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 1 rizwank 1.1 typedef union
 2             {
 3               List *lst;
 4               Node *node;
 5               Cons *cons;
 6               Stmt *stmt;
 7               Expr *expr;
 8             } YYSTYPE;
 9             #define	tSYMBOL	257
10             #define	tREGEXP	258
11             #define	tSTRING	259
12             #define	tINTEGER	260
13             #define	tREAL	261
14             #define	tSUB	262
15             #define	tSTATE	263
16             #define	tSTART	264
17             #define	tSTARTRULES	265
18             #define	tNAMERULES	266
19             #define	tBEGIN	267
20             #define	tEND	268
21             #define	tRETURN	269
22 rizwank 1.1 #define	tIF	270
23             #define	tELSE	271
24             #define	tLOCAL	272
25             #define	tWHILE	273
26             #define	tFOR	274
27             #define	tEXTENDS	275
28             #define	tADDASSIGN	276
29             #define	tSUBASSIGN	277
30             #define	tMULASSIGN	278
31             #define	tDIVASSIGN	279
32             #define	tOR	280
33             #define	tAND	281
34             #define	tEQ	282
35             #define	tNE	283
36             #define	tGE	284
37             #define	tLE	285
38             #define	tDIV	286
39             #define	tPLUSPLUS	287
40             #define	tMINUSMINUS	288
43 rizwank 1.1 extern YYSTYPE yylval;

Rizwan Kassim
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