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 1 rizwank 1.1 /**
 2              * Name: tcsh
 3              * Description: TC-Shell script language
 4              * Author: Jean-Marc Calvez <jean-marc.calvez@st.com>
 5              */
 7             state tcsh extends HighlightEntry
 8             {
 9               /* Comments. From sh description */
10               /#/ {
11                 comment_face (true);
12                 language_print ($0);
13                 call (eat_one_line);
14                 comment_face (false);
15               }
17               /* String constants. From sh */
18               /\"/ {
19                 string_face (true);
20                 language_print ($0);
21                 call (c_string);
22 rizwank 1.1     string_face (false);
23               }
25               /* Excutable script. From sh */
26               /^#!/ {
27                 reference_face (true);
28                 language_print ($0);
29                 call (eat_one_line);
30                 reference_face (false);
31               }
33               /* Keywords. :
34                  (build-re '(% : @ alias alloc bg bindkey break breaksw builtins bye case
35                  case cd chdir complete continue default dirs echo echotc else end endif
36                  endsw eval exec exit fg filetest foreach getspath getxvers glob goto
37                  hashstat history hup if inlib jobs kill limit log login logout ls-F
38                  migrate newgrp nice nohup notify onintr popd printenv pushd rehash repeat
39                  rootnode sched set setenv setpath setspath settc setty setxvers shift
40                  source stop suspend switch telltc time umask unalias uncomplete unhash
41                  universe unlimit unset unsetenv ver wait warp watchlog where which while))
42               */
43 rizwank 1.1   /\b(%|:|@|al(ias|loc)|b(g|indkey|reak(|sw)|uiltins|ye)\
44             |c(ase()|d|hdir|o(mplete|ntinue))|d(efault|irs)\
45             |e(cho(|tc)|lse|nd(|if|sw)|val|x(ec|it))|f(g|iletest|oreach)\
46             |g(et(spath|xvers)|lob|oto)|h(ashstat|istory|up)|i(f|nlib)|jobs|kill\
47             |l(imit|og(|in|out)|s-F)|migrate|n(ewgrp|ice|o(hup|tify))|onintr\
48             |p(opd|rintenv|ushd)|r(e(hash|peat)|ootnode)\
49             |s(ched|et(|env|path|spath|t(c|y)|xvers)|hift|ource|top|uspend|witch)\
50             |t(elltc|ime)|u(mask|n(alias|complete|hash|iverse|limit|set(|env)))\
51             |ver|w(a(it|rp|tchlog)|h(ere|i(ch|le))))\b/ {
52                 keyword_face (true);
53                 language_print ($0);
54                 keyword_face (false);
55               }
57               /* Special aliases:
58                  (build-re '(beepcmd cwdcmd periodic precmd shell))
60                  Predefined variables:
61                  (build-re '(addsuffix afsuser ampm argv autocorrect autoexpand autolist
62                  autologout backslash_quote cdpath correct cwd dextract dirsfile dirstack
63                  dunique echo echo_style edit ellipsis fignore filec gid histchars histdup
64 rizwank 1.1      histfile histlist history home ignoreeof inputmode listjobs listlinks
65                  listmax listmaxrows loginsh mail matchbeep nobeep noclobber noglob
66                  nokanji nonomatch nostat notify oid owd path printexitvalue prompt
67                  prompt2 prompt3 pushdtohome pushdsilent recexact
68                  recognize_only_executables rmstar savedirs savehist sched shell shlvl
69                  showdots status symlinks tcsh term tperiod tty uid user verbose version
70                  visiblebell watch whow wordchars)) */
71               /\b(a(ddsuffix|fsuser|mpm|rgv|uto(correct|expand|l(ist|ogout)))\
72             |backslash_quote|c(dpath|orrect|wd)|d(extract|irs(file|tack)|unique)\
73             |e(cho(|_style)|dit|llipsis)|fi(gnore|lec)|gid\
74             |h(ist(chars|dup|file|list|ory)|ome)|i(gnoreeof|nputmode)\
75             |l(ist(jobs|links|max(|rows))|oginsh)|ma(il|tchbeep)\
76             |no(beep|clobber|glob|kanji|nomatch|stat|tify)|o(id|wd)\
77             |p(ath|r(intexitvalue|ompt(|2|3))|ushd(silent|tohome))\
78             |r(ec(exact|ognize_only_executables)|mstar)\
79             |s(ave(dirs|hist)|ched|h(ell|lvl|owdots)|tatus|ymlinks)\
80             |t(csh|erm|period|ty)|u(id|ser)|v(er(bose|sion)|isiblebell)\
81             |w(atch|how|ordchars))\b/ {
82                 builtin_face (true);
83                 language_print ($0);
84                 builtin_face (false);
85 rizwank 1.1   }
86             }
89             /*
90             Local variables:
91             mode: c
92             End:
93             */

Rizwan Kassim
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