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   1 rizwank 1.1 /**
   2              * Name: maple
   3              * Description: Maple programming language.
   4              * Author: Manolis Lourakis <lourakis@csd.uch.gr>
   5              */
   7             /* Maple V rel. 5 keywords taken from keyword and ininames */
   9             /* (build-re '(
  10             and			by			do
  11             done			elif			else
  12             end			fi			for
  13             from			if			in
  14             intersect		local			minus
  15             mod			not			od
  16             option			options			or
  17             proc			quit			read
  18             save			stop			then
  19             to			union			while
  20             ASSERT			RETURN			ERROR
  21             WARNING			break			empty
  22 rizwank 1.1 function		next			restart
  23             remember		builtin			system
  24             operator		arrow			trace
  25             package			Copyright
  26             Catalan			Digits			FAIL
  27             false			gamma			I
  28             infinity		integrate		lasterror
  29             libname			mod			NULL
  30             Order			Pi			printlevel
  31             true			And 			NONNEGATIVE
  32             Not			Or			PLOT
  33             PLOT3D			Point			Range
  34             RootOf			TEXT			algebraic
  35             algext
  36             algfun			algnum			algnumext
  37             anyfunc			anything		arctrig
  38             array			atomic			boolean
  39             complex			complexcons		constant
  40             cubic			dependent		disjcyc
  41             equation		even			evenfunc
  42             expanded		exprseq			facint
  43 rizwank 1.1 float			fraction		freeof
  44             function		hfarray			identical
  45             indexed			indexedfun		infinity
  46             integer			intersect		laurent
  47             linear			list			listlist
  48             literal			logical			mathfunc
  49             matrix			minus			monomial
  50             name			negative		negint
  51             nonneg			nonnegint		nonposint
  52             nothing			numeric			odd
  53             oddfunc			operator		point
  54             polynom			posint			positive
  55             prime			procedure		protected
  56             quadratic		quartic			radalgfun
  57             radalgnum		radext			radfun
  58             radfunext		radical			radnum
  59             radnumext		range			rational
  60             ratpoly			realcons		relation
  61             rgf_seq			scalar			series
  62             set			specfunc		sqrt
  63             square			string			symbol
  64 rizwank 1.1 symmfunc		table			taylor
  65             trig			type			uneval
  66             union			vector
  67             ))
  68             */
  70             mpl_keyword =
  71             /\b(A(SSERT|nd)|C(atalan|opyright)|Digits|ERROR|FAIL|I\
  72             |N(ONNEGATIVE|ULL|ot)|Or(|der)|P(LOT(|3D)|i|oint)|R(ETURN|ange|ootOf)\
  73             |TEXT|WARNING\
  74             |a(lg(e(braic|xt)|fun|num(|ext))|n(d|y(func|thing))|r(ctrig|r(ay|ow))\
  75             |tomic)\
  76             |b(oolean|reak|uiltin|y)|c(o(mplex(|cons)|nstant)|ubic)\
  77             |d(ependent|isjcyc|o(|ne))\
  78             |e(l(if|se)|mpty|nd|quation|ven(|func)|xp(anded|rseq))\
  79             |f(a(cint|lse)|i|loat|or|r(action|eeof|om)|unction())|gamma|hfarray\
  80             |i(dentical|f|n(|dexed(|fun)|finity()|te(g(er|rate)|rsect())))\
  81             |l(a(sterror|urent)|i(bname|near|st(|list)|teral)|o(cal|gical))\
  82             |m(at(hfunc|rix)|inus()|o(d()|nomial))\
  83             |n(ame|e(g(ative|int)|xt)|o(n(neg(|int)|posint)|t(|hing))|umeric)\
  84             |o(d(|d(|func))|p(erator()|tion(|s))|r)\
  85 rizwank 1.1 |p(ackage|o(int|lynom|si(nt|tive))|r(i(me|ntlevel)|o(c(|edure)|tected)))\
  86             |qu(a(dratic|rtic)|it)\
  87             |r(a(d(alg(fun|num)|ext|fun(|ext)|ical|num(|ext))|nge|t(ional|poly))\
  88             |e(a(d|lcons)|lation|member|start)|gf_seq)\
  89             |s(ave|calar|e(ries|t)|pecfunc|q(rt|uare)|t(op|ring)\
  90             |y(m(bol|mfunc)|stem))\
  91             |t(a(ble|ylor)|hen|o|r(ace|ig|ue)|ype)|un(eval|ion())|vector|while)\b/;
  93             /* Maple V rel. 5 functions taken from inert, inifcns and the
  94              * following packages: DEtools GF GaussInt LREtools Matlab algcurves
  95              * codegen combinat combstruct diffalg difforms finance genfunc geom3d
  96              * geometry Groebner group inttrans liesymm linalg logic networks
  97              * numapprox numtheory orthopoly padic plots plottools powseries
  98              * process simplex stats student sumtools tensor totorder
  99              */
 101             /* (build-re '(
 102             abs			AiryAi			AiryAiZeros
 103             AiryBi			AiryBiZeros		AngerJ
 104             argument		bernoulli		BesselI
 105             BesselJ			BesselJZeros		BesselK
 106 rizwank 1.1 BesselY			BesselYZeros		Beta
 107             binomial		ceil			Chi
 108             Ci			conjugate		csgn
 109             dilog			Dirac			Ei
 110             EllipticCE		EllipticCK		EllipticCPi
 111             EllipticE		EllipticF		EllipticK
 112             EllipticModulus		EllipticNome		EllipticPi
 113             erf			erfc			erfi
 114             euler			exp			factorial
 115             floor			frac			FresnelC
 116             Fresnelf		Fresnelg		FresnelS
 117             GAMMA			GaussAGM		HankelH1
 118             HankelH2		harmonic		Heaviside
 119             hypergeom		ilog10			ilog
 120             Im			JacobiAM		JacobiCN
 121             JacobiCD		JacobiCS		JacobiDN
 122             JacobiDC		JacobiDS		JacobiNC
 123             JacobiND		JacobiNS		JacobiSC
 124             JacobiSD		JacobiSN		JacobiTheta1
 125             JacobiTheta2		JacobiTheta3		JacobiTheta4
 126             JacobiZeta		KelvinBer		KelvinBei
 127 rizwank 1.1 KelvinHer		KelvinHei		KelvinKer
 128             KelvinKei		KummerM			KummerU
 129             LegendreP		LegendreQ		LerchPhi
 130             Li			ln			lnGAMMA
 131             log			log10			LommelS1
 132             LommelS2		MeijerG			max
 133             min			pochhammer		polar
 134             polylog			Psi			Re
 135             round			signum			Shi
 136             Si			sqrt			Ssi
 137             StruveH			StruveL			surd
 138             trunc			LambertW		WeberE
 139             WeierstrassP		WeierstrassPPrime	WeierstrassZeta
 140             WeierstrassSigma	WhittakerM		WhittakerW
 141             Zeta			sin			cos
 142             tan			sec			csc
 143             cot			sinh			cosh
 144             tanh			sech			csch
 145             coth			arcsin			arccos
 146             arctan			arcsec			arccsc
 147             arccot			arcsinh			arccosh
 148 rizwank 1.1 arctanh			arcsech			arccsch
 149             arccoth
 150             DEtools			GF			GaussInt
 151             LREtools		Matlab			algcurves
 152             codegen			combinat		combstruct
