmos|e(g|lease|peat)|nmos|pmos|tran(|if(0|1)))\
90 |s(calared|mall|pec(ify|param)|tr(ength|ong(0|1))|upply(0|1))\
91 |t(a(ble|sk)|ime|r(an(|if(0|1))|i(|0|1|and|or|reg)))|vectored\
92 |w(a(it|nd)|eak(0|1)|hile|ire|or)|x(nor|or))\b/ {
93 keyword_face (true);
94 language_print ($0);
95 keyword_face (false);
96 }
97 }
100 /*
101 Local variables:
102 mode: c
103 End:
104 */