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 1 rizwank 1.1 /**
 2              * Name: idl
 3              * Description: IDL (CORBA Interface Definition Language)
 4              */
 6             state idl extends HighlightEntry
 7             {
 8               /* Comments. */
 9               /\/\*/ {
10                 comment_face (true);
11                 language_print ($0);
12                 call (c_comment);
13                 comment_face (false);
14               }
15               /\/\// {
16                 comment_face (true);
17                 language_print ($0);
18                 call (eat_one_line);
19                 comment_face (false);
20               }
22 rizwank 1.1   /* Character constants. */
23               /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
24                 string_face (true);
25                 language_print ($0);
26                 string_face (false);
27               }
29               /* String constants. */
30               /\"/ {
31                 string_face (true);
32                 language_print ($0);
33                 call (c_string);
34                 string_face (false);
35               }
37               /* Pre-processor lines. */
38               /^#/ {
39                 reference_face (true);
40                 language_print ($0);
41                 call (c_ppline);
42                 reference_face (false);
43 rizwank 1.1   }
45               /* Boolean literals */
46               /\b(TRUE|FALSE)\b/ {
47                 string_face (true);
48                 language_print ($0);
49                 string_face (false);
50               }
52               /* Keywords.
53                 (build-re '(any attribute boolean case char const context default double
54                 enum exception fixed float in inout interface long module Object
55                 octet oneway out native raises readonly sequence short string struct switch
56                 typedef unsigned union void wchar wstring))
57               */
58               /\b(Object|a(ny|ttribute)|boolean|c(ase|har|on(st|text))|d(efault|ouble)\
59             |e(num|xception)|f(ixed|loat)|in(|out|terface)|long|module|native\
60             |o(ctet|neway|ut)|r(aises|eadonly)|s(equence|hort|tr(ing|uct)|witch)\
61             |typedef|un(ion|signed)|void|w(char|string))\b/ {
62                 keyword_face (true);
63                 language_print ($0);
64 rizwank 1.1     keyword_face (false);
65               }
66             }
69             /*
70             Local variables:
71             mode: c
72             End:
73             */

Rizwan Kassim
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