 153             diffalg			difforms		finance
 154             genfunc			geom3d			geometry
 155             Groebner		group			inttrans
 156             liesymm			linalg			logic
 157             networks		numapprox		numtheory
 158             orthopoly		padic			plots
 159             plottools		powseries		process
 160             simplex			stats			student
 161             sumtools		tensor			totorder
 162             DEplot				DEplot3d			PDEplot
 163             dfieldplot			phaseportrait			generate_ic
 164             hamilton_eqs			poincare			zoom
 165             DEnormal			Dchangevar			PDEchangecoords
 166             autonomous			convertAlg			convertsys
 167             indicialeq			reduceOrder			regularsp
 168             translate			untranslate			varparam
 169 rizwank 1.1 RiemannPsols			abelsol				bernoullisol
 170             chinisol			clairautsol			constcoeffsols
 171             eulersols			exactsol			expsols
 172             genhomosol			kovacicsols			liesol
 173             linearsol			matrixDE			parametricsol
 174             polysols			ratsols				riccatisol
 175             separablesol			DFactor				GCRD
 176             LCLM				adjoint				de2diffop
 177             diffop2de			eigenring			endomorphism_charpoly
 178             exterior_power			formal_sol			gen_exp
 179             integrate_sols			leftdivision			mult
 180             rightdivision			symmetric_power			symmetric_product
 181             buildsol			buildsym			canoni
 182             equinv				eta_k				infgen
 183             intfactor			line_int			odeadvisor
 184             odepde				symgen				symtest
 185             transinv			GF				GIbasis
 186             GIchrem				GIdivisor			GIfacpoly
 187             GIfacset			GIfactor			GIfactors
 188             GIgcd				GIgcdex				GIhermite
 189             GIissqr				GIlcm				GImcmbine
 190 rizwank 1.1 GInearest			GInodiv				GInorm
 191             GInormal			GIorder				GIphi
 192             GIprime				GIquadres			GIquo
 193             GIrem				GIroots				GIsieve
 194             GIsmith				GIsqrfree			GIsqrt
 195             GIunitnormal			REcontent			REcreate
 196             REplot				REprimpart			REreduceorder
 197             REtoDE				REtodelta			REtoproc
 198             constcoeffsol			delta				dispersion
 199             divconq				firstlin			hypergeomsols
 200             polysols			ratpolysols			riccati
 201             shift				chol				closelink
 202             defined				det				dimensions
 203             eig				evalM				fft
 204             getvar				inv				lu
 205             ode45				openlink			qr
 206             setup				setvar				size
 207             square				transpose			Weierstrassform
 208             genus				homogeneous			integral_basis
 209             j_invariant			parametrization			plot_knot
 210             puiseux				singularities			C
 211 rizwank 1.1 fortran				optimize			cost
 212             GRADIENT			HESSIAN				JACOBIAN
 213             horner				makeglobal			makeparam
 214             makeproc			makevoid			dontreturn
 215             packargs			packlocals			swapargs
 216             renamevar			declare				intrep2maple
 217             maple2intrep			prep2trans			split
 218             joinprocs			Chi				bell
 219             binomial			cartprod			character
 220             choose				composition			conjpart
 221             decodepart			encodepart			fibonacci
 222             firstpart			graycode			inttovec
 223             lastpart			multinomial			nextpart
 224             numbcomb			numbcomp			numbpart
 225             numbperm			partition			permute
 226             powerset			prevpart			randcomb
 227             randpart			randperm			stirling1
 228             stirling2			subsets				vectoint
 229             allstructs			count				draw
 230             finished			gfeqns				gfseries
 231             gfsolve				iterstructs			nextstruct
 232 rizwank 1.1 Rosenfeld_Groebner		belongs_to			delta_leader
 233             delta_polynomial		denote				derivatives
 234             differential_ring		differential_sprem		differentiate
 235             equations			field_extension			formal_power_series
 236             greater				inequations			initial
 237             initial_conditions		is_orthonomic			leader
 238             power_series_solution		print_ranking			rank
 239             reduced				reduced_form			rewrite_rules
 240             separant			const				d
 241             defform				form				formpart
 242             mixpar				parity				scalar
 243             scalarpart			simpform			wdegree
 244             wedge				annuity				cashflows
 245             growingannuity			growingperpetuity		levelcoupon
 246             perpetuity			amortization			blackscholes
 247             effectiverate			futurevalue			presentvalue
 248             yieldtomaturity			rgf_charseq			rgf_encode
 249             rgf_expand			rgf_findrecur			rgf_hybrid
 250             rgf_norm			rgf_pfrac			rgf_relate
 251             rgf_sequence			rgf_simp			rgf_term
 252             termscale			dsegment			line
 253 rizwank 1.1 plane				point				segment
 254             sphere				triangle			AreCollinear
 255             AreConjugate			AreCoplanar			HarmonicConjugate
 256             IsOnObject			OnSegment			centroid
 257             coordinates			distance			midpoint
 258             randpoint			xcoord				ycoord
 259             zcoord				AreParallel			ArePerpendicular
 260             DefinedAs			distance			midpoint
 261             AreConcurrent			AreCoplanar			AreParallel
 262             ArePerpendicular		ArePerpendicular		Equation
 263             FindAngle			distance			intersection
 264             parallel			tname				AreParallel
 265             ArePerpendicular		Equation			FindAngle
 266             IsTangent			distance			intersection
 267             parallel			DefinedAs			FindAngle
 268             IsEquilateral			IsRightTriangle			altitude
 269             area				centroid			sides
 270             AreConjugate			ArePerpendicular		Equation
 271             FindAngle			IsTangent			RadicalCenter
 272             RadicalLine			RadicalPlane			TangentPlane
 273             area				center				intersection
 274 rizwank 1.1 polar				pole				powerps
 275             radius				volume				GreatDodecahedron
 276             GreatIcosahedron		GreatStellatedDodecahedron	InRadius
 277             IsRegular			MidRadius			RegularPolyhedron
 278             SmallStellatedDodecahedron	area				center
 279             cube				dodecahedron			faces
 280             hexahedron			icosahedron			incident
 281             octahedron			radius				schlafli
 282             sides				tetrahedron			vertices
 283             volume				IsQuasi				cuboctahedron
 284             icosidodecahedron		schlafli			sides
 285             vertices			Archimedean			GreatRhombicuboctahedron
 286             GreatRhombiicosidodecahedron	IsArchimedean			SmallRhombicuboctahedron
 287             SmallRhombiicosidodecahedron	SnubCube			SnubDodecahedron
