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  1 rizwank 1.1 /**
  2              * Name: javascript
  3              * Description: JavaScript language.
  4              * Author: Markku Rossi <mtr@iki.fi>
  5              */
  7             from_vrml = 0;
  9             state javascript_string extends Highlight
 10             {
 11               /\\\\./ {
 12                 language_print ($0);
 13               }
 14               /[\']/ {
 15                 language_print ($0);
 16                 return;
 17               }
 18             }
 20             state javascript_internal extends Highlight
 21             {
 22 rizwank 1.1   /* Comments. */
 23               /\/\*/ {
 24                 comment_face (true);
 25                 language_print ($0);
 26                 call (c_comment);
 27                 comment_face (false);
 28               }
 29               /\/\// {
 30                 comment_face (true);
 31                 language_print ($0);
 32                 call (eat_one_line);
 33                 comment_face (false);
 34               }
 36               /* String constants. */
 37               /\"/ {
 38                 if (from_vrml)
 39                   {
 40             	reference_face (true);
 41             	language_print ($0);
 42             	reference_face (false);
 43 rizwank 1.1 	return;
 44                   }
 45                 string_face (true);
 46                 language_print ($0);
 47                 call (c_string);
 48                 string_face (false);
 49               }
 51               /* '' strings. */
 52               /[\']/ {
 53                 string_face (true);
 54                 language_print ($0);
 55                 call (javascript_string);
 56                 string_face (false);
 57               }
 59               /* Function definitions. */
 60               /\b(function)([ \t]+)([A-Za-z\$_][A-Za-z\$_0-9]*)([ \t]*\()/ {
 61                 keyword_face (true);
 62                 language_print ($1);
 63                 keyword_face (false);
 64 rizwank 1.1 
 65                 language_print ($2);
 67                 function_name_face (true);
 68                 language_print ($3);
 69                 function_name_face (false);
 71                 language_print ($4);
 72               }
 74               /* Keywords.
 75                  (build-re '(
 76                  abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const continue
 77                  default do double else extends false final finally float for function
 78                  goto if implements import in instanceof int interface long native new
 79                  null package private protected public return short static super switch
 80                  synchronized this throw throws transient true try var void while with
 81                  ))
 82                */
 83               /\b(abstract|b(oolean|reak|yte)|c(a(se|tch)|har|lass|on(st|tinue))\
 84             |d(efault|o(|uble))|e(lse|xtends)|f(alse|inal(|ly)|loat|or|unction)\
 85 rizwank 1.1 |goto|i(f|mp(lements|ort)|n(|stanceof|t(|erface)))|long\
 86             |n(ative|ew|ull)|p(ackage|r(ivate|otected)|ublic)|return\
 87             |s(hort|tatic|uper|witch|ynchronized)|t(h(is|row(|s))|r(ansient|ue|y))\
 88             |v(ar|oid)|w(hile|ith))\b/ {
 89                 keyword_face (true);
 90                 language_print ($0);
 91                 keyword_face (false);
 92               }
 94               /* Built-in objects.
 95                  (build-re '(Math Date eval parseInt parseFloat))
 96                */
 97               /\b(Date|Math|eval|parse(Float|Int))\b/ {
 98                 builtin_face (true);
 99                 language_print ($0);
100                 builtin_face (false);
101               }
103               /* Terminator for nested JavaScript programs. */
104               /<\/[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]>/ {
105                 from_html_terminator = $0;
106 rizwank 1.1     return;
107               }
108             }
110             state javascript extends HighlightEntry
111             {
112               BEGIN {
113                 call (javascript_internal);
114                 return;
115               }
116             }
119             /*
120             Local variables:
121             mode: c
122             End:
123             */

Rizwan Kassim
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