 288             TruncatedCuboctahedron		TruncatedDodecahedron		TruncatedHexahedron
 289             TruncatedIcosahedron		TruncatedIcosidodecahedron	TruncatedOctahedron
 290             TruncatedTetrahedron		center				cuboctahedron
 291             faces				icosidodecahedron		incident
 292             radius				schlafli			sides
 293             vertices			HexakisIcosahedron		HexakisOctahedron
 294             PentagonalHexacontahedron	PentagonalIcositetrahedron	PentakisDodecahedron
 295 rizwank 1.1 RhombicDodecahedron		RhombicTriacontahedron		TetrakisHexahedron
 296             TrapezoidalHexecontahedron	TrapezoidalIcositetrahedron	TriakisIcosahedron
 297             TriakisOctahedron		TriakisTetrahedron		center
 298             duality				faces				radius
 299             schlafli			vertices			IsFacetted
 300             IsStellated			center				faces
 301             facet				schlafli			stellate
 302             vertices			GlideReflection			RotatoryReflection
 303             ScrewDisplacement		homology			homothety
 304             inverse				inversion			projection
 305             reflection			rotation			transform
 306             translation			transprod			AreDistinct
 307             detail				form				xname
 308             yname				zname				circle
 309             conic				dsegment			ellipse
 310             hyperbola			line				parabola
 311             point				segment				square
 312             triangle			GergonnePoint			NagelPoint
 313             centroid			orthocenter			EulerLine
 314             ExternalBisector		SimsonLine			altitude
 315             bisector			median				EulerCircle
 316 rizwank 1.1 circumcircle			excircle			incircle
 317             AreConjugate			AreSimilar			IsEquilateral
 318             IsRightTriangle			PedalTriangle			area
 319             medial				method				sides
 320             AreCollinear			AreConcyclic			AreHarmonic
 321             CrossRatio			HorizontalCoord			IsOnCircle
 322             IsOnLine			SensedMagnitude			VerticalCoord
 323             convexhull			coordinates			diameter
 324             distance			projection			randpoint
 325             CrossProduct			OnSegment			midpoint
 326             MakeSquare			diagonal			AreConcurrent
 327             AreParallel			ArePerpendicular		Equation
 328             FindAngle			ParallelLine			PerpenBisector
 329             PerpendicularLine		slope				Appolonius
 330             AreOrthogonal			CircleOfSimilitude		Equation
 331             RadicalAxis			RadicalCenter			TangentLine
 332             area				center				powerpc
 333             radius				similitude			Equation
 334             MajorAxis			MinorAxis			center
 335             foci				Equation			directrix
 336             focus				vertex				Equation
 337 rizwank 1.1 asymptotes			center				foci
 338             vertices			RegularPolygon			RegularStarPolygon
 339             GlideReflection			SpiralRotation			StretchReflection
 340             StretchRotation			dilatation			expansion
 341             homology			homothety			inversion
 342             reciprocation			reflection			rotation
 343             stretch				translation			AreTangent
 344             DefinedAs			HorizontalName			Polar
 345             Pole				VerticalName			detail
 346             form				intersection			projection
 347             tangentpc			termorder			testorder
 348             leadcoeff			leadmon				leadterm
 349             normalf				reduce				inter_reduce
 350             gbasis				pretend_gbasis			gsolve
 351             spoly				univpoly			fglm
 352             is_finite			is_solvable			hilbertdim
 353             hilbertpoly			hilbertseries			DerivedS
 354             LCS				NormalClosure			RandElement
 355             Sylow				areconjugate			center
 356             centralizer			convert				core
 357             cosets				cosrep				derived
 358 rizwank 1.1 grelgroup			groupmember			grouporder
 359             inter				invperm				isabelian
 360             isnormal			issubgroup			mulperms
 361             normalizer			orbit				permgroup
 362             permrep				pres				subgrel
 363             transgrp			type				addtable
 364             fourier				fouriercos			fouriersin
 365             hankel				hilbert				invfourier
 366             invhilbert			invlaplace			invmellin
 367             laplace				mellin				savetable
 368             &^				&mod				Eta
 369             Lie				Lrank				TD
 370             annul				autosimp			close
 371             d				depvars				determine
 372             dvalue				extvars				getcoeff
 373             getform				hasclosure			hook
 374             indepvars			makeforms			mixpar
 375             prolong				reduce				setup
 376             translate			vfix				wcollect
 377             wdegree				wedgeset			wsubs
 378             GramSchmidt			JordanBlock			LUdecomp
 379 rizwank 1.1 QRdecomp			addcol				addrow
 380             adjoint				angle				augment
 381             backsub				band				basis
 382             bezout				blockmatrix			charmat
 383             charpoly			cholesky			col
 384             coldim				colspace			colspan
 385             companion			cond				copyinto
 386             crossprod			curl				definite
 387             delcols				delrows				det
 388             diag				diverge				dotprod
 389             eigenvalues			eigenvectors			entermatrix
 390             equal				exponential			extend
 391             ffgausselim			fibonacci			forwardsub
 392             frobenius			gausselim			gaussjord
 393             geneqns				genmatrix			grad
 394             hadamard			hermite				hessian
 395             hilbert				htranspose			ihermite
 396             indexfunc			innerprod			intbasis
 397             inverse				ismith				issimilar
 398             iszero				jacobian			jordan
 399             kernel				laplacian			leastsqrs
 400 rizwank 1.1 linsolve			matadd				matrix
 401             minor				minpoly				mulcol
 402             multiply			norm				normalize
 403             orthog				permanent			pivot
 404             potential			randmatrix			randvector
 405             rank				references			row
 406             rowdim				rowspace			rowspan
 407             scalarmul			singularvals			smith
 408             stackmatrix			submatrix			subvector
 409             sumbasis			swapcol				swaprow
 410             sylvester			toeplitz			trace
 411             transpose			vandermonde			vecpotent
 412             vectdim				vector				wronskian
 413             bequal				bsimp				canon
 414             MOD2				frominert			toinert
 415             distrib				dual				environ
 416             randbool			satisfy				tautology
 417             &and				&or				&not
 418             &iff				&nor				&nand
 419             &xor				&implies.			acycpoly
 420             addedge				addvertex			adjacency
 421 rizwank 1.1 allpairs			ancestor			arrivals
 422             bicomponents			charpoly			chrompoly
 423             complement			complete			components
 424             connect				connectivity			contract
 425             countcuts			counttrees			cube
 426             cycle				cyclebase			daughter
 427             degreeseq			delete				departures
 428             diameter			dinic				djspantree
 429             dodecahedron			draw				duplicate
 430             edges				ends				eweight
 431             flow				flowpoly			fundcyc
 432             getlabel			girth				graph
 433             graphical			gsimp				gunion
 434             head				icosahedron			incidence
 435             incident			indegree			induce
 436             isplanar			maxdegree			mincut
 437             mindegree			neighbors			new
 438             octahedron			outdegree			path
 439             petersen			random				rank
 440             rankpoly			shortpathtree			show
 441             shrink				span				spanpoly
 442 rizwank 1.1 spantree			tail				tetrahedron
 443             tuttepoly			vdegree				vertices
 444             void				vweight				chebdeg
 445             chebmult			chebpade			chebsort
 446             chebyshev			confracform			hermite_pade
 447             hornerform			infnorm				laurent
 448             minimax				pade				remez
 449             taylor				B				F
 450             GIgcd				J				L
 451             M				bernoulli			bigomega
 452             cfrac				cfracpol			cyclotomic
 453             divisors			euler				factorEQ
 454             factorset			fermat				ifactor
 455             ifactors			imagunit			index
 456             integral_basis			invcfrac			invphi
 457             isolve				isprime				issqrfree
 458             ithprime			jacobi				kronecker
 459             lambda				legendre			mcombine
 460             mersenne			minkowski			mipolys
 461             mlog				mobius				mroot
 462             msqrt				nearestp			nextprime
 463 rizwank 1.1 nthconver			nthdenom			nthnumer
 464             nthpow				order				pdexpand
 465             phi				pprimroot			prevprime
 466             primroot			quadres				rootsunity
 467             safeprime			sigma				sq2factor
 468             sum2sqr				tau				thue
 469             G				H				L
 470             P				T				U
 471             evalp				expansion			function
 472             lcoeffp				orderp				ordp
 473             ratvaluep			rootp				valuep
 474             animate				animate3d			animatecurve
 475             changecoords			complexplot			complexplot3d
 476             conformal			contourplot			contourplot3d
 477             coordplot			coordplot3d			cylinderplot
 478             densityplot			display				display3d
 479             fieldplot			fieldplot3d			gradplot
 480             gradplot3d			implicitplot			implicitplot3d
 481             inequal				listcontplot			listcontplot3d
 482             listdensityplot			listplot			listplot3d
 483             loglogplot			logplot				matrixplot
 484 rizwank 1.1 odeplot				pareto				pointplot
 485             pointplot3d			polarplot			polygonplot
 486             polygonplot3d			polyhedra_supported		polyhedraplot
 487             replot				rootlocus			semilogplot
 488             setoptions			setoptions3d			spacecurve
 489             sparsematrixplot		sphereplot			surfdata
 490             textplot			textplot3d			tubeplot
 491             arc				arrow				circle
 492             cone				cuboid				curve
 493             cutin				cutout				cylinder
 494             disk				dodecahedron			ellipse
 495             ellipticArc			hemisphere			hexahedron
 496             hyperbola			icosahedron			line
 497             octahedron			pieslice			point
 498             polygon				rectangle			semitorus
 499             sphere				tetrahedron			torus
 500             homothety			project				reflect
 501             rotate				scale				stellate
 502             transform			translate			compose
 503             evalpow				inverse				multconst
 504             multiply			negative			powadd
 505 rizwank 1.1 powcos				powcreate			powdiff
 506             powexp				powint				powlog
 507             powpoly				powseries			powsin
 508             powsolve			powsqrt				quotient
 509             reversion			subtract			tpsform
 510             block				exec				fork
 511             kill				pclose				pipe
 512             popen				wait				NONNEGATIVE
 513             basis				convexhull			cterm
 514             define_zero			display				dual
 515             equality			feasible			maximize
 516             minimize			pivot				pivoteqn
 517             pivotvar			ratio				setup
 518             standardize			anova				describe
 519             fit				random				statevalf
 520             statplots			transform			importdata
 521             oneway				coefficientofvariation		count
 522             countmissing			covariance			decile
 523             geometricmean			harmonicmean			kurtosis
 524             linearcorrelation		mean				meandeviation
 525             median				mode				moment
 526 rizwank 1.1 percentile			quadraticmean			quantile
 527             quartile			range				skewness
 528             standarddeviation		sumdata				variance
 529             leastmediansquare		leastsquare			beta
 530             chisquare			fratio				gamma
 531             normald				studentst			cdf
 532             icdf				pdf				dcdf
 533             idcdf				pf				boxplot
 534             histogram			scatterplot			xscale
 535             yscale				zscale				xshift
 536             yshift				zshift				xyexchange
 537             yzexchange			yzexchange			apply
 538             classmark			cumulativefrequency		deletemissing
 539             divideby			frequency			moving
 540             multiapply			scaleweight			split
 541             standardscore			statsort			statvalue
 542             subtractfrom			tally				tallyinto
 543             D				Diff				Doubleint
 544             Int				Limit				Lineint
 545             Point				Product				Sum
 546             Tripleint			changevar			combine
 547 rizwank 1.1 completesquare			distance			equate
 548             extrema				integrand			intercept
 549             intparts			isolate				leftbox
 550             leftsum				makeproc			maximize
 551             middlebox			middlesum			midpoint
 552             minimize			minimize			powsubs
 553             rightbox			rightsum			showtangent
 554             simpson				slope				summand
 555             trapezoid			value				Hypersum
 556             Sumtohyper			extended_gosper			gosper
 557             hyperrecursion			hypersum			hyperterm
 558             simpcomb			sumrecursion			sumtohyper
 559             Christoffel1			Christoffel2			Einstein
 560             display_allGR			displayGR			tensorsGR
 561             Jacobian			Killing_eqns			Levi_Civita
 562             Lie_diff			Ricci				Ricciscalar
 563             Riemann				RiemannF			Weyl
 564             act				table				antisymmetrize
 565             change_basis			commutator			compare
 566             conj				connexF				contract
 567             convertNP			cov_diff			create
 568 rizwank 1.1 d1metric			d2metric			directional_diff
 569             dual				entermetric			exterior_diff
 570             exterior_prod			frame				metric
 571             geodesic_eqns			get_char			get_compts
 572             get_rank			invars				invert
 573             lin_com				lower				npcurve
 574             npspin				partial_diff			permute_indices
 575             petrov				prod				raise
 576             symmetrize			transform			tassume
 577             tis				forget				ordering
 578             init
 579             AFactor			AFactors			AiriAiZeros
 580             AiriBiYZeros		AiryAi				AiryBi
 581             AngerJ			Berlekamp			BesselI
 582             BesselJ			BesselJZeros			BesselK
 583             BesselY			BesselYZeros			Beta
 584             C			CHFARRAY			Chi
 585             Ci			CompSeq				Content
 586             D			DESol				Det
 587             Diff			Dirac				DistDeg
 588             Divide			Ei				Eigenvals
 589 rizwank 1.1 EllipticCE		EllipticCK			EllipticCPi
 590             EllipticE		EllipticF			EllipticK
 591             EllipticModulus		EllipticNome			EllipticPi
 592             Eval			Expand				Expand
 593             FFT			Factor				Factors
 594             FresnelC		FresnelS			Fresnelf
 595             Fresnelg		GAMMA				GaussAGM
 596             Gaussejord		Gausselim			Gcd
 597             Gcdex			HankelH1			HankelH2
 598             Heaviside		Hermite				Im
 599             Interp			Inverse				Irreduc
 600             JacobiAM		JacobiCD			JacobiCN
 601             JacobiCS		JacobiDC			JacobiDN
 602             JacobiDS		JacobiNC			JacobiND
 603             JacobiNS		JacobiSC			JacobiSD
 604             JacobiSN		JacobiTheta1			JacobiTheta2
 605             JacobiTheta3		JacobiTheta4			JacobiZeta
 606             KelvinBei		KelvinBer			KelvinHei
 607             KelvinHer		KelvinKei			KelvinKer
 608             KummerM			KummerU				LambertW
 609             Lcm			LegendreP			LegendreQ
 610 rizwank 1.1 LerchPhi		Li				Linsolve
 611             LommelS1		LommelS2			MOLS
 612             Maple_floats		MatlabMatrix			MeijerG
 613             Normal			Normal				Nullspace
 614             Power			Powmod				Prem
 615             Primitive		Primpart			ProbSplit
 616             Product			Psi				Quo
 617             RESol			Randpoly			Randprime
 618             Ratrecon		Re				Rem
 619             Resultant		RootOf				Roots
 620             SPrem			Searchtext			Shi
 621             Si			Smith				Sqrfree
 622             Ssi			StruveH				StruveL
 623             Sum			Svd				TEXT
 624             WeberE			WeierstrassP			WeierstrassPPrime
 625             WeierstrassSigma	WeierstrassZeta			WhittakerM
 626             WhittakerW		Zeta				abs
 627             add			addcoords			addressof
 628             algebraic		algsubs				alias
 629             allvalues		anames				antisymm
 630             applyop			applyrule			arccos
 631 rizwank 1.1 arccosh			arccot				arccoth
 632             arccsc			arccsch				arcsec
 633             arcsech			arcsin				arcsinh
 634             arctan			arctanh				argument
 635             array			assign				assigned
 636             asspar			assume				asubs
 637             asympt			attribute			bernstein
 638             branches		bspline				cat
 639             ceil			charfcn				chrem
 640             close			close				coeff
 641             coeffs			coeftayl			collect
 642             combine			commutat			comparray
 643             compiletable		compoly				conjugate
 644             content			context				convergs
 645             convert			coords				copy
 646             cos			cosh				cost
 647             cot			coth				csc
 648             csch			csgn				currentdir
 649             dawson			define				degree
 650             denom			depends				diagonal
 651             diff			diffop				dilog
 652 rizwank 1.1 dinterp			assemble			disassemble
 653             discont			discrim				dismantle
 654             divide			dsolve				eliminate
 655             ellipsoid		elliptic_int			entries
 656             eqn			erf				erfc
 657             erfi			eulermac			eval
 658             evala			evalapply			evalb
 659             evalc			evalf				evalfint
 660             evalgf			evalhf				evalm
 661             evaln			evalr				evalrC
 662             exp			expand				expandoff
 663             expandon		extract				factor
 664             factors			fclose				fdiscont
 665             feof			fflush				filepos
 666             fixdiv			float				floor
 667             fnormal			fopen				forget
 668             fortran			fprintf				frac
 669             freeze			fremove				frontend
 670             fscanf			fsolve				galois
 671             gc			gcd				gcdex
 672             genpoly			getenv				harmonic
 673 rizwank 1.1 has			hasfun				hasoption
 674             hastype			heap				hfarray
 675             history			hypergeom			iFFT
 676             icontent		identity			igcd
 677             igcdex			ilcm				ilog
 678             ilog10			implicitdiff			indets
 679             index			indexed				indices
 680             inifcn			ininame				initialcondition
 681             initialize		insert				int
 682             intat			interface			interp
 683             invfunc			invztrans			iostatus
 684             iperfpow		iquo				iratrecon
 685             irem			iroot				irreduc
 686             iscont			isdifferentiable		isolate
 687             ispoly			isqrfree			isqrt
 688             issqr			latex				lattice
 689             lcm			lcoeff				leadterm
 690             length			lexorder			lhs
 691             limit			ln				lnGAMMA
 692             log			log10				lprint
 693             map			map2				match
 694 rizwank 1.1 matrix			max				maximize
 695             maxnorm			maxorder			member
 696             min			minimize			minpoly
 697             modp			modp1				modp2
 698             modpol			mods				msolve
 699             mtaylor			mul				nextprime
 700             nops			norm				normal
 701             nprintf			numboccur			numer
 702             odetest			op				open
 703             optimize		order				parse
 704             patmatch		pclose				pclose
 705             pdesolve		pdetest				pdsolve
 706             piecewise		plot				plot3d
 707             plotsetup		pochhammer			pointto
 708             poisson			polar				polylog
 709             polynom			powmod				prem
 710             prevprime		primpart			print
 711             printf			procbody			procmake
 712             product			proot				property
 713             protect			psqrt				queue
 714             quo			radnormal			radsimp
 715 rizwank 1.1 rand			randomize			randpoly
 716             range			rationalize			ratrecon
 717             readbytes		readdata			readlib
 718             readline		readstat			realroot
 719             recipoly		rem				remove
 720             residue			resultant			rhs
 721             root			roots				round
 722             rsolve			savelib				scanf
 723             searchtext		sec				sech
 724             select			seq				series
 725             setattribute		shake				showprofile
 726             showtime		sign				signum
 727             simplify		sin				singular
 728             sinh			sinterp				smartplot3d
 729             solve			solvefor			sort
 730             sparse			spline				split
 731             splits			sprem				sprintf
 732             sqrfree			sqrt				sscanf
 733             ssystem			stack				string
 734             sturm			sturmseq			subs
 735             subsop			substring			sum
 736 rizwank 1.1 surd			symmdiff			symmetric
 737             syntax			system				table
 738             tan			tanh				testeq
 739             testfloat		thaw				thiele
 740             time			timelimit			translate
 741             traperror		trigsubs			trunc
 742             type			typematch			unames
 743             unapply			unassign			unload
 744             unprotect		userinfo			value
 745             vector			verify				whattype
 746             with			worksheet			writebytes
 747             writedata		writeline			writestat
 748             writeto			zip				ztrans
 749             ))
 750             */
 752             mpl_function =
 753             /\b(&(^|and|i(ff|mplies.)|mod|n(and|o(r|t))|or|xor)\
 754             |A(Factor(|s)|ir(i(AiZeros|BiYZeros)|y(Ai(|Zeros)|Bi(|Zeros)))|ngerJ()\
 755             |ppolonius\
 756             |r(chimedean\
 757 rizwank 1.1 |e(Co(llinear()|n(c(urrent()|yclic)|jugate())|planar())|Distinct\
 758             |Harmonic|Orthogonal|P(arallel()|erpendicular())|Similar|Tangent)))\
 759             |B(|e(rlekamp|ssel(I()|J(|Zeros())|K()|Y(|Zeros()))|ta()))\
 760             |C(|HFARRAY|h(i()|ristoffel(1|2))|i(|rcleOfSimilitude)|o(mpSeq|ntent)\
 761             |ross(Product|Ratio))\
 762             |D(|E(Sol|normal|plot(|3d)|tools)|Factor|changevar|e(finedAs()|rivedS|t)\
 763             |i(ff()|rac()|stDeg|vide)|oubleint)\
 764             |E(i(|genvals|nstein)\
 765             |lliptic(C(E()|K()|Pi())|E()|F()|K()|Modulus()|Nome()|Pi())|quation()\
 766             |ta|uler(Circle|Line)|val|x(pand()|ternalBisector))\
 767             |F(|FT|actor(|s)|indAngle()|resnel(C()|S()|f()|g()))\
 768             |G(|AMMA()|CRD|F()\
 769             |I(basis|chrem|divisor|fac(poly|set|tor(|s))|gcd(|ex)|hermite|issqr|lcm\
 770             |mcmbine|n(earest|o(div|rm(|al)))|order|p(hi|rime)|qu(adres|o)\
 771             |r(em|oots)|s(ieve|mith|qr(free|t))|unitnormal)\
 772             |RADIENT|auss(AGM()|Int|e(jord|lim))|cd(|ex)|ergonnePoint\
 773             |lideReflection()\
 774             |r(amSchmidt\
 775             |eat(Dodecahedron|Icosahedron|Rhombi(cuboctahedron|icosidodecahedron)\
 776             |StellatedDodecahedron)\
 777             |oebner))\
 778 rizwank 1.1 |H(|ESSIAN|a(nkelH(1()|2())|rmonicConjugate)\
 779             |e(aviside()|rmite|xakis(Icosahedron|Octahedron))\
 780             |orizontal(Coord|Name)|ypersum)\
 781             |I(m()|n(Radius|t(|erp)|verse)|rreduc\
 782             |s(Archimedean|Equilateral()|Facetted|On(Circle|Line|Object)|Quasi\
 783             |R(egular|ightTriangle())|Stellated|Tangent()))\
 784             |J(|ACOBIAN\
 785             |acobi(AM()|C(D()|N()|S())|D(C()|N()|S())|N(C()|D()|S())|S(C()|D()|N())\
 786             |Theta(1()|2()|3()|4())|Zeta()|an)\
 787             |ordanBlock)\
 788             |K(elvin(Be(i()|r())|He(i()|r())|Ke(i()|r()))|illing_eqns|ummer(M()|U()))\
 789             |L(|C(LM|S)|REtools|Udecomp|ambertW()|cm\
 790             |e(gendre(P()|Q())|rchPhi()|vi_Civita)|i(|e(|_diff)|mit|n(eint|solve))\
 791             |ommelS(1()|2())|rank)\
 792             |M(|O(D2|LS)|a(jorAxis|keSquare|ple_floats|tlab(|Matrix))|eijerG()\
 793             |i(dRadius|norAxis))\
 794             |N(ONNEGATIVE|agelPoint|ormal(|Closure)|ullspace)|OnSegment()\
 795             |P(|DE(changecoords|plot)|arallelLine\
 796             |e(dalTriangle\
 797             |nta(gonal(Hexacontahedron|Icositetrahedron)|kisDodecahedron)\
 798             |rpen(Bisector|dicularLine))\
 799 rizwank 1.1 |o(int|l(ar|e)|w(er|mod))|r(em|im(itive|part)|o(bSplit|duct()))|si())\
 800             |Q(Rdecomp|uo)\
 801             |R(E(Sol|c(ontent|reate)|p(lot|rimpart)|reduceorder|to(DE|delta|proc))\
 802             |a(dical(Axis|Center()|Line|Plane)|nd(Element|p(oly|rime))|trecon)\
 803             |e(|gular(Poly(gon|hedron)|StarPolygon)|m|sultant)\
 804             |hombic(Dodecahedron|Triacontahedron)|i(cci(|scalar)|emann(|F|Psols))\
 805             |o(ot(Of|s)|senfeld_Groebner|tatoryReflection))\
 806             |S(Prem|crewDisplacement|e(archtext|nsedMagnitude)|hi()|i(|msonLine)\
 807             |m(all(Rhombi(cuboctahedron|icosidodecahedron)|StellatedDodecahedron)\
 808             |ith)\
 809             |nub(Cube|Dodecahedron)|piralRotation|qrfree|si()\
 810             |tr(etchR(eflection|otation)|uve(H()|L()))|um(|tohyper)|vd|ylow)\
 811             |T(|D|EXT|angent(Line|Plane)|etrakisHexahedron\
 812             |r(apezoidal(Hexecontahedron|Icositetrahedron)\
 813             |i(akis(Icosahedron|Octahedron|Tetrahedron)|pleint)\
 814             |uncated(Cuboctahedron|Dodecahedron|Hexahedron|Icos(ahedron|idodecahedron)\
 815             |Octahedron|Tetrahedron)))\
 816             |U|Vertical(Coord|Name)\
 817             |W(e(berE()|ierstrass(P(|Prime())|Sigma()|Zeta()|form)|yl)\
 818             |hittaker(M()|W()))\
 819             |Zeta()\
 820 rizwank 1.1 |a(b(elsol|s())|c(t|ycpoly)\
 821             |d(d(|co(l|ords)|edge|r(essof|ow)|table|vertex)|j(acency|oint()))\
 822             |l(g(curves|ebraic|subs)|ias|l(pairs|structs|values)|titude())\
 823             |mortization\
 824             |n(ames|cestor|gle|imate(|3d|curve)|nu(ity|l)|ova|tisymm(|etrize))\
 825             |pply(|op|rule)\
 826             |r(c(|c(o(s(|h())|t(|h()))|sc(|h()))|s(ec(|h())|in(|h()))|tan(|h()))\
 827             |e(a()|conjugate)|gument()|r(ay|ivals|ow))\
 828             |s(s(emble|ign(|ed)|par|ume)|ubs|ympt(|otes))|ttribute\
 829             |u(gment|to(nomous|simp)))\
 830             |b(a(cksub|nd|sis())|e(l(l|ongs_to)|qual|rn(oulli(|sol)|stein)|ta|zout)\
 831             |i(components|gomega|nomial()|sector)|l(ackscholes|ock(|matrix))\
 832             |oxplot|ranches|s(imp|pline)|uilds(ol|ym))\
 833             |c(a(non(|i)|rtprod|shflows|t)|df|e(il()|nt(er()|r(alizer|oid())))\
 834             |frac(|pol)\
 835             |h(a(nge(_basis|coords|var)|r(acter|fcn|mat|poly()))\
 836             |eb(deg|mult|pade|sort|yshev)|i(nisol|square)|o(l(|esky)|ose)\
 837             |r(em|ompoly))\
 838             |irc(le()|umcircle)|l(a(irautsol|ssmark)|ose(|link))\
 839             |o(degen|ef(f(|icientofvariation|s)|tayl)|l(|dim|lect|spa(ce|n))\
 840             |m(b(in(at|e())|struct)|mutat(|or)\
 841 rizwank 1.1 |p(a(nion|r(e|ray))|iletable|le(ment|te(|square)|xplot(|3d))\
 842             |o(ly|nents|s(e|ition))))\
 843             |n(d|e|f(ormal|racform)|ic|j(|part|ugate())|ne(ct(|ivity)|xF)\
 844             |st(|coeffsol(|s))|t(e(nt|xt)|ourplot(|3d)|ract())\
 845             |ve(r(gs|t(|Alg|NP|sys))|xhull()))\
 846             |ord(inates()|plot(|3d)|s)|py(|into)|re|s(|ets|h()|rep|t())|t(|h())\
 847             |unt(|cuts|missing|trees)|v(_diff|ariance))\
 848             |r(eate|ossprod)|s(c(|h())|gn())|term\
 849             |u(b(e()|o(ctahedron()|id))|mulativefrequency|r(l|rentdir|ve)|t(in|out))\
 850             |y(cl(e(|base)|otomic)|linder(|plot)))\
 851             |d(|1metric|2metric|a(ughter|wson)|cdf\
 852             |e(2diffop|c(ile|lare|odepart)|f(form|in(e(|_zero|d)|ite))|gree(|seq)\
 853             |l(cols|ete(|missing)|rows|ta(|_(leader|polynomial)))\
 854             |n(o(m|te)|sityplot)|p(artures|ends|vars)|riv(atives|ed)|scribe\
 855             |t(|ail()|ermine))\
 856             |fieldplot\
 857             |i(a(g(|onal())|meter())\
 858             |ff(|alg|erentia(l_(ring|sprem)|te)|o(p(|2de)|rms))|l(atation|og())\
 859             |mensions|n(ic|terp)|rect(ional_diff|rix)\
 860             |s(assemble|c(ont|rim)|k|mantle|p(ersion|lay(|3d|GR|_allGR))\
 861             |t(ance()|rib))\
 862 rizwank 1.1 |v(conq|erge|i(de(|by)|sors)))\
 863             |jspantree|o(decahedron()|ntreturn|tprod)|raw()|s(egment()|olve)\
 864             |u(al(|ity)|plicate)|value)\
 865             |e(dges|ffectiverate|ig(|en(ring|v(alues|ectors)))\
 866             |l(iminate|lip(s(e()|oid)|tic(Arc|_int)))\
 867             |n(codepart|d(omorphism_charpoly|s)|t(erm(atrix|etric)|ries)|viron)\
 868             |q(n|u(a(l(|ity)|t(e|ions))|inv))|rf(|c()|i())|ta_k|uler(|mac|sols)\
 869             |val(|M|a(|pply)|b|c|f(|int)|gf|hf|m|n|p(|ow)|r(|C))|weight\
 870             |x(actsol|circle|ec|p(|an(d(|o(ff|n))|sion())|onential|sols)\
 871             |t(e(nd(|ed_gosper)|rior_(diff|p(ower|rod)))|r(act|ema)|vars)))\
 872             |f(ac(e(s()|t)|tor(|EQ|ial|s(|et)))|close|discont|e(asible|of|rmat)\
 873             |f(gausselim|lush|t)|glm\
 874             |i(bonacci()|eld(_extension|plot(|3d))|lepos|n(ance|ished)|rst(lin|part)\
 875             |t|xdiv)\
 876             |lo(at|or()|w(|poly))|normal\
 877             |o(c(i()|us)|pen\
 878             |r(get()|k|m(|al_(power_series|sol)|part)|tran()|wardsub)\
 879             |urier(|cos|sin))\
 880             |printf|r(a(c()|me|tio)|e(eze|move|quency)|o(benius|minert|ntend))\
 881             |s(canf|olve)|u(n(ction|dcyc)|turevalue))\
 882             |g(a(lois|mma|uss(elim|jord))|basis|c(|d(|ex))\
 883 rizwank 1.1 |e(n(_exp|e(qns|rate_ic)|func|homosol|matrix|poly|us)\
 884             |o(desic_eqns|m(3d|etr(icmean|y)))\
 885             |t(_(c(har|ompts)|rank)|coeff|env|form|label|var))\
 886             |f(eqns|s(eries|olve))|irth|osper\
 887             |r(a(d(|plot(|3d))|ph(|ical)|ycode)|e(ater|lgroup)\
 888             |o(up(|member|order)|wing(annuity|perpetuity)))\
 889             |s(imp|olve)|union)\
 890             |h(a(damard|milton_eqs|nkel|rmonic(|mean)|s(|closure|fun|option|type))\
 891             |e(a(d|p)|misphere|rmite(|_pade)|ssian|xahedron())|farray\
 892             |i(lbert(|dim|poly|series)|sto(gram|ry))\
 893             |o(mo(geneous|logy()|thety())|ok|rner(|form))|transpose\
 894             |yper(bola()|geom(|sols)|recursion|sum|term))\
 895             |i(FFT|c(df|o(ntent|s(ahedron()|idodecahedron())))|d(cdf|entity)\
 896             |factor(|s)|gcd(|ex)|hermite|l(cm|og(|10()))\
 897             |m(agunit|p(licit(diff|plot(|3d))|ortdata))\
 898             |n(ci(den(ce|t())|rcle)|d(e(gree|pvars|ts|x(|ed|func))|ic(es|ialeq)|uce)\
 899             |equa(l|tions)|f(gen|norm)\
 900             |i(fcn|name|t(|ial(|_conditions|condition|ize)))|nerprod|sert\
 901             |t(|at|basis\
 902             |e(gra(l_basis()|nd|te_sols)|r(|_reduce|cept|face|p|section()))|factor\
 903             |parts|rep2maple|t(ovec|rans))\
 904 rizwank 1.1 |v(|ars|cfrac|er(s(e()|ion())|t)|f(ourier|unc)|hilbert|laplace|mellin\
 905             |p(erm|hi)|ztrans))\
 906             |ostatus|perfpow|quo|r(atrecon|em|oot|reduc)\
 907             |s(_(finite|orthonomic|solvable)|abelian|cont|differentiable|mith|normal\
 908             |ol(ate()|ve)|p(lanar|oly|rime)|qr(free|t)|s(imilar|qr(|free)|ubgroup)\
 909             |zero)\
 910             |t(erstructs|hprime))\
 911             |j(_invariant|acobi(|an)|o(inprocs|rdan))\
 912             |k(ernel|ill|ovacicsols|ronecker|urtosis)\
 913             |l(a(mbda|plac(e|ian)|stpart|t(ex|tice)|urent)|c(m|oeff(|p))\
 914             |e(a(d(coeff|er|mon|term())|st(mediansquare|sq(rs|uare)))\
 915             |ft(box|division|sum)|gendre|ngth|velcoupon|xorder)\
 916             |hs\
 917             |i(es(ol|ymm)|mit|n(_com|alg|e(|_int|ar(correlation|sol))|solve)\
 918             |st(contplot(|3d)|densityplot|plot(|3d)))\
 919             |n(|GAMMA())|o(g(|10()|ic|logplot|plot)|wer)|print|u)\
 920             |m(a(ke(forms|global|p(aram|roc())|void)|p(|2|le2intrep)\
 921             |t(add|ch|rix(|DE|plot))|x(|degree|imize()|norm|order))\
 922             |combine|e(an(|deviation)|dia(l|n())|llin|mber|rsenne|t(hod|ric))\
 923             |i(d(dle(box|sum)|point())|n(|cut|degree|im(ax|ize())|kowski|or|poly())\
 924             |polys|xpar())\
 925 rizwank 1.1 |log|o(bius|d(e|p(|1|2|ol)|s)|ment|ving)|root|s(olve|qrt)|taylor\
 926             |ul(|col|perms|t(|const|i(apply|nomial|ply()))))\
 927             |n(e(arestp|gative|ighbors|tworks|w|xt(p(art|rime())|struct))\
 928             |o(ps|rm(|al(|d|f|ize(|r))))|p(curve|rintf|spin)\
 929             |th(conver|denom|numer|pow)\
 930             |um(approx|b(com(b|p)|occur|p(art|erm))|er|theory))\
 931             |o(ctahedron()|de(45|advisor|p(de|lot)|test)|neway\
 932             |p(|en(|link)|timize())|r(bit|d(er(|ing|p)|p)|tho(center|g|poly))\
 933             |utdegree)\
 934             |p(a(ck(args|locals)|d(e|ic)\
 935             |r(a(bola|llel()|metri(csol|zation))|eto|ity|se|ti(al_diff|tion))\
 936             |t(h|match))\
 937             |close()|d(e(solve|test|xpand)|f|solve)\
 938             |e(r(centile|m(anent|group|rep|ute(|_indices))|petuity)|t(ersen|rov))\
 939             |f|h(aseportrait|i)|i(e(cewise|slice)|pe|vot(|eqn|var))\
 940             |l(ane|ot(|3d|_knot|s(|etup)|tools))\
 941             |o(chhammer()|i(n(care|t(|plot(|3d)|to))|sson)\
 942             |l(ar(|plot)|e\
 943             |y(gon(|plot(|3d))|hedra(_supported|plot)|log()|nom|sols()))\
 944             |pen|tential\
 945             |w(add|c(os|reate)|diff|e(r(_series_solution|p(c|s)|set)|xp)|int|log|mod\
 946 rizwank 1.1 |poly|s(eries()|in|olve|qrt|ubs)))\
 947             |primroot\
 948             |r(e(m|p2trans|s(|entvalue)|tend_gbasis|vp(art|rime()))\
 949             |i(m(part|root)|nt(|_ranking|f))\
 950             |o(c(body|ess|make)|d(|uct)|ject(|ion())|long|ot|perty|tect))\
 951             |sqrt|uiseux)\
 952             |q(r|u(a(dr(aticmean|es)|ntile|rtile)|eue|o(|tient)))\
 953             |r(a(d(ius()|normal|simp)|ise\
 954             |n(d(|bool|comb|matrix|om(|ize)|p(art|erm|o(int()|ly))|vector)|ge()\
 955             |k(|poly))\
 956             |t(io(|nalize)|polysols|recon|sols|valuep))\
 957             |e(a(d(bytes|data|li(b|ne)|stat)|lroot)|c(ip(oly|rocation)|tangle)\
 958             |duce(|Order|d(|_form))|f(erences|lect(|ion()))|gularsp|m(|ez|ove)\
 959             |namevar|plot|s(idue|ultant)|version|write_rules)\
 960             |gf_(charseq|e(ncode|xpand)|findrecur|hybrid|norm|pfrac|relate\
 961             |s(equence|imp)|term)\
 962             |hs|i(ccati(|sol)|ght(box|division|sum))\
 963             |o(ot(|locus|p|s(|unity))|tat(e|ion())|und()|w(|dim|spa(ce|n)))|solve)\
 964             |s(a(feprime|tisfy|ve(lib|table))\
 965             |c(a(l(ar(|mul|part)|e(|weight))|nf|tterplot)|hlafli())\
 966             |e(archtext|c(|h())|gment()|lect|mi(logplot|torus)|para(blesol|nt)|q\
 967 rizwank 1.1 |ries|t(attribute|options(|3d)|up()|var))\
 968             |h(ake|ift|o(rtpathtree|w(|profile|t(angent|ime)))|rink)\
 969             |i(des()|g(ma|n(|um()))|m(ilitude|p(comb|form|l(ex|ify)|son))\
 970             |n(|gular(|ities|vals)|h()|terp)|ze)\
 971             |kewness|lope()|m(artplot3d|ith)|o(lve(|for)|rt)\
 972             |p(a(cecurve|n(|poly|tree)|rse(|matrixplot))|here(|plot)|li(ne|t(|s))\
 973             |oly|r(em|intf))\
 974             |q(2factor|r(free|t())|uare())|s(canf|ystem)\
 975             |t(a(ck(|matrix)|ndard(deviation|ize|score)|t(evalf|plots|s(|ort)|value))\
 976             |ellate()|irling(1|2)|r(etch|ing)|u(dent(|st)|rm(|seq)))\
 977             |u(b(grel|matrix|s(|ets|op|tring)|tract(|from)|vector)\
 978             |m(|2sqr|basis|data|mand|recursion|to(hyper|ols))|r(d()|fdata))\
 979             |wap(args|col|row)\
 980             |y(lvester|m(gen|m(diff|etri(c(|_p(ower|roduct))|ze))|test)|ntax|stem))\
 981             |t(a(ble()|il|lly(|into)|n(|gentpc|h())|ssume|u(|tology)|ylor)\
 982             |e(nsor(|sGR)|rm(order|scale)|st(eq|float|order)|trahedron()|xtplot(|3d))\
 983             |h(aw|iele|ue)|i(me(|limit)|s)|name|o(eplitz|inert|rus|torder)|psform\
 984             |r(a(ce|ns(form()|grp|inv|lat(e()|ion())|p(ose()|rod))|pe(rror|zoid))\
 985             |i(angle()|gsubs)|unc())\
 986             |u(beplot|ttepoly)|ype(|match))\
 987             |u(n(a(mes|pply|ssign)|ivpoly|load|protect|translate)|serinfo)\
 988 rizwank 1.1 |v(a(lue(|p)|ndermonde|r(iance|param))|degree\
 989             |e(c(potent|t(dim|o(int|r())))|r(ify|t(ex|ices())))|fix|o(id|lume())\
 990             |weight)\
 991             |w(ait|collect|degree()|edge(|set)|hattype|ith|orksheet\
 992             |r(ite(bytes|data|line|stat|to)|onskian)|subs)\
 993             |x(coord|name|s(cale|hift)|yexchange)\
 994             |y(coord|ieldtomaturity|name|s(cale|hift)|zexchange())\
 995             |z(coord|ip|name|oom|s(cale|hift)|trans))\b/;
 997             state mpl_string extends Highlight
 998             {
 999               /\\\\./ {
1000                 language_print ($0);
1001               }
1002               /[\"]/ {
1003                 language_print ($0);
1004                 return;
1005               }
1006             }
1008             state mpl_unev extends Highlight
1009 rizwank 1.1 {
1010               /\\\\./ {
1011                 language_print ($0);
1012               }
1013               /[\']/ {
1014                 language_print ($0);
1015                 return;
1016               }
1017             }
1019             state maple extends HighlightEntry
1020             {
1021               /* Comments */
1022               /#/ {
1023                 comment_face (true);
1024                 language_print ($0);
1025                 call (eat_one_line);
1026                 comment_face (false);
1027               }
1029               /* Assignment */
1030 rizwank 1.1   /\:=/ {
1031                 keyword_face (true);
1032                 language_print ($0);
1033                 keyword_face (false);
1034               }
1036               /* Continuation */
1037               /\.\./ {
1038                 keyword_face (true);
1039                 language_print ($0);
1040                 keyword_face (false);
1041               }
1043               /* Typematch */
1044               /\:\:/ {
1045                 keyword_face (true);
1046                 language_print ($0);
1047                 keyword_face (false);
1048               }
1050               /* Matrix start */
1051 rizwank 1.1   /\[/ {
1052                 type_face (true);
1053                 language_print ($0);
1054                 type_face (false);
1055               }
1057               /* Matrix end */
1058               /\]/ {
1059                 type_face (true);
1060                 language_print ($0);
1061                 type_face (false);
1062               }
1064               /* Function */
1065               mpl_function {
1066                 type_face (true);
1067                 language_print ($0);
1068                 type_face (false);
1069               }
1071               /* Keyword */
1072 rizwank 1.1   mpl_keyword {
1073                  keyword_face (true);
1074                  language_print($0);
1075                  keyword_face (false);
1076               }
1078               /* Function definition */
1079               /^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)([ \t]*\:=[ \t]*)(proc)([ \t]*\()/ {
1080                 function_name_face (true);
1081                 language_print ($1);
1082                 function_name_face (false);
1084                 keyword_face (true);
1085                 language_print ($2);
1086                 language_print ($3);
1087                 keyword_face (false);
1089                 language_print ($4);
1090               }
1092               /* Strings */
1093 rizwank 1.1   /* "any number of characters" */
1094               /[\"]/ {
1095                 string_face (true);
1096                 language_print ($0);
1097                 call (mpl_string);
1098                 string_face (false);
1099               }
1101               /* Unevaluated expression */
1102               /* 'any number of characters' */
1103               /[\']/ {
1104                 variable_name_face (true);
1105                 language_print ($0);
1106                 call (mpl_unev);
1107                 variable_name_face (false);
1108               }
1110               /* Ignore escaped quote marks */
1111               /\\\"/ {
1112                 language_print ($0);
1113               }
1114 rizwank 1.1   /\\\'/ {
1115                 language_print ($0);
1116               }
1117             }
1120             /*
1121             Local variables:
1122             mode: c
1123             End:
1124             */

Rizwan Kassim
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